function ym_fbook_admin() { global $wpdb, $ym_formgen, $facebook_settings; include YM_FBOOK_BASE_DIR . 'includes/ym_facebook_constants.php'; ym_facebook_settings(TRUE); $pricing_data = get_option('ym_fbook_pricing'); if ($_POST) { foreach ($settings as $setting) { $facebook_settings->{$setting} = $_POST[$setting]; } // images foreach ($images as $image) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image]['tmp_name'])) { $file = $_FILES[$image]; $ym_upload = new ym_dl_file_upload(); $ym_upload->upload_dir = $ym_upload_root; $ym_upload->max_length_filename = 100; $ym_upload->rename_file = false; $ym_upload->the_temp_file = $file['tmp_name']; $ym_upload->the_file = $file['name']; $ym_upload->http_error = $file['error']; $ym_upload->replace = "y"; $ym_upload->do_filename_check = "n"; if ($ym_upload->upload()) { $filename = $ym_upload_url . $ym_upload->file_copy; $facebook_settings->{$image} = $filename; } else { ym_display_message(sprintf(__('unable to move file to %s', 'ym'), $ym_upload->upload_dir), 'error'); } } } update_option('ym_fbook_options', $facebook_settings); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Settings were updated</p></div>'; $packs = ym_get_packs(); foreach ($packs as $pack) { $id = 'pack_' . $pack['id']; $post = 'override_price_' . $id; $price = ym_post($post); if ($price) { $price = number_format((double) $price, 0); } $pricing_data->{$id} = $price; } $query = 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'ym_post_purchasable\' AND meta_value = 1'; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $post) { $id = 'post_' . $post->post_id; $post = 'override_price_' . $id; $price = ym_post($post); if ($price) { $price = number_format((double) $price, 0); } $pricing_data->{$id} = $price; } $query = 'SELECT id, name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ym_post_pack ORDER BY id ASC'; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $bundle) { $id = 'bundle_' . $bundle->id; $post = 'override_price_' . $id; $price = ym_post($post); if ($price) { $price = number_format((double) $price, 0); } $pricing_data->{$id} = $price; } $price = ym_post('override_price_post_override'); if ($price) { $price = number_format((double) $price, 0); } $pricing_data->post_override = $price; $price = ym_post('override_price_bundle_override'); if ($price) { $price = number_format((double) $price, 0); } $pricing_data->bundle_override = $price; update_option('ym_fbook_pricing', $pricing_data); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Pricings were updated</p></div>'; } echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').tabs({ fx: {opacity: \'toggle\'}, selected: ' . ym_post('ym_fb_tab_select', ym_get('ym_fb_tab_select', 0)) . ' }); jQuery(\'.subtabs\').tabs({ fx: {opacity: \'toggle\'} }); jQuery(\'#tabkiller\').click(function() { jQuery(this).hide(); jQuery(\'.subtabs\').slideUp(function() { jQuery(\'.subtabs\').tabs(\'destroy\'); jQuery(\'.subtabs ul\').hide(); jQuery(\'.subtabs\').slideDown(); }); jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').slideUp(function() { jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').tabs(\'destroy\'); jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs ul\').hide(); jQuery(\'#transaction_logging\').hide(); jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').slideDown(); }); }); jQuery(\'#ym_fb\').submit(function() { var selected = jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').tabs(\'option\', \'selected\'); jQuery(\'#ym_fb_tab_select\').val(selected); }); jQuery(\'table\').after(\'<p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" value="Save Settings" /></p>\'); }); </script> '; echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff">'; // echo '<h2>YourMembers in Facebook | Settings</h2>'; // echo '<p style="text-align: right;"><a href="#nowhere" id="tabkiller">Remove Tabs/All Settings on a single page</a></p>'; echo '<div id="ym_fbook_tabs">'; echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-=data" id="ym_fb">'; $credits = FALSE; global $ym_active_modules; if (in_array('ym_facebook_credits', $ym_active_modules)) { // if (get_option('ym_facebook_credits')) { $credits = TRUE; } echo ' <ul> <li><a href="#guide">Guide</a></li> <li><a href="#facebook_settings">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="#settings_settings">Settings</a></li> <li><a href="'; if ($credits) { echo '#facebook_credits'; } echo '">Facebook Credits</a></li> <li><a href="'; if ($credits) { echo '#facebook_pricing'; } echo '">Facebook Pricing</a></li> <li><a href="#share_control">Like/Share</a></li> <li><a href="#open_graph">Open Graph</a></li> <li><a href="'; if ($credits) { echo '#transaction_logging'; } echo '">Transaction Log</a></li> </ul>'; echo '<div id="guide">'; ym_box_top('Guide'); echo '<div id="message" class="updated">'; echo '<p>We have written a guide that should help you get Your Members Facebook Integration Up and Running, you can read it <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></p>'; echo '</div>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="facebook_settings" class="subtabs">'; echo ' <ul> <li><a href="#master_enable">Master Enable</a></li> <li><a href="#keys_settings">Application Keys</a></li> <li><a href="#canvas_settings">Canvas Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#page_settings">Page Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#dim_settings">Dimensions</a></li> <li><a href="#permissions">Permissions</a></li> </ul> '; echo '<div id="master_enable">'; ym_box_top('Enable Facebook'); $review = ''; if (!$facebook_settings->app_id) { $review .= '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>If you havn't created an app yet, you can do so <a href="" target="_new">here</a></p></div>'; } echo $review; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook', 'enabled', $facebook_settings->enabled, 'If not enabled if a users access the app, they are redirected to the site'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div> <div id="keys_settings">'; ym_box_top('Application Keys'); $review .= '<p>You can find and review these settings <a href="'; if ($facebook_settings->app_id) { $review .= $facebook_settings->app_id; } $review .= '" target="_new">Here</a></p>'; echo $review; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Facebook Application ID', 'app_id', $facebook_settings->app_id, 'The application ID'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Facebook Application Secret', 'app_secret', $facebook_settings->app_secret, 'The application secret'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="canvas_settings">'; ym_box_top('Canvas Settings'); echo $review; echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr><th>Facebook Canvas Name</th><td><input class="ym_input" type="text" name="canvas_url" id="canvas_url" value="' . $facebook_settings->canvas_url . '" /></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>Facebook Canvas Landing</th><td>' . site_url('/') . '<input class="ym_input" type="text" name="canvas_landing" id="canvas_landing" value="' . $facebook_settings->canvas_landing . '" /></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="page_settings">'; ym_box_top('Page Settings'); echo $review; echo '<p>If you have a (fan) page vanity url specified the app will do its best to stay in the (fan) page if the session starts on the (fan) page</p>'; if ($facebook_settings->app_id) { echo '<p>You will have needed to have added your Application as a Tab to your Facebook Fan Page, you can do that <a href="' . $facebook_settings->app_id . '">here</a> and then click <strong>Add to my Page</strong></p>'; } echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr><th>Facebook (fan) Page Vanity Url</th><td><input class="ym_input" type="text" name="page_url" id="page_url" value="' . $facebook_settings->page_url . '" /></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>Facebook Page Landing</th><td>' . site_url('/') . '<input class="ym_input" type="text" name="page_landing" id="page_landing" value="' . $facebook_settings->page_landing . '" /></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="dim_settings">'; ym_box_top('Dimension Settings'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('IFrame Size', 'iframe_size', $iframe_options, $facebook_settings->iframe_size, 'Make sure this setting is set identical to the setting in Facebook Application settings'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('IFrame Height', 'iframe_size_height', $facebook_settings->iframe_size_height, 'If you are using Scrollbars you can specify the height you want here, in px'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="permissions">'; ym_box_top('Permissions'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr><td></td><td style="width: 50px;"></td></tr>'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Likewalls - user_likes', 'permission_likewall', $facebook_settings->permission_likewall, 'If using likewalls, we need to extended permissions to get User Likes, as some users have their Likes set to Private'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Email Address - email', 'permission_email', $facebook_settings->permission_email, 'For the registration with Facebook you can enable this to pre fill the email entry with their Primary Facebook Email Address. Users will be asked to accept additional permissions.'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Offline Access - offline_access', 'permission_offline_access', $facebook_settings->permission_offline_access, 'Access Tokens are on average valid for about an hour. Which means once an hour we have to send the user thru a loop, normally this is transparent. However if you do not want this you can enable offline access to get a longer access key'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Offline Access - publish_actions', 'permission_publish_actions', $facebook_settings->permission_publish_actions, 'Part of the new Open Graph Actions'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="settings_settings" class="subtabs">'; echo ' <ul> <li><a href="#access_settings">Access Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#registration_settings">Registration Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#content_settings">Content Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#comment_settings">Comment Settings</a></li> <li><a href="#analytics_settings">Analytics Settings</a></li> </ul> '; echo '<div id="access_settings">'; ym_box_top('Access Settings'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force Facebook', 'force_facebook', $facebook_settings->force_facebook, 'Make YM Facebook only, force users visting the Website to access via Facebook'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force Application Add', 'force_facebook_auth', $facebook_settings->force_facebook_auth, 'Force a user to be logged into Facebook and authorised the Application'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force WordPress Login', 'force_wordpress_auth', $facebook_settings->force_wordpress_auth, 'Force a user to be logged into WordPress'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Require Link', 'require_link', $facebook_settings->require_link, 'Require a User to link their Facebook and WordPress Accounts if Logged in (unless superseeded by above)'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Disable the Link Suggested Message', 'disable_link_message', $facebook_settings->disable_link_message, 'When a user is logged out do not prompt them to link/login'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="registration_settings">'; ym_box_top('Registration Settings'); echo '<p>Using Hidden Register? You might want to turn on the Email Permission on the Facebook->Permissions Tab</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Register with Facebook', 'register_with_facebook', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook, 'Allow a user to register a WordPress accout using their Facebook Account as a Base'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Hidden Register with Facebook', 'register_with_facebook_hidden', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden, 'If a User uses the Facebook App and are not logged into WordPress create them a WordPress Account. If they are found by their username or email address, the two accounts are Auto Linked. (Implies Require Link and Force Redirect)'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Email Address', 'permission_emailb', $facebook_settings->permission_email, 'For the registration with Facebook you can enable this to pre fill the email entry with their Primary Facebook Email Address. Users will be asked to accept additional permissions.'); $packs = ym_get_packs(); $ym_packs = array(); $ym_packs[0] = 'No Account'; foreach ($packs as $pack) { $ym_packs[$pack['id']] = ym_get_pack_label($pack['id']); } $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Hidden Register Subscription', 'register_with_facebook_hidden_subid', $ym_packs, $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden_subid, 'Which Subscription To Put a Hidden Regsiter User on. It will <strong>not</strong> prompt for Payment'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Hidden Register Redirect', 'register_with_facebook_hidden_redirect', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden_redirect, 'On Hidden Register Complete Redirect the users to a page'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="content_settings">'; ym_box_top('Content Settings'); echo '<p>fb.php status is: '; $result = locate_template('fb.php'); if (empty($result)) { echo 'Not Present'; } else { echo 'Present'; } echo '</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('fb.php', 'enable_fb_php', $facebook_settings->enable_fb_php, 'Enable the use of the Theme File fb.php instead of YM FB Theme, if fb.php is present'); echo '</table>'; echo '<p>If you use a theme fb.php file, most of these options are redundant, unless you implement them in your Theme File</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Allow Leave Facebook', 'enable_leave_facebook', $facebook_settings->enable_leave_facebook, 'Allow a user to start a website session from inside facebook, if a user vists the blog on Facebook first, they will stay inside Facebook, (is overriden by force facebook)'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Post Breakout', 'post_breakout', $facebook_settings->post_breakout, 'when viewing the end post, breakout (overrides Force Facebook)'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Page Breakout', 'page_breakout', $facebook_settings->page_breakout, 'when viewing the end page, breakout (overrides Force Facebook)'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use excerpt', 'use_excerpt', $facebook_settings->use_excerpt, 'Use excerpts on post pages? (Template dependant)'); $menus = array('Auto', 'Slug'); $query = 'SELECT name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'term_taxonomy tt LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'terms t ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE taxonomy = \'nav_menu\''; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $row) { $menus[] = $row->name; } $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Menu Control', 'menu', $menus, $facebook_settings->menu, 'We can use the First non blank menu, or you can pick your own. Menus are controlled <a href="' . site_url('/wp-admin/nav-menus.php') . '">here</a>'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="comment_settings">'; ym_box_top('Comment Settings'); echo '<p>You can replace the standard comment form with a Facebook Powered comment form</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use Facebook Comments on Facebook', 'use_facebook_comments', $facebook_settings->use_facebook_comments); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use Facebook Comments on the Site', 'use_facebook_comments_on_site', $facebook_settings->use_facebook_comments_on_site); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="analytics_settings">'; ym_box_top('Analytics'); echo '<p>You need to set the Website URL of the Profile to <strong>' . site_url('?ymfbook=googleanalytics') . '</strong> in order for Check Status to succeed</p>'; echo '<p>Its recommended you use a separate profile under the same domain to track the Facebook Application</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Google Analytics Profile ID', 'google_analytics_profile_id', $facebook_settings->google_analytics_profile_id, 'Uses the Standard code with this ID'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Tracking Code', 'analytics_tracking_code', $facebook_settings->analytics_tracking_code, 'This will override the standard Google Analytics Code'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; if ($credits) { echo '<div id="facebook_credits">'; ym_box_top(__('Facebook Credits', 'ym_facebook')); echo __('<p>Facebook Credits can only be used inside Facebook</p>', 'ym_facebook'); echo sprintf(__('<p>You will need a Credits Callback URL, please use this: <strong>%s</strong></p>', 'ym_facebook'), site_url('?ym_process=ym_facebook_credits')); ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Primary Button', 'ym_facebook')); echo __('<p>In line with the Facebook Credits branding guide, you have a choice of three Pay with Facebook Credits Icons</p>', 'ym_facebook'); $select = $facebook_settings->logo; echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option A', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="radio" name="logo" id="logoa" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> <label for="logoa"> <img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png" /> </label> </td> </tr>'; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option B', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="radio" name="logo" id="logob" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> <label for="logob"> <img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png" /> </label> </td> </tr>'; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option C', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="radio" name="logo" id="logoc" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> <label for="logoc"> <img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png" /> </label> </td> </tr>'; echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Credits Dialog Images', 'ym_facebook')); echo __('<p>When purchasing a item users are shown a title, description, cost and a icon/logo. You can crontol these logos here</p>', 'ym_facebook'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo ' <tr> <th>' . __('Subscription Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="file" name="credits_purchase_sub_image" id="credits_purchase_sub_image" />'; if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_sub_image) { echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_sub_image . '" alt="' . __('Subscription Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . __('Post Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="file" name="credits_purchase_post_image" id="credits_purchase_post_image" />'; if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_post_image) { echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_post_image . '" alt="' . __('Post Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> <tr> <th>' . __('Bundle Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th> <td> <input type="file" name="credits_purchase_bundle_image" id="credits_purchase_bundle_image" />'; if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_bundle_image) { echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_bundle_image . '" alt="' . __('Bundle Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> '; echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Other Settings', 'ym_facebook')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Exclusive Facebook Credits', 'credits_exclusive', $facebook_settings->credits_exclusive, 'Use only Facebook Credits when inside Facebook'); echo '<tr><td></td><td><p>'; echo 'Facebook takes a 30% fee on all transactions.<br />' . 'For Transactions in non USD Facebook pays out based on:<br />' . 'Each Facebook Credit is $0.10 and then converts this into your native currency based on that days exchange rate<br />' . 'So 10 Credits is $1 and 100 is $10<br />' . 'Transactions can only occur in whole credits, so if any math involved results in a decimal prices will be rounded up<br />' . 'Costs can only be in Whole Credits'; global $ym_res; if ($ym_res->currency != 'USD') { echo '<br /><br />So you can either specify an exchange rate, or set a Facebook credits price per item on the Facebook Pricing Tab'; echo '</p></td></tr>'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Specify a Exchange Rate', 'exchange_rate', $facebook_settings->exchange_rate, 'If you specify an exchange rate, it will be used. Its the Exchange rate for your Currency to USD'); } else { echo '<br /><br />You are using USD, so you do not need to worry about an exchange rate, but you can still set a Facebook credits price per item on the Facebook Pricing Tab'; echo '</p></td></tr>'; } $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Rounding', 'exchange_round', $round_options, $facebook_settings->exchange_round, 'You can control the rounding method if any'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="facebook_pricing" class="subtabs">'; echo ' <ul> <li><a href="#pack_pricing">Pack</a></li> <li><a href="#post_pricing">Post</a></li> <li><a href="#bundle_pricing">Bundle</a></li> </ul> '; echo '<div id="pack_pricing">'; ym_box_top('Pack Pricing'); echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $pricing_data = get_option('ym_fbook_pricing'); // subs $packs = ym_get_packs(); foreach ($packs as $pack) { $id = 'pack_' . $pack['id']; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Pack Price: ' . ym_get_pack_label($pack['id']), 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id}); } echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="post_pricing">'; ym_box_top('Post Pricing'); echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $query = 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'ym_post_purchasable\' AND meta_value = 1'; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $post) { $id = 'post_' . $post->post_id; $postdata = get_post($post); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Post Price: ' . $postdata->post_title, 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id}); } if (!$wpdb->num_rows) { echo '<tr><td></td><th>No Available Posts</th></tr>'; } $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Default Override Pack Price', 'override_price_post_override', $pricing_data->post_override, 'You can set a default price to override if one is not set'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="bundle_pricing">'; ym_box_top('Bundle Pricing'); echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $query = 'SELECT id, name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ym_post_pack ORDER BY id ASC'; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $bundle) { $id = 'bundle_' . $bundle->id; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Bundle Price: ' . $bundle->name, 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id}); } if (!$wpdb->num_rows) { echo '<tr><td></td><th>No Available Bundles</th></tr>'; } $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Default Override Bundle Price', 'override_price_bundle_override', $pricing_data->bundle_override, 'You can set a default price to override if one is not set'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '<div id="share_control" class="subtabs">'; echo ' <ul> <li><a href="#post_control">Post Like/Share</a></li> <li><a href="#footer_control">Footer Like/Share</a></li> <li><a href="#shortcode_control">Shortcode Like/Share</a></li> <li><a href="#likewall_control">Likewall Like/Share</a></li> </ul> '; echo '<div id="post_control">'; ym_box_top('Post Share Control'); echo '<p>This are the options for adding Share/Send buttons to Posts/Pages</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share', 'enable_share', $facebook_settings->enable_share, 'Allow people to share content to Facebook Feeds from within the App'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send', 'enable_send', $facebook_settings->enable_send, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces', $facebook_settings->show_faces, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font, 'The Font to use for the Buttons'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref', $facebook_settings->ref, 'A reference for tracking'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="footer_control">'; ym_box_top('Footer Share Control'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share Footer', 'enable_share_footer', $facebook_settings->enable_share_footer, 'Add a Share button for the whole site in the footer'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send Footer', 'enable_send_footer', $facebook_settings->enable_send_footer, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_footer', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_footer); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_footer', $facebook_settings->show_faces_footer, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_footer', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_footer); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_footer', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_footer); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_footer', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_footer, 'The Font to use for the Buttons'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_footer', $facebook_settings->ref_footer, 'A reference for tracking'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="shortcode_control">'; ym_box_top('Shortcode Share Control'); echo '<p>You can use the shortcode [ym_fb_like]</p>'; echo '<p>You can specify a shareurl to use, if not the post permalink will be used</p>'; // echo '<p>You can specify a type to use, if not the "post" tab settings will be used, specify "shortcode" to use the below settings, or "footer" to use the footer tab settings</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share Shortcode', 'enable_share_shortcode', $facebook_settings->enable_share_shortcode); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Auto Add to the bottom of posts on non Facebook Pages', 'enable_share_auto_nonfb', $facebook_settings->enable_share_auto_nonfb, 'Add a Share button to the bottom of all posts on non Facebook Framed Pages'); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send Shortcode', 'enable_send_shortcode', $facebook_settings->enable_send_shortcode, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_shortcode', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_shortcode); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_shortcode', $facebook_settings->show_faces_shortcode, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_shortcode', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_shortcode); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_shortcode', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_shortcode); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_shortcode', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_shortcode, 'The Font to use for the Buttons'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_shortcode', $facebook_settings->ref_shortcode, 'A reference for tracking'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="likewall_control">'; ym_box_top('Likewall Share Control'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share LikeWall', 'enable_share_likewall', $facebook_settings->enable_share_likewall, 'Add a Share button for the whole site in the likewall'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send LikeWall', 'enable_send_likewall', $facebook_settings->enable_send_likewall, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_likewall', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_likewall); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_likewall', $facebook_settings->show_faces_likewall, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link'); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_likewall', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_likewall); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_likewall', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_likewall); $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_likewall', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_likewall, 'The Font to use for the Buttons'); // $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_likewall', $facebook_settings->ref_likewall, 'A reference for tracking'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="open_graph">'; ym_box_top('Open Graph Options'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo ' <tr> <th>Open Graph Image <div style="color: gray; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 11px;">This image is used when a user links/shares content from your site.</div> </th> <td> <input type="file" name="open_graph_image" id="open_graph_image" />'; if ($facebook_settings->open_graph_image) { echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->open_graph_image . '" alt="Open Graph Image" /></div>'; } echo ' </td> </tr> '; $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Default Open Graph Type', 'open_graph_type', $types, $facebook_settings->open_graph_type); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Admin Ids', 'open_graph_admins', $facebook_settings->open_graph_admins, 'Users who should be linked/denoted as admins for your YM in Facebook, comma separated'); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="ym_fb_tab_select" id="ym_fb_tab_select" value="0" />'; echo '</form>'; if ($credits) { // facebook credits appears to be enabled in YM echo '<div id="transaction_logging">'; ym_box_top('Facebook Credits Transaction Logging'); include YM_FBOOK_BASE_DIR . 'admin/ym_facebook_transaction_log.php'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
$sub_id = ym_post('package', false); $package_type = ym_post('package_type', false); if (ym_group_membership_create_child($email_address, $username, $password, $c_password, $sub_id, $package_type, TRUE)) { // reload $ym_user = new YourMember_User($ym_user->ID); } } else { ym_display_message(__('Unknown Action Requested', 'ym'), 'error'); } } } // get breakdown $current_counts = ym_group_membership_get_counts(); echo '<div id="poststuff" class="wrap"> <h2>' . __('Group Membership', 'ym') . '</h2>'; ym_box_top(' '); echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You are eligible to have %s account%s in your Group, you currently have %s Child Account%s', 'ym'), $ym_user->child_accounts_allowed, $ym_user->child_accounts_allowed != 1 ? 's' : '', count($ym_user->child_ids), count($ym_user->child_ids) != 1 ? 's' : '') . '</p>'; echo ' <table class="form-table widefat">'; if (count($ym_user->child_ids)) { echo '<tr> <th>' . __('User Email', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('User Login', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Package Type', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Status, click to Toggle', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Delete', 'ym') . '</th> </tr>'; foreach ($ym_user->child_ids as $child) { echo '<tr>'; $child = get_user_by('id', $child); if ($child) {
private function get_lists($is_option = FALSE) { $lists = $this->mailchimp->lists(); if (!count($lists->data)) { ym_box_top($this->name . ' Error'); echo '<p>' . __('You have no lists on ' . $this->name . ' to associate with') . '</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); return; } $list_data = array(); if ($is_option) { $list_data[] = __('--Select--'); } foreach ($lists->data as $data) { $list_data[$data->id] = $data->name; } return $list_data; }
function invoice_tab() { $invoice = new ym_invoice(); global $wpdb; if (ym_post('user_id')) { $user_id = ym_post('user_id'); $op = ym_post('op', ''); $undo = ym_post('undo', FALSE); $user = new YourMember_User($user_id); if ($undo) { $data = array('status' => YM_STATUS_PENDING, 'status_str' => __('Invoice Undo', 'ym')); $user->update($data); $user->save(); $packet = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'status' => FALSE); do_action('ym_invoice_status_update', $packet); } else { if ($op == 'resend') { $invoice->generate_invoice($user, $invoice); echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' . __('Inovice Resent', 'ym') . '</p></div>'; @ym_log_transaction(YM_USER_STATUS_UPDATE, __('Invoice Resent', 'ym'), $user_id); } else { if ($op == 'active') { $data = array('status' => YM_STATUS_ACTIVE, 'status_str' => __('Invoice Paid', 'ym'), 'amount' => intval(ym_post('amount', 0)), 'last_pay_date' => time()); $current_status = $user->status; if ($current_status == YM_STATUS_GRACE) { $extend = $user->last_pay_date; $packdata = ym_get_pack_by_id($user->pack_id); $data['expire_date'] = $user->expiry_time($packdata['duration'], $packdata['duration_type'], $extend); } // check for force end if (isset($packdata['force_end_date'])) { $force_end_date = $packdata['force_end_date']; if ($force_end_date > time()) { // greater than now @ym_log_transaction(YM_ACCESS_EXTENSION, 'Adjustment (Force End Date): ' . $force_end_date, $user_id); $data['expire_date'] = $force_end_date; } } $data['amount'] = preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.]/', '', $data['amount']); $data['amount'] = number_format($data['amount'], 2, '.', ''); $user->update($data, TRUE); $optional = ym_post('optional'); if (!$optional) { $optional = __('Invoice Paid', 'ym'); } @ym_log_transaction(YM_IPN, $optional, $user_id); @ym_log_transaction(YM_PAYMENT, $data['amount'], $user_id); @ym_log_transaction(YM_USER_STATUS_UPDATE, $data['status'] . ' - ' . $data['status_str'], $user_id); echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' . __('Updated and Activated the User', 'ym') . '</p></div>'; $packet = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'pack_id' => $user->pack_id, 'status' => TRUE); $invoice = new ym_invoice(); $invoice->notify_user($packet); do_action('ym_invoice_status_update', $packet); } } } } echo '<div id="poststuff" class="wrap">'; ym_box_top(__('Invoice Management', 'ym')); $search = ym_post('ym_invoice_search', false); if ($search) { $query = 'SELECT u.user_id AS ID FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' u LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' s ON s.user_id = u.user_id LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->users . ' us ON = u.user_id WHERE u.meta_key = \'ym_payment_type\' AND u.meta_value = \'invoice\' AND s.meta_key = \'ym_status\' AND ( us.user_login LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\' OR us.user_email LIKE \'%' . $search . '%\' ) ORDER BY ID DESC '; } else { $query = 'SELECT u.user_id AS ID FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'usermeta u LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'usermeta s ON s.user_id = u.user_id WHERE u.meta_key = \'ym_payment_type\' AND u.meta_value = \'invoice\' AND s.meta_key = \'ym_status\' ORDER BY ID DESC '; } $results = $wpdb->get_results($query); // quick search if ($wpdb->num_rows != 0 || $search) { // render search form echo ' <form action="" method="post" style="float: right;"> <fieldset> ' . __('Username/Email Search:', 'ym') . ' <input type="text" name="ym_invoice_search" value="' . $search . '" /> <input type="submit" value="' . __('Search', 'ym') . '" /> </fieldset> </form>'; } echo '<p>' . __('Here you can update users based on the honouring of their invoice, you can use the Info to store field to store extra IPN style info such as a Cheque Number', 'ym') . '</p>'; if ($wpdb->num_rows == 0) { echo ym_display_message(__('No Users are Invoice Pending', 'ym'), 'error'); } else { echo '<table class="widefat">'; echo '<tr> <th>' . __('Member', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Invoice Ref', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Purchasing', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Paid/Invoiced On Date', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Member Status', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Payment', 'ym') . '</th> </tr>'; foreach ($results as $row) { $user = new YourMember_User($row->ID); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>(' . $row->ID . ') ' . $user->data->user_email; echo '<br />'; if ($user->data->user_email != $user->data->user_login) { echo $user->data->user_login . ' '; } echo $user->data->display_name; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>#' . $user->invoice_id . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . ym_get_pack_label($user->pack_id) . '</td>'; echo '<td nowrap="nowrap" style="'; // go red if overdue $limit = $user->invoiced_date + 86400 * $invoice->invoice_limit; // last pay date is invoiced on date // limit is due date for this invoice if (time() > $limit && $user->status != YM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { echo 'background: red;'; } else { if (time() < $limit && $user->status != YM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { echo 'background: #EFEFEF;'; } } echo '">'; if ($user->status != YM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { echo __('Invoiced', 'ym') . ' ' . date(YM_DATE, $user->invoiced_date); echo '<br />' . __('Due', 'ym') . ' ' . date(YM_DATE, $limit); } else { echo date(YM_DATE, $user->last_pay_date); } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $user->status . ' - ' . $user->status_str . '</td>'; echo '<td> <form action="" method="post"> <table><tr><td nowrap="nowrap"> <input type="hidden" name="search" value="' . $search . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="' . $row->ID . '" /> '; if ($user->status == YM_STATUS_ACTIVE) { echo $user->amount; // last ipn $query = 'SELECT data FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ym_transaction WHERE action_id = ' . YM_IPN . ' AND user_id = ' . $row->ID . ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1'; $data = $wpdb->get_var($query); if (substr($data, 0, 2) != 'a:') { echo ' - '; echo $data; } echo '</td><td>'; echo '</td><td>'; echo ' <input type="hidden" name="undo" value="1" /> <input type="submit" class="button-secondary deletelink" style="float: right;" value="' . __('Undo Active', 'ym') . '" /> '; } else { echo ' <label for="amount">' . __('Payment Amount', 'ym') . '</label> <br /> <label for="optional">' . __('Info to Store', 'ym') . ' </td><td> <input type="text" name="amount" id="amount" value="" size="4" /> <br /> <input type="text" name="optional" id="optional" value="" size="4" /></label> '; echo '</td><td>'; echo ' <input type="submit" class="button-secondary deletelink" style="float: right;" value="' . __('Payment Recieved - Make Active', 'ym') . '" onclick="jQuery(\'#op_' . $row->ID . '\').val(\'active\');" /> '; echo '</td><td>'; echo ' <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" style="float: right;" value="' . __('Resend Invoice', 'ym') . '" onclick="jQuery(\'#op_' . $row->ID . '\').val(\'resend\');" /> '; } echo ' <input type="hidden" name="op" id="op_' . $row->ID . '" value="" /> </td></tr></table> </form> </td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; }
if ($emails) { echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('Select Prior Email', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'email_id', $emails, '', __('Select a previously created email', 'ym_mailmanager')); } $days = array(); for ($x = 0; $x <= 365; $x++) { $days[$x] = $x . ' Days'; } echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('Select Delay', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'delay', $days, '', __('Select number of days between emails', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo ' </table> <p style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" value="' . __('Add Email to Series', 'ym_mailmanager') . '" /> </p> </form>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Current Series Content', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo '<p>' . __('Currently in this series', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table"> <tr><th>' . __('ID', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Email', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Delay', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Preview', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Action', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th></tr> '; $sql = 'SELECT AS id, as series, name, delay_days, email_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'mm_email_in_series eis LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'mm_email e ON = eis.email_id WHERE series_id = ' . $series; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($sql) as $row) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . $row->id . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row->name . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row->delay_days . ' ' . __('Days') . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $mm->page_root . '&mm_action=preview&iframe_preview=' . $row->email_id . '" class="previewlink">' . __('Email Preview', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $mm->page_root . '&mm_action=series&series_action=assoc&series=' . $row->series . '&deleteid=' . $row->id . '" class="deletelink">' . __('Delete', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '
$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Reminder Subject (Recurring Subscriptions)', 'ym'), 'email_reminder_subject_recur', $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject_recur, __('Supports [site_name]', 'ym')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Reminder Message (Recurring Subscriptions)', 'ym'), 'email_reminder_message_recur', $ym_sys->email_reminder_message_recur); echo '<tr><td></td><td> <p class="submit" style="float: left;"> ' . __('Send Test Email to ', 'ym') . $target . ' <input type="submit" name="send_test_recur" value="' . __('Send', 'ym') . ' »" class="button-secondary" /> </p> </td></tr> '; echo '</table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="settings_update" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'ym') . ' »" class="button-primary" /> </p> '; echo ym_end_box(); echo ym_box_top(__('Email Reminder for Drip Fed Content', 'ym')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Enable Drip Feeding Reminder Email', 'ym'), 'email_drip_reminder_enable', $ym_sys->email_drip_reminder_enable); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Reminder Subject (New Dripped Content)', 'ym'), 'email_drip_subject', $ym_sys->email_drip_subject, __('Supports [site_name]', 'ym')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Reminder Message (New Dripped Content)', 'ym'), 'email_drip_message', $ym_sys->email_drip_message); echo '</table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="settings_update" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'ym') . ' »" class="button-primary" /> </p> </form> '; echo ym_end_box(); echo '</div>';
} } } update_option('ym_packs', $ym_packs); ym_display_message(__('Packs Updated', 'ym')); // core $ym_sys->login_redirect_url = $fields['login_redirect_url']; $ym_sys->wpadmin_disable_redirect_url = $fields['wpadmin_disable_redirect_url']; $ym_sys->logout_redirect_url = $fields['logout_redirect_url']; update_option('ym_sys', $ym_sys); ym_display_message(__('System Updated', 'ym')); } echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff"> <form action="" method="post"> '; echo ym_box_top(__('Redirects Control', 'ym')); echo '<p>' . __('This page Collects together all Redirect options, that are duplicated/refined by Pack', 'ym') . '</p>'; echo '<table> <tr> <th style="width: 300px">' . __('Redirect For', 'ym') . '</th><td style="min-width: 700px;"></td> </tr> '; $last_pack_id = FALSE; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { echo ' <tr> '; echo ' '; if (substr($key, 0, 8) == 'ym_pack_') { list($pack_id, $item) = explode('-', substr($key, 8)); if (!$last_pack_id || $last_pack_id != $pack_id) {
</select> <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="del_btn" value="Go" style="font-size: 13px; width: auto;" /> </form> '; } else { echo '-'; } echo ' </td> </tr> '; } echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Create a new Package Type', 'ym')); echo ' <form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <table class="form-table"> <tr><td> <label for="new_package_type">' . __('Create a new Package Type', 'ym') . '</label> </td><td> <input type="text" name="new_package_type" id="new_package_type" value="" /> </td><td> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Add New Package Type', 'ym') . '" /> </td></tr> </table> </fieldset> </form> ';
function broadcast_create($email_id, $email_subject, $email_content, $recipient_list, $time) { define('STOP_BROADCAST', TRUE); // burn baby burn //send_newsletter($campaign_id, $from_field = FALSE, $subject, $contents, $flags, $contacts = FALSE, $get_contacts = FALSE, $suppressions = FALSE, $get_suppressions = FALSE) { $flags = array('clicktrack', 'openrate'); $test = explode('_', $recipient_list); if ($test[0] == 'wordpress') { // everyone $key = 'everyone'; } else { if ($test[1] == 'ac') { $key = 'segment_account_type'; } else { if ($test[1] == 'pack') { $key = 'segment_pack_id'; } else { if ($test[1] == 'all') { $key = 'segment_all'; } else { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>An error occured with determining who to send to</p></div>'; return; } } } } if ($key != 'everyone') { $paras = array('customs' => array(array('name' => $key, 'content' => array('EQUALS' => $recipient_list)))); } else { $paras = array('campaigns' => array($this->options->campaign_id)); } $from_email_id = $this->from_id(); if (!$from_email_id) { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>An error occured with determining a Send From ID</p></div>'; return; } $contents = array('plain' => strip_tags($email_content), 'html' => $email_content); if ($time < time()) { // now $r = $this->getresponse->send_newsletter($this->options->campaign_id, $from_email_id, $email_subject, $contents, $flags, FALSE, $paras, FALSE, FALSE); echo '<div id="message" class="'; if ($r) { echo 'updated"><p>Message was sent successfully</p></div>'; } else { echo 'error"><p>An Error Occured</p></div>'; } } else { $email_json = array('campaign_id' => $this->options->campaign_id, 'from_email_id' => $from_email_id, 'email_subject' => $email_subject, 'contents' => $contents, 'flags' => $flags, 'paras' => $paras); $email_json = json_encode($email_json); // scheduler global $wpdb; if (!$email_id) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'mm_email(name, subject, body) VALUES (\'broadcast_' . $email_subject . '\', \'' . $email_subject . '\', \'' . $email_json . '\')'; $wpdb->query($sql); $email_id = $wpdb->insert_id; } else { // build json packet $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'mm_email SET subject = \'json_encode_for_schedule\', body = \'' . $email_json . '\' WHERE id = ' . $email_id; $wpdb->query($sql); } $args = array($email_id, $recipient_list); wp_schedule_single_event($time, 'mm_scheduled_email', $args); ym_box_top('Broadcast'); echo 'Scheduled for ' . date('r', $time) . ' it is currently ' . date('r', time()); ym_box_bottom(); } return; }
echo '<ul id="ym_graph_nav">'; foreach ($graphs_to_render as $graph) { echo '<li><a href="#' . $graph[0] . '">' . $graph[1] . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<div id="ym_graph_holder" class="aligncenter">'; ym_render_graphs($graphs_to_render); echo '</div>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="ym_two_third alignleft">'; ym_box_top(__('Posts Purchased', 'ym'), 300); ym_render_posts_purchased(false, true); ym_box_bottom(); echo '<div style="clear:both;"> </div>'; ym_box_top(__('Recent History', 'ym'), 300); if ($limit = ym_post('ym_home_timeline_log_limit', FALSE)) { update_option('ym_home_timeline_log_limit', ym_post('ym_home_timeline_log_limit')); } else { $limit = get_option('ym_home_timeline_log_limit', 20); } ym_show_timeline_log_home($limit); echo ' <form action="" method="post" class="alignright"><fieldset> <input type="text" name="ym_home_timeline_log_limit" value="' . $limit . '" size="4" /> <input type="submit" value="' . __('Change Limit', 'ym') . '" /> </fieldset></form> '; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="ym_third alignright">'; do_action('ym_nm_news_box');
echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_email_row(__('Email Address', 'ym'), 'cron_notify_email', $ym_sys->cron_notify_email, __('Output from YM Cron Tasks can be Forwarded to a Email Address for Logging Needs', 'ym')); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Email Subject', 'ym'), 'cron_notify_subject', $ym_sys->cron_notify_subject, __('Choose the Subject, useful for Mail Sorting', 'ym')); echo '</table>'; echo ym_end_box(); ?> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="settings_update" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'ym'); ?> »" class="button-primary" style="float: right;" /> </p> </form> <?php $schedules = wp_get_schedules(); echo ym_box_top(__('Cron Jobs', 'ym')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<thead><tr> <th>' . __('Task', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 60px;">' . __('Exists', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 60px;">' . __('Enabled', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 75px;">' . __('Schedule', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 75px;">' . __('Next Scheduled Run', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 75px;">' . __('Change Schedule', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 90px;">' . __('Run Now', 'ym') . '</th> </tr></thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; $string = __('Never', 'ym'); if ($ym_sys->enable_manual_cron) { $string = __('Manual', 'ym'); }
echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Enable This Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'subscription_enabled', $data->subscription_enabled); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Email Subject', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'subscription_subject', $data->subscription_subject, __('Subject of Message', 'ym_mailmanager')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Email Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'subscription_message', $data->subscription_message); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div><div id="post">'; ym_box_top(__('Post Purchase Complete', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Enable This Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'post_enabled', $data->post_enabled); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Email Subject', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'post_subject', $data->post_subject, __('Subject of Message', 'ym_mailmanager')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Email Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'post_message', $data->post_message); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div><div id="bundle">'; ym_box_top(__('Bundle Purchase Complete', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Enable This Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'bundle_enabled', $data->bundle_enabled); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Email Subject', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'bundle_subject', $data->bundle_subject, __('Subject of Message', 'ym_mailmanager')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Email Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'bundle_message', $data->bundle_message); echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</div> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Update All Messages', 'ym_mailmanager') . '" /></p> </form> </div>'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(\'tabulate()\', 500);
function mailmanager_list_stats() { ym_box_top('List Stats'); echo '<ul>'; foreach (mailmanager_get_recipients() as $value => $text) { echo '<li>'; echo $text; echo ' - '; echo mailmanager_get_size_of_list($value); echo ' ' . __('Subscribers', 'ym_mailmanager'); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; ym_box_bottom(); }
$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('What to show next to required custom fields?', 'ym'), 'required_custom_field_symbol', $ym_sys->required_custom_field_symbol, __('Most commonly "* Required"', 'ym')); ?> </table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="settings_update" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'ym'); ?> »" /> </p> <?php echo ym_end_box(); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff"> '; echo ym_box_top(__('SSL Control', 'ym')); echo '<p>' . __('This control is redudant if your entire site runs over SSL', 'ym') . '</p>'; $url = get_option('siteurl'); if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'https') { echo '<p>' . __('And you are running in SSL Only', 'ym') . '</p>'; } else { echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Enable SSL Only WordPress Registration', 'ym'), 'register_https_only', $ym_sys->register_https_only); //$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Escape SSL When Not Registration', 'ym'), 'register_https_escape', $ym_sys->register_https_escape); echo '</table>'; echo '<p>' . __('You can enable Registration to be done over SSL, in the case of Registration Flow Pages, or Pages that have the [ym_register] shortcode on, in order to avoid a meta Refresh, this control exists', 'ym') . '</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Comma Separated List of Page/Post IDs', 'ym'), 'register_https_pages', $ym_sys->register_https_pages); ?> </table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;">
function series_precontent() { ym_box_top('Message'); echo '<p>' . __('Series are being kept synced with') . ' ' . $this->name . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('The ' . $this->name . ' Associated Lists can only be sent to via') . ' ' . $this->name . ' A series link exists only for Sync Purposes</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); add_filter('mailmanager_adjust_recipients', array($this, 'filter_lists_remove'), 10, 1); }
<?php do_action('mailmanager_view_emails'); if (defined('STOP_VIEW_EMAILS')) { return; } ym_box_top(__('Email List', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Email Name', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Email Subject', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Preview', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th><th>' . __('Edit', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</th></tr>'; $emails = array(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'mm_email ORDER BY name'; foreach ($wpdb->get_results($sql) as $email) { $emails[] = $email; } $emails = apply_filters('mailmanager_view_emails_filter', $emails); foreach ($emails as $email) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . $email->name . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $email->subject . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $mm->page_root . '&mm_action=preview&iframe_preview=' . $email->id . '" class="previewlink">' . __('Email Preview', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $mm->page_root . '&mm_action=create&email_id=' . $email->id . '">' . __('Edit', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom();
// add_filter('ym_beta_db_check_target', 'ym_dev_ym_beta_db_check_target'); // ym_database_updater(); $file = YM_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . 'sql/sql_update_' . $_POST['db_step'] . '.php'; if (is_file($file)) { $queries = array(); include $file; foreach ($queries as $query) { $wpdb->query($query); } echo '<div class="update-nag" style="display: block;">' . sprintf(__('Updated the Your Members database to Version %s', 'ym'), $_POST['db_step']) . '</div>'; } } } if (@$_POST) { ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top('Reset'); } echo '<p style="float: right;"><a href="' . YM_ADMIN_URL . '&ym_page=ym-dev-tools&ym_dev=1">Disable Tools</a></p>'; echo ' <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="reset_sys" value="Reset YM SYS" /> </form> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="reset_res" value="Reset YM RES" /> </form> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="reset_all" value="Reset YM" /> </form> <br /><br /> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="fidget_patch" value="Convert StdClass ym_user to YM Object with Scalar Uncode" />
function settings(&$break) { global $ym_formgen, $mm; $break = TRUE; if ($_POST) { $this->options->canspam = ym_post('canspam'); $this->options->broadcast_header = ym_post('broadcast_header'); $this->options->broadcast_footer = ym_post('broadcast_footer'); $this->options->generic_header = ym_post('generic_header'); $this->options->generic_footer = ym_post('generic_footer'); $this->options->postal_address = ym_post('postal_address'); $this->options->unsubscribe_page = ym_post('unsubscribe_page'); ym_box_top('Mail Manager Settings'); if (ym_post('canspam') == 1) { if (!ym_post('postal_address')) { $this->options->canspam = 0; echo '<p>You must provide you Postal Address for CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliance</p>'; } if (FALSE === strpos($this->options->broadcast_footer, '[unsubscribe]')) { $this->options->canspam = 0; echo '<p>You must include the unsubscribe shortcode in your Broadcast Footer for CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliance</p>'; } if (FALSE === strpos($this->options->generic_footer, '[unsubscribe]')) { $this->options->canspam = 0; echo '<p>You must include the unsubscribe shortcode in your Generic Footer for CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliance</p>'; } if (FALSE === strpos($this->options->broadcast_footer, '[address]')) { $this->options->canspam = 0; echo '<p>You must include the address shortcode in your Broadcast Footer for CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliance</p>'; } if (FALSE === strpos($this->options->generic_footer, '[address]')) { $this->options->canspam = 0; echo '<p>You must include the address shortcode in your Generic Footer for CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliance</p>'; } } $this->saveoptions(); echo '<p>Settings were updated</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" />'; return; } echo '<form action="" method="post">'; ym_box_top('CAN-SPAM Compliant'); echo '<p>This option allows you to turn compliancy with the <a href="">CAN-SPAM Act of 2003</a> on or off. <!-- If it is on when somebody signs up to an email series then it will first send a confirmation email to the registrant to click before it will add them to the list. When this is off it will just sign them up. --> </p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('CAN-SPAM Act (2003) Compliant?', 'canspam', $this->options->canspam); echo '</table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'ym') . ' »" /> </p> '; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top('Email Templates', TRUE); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Broadcast Email Header', 'broadcast_header', $this->options->broadcast_header, 'This will be attached to the start of any email messages that are broadcasts'); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Broadcast Email Footer', 'broadcast_footer', $this->options->broadcast_footer, 'This will be attached to the end of any email messages that are broadcasts. You can use the following hooks:<br /> [unsubscribe] = The unsubscribe link (required for CAN-SPAM compliance)<br /> [address] = The address you entered on this page (required for CAN-SPAM compliance]'); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Generic Email Header', 'generic_header', $this->options->generic_header, 'This will be attached to the start of any non broadcast emails'); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Generic Email Footer', 'generic_footer', $this->options->generic_footer, 'This will be attached to the end of any non broadcast emails. You can use the following hooks:<br /> [unsubscribe] = The unsubscribe link (required for CAN-SPAM compliance)<br /> [address] = The address you entered on this page (required for CAN-SPAM compliance]'); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Postal Address', 'postal_address', $this->options->postal_address, 'A postal address which can be inserted into your emails if you use the [address] hook (required for CAN-SPAM compliance)'); echo '</table>'; echo ' <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'ym') . ' »" /> </p> '; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top('Un/Subscribe'); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Series Unsubscribe Page', 'unsubscribe_page', $this->options->unsubscribe_page, 'Users will be redirect here when they unsubscribe from a series'); echo ' </table> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Save Settings', 'ym') . ' »" /> </p> '; ym_box_bottom(); echo '</form>'; }
function yss_s3_distribution($type, $id) { global $ym_formgen, $yss_cloudfront, $yss_db, $wpdb; // file details $s3file = yss_get($id); if ($_POST) { // here we go $distro = $_POST['distro']; list($can, $oai, $bucket, $file, $domain, $type) = explode('|', $distro); $packet = array('type' => 'CanonicalUser', 'id' => $can, 'name' => 'CloudFront Origin Access Identity ' . $oai, 'permission' => 'READ'); $acp = array(); require_once YSS_CLASSES_DIR . 'S3.php'; $s3 = new S3(); $s3->setAuth(get_option('yss_user_key'), get_option('yss_secret_key')); //get existing and merge $acp = $s3->getAccessControlPolicy($bucket, $file); $acp['acl'][] = $packet; if ($s3->setAccessControlPolicy($bucket, $file, $acp)) { $acp = $s3->getAccessControlPolicy($bucket, $file); // store $distribution = json_decode($s3file->distribution); if ($type == 'stream') { $distribution->streaming = $domain; } else { $distribution->download = $domain; } $distribution = json_encode($distribution); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $yss_db . ' SET distribution = \'' . $distribution . '\' WHERE id = ' . $id; $wpdb->query($sql); echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>Permissions updated</p></div>'; yss_s3_list(); return; } else { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>Permissions update failed</p></div>'; } } if ($type == 'stream') { $data = $yss_cloudfront->get_streaming(); } else { $data = $yss_cloudfront->get_distribution(); } if (is_array($data)) { $test = array_keys($data); if ($test[0] != '0') { $data = array($data); } } if (is_array($data)) { echo ym_box_top('Deploy'); echo ' <form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <p>You can select a distribution to expose the file, ' . $s3file->bucket . '/' . $s3file->resource_path . ' onto</p> <table class="form-table"> '; $items = array('blank' => 'Select'); foreach ($data as $item) { $bucket = $item['S3Origin']['DNSName']['value']; list($bucket, $null) = explode('.', $bucket, 2); $enabled = $item['Enabled']['value']; if ($enabled == 'true' && $s3file->bucket == $bucket) { // Distribution is enabled and is for this bucket matches $status = $item['Status']['value']; $domain = $item['DomainName']['value']; $oai = $item['S3Origin']['OriginAccessIdentity']['value']; list($null, $nulm, $oai) = explode('/', $oai); // oai needs canonical $canonical = $yss_cloudfront->get_oai_canonical($oai); $value = $canonical . '|' . $oai . '|' . $bucket . '|' . $s3file->resource_path . '|' . $domain . '|' . $type; //echo '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $domain . '</option>'; $items[$value] = $domain; } } $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Distribution', 'distro', $items, '', 'Which Distribution to expose this file on'); echo ' </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="Deploy!" /> </p> </fieldset> </form> '; echo ym_box_bottom(); } else { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>Failed to load Distributions or none available</p></div>'; } }
} } else { ym_box_top(__('Error', 'ym')); echo __('<p>Failed to connect to the Forums</p>', 'ym'); ym_box_bottom(); } echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="posts">'; $url = ''; if ($data = ym_remote_request($url)) { $data = xml2array($data, 1, 'nottag'); foreach ($data['feed']['entry'] as $forum) { $title = $forum['title']['value']; $url = $forum['link']['attr']['href']; $content = $forum['content']['value']; $updated = $forum['updated']['value']; ym_box_top('<a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a>'); echo $content; ym_box_bottom(); } } else { ym_box_top(__('Error', 'ym')); echo __('<p>Failed to connect to the Forums</p>', 'ym'); ym_box_bottom(); } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> ' . "\n\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\tjQuery('#tabs').tabs({\n\t\t\tselected: 0\n\t\t});\n\t});\n</script>\n";
} echo '<td>' . $page_fields . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $thispage . '&action=edit&what=page&id=' . $row->page_id . '" class="button-primary">' . __('Edit', 'ym') . '</a> <a href="' . $thispage . '&action=delete&what=page&id=' . $row->page_id . '" class="deletelink button-secondary">' . __('Delete', 'ym') . '</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } if (!$wpdb->num_rows) { echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;">' . __('There are currently no flow pages', 'ym') . '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> <td><a href="' . $thispage . '&action=createpage" class="button-primary">' . __('Create Page', 'ym') . '</a></td> </tr>'; echo '</table>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_box_top(__('Widget Settings', 'ym')); echo '<p>' . __('Some Registration Flow Page elements have settings, you can set them below', 'ym') . '</p>'; echo ' <form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update_facebook_widget" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th>' . __('Facebook App ID', 'ym') . '</th> <td><input type="text" name="ym_register_flow_fb_app_id" value="' . get_option('ym_register_flow_fb_app_id') . '" /></td> </tr><tr> <th>' . __('Facebook Secret', 'ym') . '</th> <td><input type="text" name="ym_register_flow_fb_secret" value="' . get_option('ym_register_flow_fb_secret') . '" /></td> </tr>'; /*
</p> </form> <?php echo ym_end_box(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } else { // New Form ?> <div class="wrap" id="poststuff"> <?php ym_box_top(__('Add Custom Field', 'ym'), TRUE); ?> <form action="" method="post"> <p><label><?php _e('Name:', 'ym'); ?> <br /> <input type="text" name="name" style="width: 250px;"/></label></p> <?php echo __('Name can only contain a-z, 0-9, and _ characters and is limited to 10 Characters in length, anything not matching this rule will not be syncing with MailChimp', 'ym'); ?> <p><label><?php _e('Label:', 'ym'); ?>
$wpdb->query($sql); $email_id = $wpdb->insert_id; } $args = array($email_id, $recipient_list); wp_schedule_single_event($time, 'mm_scheduled_email', $args); ym_box_top(__('Broadcast', 'ym_mailamager')); echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Scheduled for %s it is currently %s', 'ym_mailmanager'), date('r', $time), date('r', time())) . '</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); $passed_id = $email_id; include 'preview.php'; global $mm; echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;' . $mm->page_root . '" />'; return; } } ym_box_top(__('Broadcast', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo '<form action="" method="post">'; echo '<p>' . __('Schedule or send immediately a message to selected Users', 'ym_mailmanager') . '</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; define('BROADCAST_FORM_OPEN', TRUE); do_action('mailmanager_broadcast_form'); if (!defined('MAILMANAGER_FORM_REPLACED')) { echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('Recipients', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'recipient_list', mailmanager_get_recipients(), $recipient_list, __('Select a List to send to', 'ym_mailmanager')); $emails = mailmanager_get_emails(TRUE); if ($emails) { echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('Select Prior Email', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'email_id', $emails, $email_id, __('Select a previously created email', 'ym_mailmanager')); } echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('Email Subject', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'email_subject', $email_subject, __('Subject of Message', 'ym_mailmanager')); $ym_formgen->render_form_table_wp_editor_row(__('Email Message', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'email_message', $email_message, __('Message to Send, you can use HTML. You can use [ym_mm_custom_field field=""] [ym_mm_if_custom_field field=""]content[/ym_mm_if_custom_field] where the "" is a Custom Profile Field', 'ym_mailmanager')); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_datetime_picker_row(__('Send At', 'ym_mailmanager'), 'email_date', $time, __('Date/Time to send Message', 'ym_mailmanager')); }
function options() { global $ym_upload_url, $ym_upload_root; if ($_POST && isset($_POST['submit'])) { // call save if (method_exists($this, 'save_options')) { $this->save_options(); } else { $this->buildnsave(); } } echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff">'; if (method_exists($this, 'my_options')) { // use class methid $this->my_options(); } else { if (method_exists($this, 'load_options')) { ym_box_top(' '); echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; // use generator $options = $this->load_options(); // if (!$options) { if (!is_array($options)) { return; } if (method_exists($this, 'pay_per_post_bundle')) { array_unshift($options, array('name' => 'bundle_purchase_words', 'label' => __('Bundle Purchase', 'ym'), 'caption' => __('You can change the Gateway Name/Bundle Purchase Words display to something more customer Friendly', 'ym'), 'type' => 'text')); } if (method_exists($this, 'pay_per_post')) { array_unshift($options, array('name' => 'post_purchase_words', 'label' => __('Post Purchase', 'ym'), 'caption' => __('You can change the Gateway Name/Post Purchase Words display to something more customer Friendly', 'ym'), 'type' => 'text')); } array_unshift($options, array('name' => 'membership_words', 'label' => __('Gateway Name', 'ym'), 'caption' => __('You can change the Gateway Name/Membership Words display to something more customer Friendly', 'ym'), 'type' => 'text')); $options[] = array('name' => 'logo', 'label' => __('Button/Logo', 'ym'), 'caption' => '', 'type' => 'image'); $options[] = array('name' => 'callback_script', 'label' => __('Callback Script', 'ym'), 'caption' => __('Javascript to run on a successfully return from PayPal, useful for integration with affiliate schemes or other tracking. This is a Raw HTML field and is applied to the HTML Head. You can use these short codes to represent certain vaiables: [user_id], [pack_id], [post_id], [post_pack_id], [cost], [account_type], [item_code], [if_cb_pack][/if_cb_pack] show content if a pack, [if_cb_post][/if_cb_post] show content if a post, [if_cb_bundle][/if_cb_bundle] show content if a bundle', 'ym'), 'type' => 'textarea'); foreach ($options as $option) { echo '<div class="ym_option">'; echo '<label for="' . $option['name'] . '">' . $option['label'] . '</label>'; if ($option['caption']) { echo '<p class="caption">' . $option['caption'] . '</p>'; } $var = $option['name']; $val = isset($this->{$var}) ? $this->{$var} : ''; if ($option['type'] == 'image') { echo '<p class="caption">' . __('Current:', 'ym') . '<br /><img src="' . $val . '" alt="Image" /></p>'; } echo '<span class="input">'; switch ($option['type']) { case 'yesno': echo '<select name="' . $option['name'] . '">'; echo '<option value="1" ' . ($val == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' >' . __('Yes', 'ym') . '</option>'; echo '<option value="0"' . ($val == 1 ? '' : 'selected="selected"') . '>' . __('No', 'ym') . '</option>'; echo '</select>'; break; case 'status': $option['options'] = array('test' => 'test', 'live' => 'live'); case 'select': echo '<select name="' . $option['name'] . '">'; if ($option['type'] == 'select') { echo '<option value="">' . __('--Select--', 'ym') . '</option>'; } foreach ($option['options'] as $optionkey => $optionval) { echo '<option value="' . $optionkey . '"'; if ($val == $optionkey) { echo ' selected="selected" '; } echo '>' . ucwords($optionval) . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; break; case 'image': case 'file': echo '<input type="file" name="' . $option['name'] . '" id="' . $option['name'] . '" />'; break; case 'textarea': echo '<textarea name="' . $option['name'] . '" id="' . $option['name'] . '" cols="50" rows="5">' . $val . '</textarea>'; break; case 'wp_editor': echo '<div style="width: 650px;">'; wp_editor($val, $option['name'], array('media_buttons' => FALSE)); echo '</div>'; break; case 'url': echo site_url(); case 'text': default: echo '<input type="text" name="' . $option['name'] . '" id="' . $option['name'] . '" value="' . $val . '" />'; } echo '</span>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '<input type="submit" class="button-primary" style="float: right;" name="submit" value="' . sprintf(__('Save Settings for %s', 'ym'), $this->name) . '" />'; echo '</form>'; ym_box_bottom(); if (method_exists($this, 'options_additional')) { $this->options_additional(); } } else { echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . sprintf(__('There are no user settable options for this gateway, %s', 'ym'), $this->name) . '</p></div>'; } } echo '</div>'; return; }
if (ym_get('message')) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>'; } if (ym_get('message') == 'ok') { echo __('Packages were updated', 'ym'); } if (ym_get('message') == 'order') { echo __('Package order was updated', 'ym'); } if (ym_get('message') == 'deleted') { echo __('The Pack was deleted', 'ym'); } if (ym_get('message')) { echo '</p></div>'; } ym_box_top(' '); echo '<form action="' . $link . 'order" method="post" onsubmit="ym_process_sort();">'; echo '<table class="form-table" id="sorttable">'; $header = '<tr> <th style="width: 20px;">' . __('ID', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Label', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Cost', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('Package Type', 'ym') . '</th> <th>' . __('WP Role', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 40px;">' . __('Visible', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 40px;">' . __('Group', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 100px; text-align: center;">' . __('User Count', 'ym') . '</th> <th style="width: 20px;"></th><th style="width: 20px;"></th> </tr>'; echo '<thead>' . $header . '</thead>'; echo '<tfoot>' . $header . '</tfoot>';
function ym_tos_checks() { global $ym_version_resp, $ym_auth; $key = ym_post('registration_email', FALSE); $tos_result = FALSE; $ym_tos_version_accepted = get_option('ym_tos_version_accepted', 0); if ($ym_tos_version_accepted < $ym_version_resp->tos->tos_version_id) { if (ym_post('activate_plugin') == 'tosterms') { // submitted form $tos_result = $ym_auth->tos_submit(); if (!is_wp_error($tos_result) && $key) { // reload for recon ym_check_version(TRUE); ym_activate_last_step($key); } } // Show FORM echo ' <div class="wrap" id="poststuff"> <h2>' . YM_ADMIN_NAME . '</h2>'; ym_box_top(__('The End User License has been Updated', 'ym')); if (is_wp_error($tos_result)) { echo '<div id="message" class="error ym_auth">'; echo '<div style="margin: 5px 0px; color:red; font-weight:bold;">'; echo $tos_result->get_error_message(); echo '</div></div>'; } echo '<iframe src="' . $ym_version_resp->tos->tos_text_url . '" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></iframe>'; echo '<p style="float: right;"><a href="' . $ym_version_resp->tos->tos_text_url . '">' . __('Download EULA', 'ym') . '</a></p>'; echo ' <form action="" method="post"> <fieldset> <table class="form-table" style="width: 50%; margin: 10px auto; text-align: center;" > <tr> <td> <label for="confirm_email">' . __('Please confirm your Email', 'ym') . '</label> </td><td> <input type="email" name="confirm_email" id="confirm_email" value="' . ym_post('confirm_email') . '" style="width: 300px;" /> <input type="hidden" name="registration_email" value="' . ym_post('registration_email') . '" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p>' . __('To continue you must accept the terms of this agreement:', 'ym') . '</p> <input type="hidden" name="activate_plugin" value="tosterms" /> <input type="hidden" name="tosversion" value="' . $ym_version_resp->tos->tos_version_id . '" /> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2"> <label for="tickbox">' . __('I accept the terms of this agreement:', 'ym') . '</label> <input type="checkbox" name="tickbox" id="tickbox" value="ticked" /> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="submit" style="text-align: center;"> <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="tos" value="Uninstall" /> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="tos" value="Continue" style="font-weight: 700;" /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> </form>'; ym_box_bottom(); echo ' </div> '; } else { if ($key) { // TOS OK/already accepted ym_activate_last_step($key); } else { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
</p> <?php echo ym_box_top(__('Your Members Admin Area Access', 'ym')); echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('WP Role Level', 'ym'), 'admin_role', $roles_array, $ym_sys->admin_role); echo $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row(__('Minimum WP Role for Content User interface', 'ym'), 'account_interface_admin_role', $roles_array, $ym_sys->account_interface_admin_role, __('The minimum WP Role that the user must have to see the account interface (post and page editor sidebar box for authoring) for YM', 'ym')); echo '</table>'; echo ym_end_box(); ?> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="settings_update" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'ym'); ?> »" class="button-primary" style="float: right;" /> </p> <?php echo ym_box_top(__('Dev Tools', 'ym')); echo $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('Dev Tools', 'ym'), 'dev_tools', $ym_sys->dev_tools); echo ym_end_box(); ?> <p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"> <input type="submit" name="settings_update" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'ym'); ?> »" class="button-primary" style="float: right;" /> </p> </form> </div>
function series_precontent() { ym_box_top('Message'); echo '<p>' . __('Series are being kept synced with Aweber.') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('The Aweber Associated Lists can only be sent to via Aweber, a series entry exists for Sync Reasons') . '</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); add_filter('mailmanager_adjust_recipients', array($this, 'filter_lists_remove'), 10, 1); }
} else { if (isset($state->update) && version_compare($state->update->version, $ym_update_checker->getInstalledVersion(), '<')) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' . sprintf(__('You are running a newer version, <a href="%s">Reinstall Latest (V%s)</a> or <a href="%s">Download</a>', 'ym'), $reinstall, $state->update->version, $download_url) . '</p></div>'; } } } } else { if (!defined('DISABLE_VERSIONING')) { define('DISABLE_VERSIONING', TRUE); } } echo ' <div class="wrap" id="poststuff"> <h2>' . YM_ADMIN_NAME . '</h2> '; ym_box_top(__('About', 'ym') . ' ' . YM_ADMIN_NAME); echo ' <p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'logo.png" alt="' . YM_ADMIN_NAME . ' Logo" /> </p> '; echo ' <p> ' . YM_ADMIN_NAME . ' Version ' . YM_PLUGIN_VERSION . ' </p><p> ' . YM_ADMIN_NAME . ' is Copyright <a href="">Coding Futures Ltd</a> all rights reserved (' . date('Y', time()) . ') </p><p> Support Information: PHP Version ' . phpversion() . ', WordPress version: ' . $wp_version . ' </p><p> A copy of the End User License Agreement should be included in the download zip file, one can be obtained from '; if (defined('DISABLE_VERSIONING')) {
</p>'; ym_box_bottom(); } else { if (!$page && empty($filters['by_option'])) { // case: No users found echo ' <div id="message" class="error"><p><strong><center>' . __('There are no subscribed users.', 'ym') . '</center></strong></p></div> '; ym_box_top(__('Tasks', 'ym')); echo '<label for="create_user"><input type="submit" id="ym_members_create_user" name="task" class="button-secondary" value="' . $ym_members_tasks['create_user'] . '" /></label>'; ym_box_bottom(); } else { echo ' <div id="message" class="error"><p><strong><center>' . __('There are no users on this page.', 'ym') . '</center></strong></p></div> '; ym_box_top(__('Tasks', 'ym')); echo '<label for="create_user"><input type="submit" id="ym_members_create_user" name="task" class="button-secondary" value="' . $ym_members_tasks['create_user'] . '" /></label>'; ym_box_bottom(); ym_members_filters($filters); } } echo '</form>'; echo ' <form id="ym_members_create_user_form" method="post"> '; wp_nonce_field('ymmembertasks', 'ym-members'); echo ' <fieldset> <legend>' . __('Create a User', 'ym') . '</legend> <table> ';