function showShippingInfo() { $no = isset($_POST['ship_no']) ? $_POST['ship_no'] : ''; $name = isset($_POST['ship_name']) ? $_POST['ship_name'] : ''; $no = substr($no, 1); $info = Shipping::get($name, $no); if (!$info) { ABase::toJson(1, 'showShippingInfo : No Data'); } else { ABase::toJson(0, 'ok', $info); } }
function signUp() { $user = isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : null; if ($user) { header('Location: /'); exit; } $user_phone = isset($_POST['userphone']) ? $_POST['userphone'] : null; if ($user_phone) { $user_phone = substr($user_phone, 1); } $yzm = isset($_POST['yzm']) ? (int) $_POST['yzm'] : 0; $signintoken = isset($_POST['sigtoken']) ? $_POST['sigtoken'] : null; $errormsg = ''; if ($user_phone && $signintoken && strlen($user_phone) == 11 && Func::checkmobile($user_phone)) { $syzm = isset($_SESSION['dxyzm']) ? (int) $_SESSION['dxyzm'] : 0; $signin_token = isset($_SESSION['signin_token']) ? $_SESSION['signin_token'] : null; if ($yzm && $yzm === $syzm && $signintoken === $signin_token) { $enterprise_name = isset($_COOKIE['enterprise_name']) ? $_COOKIE['enterprise_name'] : null; if ($enterprise_name && 'null' != $enterprise_name) { $data['enterprise_name'] = $enterprise_name; } $data['identity'] = $identity = isset($_COOKIE['identity']) ? $_COOKIE['identity'] : null; $legal_identitys = isset($_COOKIE['legal_identity']) ? $_COOKIE['legal_identity'] : null; if ($legal_identitys && 'null' != $legal_identitys) { $data['legal_identity'] = $legal_identitys; } $data['legal_name'] = $legal_name = isset($_COOKIE['legal_name']) ? $_COOKIE['legal_name'] : null; $data['type'] = $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : null; if (1 == $type) { if (!$enterprise_name || !$identity || !$legal_identitys || !$legal_name) { ABase::toJson(1, '注册信息不完整'); } } else { if (!$identity || !$legal_name) { ABase::toJson(1, '注册信息不完整'); } } $data['email'] = isset($_COOKIE['email']) ? $_COOKIE['email'] : null; $data['username_phone'] = $user_phone; $userid = Users::signUp($data); if ($userid) { $rdata['user_id'] = $userid; $rdata['module_id'] = 2; $rdata['receiver_name'] = $legal_name; $rdata['receiver_phone'] = $user_phone; $rdata['receiver_province'] = isset($_COOKIE['province']) ? $_COOKIE['province'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_city'] = isset($_COOKIE['city']) ? $_COOKIE['city'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_county'] = isset($_COOKIE['county']) ? $_COOKIE['county'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_address'] = isset($_COOKIE['address']) ? $_COOKIE['address'] : null; $rdata['receiver_postcode'] = isset($_COOKIE['postcode']) ? $_COOKIE['postcode'] : null; $receiver_address_id = ReceiverAddress::add($rdata); $user = Users::getData($userid); $utype = isset($user['type']) ? (int) $user['type'] : 0; $user_code = isset($user['user_code']) ? $user['user_code'] : ''; $legal_name = isset($user['legal_name']) ? $user['legal_name'] : ''; $enterprise_name = isset($user['enterprise_name']) ? $user['enterprise_name'] : ''; $status = isset($user['status']) ? (int) $user['status'] : 0; $_SESSION['user'] = $user_phone; $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $_SESSION['user_code'] = $user_code; $_SESSION['usertype'] = $utype; $_SESSION['name'] = $utype ? $enterprise_name : $legal_name; $_SESSION['userstatus'] = $status; if (isset($_SESSION['tmp_user'])) { unset($_SESSION['tmp_user']); } if (isset($_SESSION['dxyzm'])) { unset($_SESSION['dxyzm']); } if (isset($_SESSION['signin_token'])) { unset($_SESSION['signin_token']); } if (isset($_SESSION['signin_num'])) { unset($_SESSION['signin_num']); } if (isset($_SESSION['dxyzm_send_num'])) { unset($_SESSION['dxyzm_send_num']); } if ($receiver_address_id) { Users::update($userid, array('receiver_address_id' => $receiver_address_id)); } ABase::toJson(0, 'ok'); } else { ABase::toJson(1, '注册失败,请重试'); } } else { ABase::toJson(1, '验证码错误'); } } else { $type = isset($_GET['t']) ? (int) $_GET['t'] : 0; //0:个人,1:企业 $step = isset($_GET['s']) ? (int) $_GET['s'] : 1; //下一步 if ($step < 1) { $step = 1; } $tmp_user = isset($_SESSION['tmp_user']) ? $_SESSION['tmp_user'] : ''; //保存在输入框的临时信息 $tmp_get_yzm = isset($_SESSION['tmp_get_yzm']) ? (int) $_SESSION['tmp_get_yzm'] : 0; //重复点击获取验证码按钮刷新后的自动触发 if (isset($_SESSION['tmp_get_yzm'])) { unset($_SESSION['tmp_get_yzm']); } $provinces = Countys::getCountys(); $token = ABase::token(); $signin_token = $_SESSION['signin_token'] = Func::getRandomCode(30); $user = isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : null; Templates::Assign('user', $user); Templates::Assign('tmp_user', $tmp_user); Templates::Assign('tmp_get_yzm', $tmp_get_yzm); Templates::Assign('provinces', $provinces); Templates::Assign('type', $type); Templates::Assign('step', $step); Templates::Assign('token', $token); Templates::Assign('signin_token', $signin_token); Templates::Assign('errormsg', $errormsg); Templates::Display('signup.html'); } }
if (!$sku_id) { ABase::toJson(1, 'error 001'); } if (Favorite::add($userid, $sku_id)) { ABase::toJson(0, 'ok'); } ABase::toJson(1, 'error 009'); break; case 'remove': $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? (int) $_POST['id'] : 0; if ($id) { if (Favorite::del($id)) { ABase::toJson(0, 'ok'); } else { ABase::toJson(1, 'error 010'); } } ABase::toJson(1, 'error 011'); break; default: ABase::toJson(1, 'action error'); } } else { $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; $page_size = isset($_GET['page_size']) ? (int) $_GET['page_size'] : 16; $favorites = Favorite::getLists($userid, $page, $page_size); //var_dump($favorites);exit; Templates::Assign('favorites', $favorites['data']); Templates::Assign('paged', $favorites['page']); Templates::Display('favorite.html'); }
function save($userid, $addrid = 0) { $n = isset($_REQUEST['n']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['n'] : 0; $rdata['user_id'] = $userid; $rdata['module_id'] = 2; $rdata['receiver_name'] = $name = isset($_POST['truename']) ? $_POST['truename'] : ''; $phone = isset($_POST['mmobile']) ? $_POST['mmobile'] : ''; if ($phone) { $rdata['receiver_phone'] = substr($phone, 1); } $rdata['receiver_province'] = $province = isset($_POST['province']) ? $_POST['province'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_city'] = $city = isset($_POST['city']) ? $_POST['city'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_county'] = $county = isset($_POST['county']) ? $_POST['county'] : 0; $rdata['receiver_address'] = $address = isset($_POST['address']) ? $_POST['address'] : ''; $rdata['receiver_postcode'] = $postcode = isset($_POST['postcode']) ? $_POST['postcode'] : ''; $setDefault = isset($_POST['setDefault']) ? $_POST['setDefault'] : ''; //var_dump($rdata); exit; if (!$name || !$phone || !$province || !$city || !$county || !$address) { if (!$n) { header("Location: /address"); exit; } ABase::toJson(1, 'error 001'); } if (!$addrid) { $receiver_address_id = ReceiverAddress::add($rdata); } else { unset($rdata['user_id'], $rdata['module_id']); ReceiverAddress::update($addrid, $rdata); $receiver_address_id = $addrid; } if ($setDefault) { ReceiverAddress::setDefault($userid, $receiver_address_id); } if (!$n) { header("Location: /address"); exit; } $data = ReceiverAddress::getInfo($receiver_address_id); ABase::toJson(0, 'ok', $data); }
static function RSASignature($plaintext, $url) { if (!$plaintext || !$url) { return '0,error001'; } if (!($sign = RSA::ssoSignature($plaintext))) { ABase::toJson(0, 'Create signature failed'); } //------------------------ CURL post $data = array('plaintext' => $plaintext, 'md' => $sign); $encoded = ""; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $encoded .= $encoded ? '&' : ''; $encoded .= rawurlencode($k) . "=" . rawurlencode($v); } $pcontent = Func::curlPost($url, $encoded); return $pcontent; }
function orderNotify() { $orders = Orders::publicPayOrderSignVerify(); $order_code = isset($orders['order_code']) ? $orders['order_code'] : ''; $order_id = isset($orders['id']) ? (int) $orders['id'] : 0; $order_status = isset($orders['order_status']) ? (int) $orders['order_status'] : 0; $pay_transaction_id = isset($orders['pay_transaction_id']) ? $orders['pay_transaction_id'] : ''; $paid = isset($orders['paid']) ? $orders['paid'] : 0; $paymethod_code = $orders['paymethod_code']; if (1 == $order_status) { $pay_method = PaymentMethod::getOne(array('code' => $paymethod_code), 'id'); $pay_method = isset($pay_method['id']) ? (int) $pay_method['id'] : 0; $sk_order_code = null; $order_type = substr($order_code, -2, 2); if ('YK' == $order_type) { $sk_order_code = str_replace('YK', 'SK', $order_code); } DB::tranBegin('notify'); //事务开始 Orders::update(array('order_code' => $order_code), array('paid' => $paid, 'order_status' => 2, 'pay_method' => $pay_method, 'pay_transaction_id' => $pay_transaction_id, 'pay_time' => time())); if ($sk_order_code) { Orders::update(array('order_code' => $sk_order_code), array('order_status' => 5)); } ProductsStockLock::changeStatus($order_code, 1); OrdersProducts::updateOrderProductStock($order_code); $commit_status = DB::tranEnd('notify'); if (!$commit_status) { ABase::toJson(1, 'FAIL', $orders); } } ABase::toJson(0, 'SUCCESS', $orders); }
//先把状态改成 订单取消,回滚完库存把状态改成7:订单关闭 ABase::log("Order ids in 1 hour : " . serialize($ids), 'cron_'); $time = time() - 10800; //3小时前的订单库存回收,考虑订单生成后还差一分钟订单失效时用户点击付款,并在付款操作时又等待了2小时 $orders = Orders::getList("create_time<{$time} AND order_status=6", 'id,order_code'); //首先在1个小时内使订单失效 foreach ($orders as $k => $order) { $oid = $order['id']; $order_code = $order['order_code']; $order_type = substr($order_code, -2, 2); if ('SK' != $order_type) { unset($orders[$k]); continue; } //DB::Debug(); $stocks = ProductsStockLock::getList("order_code='{$order_code}' AND status=0"); ABase::log("Stocks in 3 hour order: " . serialize($stocks), 'cron_'); DB::tranBegin('stock_recycle'); foreach ($stocks as $stock) { $sid = $stock['id']; $product_sku = $stock['product_sku']; $product_num = $stock['product_num']; $exp_date = $stock['exp_date']; ProductsStock::increase("product_sku='{$product_sku}' AND exp_date='{$exp_date}'", "stock", $product_num); ProductsStockLock::update($sid, array('status' => 2)); } Orders::update($oid, array('order_status' => 7)); $commit_status = DB::tranEnd('stock_recycle'); } ABase::log("Orders in 3 hour : " . serialize($orders), 'cron_'); //---------- END 过期未支付订单库存回收
$total = 0.0; foreach ($product_ids as $sku_id => $product_id) { $qt = isset($qts[$sku_id]) ? (int) $qts[$sku_id] : 0; if ($qt < 1) { continue; } $skus[$sku_id]['qt'] = $qt; $skus[$sku_id]['info'] = $info = ProductsSku::getData($sku_id); $current_price = isset($info['current_price']) ? $info['current_price'] : 0.0; $pic = ProductsPic::getOne(array('sku' => $info['sku']), 'path', 'sort DESC'); $skus[$sku_id]['info']['pic'] = $pic['path']; $item = ProductsSku::getSkuItem($info['item'], 'title'); $skus[$sku_id]['info']['title'] = $item['title']; $total = $total + $qt * $current_price; } //var_dump($product_ids,$skus);exit; $userlevel = Users::getLevel($userid); $discount = $userlevel['discount']; $newtotal = $total * $discount; $address = ReceiverAddress::getInfoByUser($userid); //var_dump($address); $yunfei = 0.0; $token = ABase::token(); Templates::Assign('yunfei', $yunfei); Templates::Assign('token', $token); Templates::Assign('address', $address); Templates::Assign('userlevel', $userlevel); Templates::Assign('newtotal', $newtotal); Templates::Assign('total', $total); Templates::Assign('skus', $skus); Templates::Display('buy.html');
return $article; } } class Snatch extends SiteScraper { function getArticle($keyword) { $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $article = $this->makeArticle("{$keyword}&sa=Search&", 'div[class=articletext]'); $article = $this->stripJS($article); return $article; } } class ABase extends SiteScraper { function makeSearchLink($articleUrl) { $htmlContents = $this->getHtml($articleUrl); $links = $this->getAllLinks($htmlContents); $links = array_filter($links, array($this, 'endsWithHtml')); return $links[array_rand($links)]; } function getArticle($keyword) { $keyword = str_replace(" ", "+", $keyword); $article = $this->makeArticle("{$keyword}", 'div[class=article_cnt KonaBody]'); return $article; } } $n = new ABase(); print_r($n->getArticle("pink floyd"));
public static function cancelOrder($order_code, $user) { $order_type = substr($order_code, -2, 2); if ('SK' != $order_type) { return false; } $order = Orders::getOne(array('order_code' => $order_code), 'id, order_status'); if (1 != $order['order_status']) { return false; } $oid = $order['id']; //DB::Debug(); $stocks = ProductsStockLock::getList("order_code='{$order_code}' AND status=0"); ABase::log("Stocks in cancelOrder: " . serialize($stocks), 'cancel_order_'); DB::tranBegin('Orders.cancelOrder'); //事务开始 OrdersLog::insert(array('order_code' => $order_code, 'ex_status' => '取消订单', 'admin' => $user, 'action' => '订单取消', 'ip' => Func::getIP(), 'create_time' => time())); foreach ($stocks as $stock) { $sid = $stock['id']; $product_sku = $stock['product_sku']; $product_num = $stock['product_num']; $exp_date = $stock['exp_date']; ProductsStock::increase("product_sku='{$product_sku}' AND exp_date='{$exp_date}'", "stock", $product_num); ProductsStockLock::update($sid, array('status' => 2)); } Orders::update($oid, array('order_status' => 7)); $commit_status = DB::tranEnd('Orders.cancelOrder'); }
$rate = isset($REQUEST['rate']) ? floatval($REQUEST['rate']) : 0.5; //付款比率,1全款,0.5半款 $redirect = 0; $order_id = 0; $commit_status = 0; $locked = 0; if (!$order_code) { $addressid = isset($_POST['address']) ? (int) $_POST['address'] : 0; $sku_ids = isset($_POST['sku_ids']) ? $_POST['sku_ids'] : array(); $token = isset($_POST['token']) ? $_POST['token'] : ''; if (!$addressid || !$sku_ids || !$token) { Templates::Assign('errormsg', "参数传输错误。"); Templates::Display('error.html'); exit; } if (!ABase::token($token)) { Templates::Assign('errormsg', "请勿重复提交订单"); Templates::Display('error.html'); exit; } $device = strtoupper(str_replace(DS, '', _DEVICE)); $order_code = "FX" . $device . date('ymdHis') . rand(10, 99) . 'SK'; //首款订单,银联支付限制订单号20位 $user_level = Users::getLevel($userid); $discount = (double) $user_level['discount']; $total = 0.0; $title = ''; foreach ($sku_ids as $sku_id => $qt) { $qt = (int) $qt; if ($qt < 1) { continue;