function populate_a4a($cid, $content, $formatting)
    global $db, $my_files, $content_base_href, $contentManager;
    // Defining alternatives is only available for content type "html".
    // But don't clean up the a4a tables at other content types in case the user needs them back at html.
    if ($formatting != 1) {
    include_once AT_INCLUDE_PATH . '../mods/_core/imsafa/classes/A4a.class.php';
    include_once AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/XML/XML_HTMLSax/XML_HTMLSax.php';
    /* for XML_HTMLSax */
    include_once AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/ContentOutputParser.class.php';
    /* for parser */
    // initialize content_base_href; used in format_content
    if (!isset($content_base_href)) {
        $result = $contentManager->getContentPage($cid);
        // return if the cid is not found
        foreach ($result as $content_row) {
            if (count($content_row) < 1) {
            } else {
                $content_base_href = $content_row["content_path"] . '/';
    $body = format_content($content, $formatting, array());
    $handler = new ContentOutputParser();
    $parser = new XML_HTMLSax();
    $parser->set_element_handler('openHandler', 'closeHandler');
    $my_files = array();
    $my_files = array_unique($my_files);
    foreach ($my_files as $file) {
        /* filter out full urls */
        $url_parts = @parse_url($file);
        // file should be relative to content
        if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '/') {
        // The URL of the movie from has been converted above in embed_media().
        // For example: is converted to
        // to make it playable. This creates the problem
        // that the parsed-out url ( does not match with
        // the URL saved in content table (
        // The code below is to convert the URL back to original.
        $file = convert_youtube_playURL_to_watchURL($file);
        $resources[] = convert_amp($file);
        // converts & to &amp;
    $a4a = new A4a($cid);
    $db_primary_resources = $a4a->getPrimaryResources();
    // clean up the removed resources
    foreach ($db_primary_resources as $primary_rid => $db_resource) {
        //if this file from our table is not found in the $resource, then it's not used.
        if (count($resources) == 0 || !in_array($db_resource['resource'], $resources)) {
    if (count($resources) == 0) {
    // insert the new resources
    foreach ($resources as $primary_resource) {
        if (!$a4a->getPrimaryResourceByName($primary_resource)) {
            $a4a->setPrimaryResource($cid, $primary_resource, $_SESSION['lang']);