Example #1
			function wm_form_skins( $value, $isMeta = null ) {
				global $skinAtts;

				$skinAttsArray = array_keys( $skinAtts );

				if ( 'meta' == $isMeta )
					$val = wm_meta_option( $value['id'] );
					$val = wm_option( $value['id'] );
				$valId = WM_THEME_SETTINGS_PREFIX . $value['id'];

				$default = ( isset( $value['default'] ) ) ? ( esc_attr( $value['default'] ) ) : ( null );
				if ( $val )
					$setValue = $val;
				elseif ( $default )
					$setValue = $default;
					$setValue = '';
				<!-- Layouts -->
				<div class="option" data-option="<?php echo $valId; ?>" id="skin-selector">
					<label><?php echo strip_tags( $value['label'] ); ?></label>
				<?php if ( isset( $value['desc'] ) && $value['desc'] ) echo '<p class="desc">' . $value['desc'] . '</p>'; ?>
				<div class="layout-boxes">
				if ( isset( $value['options'] ) && is_array( $value['options'] ) && ! empty( $value['options'] ) ) {
					foreach ( $value['options'] as $thumbLayout ) {
						<div class="layout-box<?php if ( $thumbLayout['id'] == $setValue ) echo ' active'; ?>">
							<label for="<?php echo $valId . '-' . $thumbLayout['id']; ?>">
								<img src="<?php echo $thumbLayout['img']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $thumbLayout['name']; ?>" title="<?php if ( isset( $thumbLayout['desc'] ) ) echo $thumbLayout['desc']; ?>" />
								<span class="ie-bug tipsy" title="<?php if ( isset( $thumbLayout['desc'] ) ) echo $thumbLayout['desc']; ?>">&nbsp;</span>
							</label><br />
							<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $valId; ?>" id="<?php echo $valId . '-' . $thumbLayout['id']; ?>" value="<?php echo $thumbLayout['value']; ?>" <?php
							checked( $thumbLayout['value'], $setValue );

							$skinAttsOut = '';

							foreach ( $skinAttsArray as $key ) {
								//NOTE: "#" character has to be there due to color number values starting with 0 (otherwise it will be cut of)
								$skinAttsOut .= ' data-' . $key . '="#' . esc_html( str_replace( '__', ' ', wm_skin_meta( $thumbLayout['value'], $key ) ) ) . '"';

							echo $skinAttsOut;
							?> />
				</div> <!-- /layout-boxes -->
						jQuery( '#skin-selector input[type="radio"]' ).change( function() {
								var skinOptionsInputs = [<?php echo "'" . implode( "', '", $skinAttsArray ) . "'"; ?>];

								//loop through the array
								for( var i in skinOptionsInputs ) {
									var valueChange = jQuery( this ).data( skinOptionsInputs[i] );
									valueChange = valueChange.substr(1);
									jQuery( '#wm-design-' + skinOptionsInputs[i] ).val( valueChange );
							} );
				</div> <!-- /option -->
				wm_conditional_show( $value, $valId );
Example #2
		function wm_skins() {
			//empty item
			$themeSkins = array();

			//get files
			$files = array();

			if ( $dir = @opendir( WM_SKINS ) ) {
				//this is the correct way to loop over the directory
				while ( false != ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) ) {
					$files[] = $file;
				closedir( $dir );

			asort( $files );

			//create output array
			foreach ( $files as $file ) {
				if ( 5 < strlen( $file ) && 'css' == strtolower( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) ) {
					if ( wm_skin_meta( $file, 'skin' ) && WM_THEME_NAME === wm_skin_meta( $file, 'package' ) ) {
						//$themeSkins[$file] = wm_skin_meta( $file, 'skin' );
						$fileName      = str_replace( array( '.css', '.CSS' ), '', $file );
						$previewImage  = WM_ASSETS_THEME . 'css/skins/' . $fileName . '.png';
						$item          = array();
						$item['name']  = wm_skin_meta( $file, 'skin' );
						$item['desc']  = wm_skin_meta( $file, 'skin' ) . ' - ' . wm_skin_meta( $file, 'description' );
						$item['id']    = esc_attr( $fileName );
						$item['value'] = esc_attr( $file );
						$item['img']   = ( file_exists( WM_SKINS . '/' . $fileName . '.png' ) ) ? ( $previewImage ) : ( WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/skin.png' );
						$themeSkins[]  = $item;

			return $themeSkins;
Example #3
					'.content #reviews #comments > div[itemprop]',
					'.content ul.cart_list li dl',
					'.content ul.product_list_widget li dl'

		$toppanelBE    = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-toppanel' ), $themeToppanelBE );
		$headerBE      = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-header' ), $themeHeaderBE );
		$navigationBE  = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-navigation' ), $themeNavigationBE );
		$sliderBE      = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-slider' ), $themeSliderBE );
		$mainheadingBE = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-mainheading' ), $themeMainheadingBE );
		$pageexcerptBE = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-pageexcerpt' ), $themePageexcerptBE );
		$contentBE     = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-content' ), $themeContentBE );
		$abovefooterBE = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-abovefooter' ), $themeAbovefooterBE );
		$breadcrumbsBE = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-breadcrumbs' ), $themeBreadcrumbsBE );
		$footerBE      = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-footer' ), $themeFooterBE );
		$bottomBE      = wm_compare_elements( wm_skin_meta( $themeSkin, 'border-bottom' ), $themeBottomBE );

	//text color calculations
		$textColorCoeficient = ( wm_option( 'design-text-color-coeficient' ) ) ? ( 2.55 * absint( wm_option( 'design-text-color-coeficient' ) + 50 ) ) : ( 170 );

	//RTL compensations
		if ( ! is_rtl() ) {
			$borderLeft  = 'border-left';
			$borderRight = 'border-right';
		} else {
			$borderLeft  = 'border-right';
			$borderRight = 'border-left';

Example #4
			"type" => "heading3",
			"content" => __( 'Website main theme skin', 'lespaul_domain_panel' )

			"type" => "skins-json",
			"id" => $prefix."skin",
			"label" => __( 'Theme skins', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ),
			"desc" => __( 'It is recommended to set a theme skin first to be used as a base for your additional design changes.', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ) . '<br /><strong>' . __( 'When skin is changed, it will automatically reset several different options, so, be sure to keep a backup of settings (use Options Export/Import) if you made some design changes.', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ) . '</strong>',
			"options" => wm_skins(),
			"default" => "default.css"
			"type" => "info",
			"content" => ( ! wm_option( 'design-skin' ) ) ? ( '<strong>' . wm_skin_meta( wm_option( 'default.css' ), 'skin' ) . ' ' . __( 'skin description', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ) . ':</strong><br />' . wm_skin_meta( 'default.css', 'description' ) ) : ( '<strong>' . wm_skin_meta( wm_option( 'design-skin' ), 'skin' ) . ' ' . __( 'skin description', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ) . ':</strong><br />' . wm_skin_meta( wm_option( 'design-skin' ), 'description' ) . '<br />&mdash; by ' . wm_skin_meta( wm_option( 'design-skin' ), 'author' ) )
			"type" => "hr"

			"type" => "heading3",
			"content" => __( 'CSS3 Animations', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ),
				"type" => "checkbox",
				"id" => $prefix."no-animation-navigation",
				"label" => __( 'Disable navigation animation', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ),
				"desc" => __( 'Disables CSS3 animation effects on main theme menu', 'lespaul_domain_panel' ),