and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <?php //さいたまの天気を表すRSS $weather_rss = ""; //天気予報をメモしておくファイル $savefile = "comment.log"; //処理を分ける $m = isset($_GET["m"]) ? $_GET["m"] : ""; if ($m == "write") { write_comment(); } else { show_weather(); } //天気とコメントフォームの表示 function show_weather() { global $weather_rss; $info = load_log(); //今日の日付のタグ $tag = date("Y-m-d"); if (empty($info[$tag])) { //今日の天気予報を取得するか //RSSデータをWebからダウンロードする $s = trim(@file_get_contents($weather_rss)); $list = array();
function write_comment(&$c, $deep_id = -1, $color = true) { global $max_level; $comments_reply = $GLOBALS['comments_reply']; if ($c->comment_author_email == get_the_author_email()) { $style = ' class="mine"'; } else { if ($color == true) { $style = ' class="borderc1"'; $color = !$color; } else { $style = ' class="borderc2"'; $color = !$color; } } ?> <li id="comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?> " <?php echo $style; ?> ><div class="commenthead">At <?php echo mysql2date('Y.m.d H:i', $c->comment_date); ?> , <a name='comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?> '></a><span><?php echo get_comment_author_link(); ?> </span> said: </div> <div class="body"> <?php comment_text(); ?> </div> <div class="meta"> <?php global $user_ID, $post; get_currentuserinfo(); if (user_can_edit_post_comments($user_ID, $c->comment_post_ID) || $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '['; } // delete link if (user_can_edit_post_comments($user_ID, $c->comment_post_ID)) { $deleteurl = get_bloginfo("siteurl") . '/wp-admin/comment.php?action=deletecomment&p=' . $c->comment_post_ID . '&c=' . $c->comment_ID; $deleteurl = wp_nonce_url($deleteurl, 'delete-comment_' . $c->comment_ID); echo "<a href='{$deleteurl}' onclick='ajaxShowPost(\"{$deleteurl}\", \"comment-{$c->comment_ID}\", \"\", \"alert(\\\"comment is deleted\\\")\", \"delete\");return false;'>delete</a>|"; $spamurl = get_bloginfo("siteurl") . '/wp-admin/comment.php?action=deletecomment&dt=spam&p=' . $c->comment_post_ID . '&c=' . $c->comment_ID; $spamurl = wp_nonce_url($spamurl, 'delete-comment_' . $c->comment_ID); echo "<a href='{$spamurl}' onclick='ajaxShowPost(\"{$spamurl}\", \"comment-{$c->comment_ID}\", \"\", \"alert(\\\"comment is spamed\\\")\", \"delete\");return false;'>spam</a>|"; edit_comment_link('Edit', '', $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level ? '|' : ''); } if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { if (get_option("comment_registration") && !$user_ID) { echo '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . get_permalink() . '">Log in to Reply</a> ]'; } else { echo '<a href="javascript:moveForm(' . $c->comment_ID . ')" title="reply">Reply</a>'; } } if (user_can_edit_post_comments($user_ID, $post->ID) || $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo ']</div>'; } if ($comments_reply[$c->comment_ID]) { $id = $c->comment_ID; if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '<ul>'; } $first_c = true; foreach ($comments_reply[$id] as $c) { if ($first_c) { $first_c = false; continue; } $GLOBALS['cmtDepth']++; if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] == $max_level) { write_comment($c, $c->comment_ID, $color); } else { write_comment($c, $deep_id, $color); } $GLOBALS['cmtDepth']--; } if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '</ul>'; } } echo '</li>'; }
function write_comment(&$c, $deep_id = -1, $color = true) { global $max_level; $comments_reply = $GLOBALS['comments_reply']; if ($c->comment_author_email == '*****@*****.**' || $c->comment_author_email == '*****@*****.**' || $c->comment_author_email == '*****@*****.**') { $style = ' class="mine"'; } else { if ($color == true) { $style = ' class="borderc1"'; $color = !$color; } else { $style = ' class="borderc2"'; $color = !$color; } } ?> <li id="comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?> " <?php echo $style; ?> ><div class="commenthead">At <?php echo mysql2date('Y.m.d H:i', $c->comment_date); ?> , <a name='comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?> '></a><span><?php echo get_comment_author_link(); ?> </span> said: </div> <div class="body"> <?php comment_text(); ?> </div> <div class="meta"> <?php global $user_ID, $post; get_currentuserinfo(); if (user_can_edit_post_comments($user_ID, $post->ID) || $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '['; } // comment_favicon(); edit_comment_link('Edit', '', $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level ? '|' : ''); if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { if (get_option("comment_registration") && !$user_ID) { echo '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . get_permalink() . '">Log in to Reply</a> ]'; } else { echo '<a href="javascript:moveForm(' . $c->comment_ID . ')" title="reply">Reply</a>'; } } if (user_can_edit_post_comments($user_ID, $post->ID) || $GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo ']</div>'; } if ($comments_reply[$c->comment_ID]) { $id = $c->comment_ID; if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '<ul>'; } foreach ($comments_reply[$id] as $c) { $GLOBALS['cmtDepth']++; if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] == $max_level) { write_comment($c, $c->comment_ID, $color); } else { write_comment($c, $deep_id, $color); } $GLOBALS['cmtDepth']--; } if ($GLOBALS['cmtDepth'] < $max_level) { echo '</ul>'; } } echo '</li>'; }