  * create_jpg_from_bmp Create a JPG image from a BMP file
  * @since 	1.0.0
  * @param 	Mixed 	$params
  * @return 	Array 	Array containing settings from newly created image
 private function create_jpg_from_bmp($params)
     $bmp = $this->image_create_from_bmp($params['file']);
     $oldPath = $params['file'];
     $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
     $oldFileName = basename($params['file']);
     $newFileName = basename(str_ireplace(".bmp", ".jpg", $oldFileName));
     $newFileName = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $newFileName);
     // Remove old bmp file
     if (imagejpeg($bmp, trailingslashit($uploads['path']) . $newFileName, $this->bmp_conversion_quality)) {
         $params['file'] = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName;
         $params['url'] = $uploads['url'] . '/' . $newFileName;
         $params['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
         return $params;
     return wp_handle_upload_error($oldPath, __('We couldn\'t convert the BMP to JPG. Please try again. If you continue to see this error you may need tot disable the BMP-To_JPG feauture.', $this->plugin_slug));
Example #2
 * If the uploaded image is a bmp this function handles the details of converting
 * the bmp to a jpg, saves the new file and adjusts the params array as necessary
 * @param array $params
function imsanity_bmp_to_jpg($params)
    // read in the bmp file and then save as a new jpg file.
    // if successful, remove the original bmp and alter the return
    // parameters to return the new jpg instead of the bmp
    include_once 'libs/imagecreatefrombmp.php';
    $bmp = imagecreatefrombmp($params['file']);
    // we need to change the extension from .bmp to .jpg so we have to ensure it will be a unique filename
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    $oldFileName = basename($params['file']);
    $newFileName = basename(str_ireplace(".bmp", ".jpg", $oldFileName));
    $newFileName = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $newFileName);
    $quality = imsanity_get_option('imsanity_quality', IMSANITY_DEFAULT_QUALITY);
    if (imagejpeg($bmp, $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName, $quality)) {
        // conversion succeeded.  remove the original bmp & remap the params
        $params['file'] = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['url'] = $uploads['url'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
    } else {
        return wp_handle_upload_error($oldPath, __("Oh Snap! Imsanity was Unable to process the BMP file.  " . "If you continue to see this error you may need to disable the BMP-To-JPG " . "feature in Imsanity settings.", 'imsanity'));
    return $params;
Example #3
 * Handler after a file has been uploaded.  If the file is an image, check the size
 * to see if it is too big and, if so, resize and overwrite the original
 * @param Array $params
function ncf_imsanity_handle_upload($params)
    $options = ncf_get_options();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $options['ncf_forms']; $i++) {
        if (isset($_FILES['ncf_pic_' . $i]) && $_FILES['ncf_pic_' . $i]['size'] > 0) {
            /* debug logging... */
            // file_put_contents ( "debug.txt" , print_r($params,1) . "\n" );
            /*	$option_convert_bmp = IMSANITY_DEFAULT_BMP_TO_JPG;
            				if ($params['type'] == 'image/bmp' && $option_convert_bmp)
            					$params = imsanity_bmp_to_jpg($params);
            // make sure this is a type of image that we want to convert and that it exists
            // @TODO when uploads occur via RPC the image may not exist at this location
            $oldPath = $params['file'];
            if (!is_wp_error($params) && file_exists($oldPath) && in_array($params['type'], array('image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'))) {
                // figure out where the upload is coming from
                $source = imsanity_get_source();
                list($maxW, $maxH) = imsanity_get_max_width_height($source);
                list($oldW, $oldH) = getimagesize($oldPath);
                /* HACK: if getimagesize returns an incorrect value (sometimes due to bad EXIF data..?)
                			$img = imagecreatefromjpeg ($oldPath);
                			$oldW = imagesx ($img);
                			$oldH = imagesy ($img);
                			imagedestroy ($img);
                /* HACK: an animated gif may have different frame sizes.  to get the "screen" size
                			$data = ''; // TODO: convert file to binary
                			$header = unpack('@6/vwidth/vheight', $data );
                			$oldW = $header['width'];
                			$oldH = $header['width'];
                if ($oldW > $maxW && $maxW > 0 || $oldH > $maxH && $maxH > 0) {
                    $quality = IMSANITY_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
                    list($newW, $newH) = wp_constrain_dimensions($oldW, $oldH, $maxW, $maxH);
                    // this is wordpress prior to 3.5 (image_resize deprecated as of 3.5)
                    //$resizeResult = imsanity_image_resize( $oldPath, $newW, $newH, true, null, null, $quality);
                    $resizeResult = imsanity_image_resize($oldPath, $maxW, $maxH, true, null, null, $quality);
                    /* uncomment to debug error handling code: */
                    // $resizeResult = new WP_Error('invalid_image', __(print_r($_REQUEST)), $oldPath);
                    // regardless of success/fail we're going to remove the original upload
                    if (!is_wp_error($resizeResult)) {
                        $newPath = $resizeResult;
                        // remove original and replace with re-sized image
                        rename($newPath, $oldPath);
                    } else {
                        // resize didn't work, likely because the image processing libraries are missing
                        $params = wp_handle_upload_error($oldPath, sprintf(__("Oh Snap! Imsanity was unable to resize this image " . "for the following reason: '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t.  If you continue to see this error message, you may need to either install missing server" . " components or disable the Imsanity plugin." . "  If you think you have discovered a bug, please report it on the Imsanity support forum.", 'imsanity'), $resizeResult->get_error_message()));
    return $params;
Example #4
 * read in the image file from the params and then save as a new jpg file.
 * if successful, remove the original image and alter the return
 * parameters to return the new jpg instead of the original
 * @param string 'bmp' or 'png'
 * @param array $params
 * @return array altered params
function imsanity_convert_to_jpg($type, $params)
    $img = null;
    if ($type == 'bmp') {
        include_once 'libs/imagecreatefrombmp.php';
        $img = imagecreatefrombmp($params['file']);
    } elseif ($type == 'png') {
        if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
            return wp_handle_upload_error($params['file'], 'imsanity_convert_to_jpg requires gd library enabled');
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($params['file']);
    } else {
        return wp_handle_upload_error($params['file'], 'Unknown image type specified in imsanity_convert_to_jpg');
    // we need to change the extension from the original to .jpg so we have to ensure it will be a unique filename
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    $oldFileName = basename($params['file']);
    $newFileName = basename(str_ireplace("." . $type, ".jpg", $oldFileName));
    $newFileName = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $newFileName);
    $quality = imsanity_get_option('imsanity_quality', IMSANITY_DEFAULT_QUALITY);
    if (imagejpeg($img, $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName, $quality)) {
        // conversion succeeded.  remove the original bmp & remap the params
        $params['file'] = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['url'] = $uploads['url'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
    } else {
        return wp_handle_upload_error($oldPath, __("Oh Snap! Imsanity was Unable to process the {$type} file.  " . "If you continue to see this error you may need to disable the {$type}-To-JPG " . "feature in Imsanity settings.", 'imsanity'));
    return $params;
 * If the uploaded image is a bmp this function handles the details of converting
 * the bmp to a jpg, saves the new file and adjusts the params array as necessary
 * @param array $params
function bulk_resize_bmp_to_jpg($params)
    include_once 'functions/imagecreatefrombmp.php';
    $bmp = imagecreatefrombmp($params['file']);
    // we need to change the extension from .bmp to .jpg so we have to ensure it will be a unique filename
    $uploads = wp_upload_dir();
    $oldFileName = basename($params['file']);
    $newFileName = basename(str_ireplace(".bmp", ".jpg", $oldFileName));
    $newFileName = wp_unique_filename($uploads['path'], $newFileName);
    $quality = bulk_resize_get_option('bulk_resize_quality', _DEFAULT_QUALITY);
    if (imagejpeg($bmp, $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName, $quality)) {
        // conversion succeeded.  remove the original bmp & remap the params
        $params['file'] = $uploads['path'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['url'] = $uploads['url'] . '/' . $newFileName;
        $params['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
    } else {
        return wp_handle_upload_error($oldPath, "Oh Snap! Bulk Resize Media was Unable to process the BMP file.  " . "If you continue to see this error you may need to disable the BMP-To-JPG " . "feature in Bulk Resize Media settings.");
    return $params;