Example #1
 * The main WP-United settings panel
function wpu_settings_page()
    global $phpbbForum, $wpUnited;
    $needPreview = false;
	<div class="wrap" id="wp-united-setup">
		<img id="panellogo" src="<?php 
    echo wpu_get_settings_logo();
" />
		<h2> <?php 
    _e('WP-United Settings', 'wp-united');
			<div id="wputransmit"><p><strong><?php 
    _e('Sending settings to phpBB...', 'wp-united');
</strong><br /><?php 
    _e('Please wait...', 'wp-united');
</p><img src="<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_plugin_url();
images/settings/wpuldg.gif" /></div>
    if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
        if ($_GET['msg'] == 'success') {
            $needPreview = true;
			<div id="wpustatus" class="updated"><p><?php 
            _e('Settings applied successfully.', 'wp-united');
        } elseif ($_GET['msg'] == 'fail') {
					<div id="wpustatus" class="error">
            _e('An error occurred. The error details are below. Please check your settings or try disabling plugins.', 'wp-united');
						<div style="margin-bottom: 8px;" id="wpuerrordets">
            echo html_entity_decode(base64_decode(stripslashes_deep((string) $_POST['msgerr'])));
    if ($needPreview) {
    _e('WP-United is modular; You can enable or disable any of the four major features below: User Integration, Theme Integration, Behaviour Integration and User Blogs.', 'wp-united');
    _e('Visit each of the tabs to select the settings, then hit Submit when done.', 'wp-united');
			<form name="wpu-settings" id="wpusettings" method="post" onsubmit="return wpu_transmit('wp-united-settings', this.id);">
				<div id="wputabs">
						<li><a href="#wputab-basic"><?php 
    _e('Basic Settings', 'wp-united');
    if (!defined('WPU_CANNOT_OVERRIDE')) {
							<li><a href="#wputab-user"><?php 
        _e('User Integration', 'wp-united');
						<li><a href="#wputab-theme"><?php 
    _e('Theme Integration', 'wp-united');
						<li><a href="#wputab-behav"><?php 
    _e('Behaviour Integration', 'wp-united');
					<!--	<li><a href="#wputab-blogs">User Blogs</a></li>-->

					<div id="wputab-basic">
    _e('Path to phpBB3', 'wp-united');
    _e('WP-United needs to know where phpBB is installed on your server. You can change the location on the &quot;Setup / Status&quot; page.', 'wp-united');
    _e('Path selected: ', 'wp-united');
<strong id="phpbbpathshow" style="color: red;"><?php 
    _e('Not selected', 'wp-united');
</strong> <a href="admin.php?page=wp-united-setup" id="phpbbpathchange"><?php 
    _e('Change Location &raquo;', 'wp-united');
						<input id="wpupathfield" type="hidden" name="wpu-path" value="notset"></input>
    _e('Forum Page', 'wp-united');
    _e("Create a WordPress forum page? If you enable this option, WP-United will create a blank page in your WordPress installation, so that 'Forum' links appear in your blog. These links will automatically direct to your forum.", 'wp-united');
						<input type="checkbox" id="wpuforumpage" name="wpuforumpage" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('useForumPage')) {
 /><label for="wpuforumpage"><?php 
    _e('Enable Forum Page', 'wp-united');
    if (!defined('WPU_CANNOT_OVERRIDE')) {
						<div id="wputab-user">
        _e('Integrate logins?', 'wp-united');
        _e('This will enable some or all of your users to have a seamless session across both phpBB and WordPress. If they are logged in to one, they will be logged in to the other. Accounts will be created in the respective part of the site as needed. Note that you will need to set permissions in the User Mapper section that will appear once this option is enabled. Otherwise, by default, only the phpBB founder user is integrated.', 'wp-united');

							<input type="checkbox" id="wpuloginint" name="wpuloginint" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integrateLogin')) {
 /><label for="wpuloginint"><?php 
        _e('Enable Login Integration?', 'wp-united');
							<div id="wpusettingsxpost" class="subsettings">
        _e('Auto-create WordPress accounts when needed?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Create WordPress accounts for unintegrated phpBB users with appropriate permissions when they visit or register?', 'wp-united');
								<input type="checkbox" id="wpucreatewacct" name="wpucreatewacct" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatewp')) {
            echo ' checked="checked" ';
/><label for="wpucreatewacct"><?php 
        _e('Auto-create WordPress accounts?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Auto-create phpBB accounts when needed?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Create phpBB accounts for unintegrated WordPress users when they visit or register?', 'wp-united');
								<input type="checkbox" id="wpucreatepacct" name="wpucreatepacct" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatephpbb')) {
            echo ' checked="checked" ';
/><label for="wpucreatepacct"><?php 
        _e('Auto-create phpBB accounts?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Sync avatars?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Avatars will be synced between phpBB &amp; WordPress. If a user has an avatar in phpBB, it will show in WordPress. If they have a Gravatar, it will show in phpBB.', 'wp-united');
        _e('Enabling this option requires that the &quot;Allow avatars&quot; and &quot;Remote avatar linking&quot; options is enabled in phpBB, so WP-United will automatically enable those options for you if they are disabled.', 'wp-united');
								<input type="checkbox" id="wpuavatar" name="wpuavatar" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('avatarsync')) {
            echo ' checked="checked" ';
/><label for="wpusmilies"><?php 
        _e('Sync avatars?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Enable cross-posting?', 'wp-united');
        _e('If you enable this option, users will be able to elect to have their blog entry copied to a forum when writing a blog post. To set which forums the user can cross-post to, visit the phpBB forum permissions panel, and enable the &quot;can cross-post&quot; permission for the users/groups/forums combinations you need.', 'wp-united');
								<input type="checkbox" id="wpuxpost" name="wpuxpost" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xposting')) {
 /><label for="wpuxpost"><?php 
        _e('Enable Cross-Posting?', 'wp-united');
								<div id="wpusettingsxpostxtra" class="subsettings">
        _e('Type of cross-posting?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Choose how the post should appear in phpBB. WP-United can post an excerpt, the full post, or give you an option to select when posting each post.', 'wp-united');
									<input type="radio" name="rad_xpost_type" value="excerpt" id="wpuxpexc"  <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xposttype') == 'excerpt') {
  /><label for="wpuxpexc"><?php 
        _e('Excerpt', 'wp-united');
									<input type="radio" name="rad_xpost_type" value="fullpost" id="wpuxpfp" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xposttype') == 'fullpost') {
  /><label for="wpuxpfp"><?php 
        _e('Full Post', 'wp-united');
									<input type="radio" name="rad_xpost_type" value="askme" id="wpuxpask" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xposttype') == 'askme') {
  /><label for="wpuxpask"><?php 
        _e('Ask Me', 'wp-united');
        _e('phpBB manages comments on crossed posts?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Choose this option to have WordPress comments replaced by forum replies for cross-posted blog posts. In addition, comments posted by integrated users via the WordPress comment form will be cross-posted as replies to the forum topic.', 'wp-united');
<br /><br />
        _e('Note that for users to be able to comment from WordPress, you need to assign them the &quot;Can reply to blog posts&quot; permission in phpBB.', 'wp-united');
									<input type="checkbox" name="wpuxpostcomments" id="wpuxpostcomments" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostautolink')) {
 /><label for="wpuxpostcomments"><?php 
        _e('phpBB manages comments', 'wp-united');
									<div id="wpusettingsxpostcomments" class="subsettings">

        _e('Use WordPress spam filters for guest comments?', 'wp-united');
        _e('To prevent forum spam from comments posted by guests, turn this option on. Comments will then be passed through WordPress spam filters (e.g. Akismet) before being sent to the forum. This only applies to posts made by guests.', 'wp-united');
										<input type="radio" name="rad_xpostcomappr" value="all" id="xpostcomapprall"  <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostspam') === 'all') {
checked="checked" <?php 
 /><label for="xpostcomapprall"><?php 
        _e('Yes, and override phpBB post approval requirements if the comment passes WordPress checks', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
										<input type="radio" name="rad_xpostcomappr" value="yes" id="xpostcomappryes" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostspam') === 1) {
checked="checked" <?php 
  /><label for="xpostcomappryes"><?php 
        _e('Yes, but still honour phpBB post approval requirements even if the comment passes', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
										<input type="radio" name="rad_xpostcomappr" value="no" id="xpostcomapprno" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostspam') === 0) {
checked="checked" <?php 
  /><label for="xpostcomapprno"><?php 
        _e('No, I will rely on phpBB settings.', 'wp-united');
        _e('Force all blog posts to be cross-posted?', 'wp-united');
        _e('Setting this option will force all blog posts to be cross-posted to a specific forum. You can select the forum here. Note that users must have the &quot;can cross-post&quot; WP-United permission under phpBB Forum Permissions, or the cross-posting will not take place.', 'wp-united');
									<select id="wpuxpostforce" name="wpuxpostforce">
										<option value="-1" <?php 
        if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostforce') == -1) {
            echo ' selected="selected" ';
>-- <?php 
        _e('Disabled', 'wp-united');
        if (defined('IN_PHPBB')) {
            global $phpbbForum, $db;
            $fStateChanged = $phpbbForum->foreground();
            $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . 'forum_type = ' . FORUM_POST;
            if ($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) {
                while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
                    echo '<option value="' . $row['forum_id'] . '"';
                    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('xpostforce') == (int) $row['forum_id']) {
                        echo ' selected="selected" ';
                    echo '>' . $row['forum_name'] . '</option>';
        _e('Cross-post prefix', 'wp-united');
        _e('This will be prepended to the post title when cross-posted. Leave it blank to disable.', 'wp-united');
        // The default value hasn't had translation applied as we can't do that on the phpBB side. So we translate it now.
        $xPostPrefix = $wpUnited->get_setting('xpostprefix');
        if ($xPostPrefix == '[BLOG] ') {
            $xPostPrefix = __('[BLOG] ', 'wp-united');
									<label for="wpuxpostprefix"><?php 
        _e('Cross-post prefix: ', 'wp-united');
</label><input type="text" name="wpuxpostprefix" id="wpuxpostprefix" value="<?php 
        echo htmlentities($xPostPrefix);
					<div id="wputab-theme">
    _e('Integrate themes?', 'wp-united');
    _e('WP-United can integrate your phpBB &amp; WordPress templates.', 'wp-united');
						<input type="checkbox" id="wputplint" name="wputplint" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('showHdrFtr') != 'NONE') {
checked="checked" <?php 
 /><label for="wputplint"><?php 
    _e('Enable Theme Integration', 'wp-united');
						<div id="wpusettingstpl" class="subsettings">
    _e('Integration Mode', 'wp-united');
    _e('Do you want WordPress to appear inside your phpBB template, or phpBB to appear inside your WordPress template?', 'wp-united');
							<input type="radio" name="rad_tpl" value="rev" id="wputplrev"  <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('showHdrFtr') != 'FWD') {
checked="checked" <?php 
 /><label for="wputplrev"><?php 
    _e('phpBB inside WordPress', 'wp-united');
							<input type="radio" name="rad_tpl" value="fwd" id="wputplfwd" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('showHdrFtr') == 'FWD') {
checked="checked" <?php 
  /><label for="wputplfwd"><?php 
    _e('WordPress inside phpBB', 'wp-united');
    _e('Automatic CSS Integration', 'wp-united');
    _e('WP-United can automatically fix CSS conflicts between your phpBB and WordPress templates. Set the slider to "maximum compatibility" to fix most problems. If you prefer to fix CSS conflicts by hand, or if the automatic changes cause problems, try reducing the level.', 'wp-united');
							<div style="padding: 0 100px;">
								<p style="height: 11px;"><span style="float: left;"><?php 
    _e('Off', 'wp-united');
</span><span style="float: right;"><?php 
    _e('Maximum Compatibility (Recommended)', 'wp-united');
								<div id="wpucssmlvl"></div>
								<div id="cssmdesc"><p><strong><?php 
    _e('Current Level: ', 'wp-united');
<span id="cssmlvltitle">xxx</span></strong><br /></p><p id="cssmlvldesc">xxx</p></div>
							<input type="hidden" id="wpucssmlvlfield" name="wpucssmlevel" value="notset"></input>
							<p><a id="wputpladvancedstgs" href="#" onclick="return tplAdv();"><span id="wutpladvshow"><?php 
    _e('Show Advanced Settings &raquo;', 'wp-united');
</span><span id="wutpladvhide" style="display: none;"><?php 
    _e('&laquo; Hide Advanced Settings', 'wp-united');
							<div id="wpusettingstpladv" class="subsettings">
    _e('Advanced Settings', 'wp-united');
								<div id="wputemplate-p-in-w-opts">
    _e('Use full page?', 'wp-united');
										<a class="wpuwhatis" href="#" title="<?php 
    _e("Do you want phpBB to simply appear inside your WordPress header and footer, or do you want it to show up in a fully featured WordPress page? Simple header and footer will work best for most WordPress themes – it is faster and less resource-intensive, but cannot display dynamic content on the forum page. However, if you want the WordPress sidebar to show up, or use other WordPress features on the integrated page, you could try 'full page'. This option could be a little slower.", 'wp-united');
    _e('What is this?', 'wp-united');
									<select id="wpuhdrftrspl" name="wpuhdrftrspl">
										<option value="0"<?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('wpSimpleHdr') == 1) {
        echo ' selected="selected" ';
>-- <?php 
    _e('Statically Cached Simple Header &amp; Footer', 'wp-united');
    $files = get_page_templates();
    $fileNames = array_values($files);
    if (!in_array('page.php', $fileNames) && locate_template(array('page.php'))) {
        $files[wpu_fix_translation(__('Fall back to page.php', 'wp-united'))] = 'page.php';
    if (!in_array('index.php', $fileNames) && locate_template(array('index.php'))) {
        $files[wpu_fix_translation(__('Fall back to index.php', 'wp-united'))] = 'index.php';
    if (sizeof($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $fileDesc => $file) {
            if (strpos(strtolower($file), '.php') == strlen($file) - 4) {
                echo '<option value="' . $file . '"';
                if ($wpUnited->get_setting('wpPageName') == $file && $wpUnited->get_setting('wpSimpleHdr') == 0) {
                    echo ' selected="selected" ';
                echo '>' . __('Full Page: ', 'wp-united') . $fileDesc . '</option>';
    _e('Padding around phpBB', 'wp-united');
    $padding = explode('-', $wpUnited->get_setting('phpbbPadding'));
										<a class="wpuwhatis" href="#" title="<?php 
    _e("phpBB is inserted on the WordPress page inside a DIV. Here you can set the padding of that DIV. This is useful because otherwise the phpBB content may not line up properly on the page. The defaults here are good for most WordPress templates. If you would prefer set this yourself, just leave these boxes blank (not '0'), and style it in your stylesheet instead.", 'wp-united');
    _e('What is this?', 'wp-united');
													<label for="wpupadtop"><?php 
    _e('Top:', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
													<input type="text" onkeypress="check_padding(event)" maxlength="3" style="width: 30px;" id="wpupadtop" name="wpupadtop" value="<?php 
    echo $padding[0];
" />px<br />
													<label for="wpupadright"><?php 
    _e('Right:', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
													<input type="text" onkeypress="check_padding(event)" maxlength="3" style="width: 30px;" id="wpupadright" name="wpupadright" value="<?php 
    echo $padding[1];
" />px<br />
													<label for="wpupadbtm"><?php 
    _e('Bottom:', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
													<input type="text" onkeypress="check_padding(event)" maxlength="3" style="width: 30px;" id="wpupadbtm" name="wpupadbtm" value="<?php 
    echo $padding[2];
" />px<br />
													<label for="wpupadleft"><?php 
    _e('Left:', 'wp-united');
</label><br />
													<input type="text" onkeypress="check_padding(event)" maxlength="3" style="width: 30px;" id="wpupadleft" name="wpupadleft" value="<?php 
    echo $padding[3];
" />px<br />
										<p><a href="#" onclick="return default_padding();"><?php 
    _e('Reset to defaults', 'wp-united');
									<div id="wputemplate-w-in-p-opts">
											<input type="checkbox" id="wpudtd" name="wpudtd" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('dtdSwitch')) {
        echo ' checked="checked" ';
/> <label for="wpudtd"><Strong><?php 
    _e("Use WordPress' Document Type Declaration?", 'wp-united');
											<a class="wpuwhatis" href="#" title="<?php 
    _e("The Document Type Declaration, or DTD, is provided at the top of all web pages to let the browser know what type of markup language is being used. phpBB3's prosilver uses an XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD by default. Most WordPress templates, however, use an XHTML 1 transitional  or HTML 5 DTD. In most cases, this doesn't matter -- however, If you want to use WordPress' DTD on pages where WordPress is inside phpBB, then you can turn this option on. This should prevent browsers from going into quirks mode, and will ensure that even more WordPress templates display as designed.", 'wp-united');
    _e('What is this?', 'wp-united');
					<div id="wputab-behav">

    _e('Use phpBB Word Censor?', 'wp-united');
    _e('Turn this option on if you want WordPress posts to be passed through the phpBB word censor.', 'wp-united');
						<input type="checkbox" id="wpucensor" name="wpucensor" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('phpbbCensor')) {
        echo ' checked="checked" ';
/><label for="wpucensor"><?php 
    _e('Enable word censoring in WordPress', 'wp-united');
    _e('Use phpBB smilies?', 'wp-united');
    _e('Turn this option on if you want to use phpBB smilies in WordPress comments and posts.', 'wp-united');
						<input type="checkbox" id="wpusmilies" name="wpusmilies" <?php 
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('phpbbSmilies')) {
        echo ' checked="checked" ';
/><label for="wpusmilies"><?php 
    _e('Use phpBB smilies in WordPress', 'wp-united');
					<!--<div id="wputab-blogs">
						User Blogs - options being revamped
			<p class="submit">
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Submit', 'wp-united');
" name="wpusettings-submit" />
		<div id="wpu-dialog" title="Message" style="display: none;">
			<p id="wpu-desc">&nbsp;</p>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		// <![CDATA[
			var transmitMessage;
			var transmitNonce = '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('wp-united-transmit');
			var disableNonce = '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('wp-united-disable');
			var blankPageMsg = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Blank page received: check your error log.', 'wp-united'));
			var phpbbPath = '<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_setting('phpbb_path') ? $wpUnited->get_setting('phpbb_path') : '';
			var treeScript =  '<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_plugin_url() . 'js/filetree.php';
			var statusCSSMDisabled = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Off', 'wp-united'));
			var descCSSMDisabled = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('All automatic CSS integration is disabled', 'wp-united'));
			var statusCSSMMed = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Medium', 'wp-united'));
			var descCSSMMed = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(sprintf(__('%1$sStyles are reset to stop outer styles applying to the inner part of the page.%2$sInner CSS is made more specific so it does not affect the outer portion of the page.%2$sSome HTML IDs and class names may be duplicated.%3$s', 'wp-united'), '<ul><li>', '</li><li>', '</li></ul>'));
			var statusCSSMFull = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Full', 'wp-united'));
			var descCSSMFull = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(sprintf(__('%1$sStyles are reset to stop outer styles applying to the inner part of the page.%2$sInner CSS is made more specific so it does not affect the outer portion of the page.%2$sHTML IDs and class names that are duplicated in the inner and outer parts of the page are fixed.%3$s', 'wp-united'), '<ul><li>', '</li><li>', '</li></ul>'));
    $cssmVal = 0;
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('cssMagic')) {
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('templateVoodoo')) {
			var cssmVal = '<?php 
    echo $cssmVal;

			function wpu_hardened_init_tail() {
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('phpbb_path')) {

		// ]]>

    add_action('admin_footer', 'wpu_hardened_script_init');
Example #2
  * Adds any required scripts and inline JS (for lang strings)
  * @TODO: standardize
  * Echoes directly to the page buffer
  * @return void
 public function add_scripts()
     if (!$this->is_enabled()) {
     // enqueue any JS we need
     if ($this->get_setting('phpbbSmilies') && !is_admin()) {
         wp_enqueue_script('wp-united', $this->get_plugin_url() . 'js/smilies.js', array(), false, true);
     // fix broken admin bar on integrated page
     if ($this->get_setting('showHdrFtr') == 'FWD' && $this->get_setting('cssMagic')) {
         wp_enqueue_script('wpu-fix-adminbar', $this->get_plugin_url() . 'js/fix-admin-bar.js', array('admin-bar'), false, true);
     // Rather than outputting the script, we just signpost any language strings we will need
     // The scripts themselves are already enqueud.
     if ($this->get_setting('phpbbSmilies')) {
         echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[\nvar wpuLang ={";
         $langStrings = array('wpu_more_smilies' => __('More smilies', 'wp-united'), 'wpu_less_smilies' => __('Less smilies', 'wp-united'), 'wpu_smiley_error' => __('Your smiley could not be inserted. You can add it manually by typing this code: %s', 'wp-united'));
         foreach ($langStrings as $key => $lang) {
             if ($key != 'wpu_more_smilies') {
                 echo ',';
             echo "'{$key}': '";
             echo "'";
         echo "} // ]]>\n</script>";