Example #1
 * Handle Tweets sent via Ajax Tweet Now/Schedule Tweet buttons.
 * @return string Confirmation message indicating success or failure of Tweeting.
function wpt_ajax_tweet()
    if (!check_ajax_referer('wpt-tweet-nonce', 'security', false)) {
        echo "Invalid Security Check";
    $action = $_REQUEST['tweet_action'] == 'tweet' ? 'tweet' : 'schedule';
    // This isn't used right now, because of time.
    $authors = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_auth']) && $_REQUEST['tweet_auth'] != null ? $_REQUEST['tweet_auth'] : false;
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists()) {
        if (wtt_oauth_test($current_user->ID, 'verify')) {
            $auth = $user_ID = $current_user->ID;
        } else {
            $auth = false;
            $user_ID = $current_user->ID;
    } else {
        $auth = false;
        $user_ID = $current_user->ID;
    if (current_user_can('wpt_can_tweet')) {
        $options = get_option('wpt_post_types');
        $post_ID = intval($_REQUEST['tweet_post_id']);
        $type = get_post_type($post_ID);
        $default = isset($options[$type]['post-edited-text']) ? $options[$type]['post-edited-text'] : '';
        $sentence = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_text']) && trim($_REQUEST['tweet_text']) != '' ? $_REQUEST['tweet_text'] : $default;
        $sentence = stripcslashes(trim($sentence));
        $post_info = wpt_post_info($post_ID);
        $sentence = jd_truncate_tweet($sentence, $post_info, $post_ID, false, $user_ID);
        $schedule = isset($_REQUEST['tweet_schedule']) ? strtotime($_REQUEST['tweet_schedule']) : rand(60, 240);
        $print_schedule = date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_option('time_format'), $schedule);
        $offset = 60 * 60 * get_option('gmt_offset');
        $schedule = $schedule - $offset;
        $media = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID, $post_info);
        switch ($action) {
            case 'tweet':
                jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence, $auth, $post_ID, $media);
            case 'schedule':
                wp_schedule_single_event($schedule, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $auth, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID));
        $return = $action == 'tweet' ? wpt_log('wpt_status_message', $post_ID) : "Tweet scheduled: '{$sentence}' for {$print_schedule}";
        echo $return;
    } else {
        echo __('You are not authorized to perform this action', 'wp-to-twitter');
Example #2
function jd_twit($post_ID, $type = 'instant')
    if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
        wpt_mail("0: jd_twit running #{$post_ID}", "Post ID: {$post_ID} / {$type}");
        // DEBUG
    if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE || wp_is_post_revision($post_ID)) {
        return $post_ID;
    $jd_tweet_this = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_tweet_this', true);
    $newpost = $oldpost = $is_inline_edit = false;
    $sentence = $template = '';
    if (get_option('wpt_inline_edits') != 1) {
        if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit']) || isset($_REQUEST['bulk_edit'])) {
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['_inline_edit']) || isset($_REQUEST['bulk_edit'])) {
            $is_inline_edit = true;
    if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
        wpt_mail("1: JD Tweet This Value: #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: {$jd_tweet_this} /" . get_option('jd_tweet_default') . " / {$type}");
        // DEBUG
    if (get_option('jd_tweet_default') == 0) {
        $test = $jd_tweet_this != 'no' ? true : false;
    } else {
        $test = $jd_tweet_this == 'yes' ? true : false;
    if ($test) {
        // test switch: depend on default settings.
        $post_info = jd_post_info($post_ID);
        $media = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID, $post_info);
        if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) {
            $auth = get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock') == 'false' || !get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock') ? $post_info['authId'] : get_option('wpt_cotweet_lock');
        } else {
            $auth = $post_info['authId'];
        /* debug data */
        if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
            wpt_mail("2: POST Debug Data #{$post_ID}", "Post_Info: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . "\n\nPOST: " . print_r($_POST, 1) . " / {$type}");
        if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true && function_exists('wpt_filter_post_info')) {
            $filter = wpt_filter_post_info($post_info);
            if ($filter == true) {
                if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                    wpt_mail("3a: Post filtered: #{$post_ID}", print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}");
                return false;
        /* Filter Tweet based on POST data -- allows custom filtering of unknown plug-ins, etc. */
        $filter = apply_filters('wpt_filter_post_data', false, $_POST);
        if ($filter) {
            return false;
        $post_type = $post_info['postType'];
        if ($type == 'future' || get_post_meta($post_ID, 'wpt_publishing') == 'future') {
            $new = 1;
            // if this is a future action, then it should be published regardless of relationship
            if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                wpt_mail("4: Future post: #{$post_ID}", print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}");
            delete_post_meta($post_ID, 'wpt_publishing');
        } else {
            // if the post modified date and the post date are the same, this is new.
            // true if first date before or equal to last date
            $new = wpt_date_compare($post_info['_postModified'], $post_info['_postDate']);
        // post is not previously published but has been backdated:
        // (post date is edited, but save option is 'publish')
        if ($new == 0 && (isset($_POST['edit_date']) && $_POST['edit_date'] == 1 && !isset($_POST['save']))) {
            $new = 1;
        // can't catch posts that were set to a past date as a draft, then published.
        $post_type_settings = get_option('wpt_post_types');
        $post_types = array_keys($post_type_settings);
        if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) {
            // identify whether limited by category/taxonomy
            $continue = wpt_category_limit($post_type, $post_info, $post_ID);
            if ($continue == false) {
            // create Tweet and ID whether current action is edit or new
            $cT = get_post_meta($post_ID, '_jd_twitter', true);
            if (isset($_POST['_jd_twitter']) && $_POST['_jd_twitter'] != '') {
                $cT = $_POST['_jd_twitter'];
            $customTweet = $cT != '' ? stripcslashes(trim($cT)) : '';
            // if ops is set and equals 'publish', this is being edited. Otherwise, it's a new post.
            if ($new == 0 || $is_inline_edit == true) {
                // if this is an old post and editing updates are enabled
                if (get_option('jd_tweet_default_edit') == 1) {
                    $jd_tweet_this = apply_filters('wpt_tweet_this_edit', $jd_tweet_this, $_POST);
                    if ($jd_tweet_this != 'yes') {
                        if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                            wpt_mail("3c: Tweet this: not equal to yes", "Exit // Post ID: {$post_ID}");
                            // DEBUG
                if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                    wpt_mail("4a: Edited post #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}");
                    // DEBUG
                if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-update'] == '1') {
                    $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-edited-text']);
                    $oldpost = true;
            } else {
                if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                    wpt_mail("4b: New Post #{$post_ID}", "Tweet this: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}");
                    // DEBUG
                if ($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-update'] == '1') {
                    $nptext = stripcslashes($post_type_settings[$post_type]['post-published-text']);
                    $newpost = true;
            if ($newpost || $oldpost) {
                $template = $customTweet != "" ? $customTweet : $nptext;
                $sentence = jd_truncate_tweet($template, $post_info, $post_ID);
                if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                    wpt_mail("5: Tweet Truncated #{$post_ID}", "Truncated Tweet: {$sentence} / {$template} / {$type}");
                    // DEBUG
                if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) {
                    $sentence2 = jd_truncate_tweet($template, $post_info, $post_ID, false, $auth);
            if ($sentence != '') {
                // WPT PRO //
                if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) {
                    $wpt_selected_users = $post_info['wpt_authorized_users'];
                    /* set up basic author/main account values */
                    $auth_verified = wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify');
                    if (empty($wpt_selected_users) && get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') == 1) {
                        $wpt_selected_users = $auth_verified ? array($auth) : array(false);
                    if ($post_info['wpt_cotweet'] == 1 || get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') != 1) {
                        $wpt_selected_users['main'] = false;
                    // filter selected users before using
                    $wpt_selected_users = apply_filters('wpt_filter_users', $wpt_selected_users, $post_info);
                    if ($post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] == 0 || $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] == '' || $post_info['wpt_no_delay'] == 'on') {
                        foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) {
                            if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) {
                                $tweet = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence2, $acct, $post_ID, $media);
                    } else {
                        foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) {
                            if ($auth != $acct) {
                                $offset = rand(60, 480);
                                // offset by 1-8 minutes for additional users
                            } else {
                                $offset = 0;
                            if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) {
                                $time = apply_filters('wpt_schedule_delay', (int) $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] * 60, $acct);
                                $scheduled = wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID));
                                $tweet = true;
                                // if scheduled, return true.
                                if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                                    if ($acct) {
                                        $author_id = "#{$acct}";
                                    } else {
                                        $author_id = 'Main';
                                    wpt_mail("7a: Tweet Scheduled for Auth ID {$author_id} #{$post_ID}", print_r(array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $sentence, 'rt' => 0, 'post_id' => $post_ID, 'timestamp' => time() + $time + $offset, 'current_time' => time(), 'timezone' => get_option('gmt_offset'), 'scheduled' => $scheduled, 'timestamp_string' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $time + $offset), 'current_time_string' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())), 1));
                                    // DEBUG
                    /* This cycle handles scheduling the automatic retweets */
                    if ($post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] != 0 && $post_info['wpt_no_repost'] != 'on') {
                        $repeat = $post_info['wpt_retweet_repeat'];
                        $first = true;
                        foreach ($wpt_selected_users as $acct) {
                            if (wtt_oauth_test($acct, 'verify')) {
                                for ($i = 1; $i <= $repeat; $i++) {
                                    switch ($i) {
                                        case 1:
                                            $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt');
                                            $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt');
                                        case 2:
                                            $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2');
                                            $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt2');
                                        case 3:
                                            $prepend = get_option('wpt_prepend') == 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt3');
                                            $append = get_option('wpt_prepend') != 1 ? '' : get_option('wpt_prepend_rt3');
                                    if (get_option('wpt_custom_type') == 'template') {
                                        $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $append), $post_info, $post_ID, true, $acct);
                                    } else {
                                        $retweet = jd_truncate_tweet(trim($prepend . $template . $append), $post_info, $post_ID, true, $acct);
                                    // add original delay to schedule
                                    $delay = isset($post_info['wpt_delay_tweet']) ? (int) $post_info['wpt_delay_tweet'] * 60 : 0;
                                    /* Don't delay the first Tweet of the group */
                                    $offset = $first == true ? 0 : rand(60, 240);
                                    // delay each co-tweet by 1-4 minutes
                                    $time = apply_filters('wpt_schedule_retweet', $post_info['wpt_retweet_after'] * (60 * 60) * $i, $acct, $i, $post_info);
                                    wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $time + $offset + $delay, 'wpt_schedule_tweet_action', array('id' => $acct, 'sentence' => $retweet, 'rt' => $i, 'post_id' => $post_ID));
                                    $tweet = true;
                                    if ($i == 4) {
                            $first = false;
                } else {
                    $tweet = jd_doTwitterAPIPost($sentence, false, $post_ID, $media);
                // END WPT PRO //
                if ($tweet == false) {
                    update_option('wp_twitter_failure', '1');
        } else {
            if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) {
                wpt_mail("3c: Not a Tweeted post type #{$post_ID}", "Post_Info: " . print_r($post_info, 1) . " / {$type}");
            return $post_ID;
    return $post_ID;
Example #3
function jd_truncate_tweet($tweet, $post, $post_ID, $retweet = false, $ref = false)
    // media file occupies 22 characters, need to account for in shortening.
    $maxlength = apply_filters('wpt_max_length', array('with_media' => 116, 'without_media' => 139));
    $length = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID, $post) ? $maxlength['with_media'] : $maxlength['without_media'];
    $tweet = apply_filters('wpt_tweet_sentence', $tweet, $post_ID);
    $tweet = trim(wpt_custom_shortcodes($tweet, $post_ID));
    $encoding = get_option('blog_charset') != 'UTF-8' && get_option('blog_charset') != '' ? get_option('blog_charset') : 'UTF-8';
    $diff = 0;
    // Add custom append/prepend fields to Tweet text
    if (get_option('jd_twit_prepend') != "" && $tweet != '') {
        $tweet = stripslashes(get_option('jd_twit_prepend')) . " " . $tweet;
    if (get_option('jd_twit_append') != "" && $tweet != '') {
        $tweet = $tweet . " " . stripslashes(get_option('jd_twit_append'));
    // there are no tags in this Tweet. Truncate and return.
    if (!wpt_has_tags($tweet)) {
        $post_tweet = mb_substr($tweet, 0, $length, $encoding);
        return apply_filters('wpt_custom_truncate', $post_tweet, $tweet, $post_ID, $retweet, 1);
    // create full unconditional post tweet - prior to truncation
    // order matters; arrays have to be ordered the same way.
    $tags = array_map('wpt_make_tag', wpt_tags());
    $values = wpt_create_values($post, $post_ID, $ref);
    $post_tweet = str_ireplace($tags, $values, $tweet);
    // check total length
    $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(wpt_normalize($post_tweet)), $encoding);
     * Check whether completed replacement is still within allowed length.
     * If so, post as is.
    if ($str_length < $length + 1) {
        if (mb_strlen(wpt_normalize($post_tweet)) > $length + 1) {
            $post_tweet = mb_substr($post_tweet, 0, $length, $encoding);
        return apply_filters('wpt_custom_truncate', $post_tweet, $tweet, $post_ID, $retweet, 2);
        // return early if all is well without replacements.
    } else {
        $has_excerpt_tag = wpt_has($tweet, '#post#');
        $has_title_tag = wpt_has($tweet, '#title#');
        $has_short_url = wpt_has($tweet, '#url#');
        $has_long_url = wpt_has($tweet, '#longurl#');
        $url_strlen = mb_strlen(urldecode(wpt_normalize($values['url'])), $encoding);
        $longurl_strlen = mb_strlen(urldecode(wpt_normalize($values['longurl'])), $encoding);
         * Tweet is too long, so we'll have to truncate that sucker.
        $length_array = wpt_length_array($values, $encoding);
        // Twitter's t.co shortener is mandatory. All URLS are max-character value set by Twitter.
        $tco = wpt_is_ssl($values['url']) ? 23 : 22;
        $order = get_option('wpt_truncation_order');
        if (is_array($order)) {
            $preferred = array();
            foreach ($order as $k => $v) {
                if ($k == 'excerpt') {
                    $k = 'post';
                    $value = $length_array['post'];
                } else {
                    if ($k == 'blogname') {
                        $k = 'blog';
                        $value = $length_array['blog'];
                    } else {
                        $value = $length_array[$k];
                $preferred[$k] = $value;
        } else {
            $preferred = $length_array;
        if ($has_short_url) {
            $diff = $url_strlen - $tco > 0 ? $url_strlen - $tco : 0;
        } else {
            if ($has_long_url) {
                $diff = $longurl_strlen - $tco > 0 ? $longurl_strlen - $tco : 0;
        if ($str_length > $length + 1 + $diff) {
            foreach ($preferred as $key => $value) {
                // don't truncate content of post excerpt or title if those tags not in use
                if (!($key == 'excerpt' && !$has_excerpt_tag) && !($key == 'title' && !$has_title_tag)) {
                    $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(wpt_normalize(trim($post_tweet))), $encoding);
                    if ($str_length > $length + 1 + $diff) {
                        $trim = $str_length - ($length + 1 + $diff);
                        $old_value = $values[$key];
                        // prevent URL from being modified
                        $post_tweet = str_ireplace(array($values['url'], $values['longurl']), array('#url#', '#longurl#'), $post_tweet);
                         * These tag fields should be removed completely, rather than truncated. 
                        if (wpt_remove_tag($key)) {
                            $new_value = '';
                             * These tag fields should have stray characters removed on word boundaries
                        } else {
                            if ($key == 'tags') {
                                // remove any stray hash characters due to string truncation
                                if (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim <= 2) {
                                    $new_value = '';
                                } else {
                                    $new_value = $old_value;
                                    while (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim < mb_strlen($new_value)) {
                                        $new_value = trim(mb_substr($new_value, 0, mb_strrpos($new_value, '#', $encoding) - 1));
                                 * Just flat out truncate everything else cold. 
                            } else {
                                // trim letters
                                $new_value = mb_substr($old_value, 0, -$trim, $encoding);
                                // trim rest of last word
                                $last_space = strrpos($new_value, ' ');
                                $new_value = mb_substr($new_value, 0, $last_space, $encoding);
                                 * If you want to add something like an ellipsis after truncation, use this filter.
                                $new_value = apply_filters('wpt_filter_truncated_value', $new_value, $key, $old_value);
                        $post_tweet = str_ireplace($old_value, $new_value, $post_tweet);
                        // put URL back before checking length
                        $post_tweet = str_ireplace(array('#url#', '#longurl#'), array($values['url'], $values['longurl']), $post_tweet);
                    } else {
                        if (mb_strlen(wpt_normalize($post_tweet), $encoding) > $length + 1 + $diff) {
                            $post_tweet = mb_substr($post_tweet, 0, $length + $diff, $encoding);
        // this is needed in case a tweet needs to be truncated outright and the truncation values aren't in the above.
        // 1) removes URL 2) checks length of remainder 3) Replaces URL
        if (mb_strlen(wpt_normalize($post_tweet)) > $length + 1) {
            $tweet = false;
            if ($has_short_url) {
                $url = $values['url'];
                $tag = '#url#';
            } else {
                if ($has_long_url) {
                    $url = $values['longurl'];
                    $tag = '#longurl#';
                } else {
                    $post_tweet = mb_substr($post_tweet, 0, $length + $diff, $encoding);
                    $tweet = true;
            if (!$tweet) {
                $temp = str_ireplace($url, $tag, $post_tweet);
                if (mb_strlen(wpt_normalize($temp)) > $length + 1 - ($tco - strlen($tag)) && $temp != $post_tweet) {
                    if (stripos($temp, '#url#') === false && stripos($temp, '#longurl#') === false) {
                        $post_tweet = trim(mb_substr($temp, 0, $length, $encoding));
                    } else {
                        $post_tweet = trim(mb_substr($temp, 0, $length - $tco - 1, $encoding));
                    // it's possible to trim off the #url# part in this process. If that happens, put it back.
                    $sub_sentence = !wpt_has($post_tweet, $tag) && ($has_short_url || $has_long_url) ? $post_tweet . ' ' . $tag : $post_tweet;
                    $post_tweet = str_ireplace($tag, $url, $sub_sentence);
    return apply_filters('wpt_custom_truncate', $post_tweet, $tweet, $post_ID, $retweet, 3);