    if (class_exists('RegisterPlusReduxPlugin')) {
        print '<p><strong>You are using <a target="_blank" href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/register-plus-redux/">Register Plus Redux</a></strong> which has a known issue preventing first and last name being synchronized with MailChimp. <em>AutoChimp can fix this</em>.</p>';
        print '<fieldset style="margin-left: 20px;">';
        print "<p><input type=CHECKBOX value=\"on_fix_regplusredux\" name=\"on_fix_regplusredux\" ";
        if ('1' === $fixRegPlusRedux) {
            print "checked";
        print '> Patch Register Plus Redux and sync first/last name with your selected mailing list. <em>Recommended <strong>ON</strong></em>. <strong>Note:</strong> You must enable "<em>Require new users enter a password during registration...</em>" in your Register Plus Redux options in order for the AutoChimp patch to work.</p>';
        print '<p><em>News:</em> Sorry to the folks who were hoping that Register Plus Redux version 3.7.0 and up would fix this.  This patch is still required when running Register Plus Redux.  More info can be found <a href="http://radiok.info/blog/conflicts-begone/" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>';
        print '</fieldset>';
    $syncPlugins = new ACSyncPlugins();
    $publishPlugins = new ACPublishPlugins();
    $contentPlugins = new ACContentPlugins();
	<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="save_plugin_options" class="button-primary" value="Save Options" /></div>
	<div class="clear"></div>

// End of all tab-specific code