* @subpackage Partials * @version 3.0.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Get thumbnail $thumbnail = wpex_get_staff_entry_thumbnail(); // Return if thumbnail isn't defined if (!$thumbnail) { return; } // Classes $classes = array('staff-entry-media', 'clr'); if ($overlay = wpex_overlay_classes()) { $classes[] = $overlay; } $classes = implode(' ', $classes); ?> <div class="<?php echo $classes; ?> "> <?php // Open link around staff members if enabled if (wpex_get_mod('staff_links_enable', true)) { ?>
if ('true' == $randomize_images) { $orderby = 'rand'; } else { $orderby = 'post__in'; } // Lets create a new Query so the image grid can be paginated $my_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'paged' => NULL, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post__in' => $attachment_ids, 'orderby' => $orderby)); // Display carousel if there are images if ($my_query->have_posts()) { // Image Classes $img_classes = array('wpex-carousel-entry-media', 'clr'); if ('yes' == $rounded_image) { $img_classes[] = ' wpex-rounded-images'; } if ($overlay_style) { $img_classes[] = wpex_overlay_classes($overlay_style); } if ($img_filter) { $img_classes[] = wpex_image_filter_class($img_filter); } if ($img_hover_style) { $img_classes[] = wpex_image_hover_classes($img_hover_style); } $img_classes = implode(' ', $img_classes); // Lightbox links if ('lightbox' == $thumbnail_link) { vcex_enque_style('ilightbox', $lightbox_skin); $atts['lightbox_data'] = array(); $atts['lightbox_data'][] = 'data-type="image"'; if ($lightbox_skin) { $atts['lightbox_data'][] = 'data-skin="' . $lightbox_skin . '"';
$grid_classes[] = 'left-thumbs'; } if ($equal_heights_grid) { $grid_classes[] = 'match-height-grid'; } $grid_classes = implode(' ', $grid_classes); // Media classes $media_classes = array('vcex-blog-entry-media', 'entry-media'); if ($img_filter) { $media_classes[] = wpex_image_filter_class($img_filter); } if ($img_hover_style) { $media_classes[] = wpex_image_hover_classes($img_hover_style); } if ($overlay_style) { $media_classes[] = wpex_overlay_classes($overlay_style); } $media_classes = implode(' ', $media_classes); // Load inline JS for front-end composer if ($is_isotope) { $inline_js[] = 'isotope'; } if ($readmore_hover_color || $readmore_hover_background) { $inline_js[] = 'data_hover'; } if ($equal_heights_grid) { $inline_js[] = 'equal_heights'; } vcex_inline_js($inline_js); ?>
function wpex_overlay_classname() { return wpex_overlay_classes(); }
} if ($css_animation) { $entry_classes[] = $this->getCSSAnimation($css_animation); } if ($hover_animation) { $entry_classes[] = wpex_hover_animation_class($hover_animation); vcex_enque_style('hover-animations'); } $entry_classes = implode(' ', $entry_classes); // Media classes $figure_classes = array('vcex-image-grid-entry-img', 'clr'); if ($entry_css) { $figure_classes[] = vc_shortcode_custom_css_class($entry_css); } if ($overlay_style) { $figure_classes[] = wpex_overlay_classes($overlay_style); } $figure_classes = implode(' ', $figure_classes); // Lightbox class if ('true' == $lightbox_gallery) { $lightbox_class = 'wpex-lightbox-group-item'; } else { $lightbox_class = 'wpex-lightbox'; } // Hover Classes $hover_classes = array(); if ($img_filter) { $hover_classes[] = wpex_image_filter_class($img_filter); } if ($img_hover_style) { $hover_classes[] = wpex_image_hover_classes($img_hover_style);
} // Thumbnail args $args = apply_filters('wpex_' . get_post_type() . '_entry_thumbnail_args', array('size' => 'full', 'alt' => wpex_get_esc_title(), 'schema_markup' => true)); // Get thumbnail $thumbnail = wpex_get_post_thumbnail($args); // Display featured image if ($thumbnail) { ?> <?php // Get overlay style $overlay = apply_filters('wpex_' . get_post_type() . '_entry_overlay_style', null); ?> <div class="blog-entry-media entry-media clr <?php echo wpex_overlay_classes($overlay); ?> "> <a href="<?php wpex_permalink(); ?> " title="<?php wpex_esc_title(); ?> " rel="bookmark" class="custom-posttype-entry-media-link <?php wpex_entry_image_animation_classes(); ?> "> <?php echo $thumbnail; ?>