Example #1
  * Serve a Node Image
  * @return Response
 public function image()
     $id = zbase_route_input('id', null);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $entity = zbase_user_by('alpha_id', $id);
         if (!empty($entity)) {
             return $entity->serveImage(zbase_route_input('w'), zbase_route_input('h'), zbase_route_input('q'), false, zbase_route_input('image'));
     return $this->notfound();
Example #2
 * Create a URL Based from a route $name
 * @param type $name
 * @param type $params
function zbase_url_from_route($name, $params = [], $relative = false)
    if (!\Route::has($name)) {
        return '#';
    $routes = zbase_config_get('routes');
    $prefix = '';
    $name = str_replace('admin.', zbase_admin_key() . '.', $name);
    $name = str_replace('admin', zbase_admin_key(), $name);
    $usernameRouteEnabled = zbase_route_username();
    if (isset($routes[$name]['usernameroute'])) {
        if ($routes[$name]['usernameroute'] === false) {
            $usernameRouteEnabled = false;
    if (!empty($usernameRouteEnabled)) {
        $usernameRouteParameterName = zbase_route_username_prefix();
        $usernameRoute = zbase_route_username_get();
        $username = zbase_route_input(zbase_route_username_prefix(), false);
        if (!empty($username)) {
            $username = strtolower($username);
            $user = zbase_user_by('username', $username);
            if ($user instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User && $user->hasUrl()) {
                $usernameRoute = true;
        if (empty($usernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has() && zbase_is_back()) {
            $username = zbase_auth_user()->username();
            $usernameRoute = true;
        if (!empty($usernameRoute)) {
            $prefix = $usernameRouteParameterName;
            if (empty($params[$usernameRouteParameterName])) {
                $params[$usernameRouteParameterName] = $username;
    $name = $prefix . $name;
    if (!empty($relative)) {
        $home = route('index');
        $url = str_replace($home, '', route($name, $params));
    } else {
        $url = route($name, $params);
    if ($usernameRouteEnabled && !empty($usernameRoute)) {
        $url = str_replace($usernameRoute . '/' . $usernameRoute, '/' . $usernameRoute . '/', $url);
    return $url;
Example #3
  * Return a site Admin
  * @return User
 public function postAdmin()
     if (method_exists($this, 'admin')) {
         $user = $this->admin();
         if (!$user instanceof User) {
             return $user;
         throw new \Zbase\Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Given admin is not a User. ' . __CLASS__);
     if (property_exists($this, 'adminUserId')) {
         if (!empty($this->adminUserId)) {
             $user = zbase_user_byid($this->adminUserId);
             if (!$user instanceof User) {
                 return $user;
             throw new \Zbase\Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Given adminUserId is not a User. ' . __CLASS__);
     if (property_exists($this, 'adminUsername')) {
         if (!empty($this->adminUsername)) {
             $user = zbase_user_by('username', $this->adminUsername);
             if (!$user instanceof User) {
                 return $user;
             throw new \Zbase\Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Given adminUsername is not a User. ' . __CLASS__);
     $admin = zbase_config_get($this->postModuleName() . '.admin.username', zbase_config_get($this->postModuleName() . '.admin.userid', false));
     if (!empty($admin) && is_numeric($admin)) {
         $user = zbase_user_byid($admin);
         if (!$user instanceof User) {
             return $user;
         throw new \Zbase\Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Given admin via config by admin.userid is not a User. ' . __CLASS__);
     if (!empty($admin)) {
         $user = zbase_user_by('username', $admin);
         if (!$user instanceof User) {
             return $user;
         throw new \Zbase\Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Given admin via config by admin.username is not a User. ' . __CLASS__);
      * All else, return the default admin
     return zbase_user_by('username', 'adminx');
Example #4
  * Update email Address Request
  * Process the link that was sent into the email when
  * a user wanted to update his email address to a new email address
  * routename: update-email-request, expect: email and token
  * @return
 public function emailUpdateRequestVerify()
     $email = $this->getRouteParameter('email', false);
     $token = $this->getRouteParameter('token', false);
     if (!empty($email) && !empty($token)) {
         $user = zbase_user_by('email', $email);
         if ($user instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User) {
             if (zbase_auth_has()) {
                 $updated = $user->checkEmailRequestUpdate($token);
                 if (!empty($updated)) {
                     zbase_session_set('update-email-address', true);
                     return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
                 } else {
                     zbase_alert('error', 'There was an error updating your email address. Kindly try again.');
             } else {
                 zbase_session_set('__loginRedirect', zbase_url_from_current());
                 return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
     return $this->notfound();
Example #5
 * Check if Username route is valid
 * @return boolean
function zbase_route_username_get()
    $username = zbase_route_input(zbase_route_username_prefix(), false);
    if (!empty($username)) {
        $username = strtolower($username);
        $notAllowedUsernames = (array) (require_once zbase_path_library('notallowedusernames.php'));
        if (in_array($username, $notAllowedUsernames)) {
            return false;
         * Check if valid username
        $user = zbase_user_by('username', $username);
        if ($user instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User) {
            return $username;
    return false;
Example #6
}, 'json-profile' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.controller.profile', ['account-profile' => null]);
}, 'image' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.controller.image', ['account-image' => null]);
}, 'resend-email-verification' => function () {
    return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'json-resend-email-verification' => function () {
    return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'json-telegram-check' => function () {
    $r = zbase()->telegram()->checkUserCode(zbase_auth_user());
    if ($r) {
        zbase()->json()->addVariable('telegramHooked', 1);
        return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('admin.account'));
    } else {
        dd('waiting to hooked...');
}, 'telegram-disable' => function () {
    return redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'email-verify' => function () {
    $emailAddress = zbase_route_input('task');
    $code = zbase_request_input('c');
    $user = zbase_user_by('email', $emailAddress);
    if (!empty($user)) {
        return zbase_redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
    return zbase_abort(404);