$content .= "<br>" . html_entity_decode($result->data->pricingInfo->fr); } if (isset($result->data->imageThumb)) { $thumb = $result->data->imageThumb; } else { $thumb = ''; } if (isset($result->data->tags->fr)) { $cibulTags = explode(",", $result->data->tags->fr); } else { $cibulTags = explode(",", $result->data->tags->en); } if (!empty($cibulTags) && sizeof($cibulTags)) { foreach ($cibulTags as $tag) { $freeTag[] = to_camel_case($tag); $temp_tag = yakcatPathN($tag, 1); if (preg_match("/THEATRE/i", $temp_tag)) { $cat[] = "CULTURE#THEATRE"; $catName[] = "Théatre"; } else { if (preg_match("/CONCERT/i", $temp_tag)) { $cat[] = "CULTURE#MUSIQUE"; $catName[] = "Musique"; } else { if (preg_match("/OPERA/i", $temp_tag)) { $cat[] = "CULTURE#MUSIQUE"; $catName[] = "Musique"; $freeTag[] = "Classique"; $freeTag[] = "Opéra"; } }
$lieu = $lieutext; } else { $lieu = $lieutitle; } } else { $lieu = $placeInput; } /*OTHER CAT*/ if ($group->id == "Person_People") { $freeTag[] = yakcatPathN($category->title, 0); } if ($group->id == "Organization") { $freeTag[] = yakcatPathN($category->title, 0); } if ($group->id == "Event") { $freeTag[] = yakcatPathN($category->title, 0); } } } // if the news must be mapped on the default feed's location if ($feed['defaultPrintFlag'] == 2) { $print = 1; $geoloc = array($defaultPlace['location']); $status = 1; $contact = array("tel" => "", "mobile" => "", "mail" => "", "transportation" => "", "web" => "", "opening" => ""); $placeArray[] = array('_id' => $defaultPlace['_id'], 'lat' => $defaultPlace['location']['lat'], 'lng' => $defaultPlace['location']['lng'], 'address' => $defaultPlaceTitle, 'status' => $status, 'print' => $print, 'contact' => $contact); } else { //logical construction of the address : /*Priority : ADDRESSINPUT -> ADDRESSE -> YAKDICO -> ARRONDISSEMENT -> QUARTIER -> VILLE*/ // set address from input or from semantic factory if (!empty($addressInput) && !empty($geolocationInput)) {
$pathN2 = $pathN . "#" . yakcatPathN($title2); echo "<br>" . $pathN; $categorie->setAncestors($one, $pathN); $categorie->setParent($one, $pathN); $categorie->title = $title2; $categorie->path = $path2; $categorie->pathN = $pathN2; $categorie->level = 2; $succes = $categorie->saveToMongo($level = 2); //exit; //insert db results for ID--here--------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- //==============fill third record================================= $title3 = $three; $path3 = $path2 . ", " . $title3; $pathN3 = $pathN2 . "#" . yakcatPathN($title3); $categorie->title = $title3; $categorie->path = $path3; $categorie->pathN = $pathN3; $categorie->level = 3; $categorie->setAncestors2($path2, $pathN, $pathN2); $categorie->setParent($title2, $pathN2); $categorie->level = 3; $succes = $categorie->saveToMongo($level = 3); // print_r($categorie); //insert db results for ID--here--------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- $i++; //print_r($key); /* foreach($value2 as $attributeskey => $streetNameArray){ $streetName = (string)$catXML->$key0->$key->$streetNameArray;