function zp_get_date($date) { $year = zp_get_year($date); // 4 digits preg_match_all('/(\\w)/', $date, $matches); //var_dump($matches); $month = date_parse($matches[0][0]); //var_dump($date['month']); //var_dump($month); }
function Zotpress_zotpressInText($atts) { /* * GLOBAL VARIABLES * * $GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'] {instantiated previously} * */ extract(shortcode_atts(array('item' => false, 'items' => false, 'pages' => false, 'format' => "(%a%, %d%, %p%)", 'brackets' => false, 'etal' => false, 'separator' => false, 'and' => false, 'userid' => false, 'api_user_id' => false, 'nickname' => false, 'nick' => false), $atts)); // PREPARE ATTRIBUTES if ($items) { $items = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($items)); } else { if ($item) { $items = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($item)); } } $pages = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($pages)); $format = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($format)); $brackets = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($brackets)); $etal = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($etal)); if ($etal == "default") { $etal = false; } $separator = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($separator)); if ($separator == "default") { $separator = false; } $and = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($and)); if ($and == "default") { $and = false; } if ($userid) { $api_user_id = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($userid)); } if ($nickname) { $nickname = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($nickname)); } if ($nick) { $nickname = str_replace('"', '', html_entity_decode($nick)); } // GET ACCOUNTS global $wpdb; $zp_account = false; if ($nickname !== false) { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE nickname='" . $nickname . "'", OBJECT); $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } else { if ($api_user_id !== false) { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE api_user_id='" . $api_user_id . "'", OBJECT); $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } else { if ($api_user_id === false && $nickname === false) { if (get_option("Zotpress_DefaultAccount") !== false) { $api_user_id = get_option("Zotpress_DefaultAccount"); $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress WHERE api_user_id ='" . $api_user_id . "'", OBJECT); } else { $zp_account = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress LIMIT 1", OBJECT); $api_user_id = $zp_account->api_user_id; } } } } // Generate instance id for shortcode $zp_instance_id = "zotpress-" . md5($api_user_id . $nickname . $pages . $items . $format); if ($items !== false) { // PREPARE ITEM KEYS: Single, with or without curly bracket, or multiple if (strpos($items, "{") !== false) { if (strpos($items, "},") !== false) { $items = explode("},", $items); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $items[$id] = explode(",", str_replace("{", "", str_replace("}", "", $item))); } } else { $items = str_replace("{", "", str_replace("}", "", $items)); if (strpos($items, ",") !== false) { $items = explode(",", $items); } } } // PREPARE ITEM QUERY $zp_query = "SELECT items.*, " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItemImages.image AS itemImage "; $zp_query .= "FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItems AS items "; $zp_query .= "LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItemImages\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON items.item_key=" . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItemImages.item_key\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND items.api_user_id=" . $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItemImages.api_user_id "; $zp_query .= "WHERE items.api_user_id='" . $api_user_id . "' AND "; /*$zp_citation_attr = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'zp_entry', 'meta_key' => 'author', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => '' ); $zp_citation_meta_query = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'api_user_id', 'value' => $api_user_id, 'compare' => '=' ) );*/ if (is_array($items)) { if (count($items) == 2 && !is_array($items[0])) { $zp_query .= " items.item_key='" . $items[0] . "'"; /*array_push( $zp_citation_meta_query, array( 'key' => 'item_key', 'value' => $items[0], 'compare' => '=' ) );*/ } else { $zp_query .= " items.item_key IN ( "; foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $zp_query .= "'" . $item[0] . "'"; if (count($items) - 1 != $id) { $zp_query .= ","; } /*array_push( $zp_citation_meta_query, array( 'key' => 'item_key', 'value' => $items[0], 'compare' => '=' ) );*/ } $zp_query .= " )"; } } else { $zp_query .= " items.item_key='" . $items . "'"; /*array_push( $zp_citation_meta_query, array( 'key' => 'item_key', 'value' => $items, 'compare' => '=' ) );*/ } //$zp_citation_attr['meta_query'] = $zp_citation_meta_query; $zp_query .= " ORDER BY ASC, items.zpdate ASC;"; // QUERY DATABASE //var_dump($zp_query); $zp_results = $wpdb->get_results($zp_query, OBJECT); //var_dump($zp_results); $zp_intext_citation = ""; // Output for display $zp_intext_citation_arr = array(); // Array for sorting // FORMAT IN-TEXT CITATION $prev_num = 1; foreach ($zp_results as $id => $item) { $zp_json = json_decode($item->json); // Determine author if "author" doesn't exist if (trim($item->author) == "") { if (isset($zp_json->creators) && count($zp_json->creators) > 0) { foreach ($zp_json->creators as $i => $zp_creator) { $item->author = $zp_creator->name; if ($i != count($zp_json->creators) - 1) { $item->author .= ", "; } } } else { $item->author .= "\"" . $item->title . "\""; } } // Shorten author ... if ($etal) { // if ($etal == "yes") $item->author = substr($item->author, 0, strpos($item->author, ",")) . " <em>et al foo.</em>"; if ($etal == "yes" && count(explode(",", $item->author)) > 2) { $item->author = substr($item->author, 0, strpos($item->author, ",")) . " <em>et al.</em>"; } } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()][$api_user_id . "," . $item->item_key]) && count(explode(",", $item->author)) > 3) { $item->author = substr($item->author, 0, strpos($item->author, ",")) . " <em>et al.</em>"; } } // Deal with 'and' => false, // default (no), and, comma-and if ($and) { if ($and == "and") { if (strrpos($item->author, ",") !== false) { $item->author = substr_replace($item->author, " and", strrpos($item->author, ","), 1); } } else { if ($and == "comma-and") { if (strrpos($item->author, ",") !== false) { $item->author = substr_replace($item->author, ", and", strrpos($item->author, ","), 1); } } } } // Determine %num% // Determine if this citation has already been referenced $num = false; if (isset($GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()]) && count($zp_results) >= 1) { $numloop = 1; foreach ($GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()] as $position => $instance) { if ($position == $api_user_id . "," . $item->item_key) { $num = $numloop; break; } $numloop++; } } // Determine what %num% is if not already referenced if ($num === false) { if (isset($GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()])) { $num = count($GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()]) + 1; } else { $num = 1; } } // Fill in author, date and number $citation = str_replace("%num%", $num, str_replace("%a%", $item->author, str_replace("%d%", zp_get_year($item->zpdate, true), $format))); // Deal with pages if ($pages) { $citation = str_replace("%p%", $pages, $citation); } else { if (is_array($items)) { if (count($items) == 2 && !is_array($items[0])) { $citation = str_replace("%p%", $items[1], $citation); } else { // Multiple citations -- shouldn't have page numbers //if (isset($items[$id][1])) { // $citation = str_replace("%p%", $items[$id][1], $citation); //} //else { $citation = str_replace("%p%", "", str_replace(" %p%", "", str_replace(", %p%", "", $citation))); //} } } else { $citation = str_replace("%p%", "", str_replace(" %p%", "", str_replace(", %p%", "", $citation))); } } // Format for multiple (only expected characters) if (count($zp_results) > 1) { if ($id == 0) { $citation = str_replace("]", "", str_replace(")", "", $citation)); } else { if ($id == count($zp_results) - 1) { $citation = str_replace("[", "", str_replace("(", " ", $citation)); } else { $citation = str_replace("]", "", str_replace("[", "", str_replace(")", "", str_replace("(", " ", $citation)))); } } } // Deal with download $item_download = false; if (isset($item->attachment_data)) { $item_download = $item->attachment_data; } $item_download_key = false; if (isset($item->attachment_key)) { $item_download_key = $item->attachment_key; } // SET SORT ARRAY $zp_intext_citation_arr[$api_user_id . "," . $item->item_key] = array("instance_id" => $zp_instance_id, "api_user_id" => $api_user_id, "item_key" => $item->item_key, "author" => $item->author, "title" => $item->title, "zpdate" => zp_get_year($item->zpdate), "citation" => $citation, "alphacount" => ""); // SET BIBLIOGRAPHY CITATIONS: Per item $GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()][$api_user_id . "," . $item->item_key] = array("instance_id" => $zp_instance_id, "userid" => $api_user_id, "account_type" => $zp_account->account_type, "public_key" => $zp_account->public_key, "item_key" => $item->item_key, "author" => $item->author, "title" => $item->title, "date" => zp_get_year($item->zpdate), "download" => $item_download, "download_key" => $item_download_key, "image" => $item->itemImage, "json" => $item->json, "citation" => $item->citation, "style" => $item->style, "alphacount" => ""); } // First, sort in-text items $zp_intext_citation_arr = subval_sort($zp_intext_citation_arr, "date", "asc"); // $zp_intext_citation_output_arr = array(); $zp_alphacount = ""; $zp_alphacount_author = ""; // Then build output array foreach ($zp_intext_citation_arr as $id => $item_arr) { $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[count($zp_intext_citation_output_arr)] = $item_arr; } foreach ($zp_intext_citation_output_arr as $i => $item) { $zp_alphacount_this = ""; if (isset($zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["author"]) && $item["author"] == $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["author"] && $item["zpdate"] == $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["zpdate"]) { if ($zp_alphacount == "") { $zp_alphacount_this = "a"; } else { if ($zp_alphacount_author != $item["author"]) { $zp_alphacount_this = "a"; } else { $zp_alphacount_this = ++$zp_alphacount; } } $zp_alphacount_author = $item["author"]; // Update the counts on this and the next one $item["alphacount"] = $zp_alphacount_this; $GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()][$item["api_user_id"] . "," . $item["item_key"]]["alphacount"] = $zp_alphacount_this; $GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()][$zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["api_user_id"] . "," . $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["item_key"]]["alphacount"] = ++$zp_alphacount_this; $zp_alphacount = $zp_alphacount_this; } $item["alphacount"] = $GLOBALS['zp_shortcode_instances'][get_the_ID()][$zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i]["api_user_id"] . "," . $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i]["item_key"]]["alphacount"]; $zp_intext_citation .= "<a title='"; if ($item["citation"]) { if (count($zp_intext_citation_arr) > 1) { if ($i == 0) { $item["citation"] = trim(str_replace(")", "", $item["citation"])); $item["citation"] = "(" . $item["citation"]; } elseif ($i == count($zp_intext_citation_arr) - 1) { $item["citation"] = str_replace("(", "", $item["citation"]); $item["citation"] = $item["citation"] . ")"; } } } if ($item["author"]) { // Remove author if same in a row if (isset($zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i - 1]["author"]) && $item["author"] == $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i - 1]["author"]) { $item["citation"] = str_replace($item["author"] . ", ", "", $item["citation"]); } $zp_intext_citation .= htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($item["author"]), ENT_QUOTES) . " "; } else { $item["author"] = $item["title"]; $zp_intext_citation .= "No author "; } if ($item["zpdate"]) { $zp_intext_citation .= "(" . $item["zpdate"] . $item["alphacount"] . "). "; $item["citation"] = str_replace($item["zpdate"], $item["zpdate"] . $item["alphacount"], $item["citation"]); } $zp_intext_citation .= htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($item["title"]), ENT_QUOTES) . ".' id='" . $item["instance_id"] . "' class='zp-ZotpressInText' href='#zp-" . get_the_ID() . "-" . $item["item_key"] . "'>" . $item["citation"] . "</a>"; $zp_intext_citation = str_replace("al..", "al.", $zp_intext_citation); // Determine delineation for multiple citations if (count($zp_intext_citation_arr) > 1 && $i != count($zp_intext_citation_arr) - 1) { if ($separator && $separator == "comma") { $zp_intext_citation .= ","; } else { if (isset($zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["author"]) && $item["author"] == $zp_intext_citation_output_arr[$i + 1]["author"]) { $zp_intext_citation .= ","; } else { if ($brackets) { $zp_intext_citation .= ", "; } else { $zp_intext_citation .= "; "; } } } } } // Add brackets, if necessary if ($brackets) { $zp_intext_citation = "[" . $zp_intext_citation . "]"; } return $zp_intext_citation; unset($zp_query); unset($zp_results); unset($zp_intext_citation); unset($zp_intext_citation_arr); unset($zp_intext_citation_output_arr); $wpdb->flush(); } else { return "\n<div id='" . $zp_instance_id . "' class='zp-Zotpress'>Sorry, no citation(s) found.</div>\n"; } // Show theme scripts $GLOBALS['zp_is_shortcode_displayed'] = true; }