function eMember_handle_affiliate_signup($user_name, $pwd, $afirstname, $alastname, $aemail, $referrer) { global $wpdb; $emember_config = Emember_Config::getInstance(); if (function_exists('wp_aff_platform_install')) { $members_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wp_eMember_members_tbl"; $query_db = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$members_table_name} WHERE user_name = '{$user_name}'", OBJECT); if ($query_db) { $eMember_id = $query_db->member_id; $membership_level = $query_db->membership_level; $allowed_levels = $emember_config->getValue('wp_eMember_affiliate_account_restriction_list'); //example value "1,2,3"; if (!empty($allowed_levels)) { //check if this level should be allowed to have an affiliate account $pieces = explode(",", $allowed_levels); if (!in_array($membership_level, $pieces)) { //no permission for affilaite account creation return; } } $commission_level = get_option('wp_aff_commission_level'); //This must use the get_option and not getValue $date = date("Y-m-d"); wp_aff_create_affilate($user_name, $pwd, '', '', $afirstname, $alastname, '', $aemail, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', $date, '', $commission_level, $referrer); wp_aff_send_sign_up_email($user_name, $pwd, $aemail); } else { echo "<br />Error! This username does not exist in the member database!"; } } }
function eStore_handle_auto_affiliate_account_creation($payment_data) { if (function_exists('wp_aff_platform_install') || function_exists('wp_aff_create_affilate')) { eStore_payment_debug('Checking if auto affiliate account creation feature is active.', true); $create_auto_affiliate_account = get_option('eStore_create_auto_affiliate_account'); if ($create_auto_affiliate_account) { eStore_payment_debug('Checking if an affiliate account already exists...', true); if (function_exists('wp_aff_check_if_account_exists')) { $account_exists = wp_aff_check_if_account_exists($payment_data['payer_email']); } else { eStore_payment_debug('Error! You need to update the affiliate platform plugin to use the auto upgrade feature!', false); } if (!$account_exists) { $aff_id = uniqid(); $pwd = $aff_id; //use the affiliate ID as the password to create the account $commission_level = get_option('wp_aff_commission_level'); $date = date("Y-m-d"); eStore_payment_debug('Creating affiliate account with Affiliate ID:' . $aff_id, true); wp_aff_create_affilate($aff_id, $pwd, $payment_data['payer_business_name'], "", $payment_data['first_name'], $payment_data['last_name'], "", $payment_data['payer_email'], "", "", "", "", "", $payment_data['address_country'], "", "", $date, $payment_data['payer_email'], $commission_level, ""); wp_aff_send_sign_up_email($aff_id, $pwd, $payment_data['payer_email']); } else { eStore_payment_debug('Affiliate account already exists with this email address. No new account will be created.', true); } } } else { eStore_payment_debug('WP Affiliate Platform capability is not present.', true); } }