private function purchase_log_cart_items()
        while (wpsc_have_purchaselog_details()) {
            echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_name();
</td> <!-- NAME! -->
            echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_SKU();
</td> <!-- SKU! -->
            echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_quantity();
</td> <!-- QUANTITY! -->
            echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_price());
            do_action('wpsc_additional_sales_amount_info', wpsc_purchaselog_details_id());
	 </td> <!-- PRICE! -->
            echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_shipping());
</td> <!-- SHIPPING! -->
            if (wpec_display_product_tax()) {
                echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax());
</td> <!-- TAX! -->
         <!-- <td><?php 
            echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_discount());
</td> --> <!-- DISCOUNT! -->
         <td class="amount"><?php 
            echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_total());
</td> <!-- TOTAL! -->
Example #2
function wpsc_display_purchlog_details()
    while (wpsc_have_purchaselog_details()) {
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_name();
</td> <!-- NAME -->
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_SKU();
</td> <!-- SKU -->
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_quantity();
</td> <!-- QUANTITY-->
        echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_price(), true);
</td> <!-- PRICE -->
        echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax(), true);
</td> <!-- TAX -->
        /* <td><?php echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_discount(),true); ?></td> <!-- DISCOUNT --> */
        echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_total(), true);
</td> <!-- TOTAL -->
function wpsc_packing_slip($purchase_id)
    global $wpdb, $purchlogitem, $wpsc_cart, $purchlog;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['purchaselog_id'])) {
        $purchlogitem = new wpsc_purchaselogs_items((int) $_REQUEST['purchaselog_id']);
    $purch_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `id`='" . $purchase_id . "'";
    $purch_data = $wpdb->get_row($purch_sql, ARRAY_A);
    //echo "<p style='padding-left: 5px;'><strong>".__('Date', 'wpsc')."</strong>:".date("jS M Y", $purch_data['date'])."</p>";
    $cartsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid`=" . $purchase_id . "";
    $cart_log = $wpdb->get_results($cartsql, ARRAY_A);
    $j = 0;
    if ($cart_log != null) {
        echo "<div class='packing_slip'>\n\r";
        echo apply_filters('wpsc_packing_slip_header', '<h2>' . __('Packing Slip', 'wpsc') . "</h2>\n\r");
        echo "<strong>" . __('Order', 'wpsc') . " #</strong> " . $purchase_id . "<br /><br />\n\r";
        echo "<table>\n\r";
        			$form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA."` WHERE  `log_id` = '".(int)$purchase_id."'";
        			$input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql,ARRAY_A);
        echo "<tr class='heading'><td colspan='2'><strong>Billing Info</strong></td></tr>";
        foreach ((array) $purchlogitem->userinfo as $userinfo) {
            if ($userinfo['unique_name'] != 'billingcountry') {
                echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>";
            } else {
                $userinfo['value'] = maybe_unserialize($userinfo['value']);
                if (is_array($userinfo['value'])) {
                    if (!empty($userinfo['value'][1]) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][1] . "</td></tr>";
                    } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'][1], 'name') . "</td></tr>";
                    if (!empty($userinfo['value'][0])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>Country: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][0] . "</td></tr>";
                } else {
                    echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr class='heading'><td colspan='2'><strong>Shipping Info</strong></td></tr>";
        foreach ((array) $purchlogitem->shippinginfo as $userinfo) {
            if ($userinfo['unique_name'] != 'shippingcountry' && $userinfo['unique_name'] != 'shippingstate') {
                echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>";
            } elseif ($userinfo['unique_name'] == 'shippingcountry') {
                $userinfo['value'] = maybe_unserialize($userinfo['value']);
                if (is_array($userinfo['value'])) {
                    if (!empty($userinfo['value'][1]) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][1] . "</td></tr>";
                    } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'][1])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'][1], 'name') . "</td></tr>";
                    if (!empty($userinfo['value'][0])) {
                        echo "<tr><td>Country: </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'][0] . "</td></tr>";
                } else {
                    echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td></tr>";
            } elseif ($userinfo['unique_name'] == 'shippingstate') {
                if (!empty($userinfo['value']) && !is_numeric($userinfo['value'])) {
                    echo "<tr><td>" . $userinfo['name'] . ": </td><td>" . $userinfo['value'] . "</td</tr>>";
                } elseif (is_numeric($userinfo['value'])) {
                    echo "<tr><td>State: </td><td>" . wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo['value'], 'name') . "</td></tr>";
        //		echo('<pre>'.print_r($purchlogitem,true).'</pre>');
        	foreach($input_data as $input_row) {
        			  $rekeyed_input[$input_row['form_id']] = $input_row;
        			if($input_data != null) {
                $form_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS."` WHERE `active` = '1'",ARRAY_A);
            // exit('<pre>'.print_r($purch_data, true).'</pre>');
                foreach($form_data as $form_field) {
                  switch($form_field['type']) {
        			case 'country':
        						$delivery_region_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(`regions`.`id`) FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."` AS `regions` INNER JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` AS `country` ON `country`.`id` = `regions`.`country_id` WHERE `country`.`isocode` IN('".$wpdb->escape( $purch_data['billing_country'])."')");
                    if(is_numeric($purch_data['billing_region']) && ($delivery_region_count > 0)) {
                      echo "  <tr><td>".__('State', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".wpsc_get_region($purch_data['billing_region'])."</td></tr>\n\r";
                    echo "  <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".wpsc_get_country($purch_data['billing_country'])."</td></tr>\n\r";
                    case 'delivery_country':
                    echo "  <tr><td>".$form_field['name'].":</td><td>".wpsc_get_country($purch_data['shipping_country'])."</td></tr>\n\r";
                    case 'heading':
                    echo "  <tr><td colspan='2'><strong>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()).":</strong></td></tr>\n\r";
                    if($form_field['unique_name'] == 'shippingstate'){
                    	echo "  <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".wpsc_get_region($purch_data['shipping_region'])."</td></tr>\n\r";
                    	echo "  <tr><td>".wp_kses($form_field['name'], array() ).":</td><td>".htmlentities(stripslashes($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value']), ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8')."</td></tr>\n\r";
        			} else {
                echo "  <tr><td>".__('Name', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['firstname']." ".$purch_data['lastname']."</td></tr>\n\r";
                echo "  <tr><td>".__('Address', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['address']."</td></tr>\n\r";
                echo "  <tr><td>".__('Phone', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['phone']."</td></tr>\n\r";
                echo "  <tr><td>".__('Email', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['email']."</td></tr>\n\r";
        if (get_option('payment_method') == 2) {
            $gateway_name = '';
            foreach ($GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_gateways'] as $gateway) {
                if ($purch_data['gateway'] != 'testmode') {
                    if ($gateway['internalname'] == $purch_data['gateway']) {
                        $gateway_name = $gateway['name'];
                } else {
                    $gateway_name = "Manual Payment";
        // 			echo "  <tr><td colspan='2'></td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			echo "  <tr><td>".__('Payment Method', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$gateway_name."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			//echo "  <tr><td>".__('Purchase No.', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['id']."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			echo "  <tr><td>".__('How The Customer Found Us', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['find_us']."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			$engrave_line = explode(",",$purch_data['engravetext']);
        // 			echo "  <tr><td>".__('Engrave text', 'wpsc')."</td><td></td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			echo "  <tr><td>".__('Line 1', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$engrave_line[0]."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			echo "  <tr><td>".__('Line 2', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$engrave_line[1]."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			if($purch_data['transactid'] != '') {
        // 				echo "  <tr><td>".__('Transaction Id', 'wpsc').":</td><td>".$purch_data['transactid']."</td></tr>\n\r";
        // 			}
        echo "</table>\n\r";
        echo "<table class='packing_slip'>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Quantity', 'wpsc') . " </th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Name', 'wpsc') . "</th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Price', 'wpsc') . " </th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Shipping', 'wpsc') . " </th>";
        echo "<th>" . wpsc_display_tax_label(false) . "</th>";
        echo '</tr>';
        $endtotal = 0;
        $all_donations = true;
        $all_no_shipping = true;
        $file_link_list = array();
        //			exit('<pre>'.print_r($cart_log,true).'</pre>');
        foreach ($cart_log as $cart_row) {
            //			exit('<pre>'.print_r, true).'</pre>');
            $alternate = "";
            if ($j % 2 != 0) {
                $alternate = "class='alt'";
            $productsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST . "` WHERE `id`=" . $cart_row['prodid'] . "";
            $product_data = $wpdb->get_results($productsql, ARRAY_A);
            $variation_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS . "` WHERE `cart_id`='" . $cart_row['id'] . "'";
            $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results($variation_sql, ARRAY_A);
            $variation_count = count($variation_data);
            if ($variation_count > 1) {
                $variation_list = " (";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($variation_data as $variation) {
                    if ($i > 0) {
                        $variation_list .= ", ";
                    $value_id = $variation['value_id'];
                    $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES . "` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                    $variation_list .= $value_data[0]['name'];
                $variation_list .= ")";
            } else {
                if ($variation_count == 1) {
                    $value_id = $variation_data[0]['value_id'];
                    $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES . "` WHERE `id`='" . $value_id . "' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
                    $variation_list = " (" . $value_data[0]['name'] . ")";
                } else {
                    $variation_list = '';
            if ($cart_row['donation'] != 1) {
                $all_donations = false;
            if ($cart_row['no_shipping'] != 1) {
                $shipping = $cart_row['pnp'] * $cart_row['quantity'];
                $total_shipping += $shipping;
                $all_no_shipping = false;
            } else {
                $shipping = 0;
            $price = $cart_row['price'] * $cart_row['quantity'];
            $gst = $price - $price / (1 + $cart_row['gst'] / 100);
            if ($gst > 0) {
                $tax_per_item = $gst / $cart_row['quantity'];
            echo "<tr {$alternate}>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo $cart_row['quantity'];
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo $product_data[0]['name'];
            echo stripslashes($variation_list);
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, 1);
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($shipping, 1);
            echo " </td>";
            echo '<td>';
            if (wpsc_tax_isincluded()) {
                echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax();
            } else {
                echo nzshpcrt_currency_display($cart_row['tax_charged'], 1);
            echo '<td>';
            echo '</tr>';
        echo "</table>";
        echo '<table class="packing-slip-totals">';
        echo '<tr><th>Base Shipping</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping'], 1) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><th>Total Shipping</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping'] + $total_shipping, 1) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><th>Total Price</th><td>' . nzshpcrt_currency_display($purch_data['totalprice'], 1) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
        echo "</div>\n\r";
    } else {
        echo "<br />" . __('This users cart was empty', 'wpsc');
Example #4
function wpsc_display_purchlog_details()
    while (wpsc_have_purchaselog_details()) {
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_name();
</td> <!-- NAME! -->
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_SKU();
</td> <!-- SKU! -->
        echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_quantity();
</td> <!-- QUANTITY! -->
        echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_price());
</td> <!-- PRICE! -->
        echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_shipping());
</td> <!-- SHIPPING! -->
        if (wpec_display_product_tax()) {
            echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax());
</td> <!-- TAX! -->
      <!-- <td><?php 
        echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_discount());
</td> --> <!-- DISCOUNT! -->
        echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_total());
</td> <!-- TOTAL! -->
Example #5
File: sm38.php Project: bulats/chef
function get_packing_slip($purchase_ids, $purchase_id_arr)
    global $purchlogitem;
    if (!empty($purchase_ids) && !empty($purchase_id_arr)) {
                    <style type="text/css">
                            body {
                                    font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

                            h1 span {

                            h2 {
                                    color: #333;

                            #wrapper {
                                    margin:0 auto;
                                    page-break-after: always;

                            #header {

                            #customer {

                            #customer .shipping, #customer .billing {
                                    float: left;
                                    width: 50%;

                            table {
                                    border:1px solid #000;

                            th {

                            th, td {

                            td {

                            #cart-items td.amount {

                            td, tbody th {
                                    border-top:1px solid #ccc;
                            th.column-total {
                            th.column-shipping {
                            th.column-price {
        if (!class_exists('wpsc_purchaselogs_items')) {
            require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-includes/purchaselogs.class.php';
        foreach ($purchase_id_arr as $purchase_id_value) {
            $purchlogitem = new wpsc_purchaselogs_items((int) $purchase_id_value);
                        <div id="wrapper">
            echo smart_manager_print_logo();
                            <div id="header" style="margin-top:-0.8em;">
            echo get_bloginfo('name');
<br />
            printf(esc_html__('Packing Slip for Order #%s', 'wpsc'), $purchase_id_value);
                            <div id="customer">
                                    <div class="shipping">
            echo esc_html_x('Ship To:', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_name();
</strong><br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_address();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_city();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_state_and_postcode();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_country();
<br />
                                    <div class="billing">
            echo esc_html_x('Bill To:', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_name();
</strong><br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_address();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_city();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_state_and_postcode();
<br />
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_buyers_country();
<br />
                            <table id="order">
            echo esc_html_x('Order Date', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo esc_html_x('Order ID', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo esc_html_x('Shipping Method', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo esc_html_x('Payment Method', 'packing slip', 'wpsc');
            echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_date();
            echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_purchnumber();
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping_method();
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_paymentmethod();
                            <table id="cart-items" class="widefat" cellspacing="0">
                                                    <th scope='col' id='title' class='manage-column column-title'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Item Name', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='sku' class='manage-column column-sku'  style=""><?php 
            _e('SKU', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='quantity' class='manage-column column-quantity'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Quantity', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='price' class='manage-column column-price'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Price', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='shipping' class='manage-column column-shipping'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Item Shipping', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='tax' class='manage-column column-tax'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Item Tax', 'wpsc');
                                                    <th scope='col' id='total' class='manage-column column-total'  style=""><?php 
            _e('Item Total', 'wpsc');

            $cols = 5;
            // this is counted as ( count of th - 2 )

            while (wpsc_have_purchaselog_details()) {
                echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_name();
</td> <!-- NAME! -->
                echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_SKU();
</td> <!-- SKU! -->
                echo wpsc_purchaselog_details_quantity();
</td> <!-- QUANTITY! -->
                echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_price());
                do_action('wpsc_additional_sales_amount_info', wpsc_purchaselog_details_id());
                                                     </td> <!-- PRICE! -->
                echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_shipping());
</td> <!-- SHIPPING! -->
                if (wpec_display_product_tax()) {
                    echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_tax());
</td> <!-- TAX! -->
                                                     <!-- <td><?php 
                echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_discount());
</td> --> <!-- DISCOUNT! -->
                                                     <td class="amount"><?php 
                echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_purchaselog_details_total());
</td> <!-- TOTAL! -->

                                            <tr class="wpsc_purchaselog_start_totals">
                                                    <td colspan="<?php 
            echo $cols;
            if (wpsc_purchlog_has_discount_data()) {
                esc_html_e('Coupon Code', 'wpsc');
: <?php 
                echo wpsc_display_purchlog_discount_data();
            esc_html_e('Discount', 'wpsc');
                                                    <td class="amount"><?php 
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_discount();

            if (!wpec_display_product_tax()) {
                                                            <td colspan='<?php 
                echo $cols;
                esc_html_e('Taxes', 'wpsc');
                                                            <td class="amount"><?php 
                echo wpsc_display_purchlog_taxes();

                                                    <td colspan='<?php 
            echo $cols;
            esc_html_e('Shipping', 'wpsc');
                                                    <td class="amount"><?php 
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_shipping();
                                                    <td colspan='<?php 
            echo $cols;
            esc_html_e('Total', 'wpsc');
                                                    <td class="amount"><?php 
            echo wpsc_display_purchlog_totalprice();
