/** * Plugin Setup (On Activation) * * Does the initial setup, * stest default values for the plugin options. * * @package Social Deals Engine * @since 1.0.0 */ function wps_deals_install() { global $wpdb, $user_ID, $wps_deals_query, $wps_deals_options; //register custom post type wps_deals_register_deal_post_type(); wps_deals_register_sales_post_types(); //add endpoints to query vars //Need to call before flush rewrite rules $wps_deals_query->add_endpoints(); //IMP Call of Function //Need to call when custom post type is being used in plugin flush_rewrite_rules(); //add capabilities to administrator roles wps_deals_add_capabilities(); //get option for when plugin is activating first time $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); //get all option for the plugin $wps_deals_options = get_option('wps_deals_options'); if (empty($wps_deals_options)) { //check plugin version option $deals_page = array('post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => __('Social Deals', 'wpsdeals'), 'post_content' => '[wps_home_deals][/wps_home_deals][wps_deals_by_status active="true" ending_sooon="true" upcoming="true" ][/wps_deals_by_status]', 'post_author' => $user_ID, 'menu_order' => 0, 'comment_status' => 'closed'); //create main page for plugin $deals_parent_page_id = wp_insert_post($deals_page); // checkout page creation $checkout_page = array('post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => __('Social Deals Checkout', 'wpsdeals'), 'post_content' => '[wps_deals_checkout][/wps_deals_checkout]', 'post_author' => $user_ID, 'menu_order' => 0, 'comment_status' => 'closed'); $checkout_page_id = wp_insert_post($checkout_page); //create my account page $deals_myaccount_page = array('post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => __('My Account', 'wpsdeals'), 'post_content' => '[wps_deals_my_account][/wps_deals_my_account]', 'post_author' => $user_ID, 'menu_order' => 0, 'comment_status' => 'closed'); //create my account page $myaccount_page_id = wp_insert_post($deals_myaccount_page); // this option contains all page ID(s) to just pass it to wps_deals_default_settings function update_option('wps_deals_set_pages', array('main_page' => $deals_parent_page_id, 'checkout_page' => $checkout_page_id, 'my_account_page' => $myaccount_page_id)); // set default settings wps_deals_default_settings(); //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0'); //update countires to database wps_deals_update_countries(); } //check deals options empty or not $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); // Cron jobs wp_clear_scheduled_hook('wps_deals_scheduled_set_price_meta'); wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'wps_deals_scheduled_set_price_meta'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0') { //check set option for plugin is set 1.0 $udpopt = false; if (!isset($wps_deals_options['default_payment_gateway'])) { //check default gateway is set or not $defaultgateway = array('default_payment_gateway' => 'paypal'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $defaultgateway); $udpopt = true; } if (!isset($wps_deals_options['caching'])) { //check caching is set or not $caching = array('caching' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $caching); $udpopt = true; } if (!isset($wps_deals_options['cheque_customer_msg'])) { //check Customer Message is set or not $cheque_customer_msg = array('cheque_customer_msg' => __('Please send your cheque to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode.', 'wpsdeals')); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $cheque_customer_msg); $udpopt = true; } if (!isset($wps_deals_options['login_heading'])) { //check Social Login Title is set or not $login_heading = array('login_heading' => __('Login with Social Media', 'wpsdeals')); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $login_heading); $udpopt = true; } if (!isset($wps_deals_options['login_redirect_url'])) { //check Redirect URL is set or not $login_redirect_url = array('login_redirect_url' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $login_redirect_url); $udpopt = true; } if (!isset($wps_deals_options['email_template'])) { //check Email Template is set or not $email_template = array('email_template' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $email_template); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.1'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.1') { $udpopt = false; //check enable billin is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['enable_billing'])) { $billing = array('enable_billing' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $billing); $udpopt = true; } //check reset password email subject is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['reset_password_email_subject'])) { $email_subject = array('reset_password_email_subject' => __('Reset Password', 'wpsdeals')); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $email_subject); $udpopt = true; } //check reset password email body is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['reset_password_email'])) { $email_sbody = array('reset_password_email' => sprintf(__('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account:' . "\n\n" . 'Username: {%s}' . "\n\n" . 'If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.' . "\n\n" . 'To reset your password, visit the following address:' . "\n\n" . '{%s}', 'wpsdeals'), 'user_name', 'reset_link')); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $email_sbody); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.2'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.1 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.2') { $udpopt = false; //check reset password email body is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['cheque_title'])) { $cheque_title = array('cheque_title' => __('Cheque Payment', 'wpsdeals')); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $cheque_title); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.3'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.2 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.3') { $udpopt = false; //check force ssl checkout settings is set or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['force_ssl_checkout'])) { $force_ssl = array('force_ssl_checkout' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $force_ssl); $udpopt = true; } //check unforce ssl checkout settings is set or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['unforce_ssl_checkout'])) { $unforce_ssl = array('unforce_ssl_checkout' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $unforce_ssl); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.4'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.3 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.4') { $udpopt = false; //check default deals orderby settings is set or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['default_deals_orderby'])) { $default_deals_orderby = array('default_deals_orderby' => 'date-desc'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $default_deals_orderby); $udpopt = true; } //check enable deals orderby settings if (!isset($wps_deals_options['enable_deals_orderby'])) { $enable_deals_orderby = array('enable_deals_orderby' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $enable_deals_orderby); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.5'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.4 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.5') { //update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.0.6'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.5 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.0.6') { $udpopt = false; // check chome deals if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_home'])) { $deals_home = array('deals_home' => 'deals-col-6'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_home); $udpopt = true; } // check single deal size if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_size_single'])) { $deals_size_single = array('deals_size_single' => 'medium'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_size_single); $udpopt = true; } // check archive deals size if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_size_archive'])) { $deals_size_archive = array('deals_size_archive' => 'medium'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_size_archive); $udpopt = true; } // check button color if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_btn_color'])) { $deals_btn_color = array('deals_btn_color' => 'blue'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_btn_color); $udpopt = true; } // check home columns if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_columns'])) { $deals_columns = array('deals_columns' => 'deals-col-6'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_columns); $udpopt = true; } // check archive columns if (!isset($wps_deals_options['deals_columns_archive'])) { $deals_columns_archive = array('deals_columns_archive' => 'deals-col-6'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $deals_columns_archive); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.0'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.0.6 //Change Log file Dir and create directory on activation wps_deals_create_files(); $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.0') { $udpopt = false; // create shop page if (empty($wps_deals_options['shop_page'])) { // home shop creation $deals_shop_page = array('post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => __('Deals Shop', 'wpsdeals'), 'post_author' => $user_ID, 'menu_order' => 0, 'comment_status' => 'closed'); // create shop page $deals_shop_page_id = wp_insert_post($deals_shop_page); // get set pages option data $wps_deals_set_pages = get_option('wps_deals_set_pages'); // store shop page to already created page $wps_deals_set_pages['shop_page'] = $deals_shop_page_id; // update set pages option data update_option('wps_deals_set_pages', $wps_deals_set_pages); $shoppage = array('shop_page' => $deals_shop_page_id); // set page to options $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $shoppage); $udpopt = true; } //check enable breadcrumb is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['enable_breadcrumb'])) { $breadcrumb = array('enable_breadcrumb' => '1'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $breadcrumb); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.1'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.0 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.1') { $udpopt = false; // check item quantities is set in options or not if (!isset($wps_deals_options['item_quantities'])) { $item_quantities = array('item_quantities' => ''); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $item_quantities); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.2'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.1 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.2') { //get values for created pages $pages = get_option('wps_deals_set_pages'); if (!empty($pages['checkout_page'])) { $chekout_page = array('ID' => $pages['checkout_page'], 'post_parent' => 0, 'menu_order' => 0); //Update the checkout page wp_update_post($chekout_page); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.3'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.2 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.3') { $udpopt = false; if (!isset($wps_deals_options['purchase_limit_label'])) { $wps_deals_options['purchase_limit_label'] = __('Sold Out', 'wpsdeals'); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.4'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.3 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.4') { // this option contains end-points permalinks options $wps_deals_options['deals_thank_you_page_endpoint'] = 'social-deals-thank-you-page'; $wps_deals_options['deals_cancel_page_endpoint'] = 'social-deals-cancel-page'; $wps_deals_options['edit_account_endpoint'] = 'edit-account'; $wps_deals_options['edit_address_endpoint'] = 'edit-address'; $wps_deals_options['lost_password_endpoint'] = 'lost-password'; $wps_deals_options['view_orders_endpoint'] = 'view-orders'; $wps_deals_options['create_an_account_endpoint'] = 'create-an-account'; // Update end-points permalinks options update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.5'); } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.4 $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.4') { if (!isset($wps_deals_options['enable_lightbox'])) { $lightbox = array('enable_lightbox' => '1'); $wps_deals_options = array_merge($wps_deals_options, $lightbox); $udpopt = true; } if ($udpopt == true) { // if any of the settings need to be updated update_option('wps_deals_options', $wps_deals_options); } // update plugin version to option update_option('wps_deals_set_option', '1.2.5'); } $wps_deals_set_option = get_option('wps_deals_set_option'); if ($wps_deals_set_option == '1.2.5') { // future code here } //check plugin set option value is 1.2.5 //Action for theme supports do_action('wpsdeals_updated'); }
$message = $wps_deals_message; ?> <!-- wpsocial logo --> <img src="<?php echo WPS_DEALS_URL . 'includes/images/wps-logo.png'; ?> " class="wpsocial-logo" alt="WPSocial.com Logo" /> <!-- plugin name --> <h2 class="wps-deals-settings-title"><?php _e('Social Deals Engine - Settings', 'wpsdeals'); ?> </h2><br /> <!-- settings reset --> <?php if (isset($_POST['wps_deals_reset_settings']) && $_POST['wps_deals_reset_settings'] == __('Reset All Settings', 'wpsdeals')) { wps_deals_default_settings(); // set default settings //reseting facebook fan page posting setting session echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('All Settings Reset Successfully.', 'wpsdeals') . '</strong></p></div>'; //do selected tab for general $message->add_session('wps-deals-selected-tab', strtolower('General')); // Need to rewrite endpoints when settings changed wps_deals_rewrite_endpoints(); } else { if (isset($_GET['settings-updated']) && !empty($_GET['settings-updated'])) { //check settings updated or not //reseting facebook fan page posting setting session echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('Changes Saved.', 'wpsdeals') . '</strong></p></div>'; // Need to rewrite endpoints when settings changed wps_deals_rewrite_endpoints(); }