Example #1

/* Declare a new instance of AES with the secret key       */
$cipher = new AES("TEST");
//                  */
/* To encrypt a message, call the Encrypt() function from  */
/* the instance with the desired message as the parameter. */
$encrypted = $cipher->Encrypt("Worked!");
//                  */
/* To decrypt a message, call the Decrypt() function from  */
/* the instance with the desired message as the parameter. */
$decrypted = $cipher->Decrypt($encrypted);
echo "Key:       " . $cipher->key . "\n";
echo "Encrypted: " . $encrypted . "\n";
echo "Decrypted: " . $decrypted . "\n\n";
echo "The whole source can be found on https://github.com/halitalf/cross-aes\n";
class AES
    var $key = "";
    function __construct($SecretKey)
        $this->key = $this->Pass2Key($SecretKey);
    function Pass2Key($SecretKey)