Example #1
function wp_statistics_editor_meta_box($post)
    // If the widget isn't visible, don't output the stats as they take too much memory and CPU to compute for no reason.
    if (($is_visible = wp_statistics_is_wp_widget_visible('wp_statistics_editor_meta_box', $post->post_type)) !== true) {
        echo $is_visible;
    // If the post isn't published yet, don't output the stats as they take too much memory and CPU to compute for no reason.
    if ($post->post_status != 'publish' && $post->post_status != 'private') {
        _e('This post is not yet published.', 'wp_statistics');
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/log/widgets/page.php';
    wp_statistics_generate_page_postbox_content(null, $post->ID, 20, __('Hits in the last 20 days', 'wp_statistics'));
	function wp_statistics_dashboard_inline_javascript() {
		$screen = get_current_screen();

		if( 'dashboard' != $screen->id ) {
		$loading_img = '<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><img src=" ' .  plugins_url('wp-statistics/assets/images/')  . 'ajax-loading.gif" alt="' .  __( 'Reloading...', 'wp_statistics' ) . '"></div>';
		$new_buttons = '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-refresh" type="button" id="{{refreshid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons( 'dashicons-update' ) . '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-more" type="button" id="{{moreid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons( 'dashicons-migrate' ) . '</button>';
		$new_button = '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-refresh" type="button" id="{{refreshid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons( 'dashicons-update' ) . '</button>';
		$admin_url = get_admin_url() . "/admin.php?page=";

		$page_urls = array();
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-browsers-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_BROWSERS_PAGE;
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-countries-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_COUNTRIES_PAGE;
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-exclusions-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_EXCLUSIONS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-hits-widget_more_button'] 			= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_HITS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-online-widget_more_button'] 			= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-pages-widget_more_button'] 			= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-referring-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_REFERRERS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-search-widget_more_button'] 			= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_SEARCHES_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-words-widget_more_button'] 			= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_WORDS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-top-visitors-widget_more_button'] 	= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_TOP_VISITORS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-visitors-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_VISITORS_PAGE; 
		$page_urls['wp-statistics-quickstats-widget_more_button'] 		= $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_PAGE; 

<script type="text/javascript">
	var wp_statistics_destinations = <?php echo json_encode( $page_urls ); ?>; 
	var wp_statistics_loading_image = '<?php echo $loading_img; ?>'

	function wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes() {
		if( ! jQuery('#show-settings-link').is( ':visible') ) {
			setTimeout( wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes, 500 );
		jQuery('.wps-refresh').unbind('click').on('click', wp_statistics_refresh_widget );
		jQuery('.wps-more').unbind('click').on('click', wp_statistics_goto_more );

		jQuery('.hide-postbox-tog').on('click', wp_statistics_refresh_on_toggle_widget );

		// Add the "more" and "refresh" buttons.
		jQuery('.postbox').each( function () {
			var temp = jQuery( this );
			var temp_id = temp.attr( 'id' );
			if( temp_id.substr( 0, 14 ) != 'wp-statistics-' ) {

			var temp_html = temp.html();
			if( temp_id == 'wp-statistics-summary-widget' ) {
				new_text = '<?php echo $new_button;?>';
				new_text = new_text.replace( '{{refreshid}}', temp_id + '_refresh_button' );
				temp_html = temp_html.replace( '</button>', new_text );
			} else {
				new_text = '<?php echo $new_buttons;?>';
				new_text = new_text.replace( '{{refreshid}}', temp_id + '_refresh_button' );
				new_text = new_text.replace( '{{moreid}}', temp_id + '_more_button' );
				temp_html = temp_html.replace( '</button>', new_text );
			temp.html( temp_html );

		// We have use a timeout here because we don't now what order this code will run in comparison to the postbox code.
		// Any timeout value should work as the timeout won't run until the rest of the javascript as run through once.
		setTimeout( wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes, 100 );
Example #3
function wp_statistics_top_visitors_widget()
    global $WP_Statistics;
    // If the widget isn't visible, don't output the stats as they take too much memory and CPU to compute for no reason.
    if (($is_visible = wp_statistics_is_wp_widget_visible('wp-statistics-top-visitors-widget', 'dashboard')) !== true) {
        echo $is_visible;
    // Load the css we use for the statistics pages.
    // Include the summary widget, we're just going to use the content for the the users online and visit/visitor totals.
    $ISOCountryCode = $WP_Statistics->get_country_codes();
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/includes/log/widgets/top.visitors.php";
    wp_statistics_generate_top_visitors_postbox_content($ISOCountryCode, 'today', 10, true);
Example #4
function wp_statistics_editor_inline_javascript()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    if ('post' != $screen->id && 'page' != $screen->id) {
    $loading_img = '<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"><img src=" ' . plugins_url('wp-statistics/assets/images/') . 'ajax-loading.gif" alt="' . __('Reloading...', 'wp_statistics') . '"></div>';
    $new_buttons = '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-refresh" type="button" id="{{refreshid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-update') . '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-more" type="button" id="{{moreid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-migrate') . '</button>';
    $new_button = '</button><button class="handlediv button-link wps-refresh" type="button" id="{{refreshid}}">' . wp_statistics_icons('dashicons-update') . '</button>';
    $admin_url = get_admin_url() . "/admin.php?page=";
    $page_urls = array();
    $page_urls['wp_statistics_editor_meta_box_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE . '&page-id=';
<script type="text/javascript">
	var wp_statistics_destinations = <?php 
    echo json_encode($page_urls);
	var wp_statistics_loading_image = '<?php 
    echo $loading_img;

	function wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes() {
		if( ! jQuery('#show-settings-link').is( ':visible') ) {
			setTimeout( wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes, 500 );
		jQuery('.wps-refresh').unbind('click').on('click', wp_statistics_refresh_widget );
		jQuery('.wps-more').unbind('click').on('click', wp_statistics_goto_more );

		jQuery('.hide-postbox-tog').on('click', wp_statistics_refresh_on_toggle_widget );

		// Add the "more" and "refresh" buttons.
		jQuery('.postbox').each( function () {
			var temp = jQuery( this );
			var temp_id = temp.attr( 'id' );
			if( temp_id == 'wp_statistics_editor_meta_box' ) {

				var temp_html = temp.html();
				new_text = '<?php 
    echo $new_buttons;
				new_text = new_text.replace( '{{refreshid}}', temp_id + '_refresh_button' );
				new_text = new_text.replace( '{{moreid}}', temp_id + '_more_button' );
				temp_html = temp_html.replace( '</button>', new_text );

				temp.html( temp_html );

		// We have use a timeout here because we don't now what order this code will run in comparison to the postbox code.
		// Any timeout value should work as the timeout won't run until the rest of the javascript as run through once.
		setTimeout( wp_statistics_wait_for_postboxes, 100 );