function responseXML($code, $text, $level, $extra_xml = false) { $strResponse = ''; $strResponse .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . chr(10); $strResponse .= '<Response>' . chr(10); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Version', '1.00'); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Reference', $this->reference); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Code', $code); switch ($level) { case 'success': $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Result', 'success'); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Text', $text); break; case 'error': $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Result', 'error'); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Text', $text); break; default: $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Result', 'error'); $strResponse .= xmlEntry('Text', SOAP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR); } if ($extra_xml) { $strResponse .= $extra_xml; } $strResponse .= '</Response>'; echo $strResponse; die; }
function processXML($rawXML) { global $messageStack; //echo '<pre>' . $rawXML . '</pre>'; $rawXML = utf8_decode($rawXML); $rawXML = iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $rawXML); //echo '<pre>' . $rawXML . '</pre>'; if (!($objXML = xml_to_object($rawXML))) { return false; } // parse the submitted string, check for errors //echo 'parsed string = '; print_r($objXML); echo '<br />'; if (DEBUG) { $messageStack->debug("\n\nobjXML array = " . serialize($objXML)); } $this->username = $objXML->Request->UserID; $this->password = $objXML->Request->Password; $this->version = $objXML->Request->Version; $this->function = $objXML->Request->Function; $this->action = $objXML->Request->Action; $this->validateUser($this->username, $this->password); $this->processOrder($objXML); $extra_response = NULL; if (sizeof($this->successful) > 0) { $result_code = '0'; $result_flag = 'success'; $extra_response .= xmlEntry('SuccessfulOrders', implode(', ', $this->successful)); } if (sizeof($this->failed) > 0) { $result_code = '90'; $result_flag = 'error'; $extra_response .= xmlEntry('FailedOrders', implode(', ', $this->failed)); } $this->responseXML($result_code, implode("<br />", $this->response), $result_flag, $extra_response); }
/************** page specific initialization *************************/ if (!isset($_REQUEST['list'])) { $_REQUEST['list'] = 1; } $fieldset_content = 'NULL'; $id = (int) $_GET['id']; if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { die; } $doc_details = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where id = '" . $id . "'"); if ($id == 0 || $doc_details->fields['doc_type'] == '0') { // folder $dir_path = TEXT_PATH . ': /' . build_dir_path($id); $result = html_heading_bar(array(), array(' ', $dir_path, TEXT_ACTION)); $list_header = $result['html_code']; $field_list = array('id', 'doc_type', 'doc_title', 'security'); $query_raw = "select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " . implode(', ', $field_list) . " from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where parent_id = '" . $id . "'"; $query_result = $db->Execute($query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS * ($_REQUEST['list'] - 1) . ", " . MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS); // the splitPageResults should be run directly after the query that contains SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS $query_split = new splitPageResults($_REQUEST['list'], ''); include DIR_FS_MODULES . 'phreeform/pages/main/tab_folder.php'; } else { // load document details include DIR_FS_MODULES . 'phreeform/pages/main/tab_report.php'; } $html = "<div>"; $html .= $fieldset_content; $html .= "</div>"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("htmlContents", $html); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// | Copyright(c) 2008-2014 PhreeSoft ( | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as | // | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of | // | the License, or any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/work_orders/ajax/load_wo_detail.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $xml = NULL; $security_level = validate_ajax_user(); /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $id = $_GET['id']; if (!$id) { echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', 'Error - Bad ID passed.') . createXmlFooter(); die; } $result = $db->Execute("select display_name, admin_email from " . TABLE_USERS . " where admin_id = " . $_SESSION['admin_id']); $xml = xmlEntry("id", $id); $xml .= xmlEntry("sEmail", $result->fields['admin_email']); $xml .= xmlEntry("sName", $result->fields['display_name']); $xml .= xmlEntry("rEmail", ''); $xml .= xmlEntry("rName", ''); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/work_orders/ajax/load_bom_list.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $security_level = validate_ajax_user(); /************** include page specific files *********************/ /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $xml = NULL; $sku_id = $_GET['skuID']; $qty = $_GET['qty']; if (!$sku_id || !$qty) { die; } $result = $db->Execute("select sku, description, qty from " . TABLE_INVENTORY_ASSY_LIST . " where ref_id = '" . $sku_id . "'"); $short = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $stock = $db->Execute("select quantity_on_hand, quantity_on_sales_order, quantity_on_allocation \n from " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " where sku = '" . $result->fields['sku'] . "' limit 1"); $qty_available = $stock->fields['quantity_on_hand'] - $stock->fields['quantity_on_sales_order'] - $stock->fields['quantity_on_allocation']; if ($qty_available < $qty * $result->fields['qty']) { $short[] = sprintf(WO_TEXT_PARTS_SHORTAGE, $qty_available, $qty * $result->fields['qty'], $result->fields['sku'], $result->fields['description']); } $result->MoveNext(); } $shortage = sizeof($short) == 0 ? 'none' : implode(chr(10), $short); echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry("shortage", $shortage) . createXmlFooter(); die;
while (!$bill_add->EOF) { $xml .= "\t<billaddress>\n"; foreach ($bill_add->fields as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry($key, $value); } $xml .= "\t</billaddress>\n"; $bill_add->MoveNext(); } } if ($bill->fields) { // there was an bill to open $xml .= "\t<bill>\n"; foreach ($bill->fields as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry($key, $value); } $xml .= "\t</bill>\n"; } foreach ($item_list as $item) { // there should always be invoices to pull $xml .= "\t<items>\n"; foreach ($item as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry($key, $value); } $xml .= "\t</items>\n"; } //put it all together $str = createXmlHeader($function_name); $str .= $xml; $str .= createXmlFooter(); echo $str; die;
while (!$ship_add->EOF) { $xml .= "\t<Address>\n"; foreach ($ship_add->fields as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry($key, $value); } $xml .= "\t</Address>\n"; $ship_add->MoveNext(); } } $xml .= "</ShipContact>\n"; } if (sizeof($order->fields) > 0) { // there was an order to open $xml .= "<OrderData>\n"; foreach ($order->fields as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry($key, strval($value)); } foreach ($item_list as $item) { $xml .= "\t<Item>\n"; foreach ($item as $key => $value) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry($key, strval($value)); } $xml .= "\t</Item>\n"; } $xml .= "</OrderData>\n"; } if ($debug) { $xml .= xmlEntry('debug', $debug); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
$xml .= "<bom>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("qty", $value['qty']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("sku", $value['sku']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("description_short", $value['description_short']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("item_cost", $value['item_cost']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("quantity_on_hand", $value['quantity_on_hand']); $xml .= "</bom>\n"; } } $xml .= xmlEntry("assy_cost", $assy_cost); // build where used foreach ($sku_usage as $value) { $xml .= "<sku_usage>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("text_line", $value); $xml .= "</sku_usage>\n"; } // build the sales price $xml .= xmlEntry("sales_price", $sales_price); // build the stock status if (sizeof($stock_note) > 0) { foreach ($stock_note as $value) { $xml .= "<stock_note>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("text_line", $value); $xml .= "</stock_note>\n"; } } $str = createXmlHeader($fID); $str .= $xml; $str .= createXmlFooter(); echo $str; die;
case 'delete': if ($rID) { $my_class->btn_delete($rID); } break; case 'update': $my_class->btn_update($rID); break; case 'go_first': $_REQUEST['list'] = 1; break; case 'go_previous': $_REQUEST['list'] = max($_REQUEST['list'] - 1, 1); break; case 'go_next': $_REQUEST['list']++; break; case 'go_last': $_REQUEST['list'] = 99999; break; case 'go_page': break; } // put the output together $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("subject", $subject); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("htmlContents", "<div>" . $my_class->build_main_html() . "</div>"); if ($my_class->message) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("message", $my_class->message); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or | // | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as | // | published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of | // | the License, or any later version. | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/phreedom/ajax/validate.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $security_level = validate_ajax_user(); /************** include page specific files *********************/ /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $xml = NULL; $user = $_GET['u']; $pass = $_GET['p']; $level = $_GET['level']; $result = $db->Execute("select inactive, admin_pass from " . TABLE_USERS . " where admin_name = '" . $user . "'"); if ($result->RecordCount() != 1 || $result->fields['inactive']) { $xml = xmlEntry('result', 'failed'); } elseif (!pw_validate_password($pass, $result->fields['admin_pass'])) { $xml = xmlEntry('result', 'failed'); } else { $xml = xmlEntry('result', 'validated'); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
function Execute($zf_sql, $zf_limit = false, $zf_cache = false, $zf_cachetime = 0) { global $zc_cache, $messageStack; if ($zf_limit) { $zf_sql = $zf_sql . ' LIMIT ' . $zf_limit; } if ($zf_cache and $zc_cache->sql_cache_exists($zf_sql) and !$zc_cache->sql_cache_is_expired($zf_sql, $zf_cachetime)) { $obj = new queryFactoryResult(); $obj->cursor = 0; $obj->is_cached = true; $obj->sql_query = $zf_sql; $zp_result_array = $zc_cache->sql_cache_read($zf_sql); $obj->result = $zp_result_array; if (sizeof($zp_result_array) > 0) { $obj->EOF = false; while (list($key, $value) = each($zp_result_array[0])) { $obj->fields[$key] = $value; } return $obj; } else { $obj->EOF = true; } } elseif ($zf_cache) { $zc_cache->sql_cache_expire_now($zf_sql); $time_start = explode(' ', microtime()); $obj = new queryFactoryResult(); $obj->sql_query = $zf_sql; if (!$this->db_connected) { $this->set_error('0', DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } $zp_db_resource = @mysql_query($zf_sql, $this->link); if (!$zp_db_resource) { $this->set_error(@mysql_errno(), @mysql_error()); } $obj->resource = $zp_db_resource; $obj->cursor = 0; $obj->is_cached = true; if ($obj->RecordCount() > 0) { $obj->EOF = false; $zp_ii = 0; while (!$obj->EOF) { $zp_result_array = @mysql_fetch_array($zp_db_resource); if ($zp_result_array) { while (list($key, $value) = each($zp_result_array)) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $key)) { $obj->result[$zp_ii][$key] = $value; } } } else { $obj->Limit = $zp_ii; $obj->EOF = true; } $zp_ii++; } while (list($key, $value) = each($obj->result[$obj->cursor])) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $key)) { $obj->fields[$key] = $value; } } $obj->EOF = false; } else { $obj->EOF = true; } $zc_cache->sql_cache_store($zf_sql, $obj->result); $time_end = explode(' ', microtime()); $query_time = $time_end[1] + $time_end[0] - $time_start[1] - $time_start[0]; $this->total_query_time += $query_time; $this->count_queries++; return $obj; } else { $time_start = explode(' ', microtime()); $obj = new queryFactoryResult(); if (!$this->db_connected) { $this->set_error('0', DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } $zp_db_resource = @mysql_query($zf_sql, $this->link); if (!$zp_db_resource) { if ($_POST['page'] == 'ajax' || $_GET['page'] == 'ajax') { $messageStack->debug("\n\nThe failing sql was: " . $zf_sql); $messageStack->debug("\n\nmySQL returned: " . @mysql_errno($this->link) . ' ' . @mysql_error($this->link)); if (defined('FILENAME_DEFAULT')) { $messageStack->write_debug(); } echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', 'There was a SQL Error: ' . @mysql_error($this->link)) . createXmlFooter(); die; } if (method_exists($messageStack, 'debug')) { $messageStack->debug("\n\nThe failing sql was: " . $zf_sql); $messageStack->debug("\n\nmySQL returned: " . @mysql_errno($this->link) . ' ' . @mysql_error($this->link)); if (defined('FILENAME_DEFAULT')) { $messageStack->write_debug(); $messageStack->add('The last transaction had a SQL database error.', 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cat=phreedom&page=main&action=crash', 'SSL')); } else { echo str_replace("\n", '<br />', $messageStack->debug_info); die; } } else { echo str_replace("\n", '<br />', $messageStack->debug_info); die; } } $obj->resource = $zp_db_resource; $obj->cursor = 0; if ($obj->RecordCount() > 0) { $obj->EOF = false; $zp_result_array = @mysql_fetch_array($zp_db_resource); if ($zp_result_array) { while (list($key, $value) = each($zp_result_array)) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $key)) { $obj->fields[$key] = $value; } } $obj->EOF = false; } else { $obj->EOF = true; } } else { $obj->EOF = true; } $time_end = explode(' ', microtime()); $query_time = $time_end[1] + $time_end[0] - $time_start[1] - $time_start[0]; $this->total_query_time += $query_time; $this->count_queries++; //$messageStack->add("query execution time = $query_time and sql = $zf_sql<br>".chr(13)); return $obj; } }
function object_to_xml($params, $multiple = false, $multiple_key = '') { $output = NULL; if (!is_array($params) && !is_object($params)) { return; } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $xml_key = $multiple ? $multiple_key : $key; if (is_array($value)) { $output .= object_to_xml($value, true, $key); } elseif (is_object($value)) { $output .= "<" . $xml_key . ">\n" . object_to_xml($value) . "</" . $xml_key . ">\n"; } else { if ($value != '') { $output .= xmlEntry($xml_key, $value); } } } return $output; }
function PhreebooksExceptionHandler($exception) { global $messageStack; if ($_POST['page'] == 'ajax' || $_GET['page'] == 'ajax') { echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', "Exception: " . $exception->getMessage()) . createXmlFooter(); die; } $messageStack->add($exception->getMessage(), 'error'); $text = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " User: "******" Company: " . $_SESSION['company']; $text .= " Exception: '" . $exception->getMessage() . "' line " . $exception->getLine() . " in file " . $exception->getFile(); if (DEBUG) { error_log($text . PHP_EOL, 3, DIR_FS_MY_FILES . "/errors.log"); } }
$field_list = array(); $query_raw = "select, m.wo_title, m.description, i.image_with_path \n from " . TABLE_WO_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " i on m.sku_id = \n where m.inactive = '0' and = '" . $iID . "'"; $result = $db->Execute($query_raw); $id = $result->fields['id']; $xml .= xmlEntry("WOid", $id); $xml .= xmlEntry("WOTitle", $result->fields['wo_title']); $xml .= xmlEntry("WODescription", $result->fields['description']); if ($result->fields['image_with_path']) { // show image if it is defined $image = DIR_WS_MY_FILES . $_SESSION['company'] . '/inventory/images/' . $result->fields['image_with_path']; } else { $image = 0; } $xml .= xmlEntry("ImageURL", $image); if ($id) { $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_WO_STEPS . " where ref_id = '" . $id . "' order by step"); while (!$result->EOF) { $task = $db->Execute("select task_name, description from " . TABLE_WO_TASK . " where id = " . $result->fields['task_id'] . " limit 1"); $xml .= "<Task>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("Step", $result->fields['step']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("Task_id", $result->fields['task_id']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("Task_name", $task->fields['task_name']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("Description", $task->fields['description']); $xml .= "</Task>\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } } else { $xml .= xmlEntry("Message", 'This SKU does not have a work order to build from!'); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { $ajax_text = DOC_CTL_JS_DIR_DELETED_ERROR; break; } // jstree initialization $db_config = array("servername" => DB_SERVER_HOST, "username" => DB_SERVER_USERNAME, "password" => DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, "database" => DB_DATABASE); if (extension_loaded("mysqli")) { require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . "doc_ctl/includes/jstree/_lib/class._database_i.php"; } else { require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . "doc_ctl/includes/jstree/_lib/class._database.php"; } // Tree class require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . "doc_ctl/includes/jstree/_lib/class.tree.php"; $jstree = new json_tree(); // deleted from database tree $_POST['operation'] = $_REQUEST['operation'] = 'remove_node'; $_POST['id'] = $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; $jstree->{'remove_node'}($_REQUEST); $id = $doc_details->fields['parent_id']; // set the id to the parent to display refreshed page $ajax_text = ''; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("action", 'reload_tree'); break; default: die; } // put the output together $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("docID", $id); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("msg", $ajax_text); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
$contact_id = db_prepare_input($_GET['contact_id']); $xml = NULL; $enc_data = new encryption(); $sql = "select id, hint, enc_value from " . TABLE_DATA_SECURITY . " \r\n\twhere module = 'contacts' and ref_1 = " . $contact_id; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { $data = $enc_data->decrypt($_SESSION['admin_encrypt'], $result->fields['enc_value']); $fields = explode(':', $data); $xml .= "\t<payments>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry("id", $result->fields['id']); $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry("name", $fields[0]); // will be the name field for credit cards $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry("hint", $result->fields['hint']); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields); $i++) { $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry("field_" . $i, $fields[$i]); } $xml .= "\t</payments>\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } // error check if (!$_SESSION['admin_encrypt'] && $result->RecordCount() > 0) { // no permission to enter page, return error echo createXmlHeader($function_name) . xmlEntry('error', BNK_ERROR_NO_ENCRYPT_KEY) . createXmlFooter(); die; } //put it all together $str = createXmlHeader($function_name); $str .= $xml; $str .= createXmlFooter(); echo $str; die;
if ($results = get_chart_data($fID, $data)) { $xml .= xmlEntry('modID', $_GET['modID']); $xml .= xmlEntry('type', $results['type']); $xml .= xmlEntry('title', $results['title']); $xml .= xmlEntry('width', $results['width']); $xml .= xmlEntry('height', $results['height']); $xml .= xmlEntry('rowCnt', sizeof($results['data'])); if (sizeof($results['data']) > 0) { foreach ($results['data'] as $value) { $xml .= '<chartData>'; $xml .= xmlEntry('string', $value['label']); $xml .= xmlEntry('number', $value['value']); $xml .= '</chartData>'; } } else { $xml .= xmlEntry('error', 'No data returned from function call!'); } } else { $xml .= xmlEntry('error', 'No data returned from function call!'); break; } } else { $xml .= xmlEntry('error', 'Could not find module function file to process!'); break; } break; default: die; } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
function build_audit_xml($date_from, $date_to, $select) { global $db, $messageStack, $coa_types_list, $currencies; $tax_auths = gen_build_tax_auth_array(); $dates = gen_get_dates($date_from); $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . chr(10); $output .= '<auditfile>' . chr(10); $output .= '<header>' . chr(10); $output .= xmlEntry('auditfileVersion', 'CLAIR2.00.00', true); $output .= xmlEntry('companyID', substr(htmlspecialchars(AUDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER), 0, 20), true); $output .= xmlEntry('taxRegistrationNr', substr(htmlspecialchars(TAX_ID), 0, 15), true); $output .= xmlEntry('companyName', substr(htmlspecialchars(COMPANY_NAME), 0, 50), true); $output .= xmlEntry('companyAddress', substr(htmlspecialchars(COMPANY_ADDRESS1), 0, 50), true); $output .= xmlEntry('companyCity', substr(htmlspecialchars(COMPANY_CITY_TOWN), 0, 50), true); $output .= xmlEntry('companyPostalCode', substr(htmlspecialchars(COMPANY_POSTAL_CODE), 0, 10), true); $output .= xmlEntry('fiscalYear', $dates['ThisYear'], true); $output .= xmlEntry('startDate', $date_from, true); $output .= xmlEntry('endDate', $date_to, true); $output .= xmlEntry('currencyCode', DEFAULT_CURRENCY, true); $output .= xmlEntry('dateCreated', date('Y-m-d'), true); $output .= xmlEntry('productID', 'Phreebooks', true); $output .= xmlEntry('productVersion', 'Phreebooks =' . MODULE_PHREEBOOKS_STATUS . ' audit=' . MODULE_AUDIT_STATUS, true); //$output .= xmlEntry('',); $output .= '</header>' . chr(10); $output .= '<generalLedger>' . chr(10); //all general ledger account $income_types = array(30, 32, 34); //$output .= xmlEntry('taxonomy','',true); //Zie toelichting *) $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS . " where heading_only = '0'"); while (!$result->EOF) { $temp = $coa_types_list[$result->fields['account_type']]['text']; $output .= "\t" . '<ledgerAccount>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('accountID', $result->fields['id'], true); //generalLedger id $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('accountDesc', substr(htmlspecialchars($result->fields['description']), 0, 50), true); //generalLedger description $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('accountType', in_array($result->fields['account_type'], $income_types) ? TEXT_INCOME_STATEMENT : TEXT_BALANCE_SHEET, true); //generalLedger Type balance or income $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('leadCode', $result->fields['account_type'], true); //gl account type id *) $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('leadDescription', constant($coa_types_list[$result->fields['account_type']]['text']), true); //GL account Type description *) $output .= "\t" . '</ledgerAccount>' . chr(10); $result->MoveNext(); } $output .= '</generalLedger>' . chr(10); $output .= '<customersSuppliers>' . chr(10); // all contacts $contacts = array(); $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " where inactive = '0' and type in('v','c') "); while (!$result->EOF) { $contacts[$result->fields['id']] = $result->fields['short_name']; $output .= "\t" . '<customerSupplier>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('custSupID', $result->fields['short_name'], true); // vendor- of customer id $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('type', $result->fields['type'] == 'v' ? ACT_V_TYPE_NAME : ACT_C_TYPE_NAME, true); // type Vendor or customer $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('taxRegistrationNr', htmlspecialchars($result->fields['gov_id_number']), true); //tax id $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('taxVerificationDate', $result->fields['gov_id_number_date'], true); //tax verification date (not present in phreedom) maybe in custom fields $address = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where ref_id = '" . $result->fields['id'] . "'"); while (!$address->EOF) { if (substr($address->fields['type'], 1, 2) == 'm') { $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('companyName', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['primary_name']), true); //company name $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('contact', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['contact']), true); //contact person $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('telephone', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['telephone1']), true); //company telephone $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('fax', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['telephone3']), true); //company fax $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('email', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['email']), true); //company email $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('website', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['website']), true); //company URL website //company billing address $output .= "\t\t" . '<postalAddress>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('address', substr(htmlspecialchars($address->fields['address1'] . ' ' . $address->fields['address2']), 0, 50), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('city', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['city_town']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('postalCode', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['postal_code']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('region', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['state_province']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('country', $address->fields['country_code'], true); $output .= "\t\t" . '</postalAddress>' . chr(10); } else { if (substr($address->fields['type'], 1, 2) == 's') { //company shipping address $output .= "\t\t" . '<streetAddress>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('address', substr(htmlspecialchars($address->fields['address1'] . ' ' . $address->fields['address2']), 0, 50), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('city', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['city_town']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('postalCode', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['postal_code']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('region', htmlspecialchars($address->fields['state_province']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('country', $address->fields['country_code'], true); $output .= "\t\t" . '</streetAddress>' . chr(10); } } $address->MoveNext(); } $output .= "\t" . '</customerSupplier>' . chr(10); $result->MoveNext(); } $output .= '</customersSuppliers>' . chr(10); $output .= '<transactions>' . chr(10); // all journal lines. if ($select == '1') { $where = " and journal_id not in ('3','4','9','10') and waiting = '0' "; } $totals = $db->Execute("select sum(i.debit_amount) as totalDebit, sum(i.credit_amount) as totalCredit from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on where m.post_date >= '" . $date_from . "' and m.post_date<='" . $date_to . "'" . $where); $result = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " where post_date >= '" . $date_from . "' and post_date<='" . $date_to . "' " . $where . " order by journal_id ASC"); $output .= xmlEntry('numberEntries', $result->RecordCount(), true); $total_credit = 0; $total_credit = 0; //$output .= xmlEntry('totalDedit', $totals->fields['totalDebit'] ,true); //$output .= xmlEntry('totalCredit', $totals->fields['totalCredit'] ,true); //if(number_format($totals->fields['totalDebit'],2) <> number_format($totals->fields['totalCredit'],2)) return false; $previous_journal_id = ''; $output .= "\t" . '<journal>' . chr(10); while (!$result->EOF) { $line_debit = 0; $line_credit = 0; if ($previous_journal_id != $result->fields['journal_id']) { if ($previous_journal_id != '') { $output .= "\t" . '</journal>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t" . '<journal>' . chr(10); } $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('journalID', $result->fields['journal_id'], true); //the journal id $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('description', constant('GEN_ADM_TOOLS_J' . str_pad($result->fields['journal_id'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)), true); //the journal description $output .= "\t" . xmlEntry('type', '', true); //type of journal } $output .= "\t\t" . '<transaction>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('transactionID', $result->fields['id'], true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('description', htmlspecialchars($result->fields['description']), true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('period', $result->fields['period'], true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('transactionDate', $result->fields['post_date'], true); $output .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('sourceID', $result->fields['admin_id'], true); $line = $db->Execute("select id, gl_account, post_date, description, ROUND(debit_amount," . $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places'] . ") as debit_amount, ROUND(credit_amount," . $currencies->currencies[DEFAULT_CURRENCY]['decimal_places'] . ") as credit_amount, taxable from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " where ref_id= '" . $result->fields['id'] . "'"); while (!$line->EOF) { $output .= "\t\t\t" . '<line>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('recordID', $line->fields['id'], true); // Uniek regelnummer $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('accountID', $line->fields['gl_account'], true); // Grootboekrekeningcode (zie hiervoor) $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('custSupID', $contacts[$result->fields['bill_acct_id']], true); // Debiteuren- of crediteurennummer (zie hiervoor) $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('documentID', $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id'], true); // Boekstuknummer (verwijzing naar brondocument) $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('effectiveDate', $line->fields['post_date'], true); // Mutatiedatum *) $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('description', htmlspecialchars($line->fields['description']), true); // Omschrijving $line_debit += $line->fields['debit_amount']; $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('debitAmount', $line->fields['debit_amount'], true); // Debetbedrag in lokale valuta (zie hiervoor) $line_credit += $line->fields['credit_amount']; $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('creditAmount', $line->fields['credit_amount'], true); // Creditbedrag in lokale valuta (zie hiervoor) // $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('costDesc', $line->fields[''] ,true);// Kostenplaats // $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('productDesc', $line->fields[''] ,true);// Kostendrager $output .= "\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('projectDesc', $line->fields['project_id'], true); // Projectcode (i.p.v. kostensoort) //De BTW (vat) wordt als volgt uitgesplitst: if ($line->fields['taxable'] != '0') { $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<vat>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('vatCode', $line->fields['taxable'], true); // BTW-code (leeg betekent geen BTW) $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('vatPercentage', $tax_auths[$line->fields['taxable']]['tax_rate'] / 100, true); // BTW-percentage, of in plaats daarvan BTW-bedrag // $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('vatAmount', $line->fields[''] ,true);// BTW-bedrag (bij bijzondere transacties) $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</vat>' . chr(10); } //De valuta (currency) wordt vervolgens als volgt weergegeven: if ($result->fields['currencies_code'] != DEFAULT_CURRENCY) { $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<currency>' . chr(10); $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('currencyCode', $result->fields['currencies_code'], true); // Valutacode (leeg betekent lokale valuta) $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('currencyDebitAmount', $result->fields['currencies_value'], true); // Debetbedrag in vreemde valuta (i.p.v. koers) // $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . xmlEntry('currencyCreditAmount', $result->fields['currencies_value'] ,true);// Creditbedrag in vreemde valuta (i.p.v. koers) $output .= "\t\t\t\t" . '</currency>' . chr(10); } $output .= "\t\t\t" . '</line>' . chr(10); $previous_journal_id = $result->fields['journal_id']; $line->MoveNext(); } if ((double) (string) $line_debit != (double) (string) $line_credit) { if (DEBUG) { $output .= '<lineError>' . chr(10); $output .= xmlEntry('recordID', $result->fields['id'], true); // Uniek regelnummer $output .= xmlEntry('lineDebit', $line_debit, true); $output .= xmlEntry('lineCredit', $line_credit, true); $output .= '</lineError>' . chr(10); } $error = $messageStack->add('The journal with id ' . $result->fields['id'] . ' is out of balance total Debit = ' . $line_debit . ' total Credit = ' . $line_credit, 'error'); } $total_debit += $line_debit; $total_credit += $line_credit; $output .= "\t\t" . '</transaction>' . chr(10); $result->MoveNext(); } $output .= "\t" . '</journal>' . chr(10); if ((double) (string) $total_debit != (double) (string) $total_credit) { $error = $messageStack->add('Totals are out of balance total Debit = ' . $total_debit . ' total Credit = ' . $total_credit, 'error'); } $output .= xmlEntry('totalDedit', $total_debit, true); $output .= xmlEntry('totalCredit', $total_credit, true); $output .= '</transactions>' . chr(10); $output .= '</auditfile>' . chr(10); if ($error) { return false; } return $output; }
/************** include page specific files *********************/ /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $id = $_GET['id']; $ajax_text = ''; if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { die; } $dir_details = $db->Execute("select * from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where id = '" . $id . "'"); switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'go_up': $id = $dir_details->fields['parent_id']; // set the id to the parent to display refreshed page break; case 'delete': $result = $db->Execute("select id from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where parent_id = '" . $id . "' limit 1"); if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { $ajax_text = DOC_CTL_DIR_NOT_EMPTY; } else { $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where id = '" . $id . "'"); $id = $dir_details->fields['parent_id']; // set the id to the parent to display refreshed page $ajax_text = DOC_CTL_DIR_DELETED; } break; default: die; } $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("docID", $id); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("message", $ajax_text); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/phreebooks/ajax/load_gl_data.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $xml = NULL; $security_level = validate_ajax_user(); /************** include page specific files *********************/ /************** page specific initialization *********************/ $gl_acct = db_prepare_input($_GET['glAcct']); $fy = db_prepare_input($_GET['fy']); $error = false; $result = $db->Execute("select period, start_date, end_date from " . TABLE_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS . " \n\twhere fiscal_year = '" . ($fy - 1) . "' order by period"); if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) { // no earlier data found echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', ERROR_NO_GL_ACCT_INFO) . createXmlFooter(); die; } $periods = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $periods[] = $result->fields['period']; $result->MoveNext(); } $result = $db->Execute("select debit_amount - credit_amount as balance from " . TABLE_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_HISTORY . " \n\twhere account_id = '" . $gl_acct . "' and period in (" . implode(',', $periods) . ")"); while (!$result->EOF) { $xml .= "\t<items>\n"; $xml .= "\t\t" . xmlEntry('balance', $currencies->format($result->fields['balance'])); $xml .= "\t</items>\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
} if ($rID) { $report = get_report_details($rID); } $kFonts = gen_build_pull_down($Fonts); $kFontSizes = gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes); $kLineSizes = gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes); $kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors); $kFontAlign = gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign); $cFields = CreateCompanyArray(); $fFields = crit_build_pull_down($CritChoices); $kFields = CreateSpecialDropDown($report); $kTblFields = CreateFieldTblDropDown($report); $kTables = CreateTableList($report); $nyChoice = gen_build_pull_down($NoYesChoice); $pFields = gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing); $tProcessing = gen_build_pull_down($TextProcessing); if (!$type) { // use the first type of the FormEntries array since it will be shown first with a new line $temp = array_keys($FormEntries); $type = array_shift($temp); } $properties = new objectInfo(); $properties->type = $type; $output = box_build($properties, $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("rowID", $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("html", $output); //$xml .= xmlEntry("debug", 'sizeof kFields= ' . sizeof($kFields) . ' and rowID = ' . $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("message", 'Success type = ' . $type . ' and html length = ' . strlen($output)); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/contacts/ajax/load_contact_info.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $security_level = validate_ajax_user(); /************** include page specific files *********************/ /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $guess = db_prepare_input($_GET['guess']); $xml = NULL; if (!$guess) { die; } $search_fields = array('a.primary_name', '', 'a.telephone1', 'a.telephone2', 'a.telephone4', 'a.city_town', 'a.postal_code', '', 'c.short_name'); $search = ' and (' . implode(' like \'%' . $guess . '%\' or ', $search_fields) . ' like \'%' . $guess . '%\')'; $field_list = array('', 'c.short_name', 'a.primary_name'); $query_raw = "select " . implode(', ', $field_list) . " \n\tfrom " . TABLE_CONTACTS . " c left join " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " a on = a.ref_id \n\twhere a.type in ('cm', 'vm')" . $search; $result = $db->Execute($query_raw); $xml .= xmlEntry("guess", $guess); while (!$result->EOF) { $xml .= "\t<guesses>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("id", $result->fields['id']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("guess", $result->fields['short_name'] . ' - ' . $result->fields['primary_name']); $xml .= "\t</guesses>\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
$tables[] = $_GET['table1']; while (true) { if (!isset($_GET['table' . $i])) { break; } $joinopt = isset($_GET['joinopt' . $i]) ? $_GET['joinopt' . $i] : 'JOIN'; $strTable .= ' ' . $joinopt . ' ' . DB_PREFIX . $_GET['table' . $i] . ' on ' . $_GET['table' . $i . 'criteria']; $tables[] = $_GET['table' . $i]; $i++; if ($runaway++ > 100) { echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', 'Runaway counter expired.') . createXmlFooter(); die; } } foreach ($tables as $table) { // prefix the criteria $strTable = str_replace($table . '.', DB_PREFIX . $table . '.', $strTable); } $sql = "select * from " . $strTable . " limit 1"; $result = $db->Execute_return_error($sql); // if we have a row, sql was valid if ($db->error_number) { $message = sprintf(PHREEFORM_AJAX_BAD_DB_REFERENCE, $db->error_number . ' - ' . $db->error_text, $sql); } elseif ($result->RecordCount() == 0) { // no rows were returned, could be no data yet so just warn and continue $message = PHREEFORM_AJAX_NO_TABLE_DATA; } else { $message = PHREEFORM_AJAX_DB_SUCCESS; } echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry("message", $message) . createXmlFooter(); die;
// if it is a array then it is not a sequential report // fetch the receipt and prepare to print $receipt_data = str_replace("\r", "", addslashes($output)); // for javascript multi-line foreach (explode("\n", $receipt_data) as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $xml .= "<receipt_data>\n"; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("line", $value); $xml .= "</receipt_data>\n"; } } } } } } $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("action", $_REQUEST['action']); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("open_cash_drawer", $order->opendrawer); if (!$error) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("order_id", $order->id); } if ($error) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("error", $error); } if ($massage) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("massage", $massage); } if ($order->errormsg) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("error", $order->errormsg); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | The license that is bundled with this package is located in the | // | file: /doc/manual/ch01-Introduction/license.html. | // | If not, see | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/banking/ajax/acct_balance.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ // None /************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'banking/functions/banking.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $gl_acct_id = $_GET['gl_acct_id'] ? db_prepare_input($_GET['gl_acct_id']) : AP_PURCHASE_INVOICE_ACCOUNT; $post_date = $_GET['post_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_GET['post_date']) : date('Y-m-d', time()); $period = gen_calculate_period($post_date); if (!$period) { // bad post_date was submitted $post_date = date('Y-m-d', time()); $period = 0; } $xml = xmlEntry("value", load_cash_acct_balance($post_date, $gl_acct_id, $period)); // error check //put it all together $str = createXmlHeader('acctbal'); $str .= $xml; $str .= createXmlFooter(); echo $str; die;
} // make sure year is 4 digits $xml .= "<PaymentMethod>\n"; $xml .= xmlEntry("payment_id", $result->fields['id']); $xml .= xmlEntry("payment_hint", $result->fields['hint']); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields); $i++) { $xml .= xmlEntry("field_" . $i, $fields[$i]); } $xml .= "</PaymentMethod>\n"; } break; case 'rm_payment': $id = $_GET['pID']; $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_DATA_SECURITY . " where id = {$id}"); $xml .= xmlEntry('payment_id', $id); $message[] = 'The record was successfully deleted!'; break; case 'rm_crm': $id = $_GET['nID']; $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_CONTACTS_LOG . " where log_id = {$id}"); $xml .= xmlEntry('crm_id', $id); $message[] = 'The record was successfully deleted!'; break; default: die; } if (sizeof($message) > 0) { $xml .= xmlEntry('message', implode("\n", $message)); } echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
switch ($transaction->type) { case 'cash_in': $credit_amount = ''; $debit_amount = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_amount']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $tills->adjust_balance($debit_amount); break; default: $debit_amount = ''; $credit_amount = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_amount']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $tills->adjust_balance(-$credit_amount); } $order->journal_rows[] = array('id' => '', 'qty' => '1', 'gl_type' => 'ttl', 'gl_account' => $tills->gl_acct_id, 'description' => db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_desc']) == '' ? $transaction->description : db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_desc']), 'debit_amount' => $debit_amount, 'credit_amount' => $credit_amount, 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d')); if ($transaction->type == 'expenses') { $tax = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_tax']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $tax_auths = gen_build_tax_auth_array(); $order->journal_rows[] = array('id' => '', 'qty' => '1', 'gl_type' => 'tax', 'gl_account' => $tax_auths[$_POST['ot_rate']]['account_id'], 'description' => $transaction->description, 'taxable' => db_prepare_input($_POST['ot_rate']), 'debit_amount' => $tax, 'credit_amount' => $debit_amount, 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d')); $order->journal_rows[] = array('id' => '', 'qty' => '1', 'gl_type' => 'sos', 'gl_account' => $transaction->gl_acct_id, 'description' => $transaction->description, 'debit_amount' => $credit_amount - $tax, 'credit_amount' => $debit_amount, 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d')); } else { $order->journal_rows[] = array('id' => '', 'qty' => '1', 'gl_type' => 'sos', 'gl_account' => $transaction->gl_acct_id, 'description' => $transaction->description, 'debit_amount' => $credit_amount, 'credit_amount' => $debit_amount, 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d')); } $error = $order->Post('insert', true); if (DEBUG) { $messageStack->write_debug(); } $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("action", $_REQUEST['action']); if ($error) { $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("error", $error); } //if ($order->errormsg) $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("error", $order->errormsg); echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | // | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/phreeform/ajax/load_email_msg.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $security_level = validate_ajax_user(SECURITY_ID_PHREEFORM); /************** include page specific files *********************/ require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . 'phreeform/defaults.php'; require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . 'phreeform/functions/phreeform.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $rID = $_GET['rID']; if (!$rID) { die; } $result = $db->Execute("select doc_title from " . TABLE_PHREEFORM . " where id = '" . $rID . "'"); $subject = $result->fields['doc_title'] . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . COMPANY_NAME; $report = get_report_details($rID); if (!$report->emailmessage) { $text = sprintf(PHREEFORM_EMAIL_BODY, $result->fields['doc_title'], COMPANY_NAME); } else { $text = TextReplace($report->emailmessage); } $xml = ''; $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("subject", $subject); $xml .= "\t" . xmlEntry("text", $text); // error check echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter(); die;
function buildConfirmXML() { global $db, $messageStack; $methods = $this->loadShippingMethods(); $this->strXML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . chr(10); $this->strXML .= '<Request>' . chr(10); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Version', '2.00'); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('UserName', ZENCART_USERNAME); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('UserPassword', ZENCART_PASSWORD); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Language', $_SESSION['language']); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Operation', 'ShipConfirm'); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Action', 'Confirm'); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Reference', 'Order Ship Confirmation'); // fetch every shipment for the given post_date $result = $db->Execute("select ref_id, carrier, method, tracking_id from " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " \n\t where ship_date like '" . $this->post_date . " %'"); if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) { $messageStack->add(ZENCART_ERROR_CONFRIM_NO_DATA, 'caution'); return false; } // foreach shipment, fetch the PO Number (it is the ZenCart order number) while (!$result->EOF) { if (strpos($result->fields['ref_id'], '-') !== false) { $purchase_invoice_id = substr($result->fields['ref_id'], 0, strpos($result->fields['ref_id'], '-')); } else { $purchase_invoice_id = $result->fields['ref_id']; } $details = $db->Execute("select so_po_ref_id from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \n\t where journal_id = 12 and purchase_invoice_id = '" . $purchase_invoice_id . "' \n\t\torder by id desc limit 1"); // check to see if the order is complete if ($details->fields['so_po_ref_id']) { $details = $db->Execute("select closed, purchase_invoice_id from " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " \n\t where id = '" . $details->fields['so_po_ref_id'] . "'"); if ($details->RecordCount() == 1) { $message = sprintf(ZENCART_CONFIRM_MESSAGE, $this->post_date, $methods[$result->fields['carrier']]['title'], $methods[$result->fields['carrier']][$result->fields['method']], $result->fields['tracking_id']); $this->strXML .= '<Order>' . chr(10); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('ID', $details->fields['purchase_invoice_id']); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Status', $details->fields['closed'] ? ZENCART_STATUS_CONFIRM_ID : ZENCART_STATUS_PARTIAL_ID); $this->strXML .= xmlEntry('Message', $message); $this->strXML .= '</Order>' . chr(10); } } $result->MoveNext(); } $this->strXML .= '</Request>' . chr(10); return true; }
$module = $_GET['module']; } else { $module = 'phreedom'; } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } else { $page = 'main'; } $user_validated = false; require_once 'includes/application_top.php'; if (!$user_validated) { if ($page == 'ajax') { echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', SORRY_YOU_ARE_LOGGED_OUT) . createXmlFooter(); die; } $_SESSION['pb_cat'] = isset($_GET['module']) ? $_GET['module'] : ''; $_SESSION['pb_module'] = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; $_SESSION['pb_jID'] = isset($_GET['jID']) ? $_GET['jID'] : ''; $_SESSION['pb_type'] = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : ''; $module = 'phreedom'; $page = 'main'; if (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'validate') { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'login'; } } else { unset($_SESSION['pb_cat']); unset($_SESSION['pb_module']); unset($_SESSION['pb_jID']);