function ign_useCustomDbForm() { global $ign_user_db, $prefs; extract(lAtts(array('ign_use_custom' => '', 'ign_fallback' => ''), $prefs, 0)); if (isset($_POST['ign_use_custom'])) { $ign_use_custom = $_POST['ign_use_custom']; } else { $ign_use_custom = empty($ign_use_custom) ? '0' : $ign_use_custom; } return n . '<div style="margin: 3em auto auto auto; width: 40em; text-align: center;">' . n . n . form(n . eInput('ign_user_mgmt') . n . sInput('ign_update_prefs') . ign_gTxt('user_db') . br . yesnoRadio('ign_use_custom', $ign_use_custom) . br . ign_gTxt('fallback') . ign_checkbox(array('name' => 'fallback', 'checked' => 'true')) . br . n . fInput('submit', 'ign_update_prefs', 'Update', 'smallerbox')) . n . '</div>'; }
/** * Renders a HTML choice for whether Daylight Savings Time is in effect. * * Can be altered by plugins via the 'prefs_ui > is_dst' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param string $name HTML name of the widget * @param string $val Initial (or current) selected item * @return string HTML */ function is_dst($name, $val) { $ui = yesnoRadio($name, $val) . script_js(<<<EOS \$(document).ready(function () { var radio = \$("#prefs-is_dst input"); if (radio) { if (\$("#auto_dst-1").prop("checked")) { radio.prop("disabled", "disabled"); } \$("#auto_dst-0").click(function () { radio.removeProp("disabled"); }); \$("#auto_dst-1").click(function () { radio.prop("disabled", "disabled"); }); } }); EOS ); return pluggable_ui('prefs_ui', 'is_dst', $ui, $name, $val); }
function section_multiedit_form($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method) { global $all_pages, $all_styles; $methods = array('changepage' => array('label' => gTxt('uses_page'), 'html' => selectInput('uses_page', $all_pages, '', false)), 'changecss' => array('label' => gTxt('uses_style'), 'html' => selectInput('css', $all_styles, '', false)), 'changeonfrontpage' => array('label' => gTxt('on_front_page'), 'html' => yesnoRadio('on_frontpage', 1)), 'changesyndicate' => array('label' => gTxt('syndicate'), 'html' => yesnoRadio('in_rss', 1)), 'changesearchable' => array('label' => gTxt('include_in_search'), 'html' => yesnoRadio('searchable', 1)), 'delete' => gTxt('delete')); return multi_edit($methods, 'section', 'section_multi_edit', $page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method); }
function prefs($event, $step) { pagetop('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('preferences'), $step == 'update' ? gTxt('preferences_saved') : ''); if ($step == 'install') { // Install the preferences table. hak_tinymce::install(); } if ($step == 'uninstall') { //remove table safe_query("DROP TABLE " . PFX . "txp_hak_tinymce"); } if ($step == 'update') { extract(doSlash(gpsa(array('hak_show_toggle', 'hak_hide_on_textile_edit', 'hak_tinymce_path', 'hak_tinymce_body_init', 'hak_tinymce_excerpt_init', 'hak_tinymce_callbacks', 'hak_hide_textile_select', 'hak_enable_body', 'hak_enable_excerpt', 'hak_use_compressor', 'hak_tinymce_compressor_init')))); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_show_toggle}'", "pref_name = 'show_toggle'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_hide_on_textile_edit}'", "pref_name = 'hide_on_textile_edit'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_path}'", "pref_name = 'tinymce_path'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_body_init}'", "pref_name = 'body_init'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_excerpt_init}'", "pref_name = 'excerpt_init'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_callbacks}'", "pref_name = 'callbacks'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_hide_textile_select}'", "pref_name = 'hide_textile_select'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_enable_body}'", "pref_name = 'enable_body'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_enable_excerpt}'", "pref_name = 'enable_excerpt'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_use_compressor}'", "pref_name = 'use_compressor'"); safe_update('txp_hak_tinymce', "pref_value = '{$hak_tinymce_compressor_init}'", "pref_name = 'compressor_init'"); } if (hak_tinymce::check_install()) { extract(hak_tinymce::getPrefs()); echo n . t . '<div style="margin: auto; width:40%;">' . n . t . t . hed('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('Preferences'), '1') . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('update') . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'smallerbox') . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_show_toggle') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_show_toggle', $show_toggle) . br . n . tag(tag(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('auto_disable'), "em"), "small")) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_hide_on_textile_edit') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_hide_on_textile_edit', $hide_on_textile_edit)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_hide_textile_select') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_hide_textile_select', $hide_textile_select)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_path') . br . n . finput('text', 'hak_tinymce_path', $tinymce_path, '', '', '', 60, '', 'hak_tinymce_path') . hak_tinymce::file_exists($tinymce_path)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('enable_body') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_enable_body', $enable_body)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_body_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_body_init', 200, 400, $body_init)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('enable_excerpt') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_enable_excerpt', $enable_excerpt)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_excerpt_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_excerpt_init', 200, 400, $excerpt_init)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_callbacks') . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_callbacks', 200, 400, $callbacks)) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('use_compressor') . br . n . yesnoRadio('hak_use_compressor', $use_compressor) . hak_tinymce::file_exists(hak_compressor_path($tinymce_path), "compressor_not_found")) . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('hak_tinymce_compressor_init') . br . tag(tag("(" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('compressor_line_end') . ")", "em"), "small") . n . href(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('documentation'), "") . br . n . text_area('hak_tinymce_compressor_init', 200, 400, $compressor_init)) . n . n . fInput('submit', 'update', 'Update', 'smallerbox')) . '</div>'; echo n . t . '<div style="margin: 60px auto 0; width:40%;">' . n . hed(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall'), '1') . n . t . t . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall_message')) . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('uninstall') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'uninstall', 'Uninstall ', 'smallerbox'), "", "confirm('" . hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('uninstall_confirm') . "')") . '</div>'; } else { echo n . t . '<div style="margin: auto; width:40%;">' . n . t . t . hed('hak_tinymce ' . gTxt('Preferences'), '1') . n . graf(hak_tinymce::mce_gTxt('install_message')) . n . n . form(n . eInput('hak_tinymce_prefs') . n . sInput('install') . n . n . fInput('submit', 'install', 'Install ', 'smallerbox')) . '</div>'; } }
function is_dst($name, $val) { $ui = yesnoRadio($name, $val) . n . script_js("textpattern.timezone_is_supported = " . (int) timezone::is_supported() . ";") . script_js(<<<EOS \t\t\t\$(document).ready(function(){ \t\t\t\tvar radio = \$("#prefs-is_dst input"); \t\t\t\tif (radio) { \t\t\t\t\tif (\$("#auto_dst-1").attr("checked") && textpattern.timezone_is_supported) { \t\t\t\t\t\tradio.attr("disabled","disabled"); \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\$("#auto_dst-0").click( \t\t\t\t\t\tfunction(){ \t\t\t\t\t\t\tradio.removeAttr("disabled"); \t\t\t\t\t\t}); \t\t\t\t \t\$("#auto_dst-1").click( \t\t\t\t\t\tfunction(){ \t\t\t\t\t\t\tradio.attr("disabled","disabled"); \t\t\t\t\t \t}); \t\t\t \t} \t\t\t\tif (!textpattern.timezone_is_supported) { \t\t\t\t\t\$("#prefs-auto_dst input").attr("disabled","disabled"); \t\t\t\t} \t}); EOS ); return pluggable_ui('prefs_ui', 'is_dst', $ui, $name, $val); }
/** * Render single preference row * @param array $pref preference array * @return string <tr> containing the preference */ private function render_pref($id, $pref) { $value = $this->get_pref($id); $id = $this->prefix($id); // render label $out = fLabelCell(gTxt($pref['label']), '', $id); // render field switch ($pref['type']) { case 2: $out .= td(selectInput($id, array(gTxt('None') => '', 'EXIF' => 'exif', 'IPTC' => 'iptc'), $value)); break; case 1: $out .= td(yesnoRadio($id, $value)); break; default: $out .= fInputCell($id, $value, '', 20, '', $id); break; } // render help $out .= td(gTxt($pref['descr'])); // render save return tr($out); }
function option_has_options($step) { return graf(gTxt('gbp_adlib_wiz-step_complex_txt', array('{step}' => $step))) . yesnoRadio('wizard_has_options_test', 1); }
function rss_db_bk($event, $step) { global $prefs, $rss_dbbk_path, $rss_dbbk_dump, $rss_dbbk_mysql, $rss_dbbk_lock, $rss_dbbk_txplog, $rss_dbbk_debug, $DB, $file_base_path; if (!isset($rss_dbbk_lock)) { $rss_dbbk_lock = "1"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_lock', val='{$rss_dbbk_lock}', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_txplog)) { $rss_dbbk_txplog = "1"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_txplog', val='{$rss_dbbk_txplog}', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_debug)) { $rss_dbbk_debug = "0"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_debug', val='{$rss_dbbk_debug}', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_path)) { $rss_dbbk_path = $file_base_path; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_path', val='" . addslashes($rss_dbbk_path) . "', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_dump)) { $rss_dbbk_dump = "mysqldump"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_dump', val='" . addslashes($rss_dbbk_dump) . "', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_mysql)) { $rss_dbbk_mysql = "mysql"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_mysql', val='" . addslashes($rss_dbbk_mysql) . "', prefs_id='1'"); } include txpath . '/include/txp_prefs.php'; $bkpath = $rss_dbbk_path; $iswin = preg_match('/Win/', php_uname()); $mysql_hup = ' -h' . $DB->host . ' -u' . $DB->user . ' -p' . escapeshellcmd($DB->pass); $txplogps = ps('rss_dbbk_txplog'); if (ps("save")) { pagetop("DB Manager", "Preferences Saved"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_path')) . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_path' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_dump')) . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_dump' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_mysql')) . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_mysql' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . ps('rss_dbbk_lock') . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_lock' and prefs_id ='1'"); if (isset($txplogps)) { safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . ps('rss_dbbk_txplog') . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_txplog' and prefs_id ='1'"); } safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '" . ps('rss_dbbk_debug') . "'", "name = 'rss_dbbk_debug' and prefs_id ='1'"); header("Location: index.php?event=rss_db_bk"); } else { if (gps("bk")) { $bk_table = gps("bk_table") ? " --tables " . gps("bk_table") . " " : ""; $tabpath = gps("bk_table") ? "-" . gps("bk_table") : ""; $gzip = gps("gzip"); $filename = time() . '-' . $DB->db . $tabpath; $backup_path = $bkpath . '/' . $filename . '.sql'; $lock = $rss_dbbk_lock ? "" : " --skip-lock-tables --skip-add-locks "; echo $txplogps; $nolog = $rss_dbbk_txplog ? "" : " --ignore-table=" . $DB->db . ".txp_log "; $nolog = isset($bk_table) && gps("bk_table") == "txp_log" ? "" : $nolog; if ($gzip) { $backup_path .= '.gz'; $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_dump . $mysql_hup . ' -Q --add-drop-table ' . $lock . $nolog . $DB->db . $bk_table . ' | gzip > ' . $backup_path; } else { $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_dump . $mysql_hup . ' -Q --add-drop-table ' . $lock . $nolog . $DB->db . $bk_table . ' > ' . $backup_path; } $bkdebug = $rss_dbbk_debug ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt = popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if (!is_writable($bkpath)) { pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED: folder is not writable"); } elseif ($error) { unlink($backup_path); pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: " . $error); } else { if (!is_file($backup_path)) { pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: " . $error); } else { if (filesize($backup_path) == 0) { unlink($backup_path); pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: " . $error); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Backed Up: " . $DB->db . " to " . $filename); } } } } else { if (gps("download")) { $fn = gps("download"); $file_path = $bkpath . '/' . $fn; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); if (substr($fn, -2) == "gz") { header("Content-Type: application/zip"); } header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($file_path) . ";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file_path)); @readfile($file_path); } else { if (gps("restore")) { if (stristr(gps("restore"), '.gz')) { $backup_cmd = 'gunzip < ' . $bkpath . '/' . gps("restore") . ' | ' . $rss_dbbk_mysql . $mysql_hup . ' ' . $DB->db; } else { $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_mysql . $mysql_hup . ' ' . $DB->db . ' < ' . $bkpath . '/' . gps("restore"); } $bkdebug = $rss_dbbk_debug ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt = popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if ($error) { pagetop("DB Manager", "FAILED TO RESTORE: " . $error); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Restored: " . gps("restore") . " to " . $DB->db); } } else { if (gps("delete")) { if (is_file($bkpath . '/' . gps("delete"))) { if (!unlink($bkpath . '/' . gps("delete"))) { pagetop("DB Manager", "Unable to Delete: " . gps("delete")); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Deleted: " . gps("delete")); } } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Unable to Delete: " . gps("delete")); } } else { pagetop("DB Backup"); } } } } } $gzp = !$iswin ? " | " . href('gzipped file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk={$DB->db}&gzip=1") : ""; $sqlversion = getRow("SELECT VERSION() AS version"); $sqlv = explode("-", $sqlversion['version']); $allownologs = (double) $sqlv[0] >= (double) "4.1.9" ? tda(gTxt('Include txp_log:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_txplog", $rss_dbbk_txplog), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"') : ''; if (isset($bkdebug) && $bkdebug) { echo '<p align="center">' . $bkdebug . '</p>'; } echo startTable('list') . form(tr(tda(gTxt('Lock Tables:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_lock", $rss_dbbk_lock), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"') . $allownologs . tda(gTxt('Debug Mode:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_debug", $rss_dbbk_debug), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(fInput("submit", "save", gTxt("save_button"), "publish") . eInput("rss_db_bk") . sInput('saveprefs'), " colspan=\"2\" class=\"noline\"")) . tr(tda(gTxt('Backup Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_path", $rss_dbbk_path, '50'), ' colspan="15"')) . tr(tda(gTxt('mysqldump Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_dump", $rss_dbbk_dump, '50'), ' colspan="15"')) . tr(tda(gTxt('mysql Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"') . tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_mysql", $rss_dbbk_mysql, '50'), ' colspan="15"'))) . endTable() . startTable("list") . tr(tda(hed('Create a new backup of the ' . $DB->db . ' database' . br . href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk={$DB->db}") . $gzp, 3), ' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"')) . tr(tdcs(hed("Previous Backup Files", 1), 7)) . tr(hcell("No.") . hcell("Backup File Name") . hcell("Backup Date/Time") . hcell("Backup File Size") . hcell("") . hcell("") . hcell("")); $totalsize = 0; $no = 0; if (!is_folder_empty($bkpath)) { if ($handle = opendir($bkpath)) { $database_files = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (substr($file, -4) == ".sql" || substr($file, -7) == ".sql.gz")) { $database_files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); for ($i = sizeof($database_files) - 1; $i > -1; $i--) { $no++; $style = $no % 2 == 0 ? ' style="background-color: #eee;"' : ''; $database_text = substr($database_files[$i], 11); $date_text = strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y [%H:%M:%S]", substr($database_files[$i], 0, 10)); $size_text = filesize($bkpath . '/' . $database_files[$i]); $totalsize += $size_text; echo tr(td($no) . td($database_text) . td($date_text) . td(prettyFileSize($size_text)) . '<td><a href="index.php?event=rss_db_bk&download=' . $database_files[$i] . '">Download</a></td>' . '<td><a href="index.php?event=rss_db_bk&restore=' . $database_files[$i] . '" onclick="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">Restore</a></td>' . '<td><a href="index.php?event=rss_db_bk&delete=' . $database_files[$i] . '" onclick="return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')">Delete</a></td>', $style); } echo tr(tag($no . " Backup File(s)", "th", ' colspan="3"') . tag(prettyFileSize($totalsize), "th", ' colspan="4"')); } else { echo tr(tda(hed('You have no database backups' . br . 'Create a new backup of the ' . $DB->db . ' database' . br . href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk={$DB->db}") . $gzp, 3), ' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"')); } } else { echo tr(tda(hed('You have no database backups' . br . 'Create a new backup of the ' . $DB->db . ' database' . br . href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk={$DB->db}") . $gzp, 3), ' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"')); } echo endTable(); }
function is_dst($name, $val) { return pluggable_ui('prefs_ui', 'is_dst', yesnoRadio($name, $val), $name, $val); }
function smd_ebook_prefs($msg = '') { global $smd_ebook_event, $smd_ebook_prefs, $step; require_privs('plugin_prefs.' . $smd_ebook_event); if (ps('smd_ebook_pref_save')) { foreach ($smd_ebook_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) { $val = ps($idx); $val = is_array($val) ? join(', ', $val) : $val; set_pref($idx, doSlash($val), 'smd_ebook', $prefobj['type'], $prefobj['html'], $prefobj['position']); } $msg = gTxt('preferences_saved'); } pagetop(gTxt('smd_ebook_tab_name'), $msg); extract(smd_ebook_buttons('prf')); $btnbar = has_privs('plugin_prefs.' . $smd_ebook_event) ? '<span class="smd_ebook_buttons">' . $btnMgr . n . $btnPrf . n . $btnCln . '</span>' : ''; echo n . <<<EOJS <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function() { jQuery("select[name='smd_ebook_fld_uid'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_title'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_chaptitle'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_author'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_description'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_authornote'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_subject'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_publisher'], select[name='smd_ebook_fld_srp']").change(function() { var xtra = jQuery(this).attr('name') + '_fixed'; if (jQuery('option:selected', this).val() === 'SMD_FIXED') { jQuery("input[name='"+xtra+"']").parent().parent().show('normal'); } else { jQuery("input[name='"+xtra+"']").parent().parent().hide('fast'); } }).change(); }); </script> EOJS; echo n . '<div id="' . $smd_ebook_event . '_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . $btnbar . '</div>'; $out = array(); $out[] = n . '<div class="plugin-column">'; $out[] = '<form name="smd_ebook_prefs" id="smd_ebook_prefs" class="prefs-form" action="index.php" method="post">'; $out[] = '<div class="txp-layout-textbox">'; $out[] = eInput($smd_ebook_event); $out[] = sInput('smd_ebook_prefs'); $grpout = array(); foreach ($smd_ebook_prefs as $idx => $prefobj) { $val = get_pref($idx, $prefobj['default'], 1); $vis = isset($prefobj['visible']) && !$prefobj['visible'] ? 'smd_hidden' : ''; switch ($prefobj['html']) { case 'text_input': $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, fInput('text', $idx, $val, '', '', '', '', '', $idx), $idx, '', $vis); break; case 'yesnoradio': $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, yesnoRadio($idx, $val), '', '', $vis); break; case 'radioset': $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, radioSet($prefobj['content'], $idx, $val), '', '', $vis); break; case 'checkboxset': $vals = do_list($val); $lclout = array(); foreach ($prefobj['content'] as $cb => $val) { $checked = in_array($cb, $vals); $lclout[] = checkbox($idx . '[]', $cb, $checked) . gTxt($val); } $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, join(n, $lclout), '', '', $vis); break; case 'selectlist': $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, selectInput($idx, $prefobj['content'][0], $val, $prefobj['content'][1], '', $idx), $idx, '', $vis); break; default: if (strpos($prefobj['html'], 'smd_ebook_') !== false && is_callable($prefobj['html'])) { $grpout[$prefobj['group']][] = inputLabel($idx, $prefobj['html']($idx, $val), $idx, '', $vis); } break; } } foreach ($grpout as $grp => $content) { $out[] = '<div role="region" id="smd_ebook_group_' . $grp . '" class="txp-details" aria-labelledby="smd_ebook_group_' . $grp . '-label">' . n . '<h3 id="smd_ebook_group_' . $grp . '-label" class="lever txp-summary' . (get_pref('pane_' . $grp . '_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '">' . n . '<a href="#' . $grp . '" role="button">' . gTxt($grp) . '</a>' . n . '</h3>' . n . '<div id="' . $grp . '" class="toggle" role="group" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_' . $grp . '_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">'; foreach ($content as $row) { $out[] = $row; } $out[] = '</div>'; $out[] = '</div>'; } if (smd_ebook_kindlegen_available()) { $out[] = graf($btnTst); } if ($step === 'smd_ebook_test') { $out[] = graf(text_area('smd_ebook_test_results', 150, 200, ps('smd_ebook_test_output'))); } $out[] = graf(fInput('submit', 'smd_ebook_pref_save', gTxt('save'), 'publish')); $out[] = tInput(); $out[] = '</div></form></div>'; echo join(n, $out); }