 *	server received data
 *	decodes the request
 *	@access	private
 *	@param	integer	$clientId	id of the client that sent the data
 *	@param	string	$xml		xml data
 function onReceiveData($clientId, $xml)
     //	create dom tree
     $xmldoc = @xmldoc(trim($xml));
     if (!is_object($xmldoc)) {
         $this->sendDebugMessage("Invalid XML received from {$clientId}");
         return false;
     //	get root element (type of request)
     $root = $xmldoc->root();
     $requestType = $root->node_name();
     //	extract request parameters
     $requestParams = array();
     foreach ($root->children() as $child) {
         if ($child->node_type() != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         $content = "";
         foreach ($child->children() as $tmp) {
             if ($tmp->node_type() != XML_TEXT_NODE && $tmp->node_type() != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
             $content .= $tmp->node_value();
         $requestParams[$child->node_name()] = $content;
     // if introspection is allowed, check for
     // introspection method
     if ($this->allowIntrospection) {
         // check for requestType pat_*
         $regs = array();
         if (preg_match('/^pat_(.+)$/', $requestType, $regs)) {
             $method = "_internal_" . $regs[1];
             $this->sendDebugMessage("trying to call introspection method {$method}.");
             if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                 $this->sendDebugMessage("calling introspection method {$method}.");
                 $this->{$method}($clientId, $requestParams);
             return true;
     if (method_exists($this, "onReceiveRequest")) {
         $this->onReceiveRequest($clientId, $requestType, $requestParams);
Example #2
  * Returns additional menu informations decoded in the file that appears in the menu.
  * You should subclass this method to make it work with your own
  * file formats. I used a simple XML format to store the content.
  * @param    string  filename
 function exploreFile($file)
     $xml = join('', @file($file));
     if (!$xml) {
         return array();
     $doc = xmldoc($xml);
     $xpc = xpath_new_context($doc);
     $menu = xpath_eval($xpc, '//menu');
     $node =& $menu->nodeset[0];
     return array('title' => $node->content);
Example #3
 function load($xml)
     if (strncmp($xml, "<?xml", 5) == 0) {
         $n0 = xmldoc($xml);
     } else {
         $n0 = xmldocfile($xml);
     $n1 = $n0->children();
     foreach ($n1 as $j) {
         $n2 = $j->children();
         foreach ($n2 as $i) {
             if ($i->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE and $i->tagname == "t") {
                 $ia = $i->attributes();
                 if ($ia[0]->name == "name" or $ia[0]->name == "form") {
                     $this->template[$ia[0]->value] = $i;
  * Adds a xml string to $this->xmldoc.
  * It's inserted on the same level as a "normal" resultset, means just as a children of <root>
  * if a xpath expression is supplied, it takes that for selecting only part of the xml-file
  * @param    string xml string
  * @param    mixed xpath  either a string with the xpath expression or an array with
  *                 "xpath"=>xpath expression  and "root"=tag/subtag/etc,
  *                 which are the tags to be inserted before the result
  * @access private
 function doXmlString2Xml($string, $xpath = null)
     $MainXmlString = $this->xmldoc->dumpmem();
     $string = preg_replace("/<\\?xml.*\\?>/", "", $string);
     $MainXmlString = preg_replace("/<" . $this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname} . "\\/>/", "<" . $this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname} . "></" . $this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname} . ">", $MainXmlString);
     $MainXmlString = preg_replace("/<\\/" . $this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname} . ">/", $string . "</" . $this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname} . ">", $MainXmlString);
     $this->xmldoc = xmldoc($MainXmlString);
     $this->xmlroot = $this->xmldoc->root();
Example #5
 function _count_var($expr)
     $result = '';
     // If it is a var is $name/expr
     $parts = explode("/", $expr, 2);
     $var_name = substr($parts[0], 1);
     if (strlen($parts[1]) > 0) {
         $path = "/" . $parts[1];
     $data = $this->bindings[$var_name];
     if (strlen($data) == 0) {
         return '';
     if (strlen($path) > 0) {
         $doc = xmldoc($data);
         $rootname = $this->_get_root_name($doc->document_element());
         $path = '/' . $rootname . $path;
         if (!$doc) {
             trigger_error("cannot evaluate a xpath expression because {$data} is not xml ", E_USER_WARNING);
         $xpath = $doc->xpath_init();
         $ctx = $doc->xpath_new_context();
         $result_xp = $ctx->xpath_eval($path);
         $nodes = $result_xp->nodeset;
         return count($nodes);
     } else {
         return 1;
         if($norm) {
         } else {
           print("El resultado es el dump simple <br />");
           if($root->node_type()==XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
             print("dumping an attribute <br/>");
           } else {
     return $result;