public function index()
     if (!empty($_GET['nobg'])) {
         zbase_cookie_make('nobg', 1);
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('create.customize'));
Example #2
 public function update()
     $orderEntity = false;
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         $tableName = zbase_entity('custom_orders')->getTable();
         $name = zbase_request_input('name', false);
         $orderId = zbase_request_input('order_id', false);
         $amount = zbase_request_input('amount', false);
         $validators = ['name' => 'required', 'amount' => 'required', 'order_id' => 'required|exists:' . $tableName . ',order_id,name,' . $name . ',total,' . number_format($amount, 2) . ',status,1', 'date' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d|before:' . zbase_date_now()->addDay(), 'payment_center' => 'required', 'file' => 'required|image'];
         $messages = ['order_id.exists' => 'Order ID, Name and Amount don\'t match.', 'amount.required' => 'Enter the amount that you deposited or paid.', 'file.required' => 'Kindly upload your deposit or payment slip.', 'file.image' => 'The file you uploaded is not an image.'];
         $this->validate(zbase_request(), $validators, $messages);
         $folder = zbase_storage_path() . '/zivsluck/order/receipts/';
         $newFilename = zbase_file_name_from_file($_FILES['file']['name'], $orderId, true);
         $newFilename = zbase_file_upload_image('file', $folder, $newFilename, 'png', [280, null]);
         if (file_exists($newFilename)) {
             $orderEntity = zbase_entity('custom_orders')->repository()->byId($orderId);
             $orderEntity->status = 2;
             $orderEntity->payment_merchant = zbase_request_input('payment_center', null);
             $orderEntity->paid_date_at = zbase_request_input('date', null);
             $orderEntity->payment_tracking_number = zbase_request_input('payment_tracking', null);
     zbase_view_pagetitle_set('Update Order');
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('order.update'), compact('orderEntity'));
Example #3
 public function upload()
     $image = false;
     $success = false;
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         if (!empty($_FILES['file'])) {
             $folder = zbase_storage_path() . '/zivsluck/site/images/';
             $filename = md5($_FILES['file']['name'] . date('Y-m-d-H'));
             $newFilename = zbase_file_name_from_file($_FILES['file']['name'], $filename, true);
             if (!file_exists($folder . $filename . '.png')) {
                 $newFilename = zbase_file_upload_image('file', $folder, $newFilename, 'png', []);
                 if (file_exists($newFilename)) {
                     $data = ['filename' => $filename];
                     $image = zbase_entity('images')->create($data);
             $image = zbase_entity('images')->repository()->by('filename', $filename)->first();
         } else {
             $imagex = zbase_request_input('image', false);
             $delete = zbase_request_input('delete', false);
             if (!empty($imagex)) {
                 $image = zbase_entity('images')->repository()->by('filename', $imagex)->first();
                 if (!empty($image)) {
                     if (!empty($delete)) {
                         unlink($folder = zbase_storage_path() . '/zivsluck/site/images/' . $image->name() . '.png');
                         return 1;
                     $image->font = zbase_request_input('font', null);
                     $image->material = zbase_request_input('material', null);
                     $image->tags = zbase_request_input('tags', null);
                     return 1;
                 return 0;
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('site.upload'), compact('image'));
Example #4
 public function js()
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('page.js'));
Example #5
     * SCripts when this content/view is displayed on innerContent via Ajax
     * @param boolean $load Data is Loading else we are leaving the page, going back
     * @return void
    public function postPageOnInnerContentScript($tag = null)
        if (!empty(zbase_request_input('_innercontent'))) {
            if (method_exists($this, 'pageOnInnerContentScript')) {
            $postHtmlId = $this->postHtmlId();
            $away = zbase_request_input('_innercontentaway', false);
            $tableRowId = zbase_request_input('_datatableRow', false);
            $innerContentId = zbase_request_input('_innerContentId', false);
             * Currently viewing the data
            $innerContentView = zbase_request_input('_innerContentView', false);
            if (empty($away)) {
                if (!empty($innerContentView)) {
                    zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_replace', [' span.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() => '<span class="' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '">' . zbase()->view()->title() . '<small>' . zbase()->view()->subTitle() . '</small></span>'], true);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($tableRowId) && !empty($innerContentId)) {
                        zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_remove', ['.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() => ''], true);
                        zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_append', ['.page-breadcrumb.breadcrumb' => '<li class="' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i><a title="' . $this->postDisplayText() . '" href="#">' . $this->postDisplayText() . '</a></li>'], true);
                        zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_append', ['' => '<span class="' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '">' . zbase()->view()->title() . '<small>' . zbase()->view()->subTitle() . '</small></span>'], true);
                        zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_hide', ['.zbase-page-title' => ''], true);
                        $script = 'jQuery(\'#' . $innerContentId . '\').closest(\'.zbase-widget-wrapper-datatable\').hide();jQuery(\'.breadcrumb li\').eq(2).find(\'a\').click(function(e){
								window.history.pushState(\'\',\'' . zbase()->view()->title() . '\',\'' . zbase_url_previous() . '\');
								jQuery(\'#' . $innerContentId . '\').closest(\'.zbase-widget-wrapper-datatable\').show();
								jQuery(\'#' . $innerContentId . '\').closest(\'.zbase-widget-wrapper-datatable\').siblings().remove();
								jQuery(\' span.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '\').remove();
								jQuery(\' span.zbase-page-title\').show();
								jQuery(\'.breadcrumb li.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '\').remove();
                        zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_script', [$script], true);
            } else {
                $script = 'jQuery(\'#' . $innerContentId . '\').closest(\'.zbase-widget-wrapper-datatable\').show();
						jQuery(\'#' . $innerContentId . '\').closest(\'.zbase-widget-wrapper-datatable\').siblings().remove();
						jQuery(\' span.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '\').remove();
						jQuery(\' span.zbase-page-title\').show();
						jQuery(\'.breadcrumb li.' . $this->postHtmlCommonId() . '\').remove();';
                zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_script', [$script], true);
        } else {
            zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_replace', ['.page-breadcrumb.breadcrumb' => zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file('partial.breadcrumb', zbase_section()))], true);
            zbase()->json()->setVariable('_html_selector_html', ['.page-title' => zbase()->view()->title() . '<small>' . zbase()->view()->subTitle() . '</small>'], true);
Example #6
 * Display an error page
 * @param string|int $code
 * @param string $msg
 * @return string
function zbase_view_error($code, $msg = null)
    $common = [403, 404, 500, 503];
    return \View::make(zbase_view_file('errors.' . (in_array($code, $common) ? $code : 500)), compact('msg', 'code'));
 public function index()
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('index.home'));
Example #8
 * Render a view file
 * 	zbase_view_render('index', []);
 * @param string $file
 * @param array $params
 * @return \View
function zbase_view_render($file, $params = [])
    if (!empty($file)) {
        return view(zbase_view_file($file), $params)->render();
Example #9
  * Login
  * @return
 public function login()
     if (!$this->authEnabled()) {
         return $this->notfound('User authentication is disabled.');
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         return $this->postLogin(zbase_request());
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('auth.login'));
Example #10
 public function testzbase_view_file()
     // Return the name
     $this->assertEquals('package::view.file', zbase_view_file('package::view.file'));
 public function index()
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('maintenance'));
Example #12

 * Routes configuration
 * @link
 * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**>
 * @license proprietary
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx
 * @file routes.php
 * @project Zbase
 * @package config
return ['viewFile' => ['pageByViewFile' => ['view' => ['name' => zbase_view_file('index.viewfile'), 'enable' => true, 'page' => ['title' => 'Nodes', 'headTitle' => 'Nodes', 'subTitle' => 'Manage nodes', 'breadcrumbs' => [['label' => 'Nodes', 'link' => '#']]]], 'url' => '/view', 'enable' => true], 'controllerMethod' => ['controller' => ['name' => 'page', 'method' => 'index', 'enable' => true], 'url' => '/controller', 'enable' => false]]];
Example #13
 public function index()
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file('promo.index'));
Example #14
 public function controllerIndex()
     if (!$this->getModule()->hasAccess()) {
         if (zbase_auth_has()) {
             return $this->unathorized(_zt('You don\'t have enough access to the resource.'));
         } else {
             return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
      * Check for widgets
     $widgetsAction = $action = str_replace('.', '-', $this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index'));
     $requestMethod = zbase_request_method();
     if (!empty($this->nodeName)) {
         $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' . $action;
         $htmls = [];
     $isAjax = zbase_request_is_ajax();
     if ($isAjax) {
         $widgetsAction = (!empty($this->nodeName) ? $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' : '') . 'json-' . $action;
         $htmls = [];
     if ($this->getModule()->hasAction($requestMethod . '-' . $action)) {
         $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-' . $action;
         $action = $widgetsAction;
         $htmls = [];
     $widgets = $this->getModule()->pageProperties($action)->widgetsByControllerAction($widgetsAction);
     if (count($widgets) == 1) {
         $firstWidget = collect($widgets)->first();
         if ($firstWidget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\WidgetInterface) {
     if (!is_array($widgets) && $widgets instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) {
         return $widgets;
     zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widget', $this->getModule()->id() . '_' . str_replace('-', '', $action));
     if (zbase_is_dev()) {
         zbase()->json()->addVariable(__METHOD__, $widgetsAction);
         if (zbase_request_is_post()) {
             zbase()->json()->addVariable('_POST_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_inputs());
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_ROUTE_PARAMETERS', zbase_route_inputs());
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_GET_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_query_inputs());
     // dd($this->getModule(), $widgetsAction, $widgets);
     if (empty($widgets)) {
         return zbase_abort(404);
     foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
         if (!empty($this->nodeName)) {
             zbase()->json()->addVariable('node', ['prefix' => $this->getModule()->nodeNamespace(), 'name' => $this->nodeName, 'support' => 1]);
         if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\ControllerInterface) {
             $v = $widget->validateWidget($action);
             if ($v instanceof \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator) {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('errors', $v->errors()->getMessages());
                     return new \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse($v->errors()->getMessages(), 422);
                 } else {
                     return redirect()->to($this->getRedirectUrl())->withInput(zbase_request_inputs())->withErrors($v->errors()->getMessages());
             $ret = $widget->controller($this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index'));
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException) {
                 return $this->notFound();
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException) {
                 return $this->unathorized();
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\Exception) {
                 return $this->error();
             if ($ret instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('redirect', $ret->getTargetUrl());
                 } else {
                     return $ret;
             if (zbase_is_json()) {
                 $jsonIndexName = $widget->getWidgetPrefix();
                 if (zbase_is_angular()) {
                     if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\Type\Datatable) {
                         $angularTemplate = zbase_angular_widget_datatable($this->getModule(), $widget);
                         $jsonIndexName = $angularTemplate['serviceName'];
                 if (zbase_is_dev()) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('$jsonIndexName', $jsonIndexName);
                 if (!$widget->isExporting()) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable($jsonIndexName, $widget->toArray());
             } else {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     $htmls[str_replace('-', '_', $widget->id())] = $widget->render();
     if (!empty($isAjax)) {
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widgets', 1);
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('html', $htmls);
     } else {
         return $this->view(zbase_view_file('module.index'), array('module' => $this->getModule(), 'widgets' => $widgets));
Example #15
							<!-- END PAGE HEADER-->
							<!-- BEGIN PAGE CONTENT-->
							<div class="row">
								<div class="col-md-12 page-content-inner">
									{!! zbase_alerts_render() !!}
							<!-- END PAGE CONTENT-->
					<!-- END CONTENT -->
        echo zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file('partial.footer', 'back'));
    } else {
				{!! zbase_alerts_render() !!}
    echo zbase_view_render_body();
Example #16
 public function renderException()
     $request = zbase_request();
     $e = $this;
     return response()->view(zbase_view_file('errors.' . $this->getStatusCode()), compact('request', 'e'));
  * Display the form to request a password reset link.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function getEmail()
     return $this->view(zbase_view_file(''));
Example #18
            echo $navigation->getNavigation(zbase_section());

		<ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right">

echo zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file('partial.notification-bar'));

if (zbase_auth_has()) {
				<li class="dropdown user">
					<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hover="dropdown" data-close-others="true">
						<img style="width:28px;" alt="" src="<?php 
    echo zbase_auth_user()->avatarUrl(['w' => 30]);
						<span class="username">
    echo zbase_auth_user()->displayName();
Example #19
 * Create a route
 * @param string $name The Route Name
 * @param array $route The Route configuration
 * @return Response
function zbase_route_response($name, $route)
    if (!empty(zbase_is_maintenance())) {
        return zbase_response(view(zbase_view_file('maintenance')));
    $redirect = zbase_value_get($route, 'redirect', false);
    if (!empty($redirect)) {
        return redirect()->to($redirect);
    $response = zbase_value_get($route, 'response', false);
    if (!empty($response)) {
        return $response;
     * If we are using username in routes,
     * 	we have to check if the username exists in DB.
     * 	This is checked in zbase_route_username_get()
     * 	if the zbase_route_username_get() returns false, means
     * 	that the route is not a username or username didn't exists.
     * 	Here we check against all other Routes  if the prefix is in our
     * 	list of routes, if not found, throw NotFoundHttpException
    $useUsernameRoute = zbase_route_username();
    $usernameRoute = zbase_route_username_get();
    $usernameRouteCheck = zbase_data_get($route, 'usernameRouteCheck', true);
    if (empty($usernameRouteCheck)) {
         * Will not check for username route
        $useUsernameRoute = false;
    //if($usernameRoute === false && !empty($useUsernameRoute))
    if ($name == 'index' && zbase_auth_has() && !empty($useUsernameRoute)) {
        return redirect()->to('/' . zbase_auth_real()->username);
    if ($usernameRoute === false && !empty($useUsernameRoute)) {
        $uri = zbase_url_uri();
        $adminKey = zbase_admin_key();
        if (!empty($uri)) {
            $uriEx = explode('/', $uri);
            if (!empty($uriEx)) {
                foreach ($uriEx as $uriV) {
                    if (!empty($uriV)) {
                         * If it isn't an admin key, check it against given Routes
                        if ($uriV !== $adminKey) {
                            $routes = zbase_config_get('routes', []);
                            if (!empty($routes)) {
                                foreach ($routes as $rName => $r) {
                                    if (!empty($r['enable']) && !empty($r['url'])) {
                                        $urlEx = explode('/', $r['url']);
                                        if (!empty($urlEx)) {
                                            foreach ($urlEx as $urlExV) {
                                                if (!empty($urlExV)) {
                                                    if ($uriV == $urlExV) {
                                                         * Found it, valid URL
                                                        $validUrlPrefix = true;
                                                     * Will deal only with the first not empty value so break it.
                                    if (!empty($validUrlPrefix)) {
                                         * Found it, break it
                                        $name = $rName;
                                        $route = $r;
                        } else {
                            return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
                         * Will deal only with the first not empty value so break it.
                if (empty($validUrlPrefix)) {
                     * Only if routeName is not the index
                    if ($name != 'index') {
                        // $response = new \Zbase\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException();
                        // return $response->render(zbase_request(), $response);
    $usernameRoutePrefix = zbase_route_username_prefix();
    $originalRouteName = str_replace($usernameRoutePrefix, '', $name);
    $guest = true;
    $authed = false;
    $guestOnly = false;
    $middleware = !empty($route['middleware']) ? $route['middleware'] : false;
    $backend = !empty($route['backend']) ? $route['backend'] : false;
    if ($name == 'password-reset' && zbase_auth_has()) {
        return redirect(zbase_url_from_current());
    if (!empty($backend)) {
        //		zbase_in_back();
    if (preg_match('/\\?usernameroute/', zbase_url_uri()) > 0 && !empty($useUsernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has()) {
        return redirect()->to('/' . zbase_auth_user()->username() . '/home');
    if (!empty($useUsernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has() && $usernameRoute != zbase_auth_user()->username()) {
        return redirect(zbase_url_from_route($originalRouteName, [$usernameRoutePrefix => zbase_auth_user()->username()]));
    if (!empty($middleware)) {
        if (is_array($middleware)) {
            $access = isset($middleware['access']) ? $middleware['access'] : false;
            if (!empty($access) && is_array($access)) {
                if (!zbase_auth_has()) {
                    zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
                if (zbase_auth_has() && !zbase_auth_is($access)) {
                    return zbase_abort(401, ucfirst($access) . ' is needed to access the page.');
            } else {
                $guest = isset($middleware['guest']) ? $middleware['guest'] : false;
                $authed = isset($middleware['auth']) ? $middleware['auth'] : false;
                $adminAuthed = isset($middleware['admin']) ? $middleware['admin'] : false;
                if ($adminAuthed) {
                    $authed = true;
                $guestOnly = isset($middleware['guestOnly']) ? $middleware['guestOnly'] : false;
    if (empty($access)) {
        if (!empty($backend)) {
            if (!empty($usernameRoute)) {
                 * If user is loggedIn and this is admin side and this is not logIn page,
                 * redirect to users dashboard.
                 * User can only access his own dashboard via /{usernameroute?}/admin
                if (zbase_auth_has() && zbase_auth_is(zbase_route_username_minimum_access()) && zbase_is_back() && $usernameRoute != zbase_auth_user()->username()) {
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin', [$usernameRoutePrefix => zbase_auth_user()->username]));
                if ((empty(zbase_auth_has()) || !zbase_auth_is('user')) && $name != $usernameRoutePrefix . 'admin.login') {
                    zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin.login'));
            } else {
                if ((empty(zbase_auth_has()) || !zbase_auth_is('admin')) && $name != 'admin.login') {
                    zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('admin.login'));
        } else {
            if (!empty($guestOnly) && zbase_auth_has()) {
                return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
            if (!empty($usernameRoute)) {
                if (!empty($authed) && !zbase_auth_has() && $name != $usernameRoutePrefix . 'login') {
                    zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
            } else {
                if (!empty($authed) && !zbase_auth_has() && $name != 'login') {
                    zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                    return redirect(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
    $params = zbase_route_inputs();
    $requestMethod = zbase_request_method();
    $controller = !empty($route['controller']) ? $route['controller'] : null;
    $command = !empty($route['command']) ? $route['command'] : false;
    if (!empty($command) && $command instanceof \Closure) {
    if (!empty($controller) && !empty($controller['name']) && !empty($route['controller']['enable'])) {
        $controllerName = !empty($route['controller']['name']) ? $route['controller']['name'] : null;
        $controllerMethod = !empty($route['controller']['method'][$requestMethod]) ? $route['controller']['method'][$requestMethod] : (!empty($route['controller']['method']) ? $route['controller']['method'] : 'index');
        if (!empty($controllerName)) {
            $controllerConfig = zbase_config_get('controller.class.' . $controllerName, null);
            if (!empty($controllerConfig) && !empty($controllerConfig['enable'])) {
                $controllerClass = zbase_controller_create_name(zbase_config_get('controller.class.' . $controllerName . '.name', Zbase\Http\Controllers\__FRAMEWORK__\PageController::class));
                $controllerObject = zbase_object_factory($controllerClass, !empty($route['controller']['params']) ? $route['controller']['params'] : []);
                return zbase_response($controllerObject->{$controllerMethod}());
    $view = !empty($route['view']) ? $route['view'] : null;
    if (!empty($view) && !empty($view['name']) && !empty($route['view']['enable'])) {
        if (!empty($route['view']['content'])) {
            $params['content'] = zbase_data_get($route['view']['content'], null);
        if ($view['name'] == 'type.js') {
        return zbase_response(zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file($view['name']), $params));