function Soap_generatePDF($userid) { $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $current_user = vglobal('current_user'); $_SESSION['type'] = "single"; $user = new Users(); $current_user = $user->retrieveCurrentUserInfoFromFile($userid); require_once "modules/OSSPdf/Print.php"; require_once 'modules/OSSPdf/ModulesQueries.php'; $module = $_REQUEST['usingmodule']; $id = $_REQUEST['recordid']; if (isset($_REQUEST['fromdetailview']) && $_REQUEST['fromdetailview'] == 'yes') { $document_list = array(); if ($_REQUEST['return_name'] == "yes" || isset($_REQUEST['pdfajax'])) { $_REQUEST['template'] = explode(';', trim($_REQUEST['template'], ';')); } /* ----------------------------- */ ############## ### PRZETWANIA ZMIENNYCH POCZATKOWYCH foreach ($_REQUEST['template'] as $templateid) { $_SESSION['template_to_perfom'] = $_REQUEST['template_to_perfom'] = $templateid; $pobierzdane = $adb->query("select osspdf_pdf_format,osspdf_pdf_orientation, filename, left_margin, right_margin, top_margin, bottom_margin from vtiger_osspdf where osspdfid = '{$templateid}'", true); $_REQUEST['pdf_format'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "osspdf_pdf_format"); $pdf_orientation_result = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "osspdf_pdf_orientation"); $_REQUEST['file_name'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "filename"); $_REQUEST['left'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "left_margin"); $_REQUEST['right'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "right_margin"); $_REQUEST['top'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "top_margin"); $_REQUEST['bottom'] = $adb->query_result($pobierzdane, 0, "bottom_margin"); $_SESSION['top'] = $_REQUEST['top']; if ($pdf_orientation_result == 'Portrait') { $pdf_orientation = "P"; } elseif ($pdf_orientation_result == 'Landscape') { $pdf_orientation = "L"; } /* ----------------------------- */ ############## ### INICJOWANIE PDFA, POBIERANIE DANYCH ETC $pdf = new Printer(); $pdf->setPageFormat($_REQUEST['pdf_format'], $pdf_orientation); //$pdf->setPrintHeader(false); //$pdf->setPrintFooter(false); // $pdf->SetHeaderData( '','','asd','' ); $pdf->SetCompression(true); //$pdf->SetMargins( $left,$top, $right = -1,$keepmargins = false ); if (isset($_REQUEST['left']) && $_REQUEST['left'] != '' && $_REQUEST['left'] != 0) { $pdf->SetLeftMargin($_REQUEST['left']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['right']) && $_REQUEST['right'] != '' && $_REQUEST['right'] != 0) { $pdf->SetRightMargin($_REQUEST['right']); } /* if (isset($_REQUEST['top']) && $_REQUEST['top'] != '' && $_REQUEST['top'] != 0) { $pdf->SetTopMargin($_REQUEST['top']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['bottom']) && $_REQUEST['bottom'] != '' && $_REQUEST['bottom'] != 0) { $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $_REQUEST['bottom']); }*/ /* ----------------------------- */ ################ $date_var = $adb->formatDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), true); $query = "insert into vtiger_audit_trial values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $qparams = array($adb->getUniqueID('vtiger_audit_trial'), $current_user->id, $module, 'Generate PDF', $id, $date_var); $adb->pquery($query, $qparams, true); TakeContent($pdf, $module, $id, $site_URL); $filepath = $_REQUEST['file_name'] . '_' . $id . $templateid . '_' . date("YmdHis") . '.pdf'; $pdf->Output($filepath, 'F'); ### $pobierz = $adb->query("select * from vtiger_osspdf_config where conf_id = 'GENERALCONFIGURATION'", true); ### $data = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $adb->num_rows($pobierz); $i++) { $data[$adb->query_result($pobierz, $i, "name")] = $adb->query_result($pobierz, $i, "value"); } $docid = 0; if ($data['ifsave'] == 'yes') { $document_id = CreateDocument($filepath, $data['ifattach'], $id, $module, $docid); $nr = $document_id + 1; $document_list[] = $nr . '_' . $filepath; $storage_path = decideFilePath(); $pelnasciezka = $storage_path . $nr . '_' . $filepath; } else { $document_list[] = $filepath; $storage_path = decideFilePath(); $pelnasciezka = $storage_path . $filepath; } chmod('storage', 0777); if ($_REQUEST['return_name'] != "yes" || $_REQUEST['return_name'] == "") { rename($filepath, $pelnasciezka); } else { $sciezka = "storage/" . $filepath; rename($filepath, $sciezka); } if ($data['ifattach'] == 'yes') { $sql = "INSERT INTO vtiger_senotesrel (`crmid`,`notesid`) VALUES ('{$id}','{$docid}')"; $wykonaj = $adb->query($sql, true); } } if ($_REQUEST['return_name'] != "yes" || $_REQUEST['return_name'] == "") { $storage_path = decideFilePath(); } else { $storage_path = "storage/"; } $zip = getTranslatedString($_REQUEST['usingmodule']) . '_' . date("YmdHis") . '.zip'; $zipname = 'storage/' . $zip; $zipname = file_exist_fn($zipname, 0); if (count($document_list) > 1) { zipFilesAndDownload($document_list, $zipname, $storage_path, $zip); } else { if ($_REQUEST['return_name'] != "yes") { header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $document_list[0]); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); readfile($storage_path . "/" . $document_list[0]); exit; } elseif ($_REQUEST['return_name'] == "yes") { return $document_list[0]; } } } }
// At least write the document to webspace: $objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007'); // buat pathnya di C..jika belum ada, sistem langsung dibikin $path = 'C:Surat_Wanprestasi/'; if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777, true); } //simpan file di komputer $document->save($path . "/" . $nama_file); //simpan ke dalam array $file_names[] = $nama_file; } //persiapan file zip dan memanggil fungsi generate zip $zip_file_name = "Surat_Wanprestasi_" . date('d F Y') . ".zip"; $file_path = getcwd() . '/Surat_Wanprestasi/'; zipFilesAndDownload($file_names, $zip_file_name, $path); } //fungsi untuk membuat zip function zipFilesAndDownload($file_names, $archive_file_name, $file_path) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); //create the file and throw the error if unsuccessful if ($zip->open($archive_file_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { exit("cannot open <{$archive_file_name}>\n"); } //add each files of $file_name array to archive foreach ((array) $file_names as $files) { $zip->addFile($file_path . $files, $files); } $zip->close(); $zipped_size = filesize($archive_file_name);
<?php if (isset($_POST['titles'])) { $file_names = array('/settingsEMptyFile.txt', '/settingsmyfile.txt'); //Archive name $archive_file_name = ''; //Download Files path $file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; zipFilesAndDownload($file_names, $archive_file_name, $file_path); function zipFilesAndDownload($file_names, $archive_file_name, $file_path) { //echo $file_path;die; $zip = new ZipArchive(); //create the file and throw the error if unsuccessful if ($zip->open($archive_file_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { exit("cannot open <{$archive_file_name}>\n"); } //add each files of $file_name array to archive foreach ($file_names as $files) { $zip->addFile($file_path . $files, $files); //echo $file_path.$files,$files." } $zip->close(); //then send the headers to foce download the zip file header("Content-type: application/zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$archive_file_name}"); header("Content-length: " . filesize($archive_file_name)); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); sleep(5); readfile("{$archive_file_name}");