Example #1
function convertGeometryCollection($geom)
    global $depth;
    $replacestr = array(" , POINT", " , LINESTRING", " , POLYGON", " , MULTIPOINT", " , MULTILINESTRING", " , MULTIPOLYGON");
    $geom = str_replace($searchstr, $replacestr, $geom);
    writeTag("open", "gml", "MultiGeometry", Null, True, True);
    $geoms = explodeGeom($geom);
    foreach ($geoms as $geom) {
        writeTag("open", "gml", "geometryMember", Null, True, True);
        writeTag("close", "gml", "geometryMember", Null, True, True);
    writeTag("close", "gml", "MultiGeometry", Null, True, True);
Example #2
                if ($maxLength) {
                    echo "<xsd:maxLength value=\"{$maxLength}\"/>";
            echo '</xsd:restriction></xsd:simpleType>';
        writeTag("close", "xsd", "element", NULL, False, True);
        $atts = Null;
    writeTag("close", "xsd", "sequence", Null, True, True);
    writeTag("close", "xsd", "extension", Null, True, True);
    writeTag("close", "xsd", "complexContent", Null, True, True);
    writeTag("close", "xsd", "complexType", Null, True, True);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    $atts["name"] = $table;
    $atts["type"] = $table . "_Type";
    if ($gmlNameSpace) {
        $atts["type"] = $gmlNameSpace . ":" . $atts["type"];
    $atts["substitutionGroup"] = "gml:_Feature";
    writeTag("selfclose", "xsd", "element", $atts, True, True);
writeTag("close", "xsd", "schema", Null, True, True);
Example #3
function addItem(&$rss, &$prog)
    global $config;
    $rss .= "\n\n<item>";
    writeTag($rss, "title", $prog->get('title'));
    /* 08.02.06 start rama hack to print roles */
    $roleArr = $prog->getRoles();
    $roleArrSize = count($roleArr);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $roleArrSize; $i++) {
        $role_name = $roleArr[$i]["role_name"];
        $contact_name = $roleArr[$i]["contact_data"]["name"];
        //$role_info = "$contact_name, $role_name";
        $role_info = array('contact_name' => $contact_name, 'role_name' => $role_name);
        writeTag($rss, "roles", NULL, NULL, $role_info);
    /* end rama hack to print roles */
    writeTag($rss, "link", $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog->id);
    writeTag($rss, "pubDate", toW3CDate($prog->get('entry_date')));
    writeTag($rss, "description", $prog->get('abstract'));
    writeTag($rss, "BroadcastDate", toW3CDate($prog->get('broadcast_date')));
    if ($prog->isVideoPrg()) {
        $type = 'video/mov';
    } else {
        $type = 'audio/mpeg';
    $audioAttrs = selectAudioVideo($prog);
    if ($audioAttrs['url']) {
        //MODIFIED BY Martin Schmidt, was if($audioAttrs)
        //$filepath = $prog->getFilePath($audioAttrs);
        //$tmpFile = linkAudio($filepath, $audioAttrs);
        $enclAttrs = array('type' => $type, 'length' => $audioAttrs['filesize'], 'url' => $audioAttrs['url']);
        writeTag($rss, "enclosure", NULL, NULL, $enclAttrs);
    $streamAttrs = selectStream($prog);
    if ($streamAttrs['url']) {
        //MODIFIED BY Martin Schmidt, was if($streamAttrs)
        //$filepath = $prog->getFilePath($audioAttrs);
        //$tmpFile = linkAudio($filepath, $audioAttrs);
        $enclAttrs = array('type' => $type, 'length' => $streamAttrs['filesize'], 'url' => $streamAttrs['url']);
        writeTag($rss, "streamurl", NULL, NULL, $enclAttrs);
    $rss .= "\n</item>";
Example #4
 * Write out all tags for any given entry..
 * @param array $entry
function writeTags($tags, $oldtags, $code)
    if (is_string($tags)) {
        $tags = explode(", ", $tags);
    $oldtags = explode(", ", $oldtags);
    // Loop through new tags, and add them..
    if (is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0) {
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            writeTag($tag, $code);
            make_related_tags($tag, $tags);
    // Loop through old tags, and delete them if they are no longer present.
    if (is_array($oldtags) && count($oldtags) > 0) {
        foreach ($oldtags as $oldtag) {
            if (!in_array($oldtag, $tags)) {
                deleteTag($oldtag, $code);
Example #5
 function genBBox($XMin, $YMin, $XMax, $YMax)
     global $depth;
     global $tables;
     global $db;
     global $srs;
     writeTag("open", "gml", "boundedBy", null, True, True);
     writeTag("open", "gml", "Box", array("srsName" => "EPSG:" . $srs), True, True);
     writeTag("open", "gml", "coordinates", array("decimal" => ".", "cs" => ",", "ts" => " "), True, False);
     print $XMin . "," . $YMin . " " . $XMax . "," . $YMax;
     writeTag("close", "gml", "coordinates", null, False, True);
     writeTag("close", "gml", "Box", null, True, True);
     writeTag("close", "gml", "boundedBy", null, True, True);
Example #6
 * @param unknown $table
 * @param unknown $sql
 * @param unknown $sql2
 * @param unknown $from
function doSelect($table, $sql, $sql2, $from)
    global $db;
    global $depth;
    global $postgisObject;
    global $srs;
    global $gmlNameSpaceUri;
    global $lf;
    global $gmlNameSpace;
    global $gmlNameSpaceGeom;
    global $gmlFeature;
    global $gmlGeomFieldName;
    global $gmlUseAltFunctions;
    global $defaultBoundedBox;
    global $cacheDir;
    global $startTime;
    global $useWktToGmlInPHP;
    global $thePath;
    global $HTTP_FORM_VARS;
    global $tableObj;
    global $postgisschema;
    global $fieldConfArr;
    if (!$gmlFeature[$table]) {
        $gmlFeature[$table] = $table;
    if ($sql2) {
        $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql2 . $from);
        if ($postgisObject->numRows($result) == 1) {
            while ($myrow = $postgisObject->fetchRow($result)) {
                if (!empty($myrow["txmin"])) {
                    //added NR
                    genBBox($myrow["txmin"], $myrow["tymin"], $myrow["txmax"], $myrow["tymax"]);
                } else {
        } else {
            print $defaultBoundedBox;
    } else {
        print $defaultBoundedBox;
    $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql . $from . " LIMIT 1000000");
    if ($postgisObject->numRows($result) < 1) {
        $sql = str_replace(",public.ST_AsText(public.ST_Transform(the_geom,25832)) as the_geom", "", $sql);
        $from = str_replace("view", "join", $from);
        $result = $postgisObject->execQuery($sql . $from);
    logfile::write("SQL fired\n\n");
    logfile::write($sql . $from . "\n");
    $totalTime = microtime_float() - $startTime;
    logfile::write("\nQuery time {$totalTime}\n");
    //foreach($postgisObject -> execQuery($sql.$from." LIMIT 10000") as $myrow) { //Iteration directly over result. Only PDO
    if ($postgisObject->PDOerror) {
    while ($myrow = $postgisObject->fetchRow($result)) {
        writeTag("open", "gml", "featureMember", null, True, True);
        writeTag("open", $gmlNameSpace, $gmlFeature[$table], array("fid" => "{$table}.{$myrow["fid"]}"), True, True);
        $checkIfGeomHasPassed = false;
        // Check that geom field is written out only once.
        $numFields = sizeof($myrow);
        $keys = array_keys($myrow);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
            $FieldName = $keys[$i];
            $FieldValue = $myrow[$FieldName];
            if ($tableObj->metaData[$FieldName]['type'] != "geometry" && $FieldName != "txmin" && $FieldName != "tymin" && $FieldName != "txmax" && $FieldName != "tymax" && $FieldName != "tymax" && $FieldName != "oid") {
                if ($gmlUseAltFunctions['altFieldValue']) {
                    $FieldValue = altFieldValue($FieldName, $FieldValue);
                if ($gmlUseAltFunctions['altFieldNameToUpper']) {
                    $FieldName = altFieldNameToUpper($FieldName);
                if ($gmlUseAltFunctions['changeFieldName']) {
                    $FieldName = changeFieldName($FieldName);
                $fieldProperties = (array) json_decode($fieldConfArr[$FieldName]->properties);
                if ($fieldProperties['cartomobilePictureUrl']) {
                    //if ($myrow[$fieldProperties['cartomobilePictureUrl']]) {
                    $FieldValue = getCartoMobilePictureUrl($table, $FieldName, $fieldProperties['cartomobilePictureUrl'], $myrow["fid"]);
                //$FieldValue = htmlentities($FieldValue);
                $FieldValue = altUseCdataOnStrings($FieldValue);
                if ($FieldValue && ($FieldName != "fid" && $FieldName != "FID")) {
                    writeTag("open", $gmlNameSpace, $FieldName, null, True, False);
                    //$FieldType = pg_field_type($result, $i);
                    echo $FieldValue;
                    writeTag("close", $gmlNameSpace, $FieldName, null, False, True);
            } elseif ($tableObj->metaData[$FieldName]['type'] == "geometry") {
                // Check if the geometry field use another name space and element name
                if (!$gmlGeomFieldName[$table]) {
                    $gmlGeomFieldName[$table] = $FieldName;
                if ($gmlNameSpaceGeom) {
                    $tmpNameSpace = $gmlNameSpaceGeom;
                } else {
                    $tmpNameSpace = $gmlNameSpace;
                writeTag("open", $tmpNameSpace, $gmlGeomFieldName[$table], null, True, True);
                if ($useWktToGmlInPHP) {
                    $__geoObj = geometryfactory::createGeometry($myrow[$FieldName], "EPSG:" . $srs);
                    echo $__geoObj->getGML();
                } else {
                    echo $myrow[$FieldName];
                writeTag("close", $tmpNameSpace, $gmlGeomFieldName[$table], null, True, True);
        writeTag("close", $gmlNameSpace, $gmlFeature[$table], null, True, True);
        writeTag("close", "gml", "featureMember", null, True, True);
    $totalTime = microtime_float() - $startTime;
    print "\n<!-- {$totalTime} -->";
Example #7
function addItem(&$rss, &$prog)
    global $config;
    $rss .= "\n\n<item>";
    writeTag($rss, "title", $prog->get('title'));
    writeTag($rss, "link", $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog->id);
    writeTag($rss, "pubDate", toW3CDate($prog->get('entry_date')));
    writeTag($rss, "description", $prog->get('abstract'));
    writeTag($rss, "guid", $prog->get('id'));
    writeTag($rss, "sotf:episodesequence", $prog->get('episode_sequence'));
    writeTag($rss, "sotf:episodetitle", $prog->get('episode_title'));
    writeTag($rss, "sotf:broadcastdate", $prog->get('broadcast_date'));
    $files = $prog->getAssociatedObjects('sotf_media_files', 'main_content DESC, filename');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
        $files[$i] = array_merge($files[$i], sotf_AudioFile::decodeFormatFilename($files[$i]['format']));
        $files[$i]['playtime_string'] = strftime('%M:%S', $fFiles[$i]['play_length']);
    if ($files) {
        $rss .= "\n<sotf:mediafiles>";
        foreach ($files as $f) {
            if ($f['stream_access'] = 't') {
                #$rss .= "\n<sotf:mediafileitem>";
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileurl", $config['rootUrl']."/listen.php/audio.m3u?id=".$prog->get('id'));
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileimage", $config['rootUrl']."/static/listen.gif");
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafiletype", "audio");
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafilebitrate", $f['bitrate']);
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileformat", $f['format']);
                #$rss .= "\n</sotf:mediafileitem>";
                $rss .= "\n<sotf:mediafileitem url=\"" . $config['rootUrl'] . "/listen.php/audio.m3u?id=" . $prog->get('id') . "\" image=\"" . $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/listen.gif\" type=\"audiostream\" bitrate=\"" . $f['bitrate'] . "\" format=\"" . $f['format'] . "\" />";
            if ($f['download_access'] = 't') {
                #$rss .= "\n<sotf:mediafileitem>";
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileurl", $config['rootUrl']."/getFile.php/".$f['filename']."?audio=1&id=".$prog->get('id')."&filename=".$f['filename']);
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileimage", $config['rootUrl']."/static/download.gif");
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafiletype", "audio");
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafilebitrate", $f['bitrate']);
                #writeTag($rss, "sotf:mediafileformat", $f['format']);
                #$rss .= "\n</sotf:mediafileitem>";
                $rss .= "\n<sotf:mediafileitem url=\"" . $config['rootUrl'] . "/getFile.php/fid__" . $f['id'] . "\" image=\"" . $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/download.gif\" type=\"audiofile\" bitrate=\"" . $f['bitrate'] . "\" format=\"" . $f['format'] . "\" />";
        $rss .= "\n</sotf:mediafiles>";
    $rss .= "\n</item>";
Example #8
                $row["f_table_abstract"] .= " CAN'T PROJECT LAYER";
            $row2 = $postgisObject->fetchRow($result2);
            writeTag("open", null, "LatLongBoundingBox", array("minx" => $row2['txmin'], "miny" => $row2['tymin'], "maxx" => $row2['txmax'], "maxy" => $row2['tymax']), True, False);
            writeTag("close", null, "LatLongBoundingBox", null, False, True);
        writeTag("open", null, "Abstract", null, True, False);
        echo $row["f_table_abstract"];
        writeTag("close", null, "Abstract", null, False, True);
        writeTag("close", null, "FeatureType", null, True, True);
writeTag("close", null, "FeatureTypeList", null, True, True);
Example #9
 * Write out all tags for any given entry..
 * @param array $entry
function writeTags($tags, $oldtags, $code)
    // Tags are separated by space(s)
    if (is_string($tags)) {
        if ($tags == '') {
            // Nothing to do
        } else {
            $tags = preg_split('/,?[ ]+/', $tags);
    // Loop through new tags, and add them..
    if (is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0) {
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            writeTag($tag, $code);
            makeRelatedTags($tag, $tags);
    // Loop through old tags, and delete them if they are no longer present.
    if (is_string($oldtags)) {
        if ($oldtags == '') {
            // Nothing to do
        } else {
            $oldtags = preg_split('/,?[ ]+/', $oldtags);
    if (is_array($oldtags) && count($oldtags) > 0) {
        foreach ($oldtags as $oldtag) {
            if (!in_array($oldtag, $tags)) {
                deleteTag($oldtag, $code);
Example #10
function makeXML($pluginDir, $extras = array())
    if (substr($pluginDir, -1, 1) != '/') {
        $pluginDir .= '/';
    $sourceFile = $pluginDir . 'plugin.php';
    $destFile = $pluginDir . 'plugin.xml';
    $backFile = $pluginDir . 'plugin.bak';
    $baseFolder = substr($pluginDir, 0, -1);
    //  echo $baseFolder;
    $baseFolder = substr($baseFolder, strrpos($baseFolder, '/') + 1);
    //  echo "Transcribing from {$sourceFile} to {$destFile}...<br />";
    $adminText = '';
    $mainPrefText = '';
    $manageText = '';
    $fileText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n\n";
    $fileText .= '<!-- $' . 'Id: plugin.xml,v 0.0 2008/06/26 20:44:10 e107steved Exp ' . '$ -' . "->\n\n";
    // Split it to stop message getting edited when this file committed!
    if (!is_readable($sourceFile)) {
        return LAN_XMLGEN_10 . $sourceFile . "<br />";
    include_once $sourceFile;
    // Transcribe variables
    $fileText .= writeTagList('e107Plugin', array('name' => $eplug_name, 'version' => $eplug_version, 'compatibility' => '0.8', 'installRequired' => $extras['installationrequired'] ? 'true' : 'false'), FALSE);
    $fileText .= writeTagList('author', array('name' => $eplug_author, 'url' => $eplug_url, 'email' => $eplug_email), TRUE);
    $fileText .= writeTag('description', $eplug_description);
    $fileText .= writeTag('readMe', $eplug_readme);
    $fileText .= writeTag('folder', $baseFolder);
    if (isset($eplug_comment_ids) && is_array($eplug_comment_ids)) {
        foreach ($eplug_comment_ids as $cid) {
            if (is_numeric($cid)) {
                $cid = '***' . $baseFolder . $cid . '***';
            // Should be text - so draw attention to it
            $fileText .= writeTag('commentID', $cid);
    foreach ($extras as $k => $v) {
        if (in_array($k, array('copyright', 'update_url'))) {
            $fileText .= writeTag($k, $v);
    if (!varsettrue($extras['copyright'])) {
        $fileText .= writeTag('copyright', 'Copyright e107 Inc e107.org, Licensed under GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)');
    $baseFolder .= '/';
    // 'commentID' tags needed
    $adminText .= writeTag('configFile', $eplug_conffile, 2);
    $adminText .= writeTag('icon', str_replace($baseFolder, '', $eplug_icon), 2);
    $adminText .= writeTag('iconSmall', str_replace($baseFolder, '', $eplug_icon_small), 2);
    $adminText .= writeTag('caption', $eplug_caption, 2);
    $adminText .= writeTag('installDone', $eplug_done, 2);
    $fileText .= writeTag('administration', "\n" . $adminText . TAB_CHAR);
    if (varsettrue($eplug_link) && varsettrue($eplug_link_name) && varsettrue($eplug_link_url)) {
        $fileText .= TAB_CHAR . '<menuLink name="' . $eplug_link_name . '" url="' . str_replace(e_PLUGIN, '', $eplug_link_url) . '" />' . "\n";
    // Could add more menuLink options
    $fileText .= writeTag('mainPrefs', "\n" . listPrefs($eplug_prefs, varset($eplug_array_pref, '')) . TAB_CHAR);
    // Could add userclasses
    // Management section
    $temp = '';
    foreach ($extras as $k => $v) {
        if (in_array($k, array('install', 'uninstall', 'upgrade'))) {
            $temp1 = '';
            foreach (array('when', 'type', 'file', 'class', 'function') as $t) {
                if (isset($v[$t])) {
                    $temp1 .= ' ' . $t . '="' . $v[$t] . '"';
            if ($temp1) {
                $temp .= TAB_CHAR . TAB_CHAR . '<' . $k . $temp1 . ' />' . "\n";
    if ($temp) {
        // Only add management section if something to add
        $fileText .= TAB_CHAR . "<management>\n" . $temp . TAB_CHAR . "</management>\n";
    $fileText .= "</e107Plugin>";
    // All assembled - write file
    if (is_readable($backFile)) {
        // Delete any existing backup
        if (!unlink($backFile)) {
            return LAN_XMLGEN_16;
    if (is_readable($destFile)) {
        // Rename existing plugin.xml
        if (!rename($destFile, $backFile)) {
            return LAN_XMLGEN_15;
    if (($fh = fopen($destFile, 'wt')) === FALSE) {
        return LAN_XMLGEN_09 . $destFile . "<br />";
    if (fwrite($fh, $fileText) == FALSE) {
        return LAN_XMLGEN_08 . $destFile . "<br />";
    return LAN_XMLGEN_07;
    // Return success