function writeTable($conn, $table)
      <form method="POST" action="/createrecurring_test.php">
        <button type='submit' id="prevweek" name="prevweek" <?php 
    echo "value='" . $_SESSION['mondate'] . "'";
>Previous Week</button>
        <b>Week of <?php 
    echo styleWeekOf();
        <button type='submit' id="nextweek" name="nextweek"<?php 
    echo "value='" . $_SESSION['mondate'] . "'";
>Next Week</button><br>
        <button type='submit' id="currentweek" name="currentweek"<?php 
    echo "value='" . $_SESSION['mondate'] . "'";
>Current Week</button><br>
      <table class="calendar">
      <!-- Write table headers -->
    // Establish the date of each day, store in individual variables
    $mondate = $_SESSION["mondate"];
    // calculate whole week
    $tuedate = findNextDate($mondate);
    $weddate = findNextDate($tuedate);
    $thudate = findNextDate($weddate);
    $fridate = findNextDate($thudate);
    // Monday
    echo "<th>";
    if (checkIfToday($mondate)) {
        echo "<u>";
    // if
    echo "Monday";
    echo "<br>" . styleDate($mondate) . "</u></th>";
    // Tuesday
    echo "<th>";
    if (checkIfToday($tuedate)) {
        echo "<u>";
    // if
    echo "Tuesday";
    echo "<br>" . styleDate($tuedate) . "</u></th>";
    // Wednesday
    echo "<th>";
    if (checkIfToday($weddate)) {
        echo "<u>";
    // if
    echo "Wednesday";
    echo "<br>" . styleDate($weddate) . "</u></th>";
    // Thursday
    echo "<th>";
    if (checkIfToday($thudate)) {
        echo "<u>";
    // if
    echo "Thursday";
    echo "<br>" . styleDate($thudate) . "</u></th>";
    // Friday
    echo "<th>";
    if (checkIfToday($fridate)) {
        echo "<u>";
    // if
    echo "Friday";
    echo "<br>" . styleDate($fridate) . "</u></th>";
        <!--PERIOD 1-6-->
    for ($period = 1; $period <= 8; $period++) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<th>Period {$period}</th>";
        writeCell($conn, $table, $mondate, $period);
        writeCell($conn, $table, $tuedate, $period);
        writeCell($conn, $table, $weddate, $period);
        writeCell($conn, $table, $thudate, $period);
        writeCell($conn, $table, $fridate, $period);
        echo "</tr>";
    // for
Example #2
// if
echo "Friday";
echo "<br>" . styleDate($fridate) . "</u></th>";
      <!--PERIOD 1-6-->
for ($period = 1; $period <= 8; $period++) {
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<th>" . writeTimeSlot($period) . "</th>";
    writeCell($conn, $mondate, $period);
    writeCell($conn, $tuedate, $period);
    writeCell($conn, $weddate, $period);
    writeCell($conn, $thudate, $period);
    writeCell($conn, $fridate, $period);
    echo "</tr>";
// for
// close connection
<footer style="position: fixed; bottom: 10px; width: 100%; height: 15px;">
  <span style="float:right;font-size:12px;background-color:white;padding: 2.5px 5px 5px 5px">
    <a href="about.php">about</a> | created by <a href="">Alex Turner</a>, 2016
      <!--PERIOD 1-6-->
$minibuscodes = ["JBX", "JHA", "LLE", "YHJ"];
$minibustables = ["minibusjbx", "minibusjha", "minibuslle", "minibusyhj"];
// loop through each period
for ($period = 1; $period <= 8; $period++) {
    echo "<th rowspan=5>" . writeTimeSlot($period) . "</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($minibuscodes); $i++) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>{$minibuscodes[$i]}</td>";
        writeCell($conn, $mondate, $period, $minibustables[$i]);
        writeCell($conn, $tuedate, $period, $minibustables[$i]);
        writeCell($conn, $weddate, $period, $minibustables[$i]);
        writeCell($conn, $thudate, $period, $minibustables[$i]);
        writeCell($conn, $fridate, $period, $minibustables[$i]);
        echo "</tr>";
    // for
// for
// close connection