function wikiplugin_snarf($data, $params) { global $tikilib; if (!isset($params['url'])) { return "<b>" . tra("Missing url parameter for SNARF plugin.") . "</b><br />"; } if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $params['url']); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "TikiWiki Snarf"); $snarf = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); // If content is HTML, keep only the content of the body if (isset($params['ishtml']) && $params['ishtml'] == 1) { // Not using preg_replace due to its limitations to 100.000 characters $snarf = eregi_replace('^.*<\\s*body[^>]*>', '', $snarf); $snarf = eregi_replace('<\\s*\\/body[^>]*>.*$', '', $snarf); } // If the user specified a more specialized regex if (isset($params['regex']) && isset($params['regexres']) && preg_match('/^(.)(.)+\\1[^e]*$/', $params['regex'])) { $snarf = preg_replace($params['regex'], $params['regexres'], $snarf); } if ($data == '') { $data = NULL; } $code_defaults = array('caption' => $data, 'wrap' => '1', 'colors' => NULL, 'wiki' => '0', 'ln' => NULL, 'rtl' => NULL, 'ishtml' => NULL); foreach ($code_defaults as $k => $v) { if (isset($params[$k])) { $code_defaults[$k] = $params[$k]; } if ($code_defaults[$k] === NULL) { unset($code_defaults[$k]); } } include_once 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php'; $ret = wikiplugin_code($snarf, $code_defaults); } else { $ret = "<p>You need php-curl for the SNARF plugin!</p>\n"; } return $ret; }
/** * @dataProvider provider */ public function testWikiPluginCode($data, $expectedOutput, $params = array()) { $this->markTestSkipped("As of 2013-09-30, this tesst is broken. Skipping it for now."); $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, wikiplugin_code($data, $params)); }
$assigned_modules_for_export = $modlib->getModulesForExport(); $smarty->assign('modules_for_export', $assigned_modules_for_export); if (!isset($_REQUEST['export_type'])) { $_REQUEST['export_type'] = 'prefs'; } $smarty->assign('export_type', $_REQUEST['export_type']); if (isset($_REQUEST['export'])) { if ($_REQUEST['export_type'] === 'prefs') { $export_yaml = Horde_Yaml::dump(array('preferences' => $_REQUEST['prefs_to_export']), array('indent' => 1, 'wordwrap' => 0)); } else { if ($_REQUEST['export_type'] === 'modules') { $modules_to_export = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST['modules_to_export'] as $k => $v) { $modules_to_export[] = $assigned_modules_for_export[$k]; } $export_yaml = Horde_Yaml::dump(array('objects' => $modules_to_export), array('indent' => 1, 'wordwrap' => 0)); } else { $export_yaml = ''; // something went wrong? } } $export_yaml = preg_replace('/^---\\n/', '', $export_yaml); $export_yaml = "{CODE(caption=>YAML,wrap=>0)}\n" . $export_yaml . "{CODE}\n"; include_once 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php'; $export_yaml = wikiplugin_code($export_yaml, array('caption' => 'Wiki markup', 'colors' => 'tiki'), null, array()); $export_yaml = preg_replace('/~[\\/]?np~/', '', $export_yaml); $smarty->assign('export_yaml', $export_yaml); $smarty->assign('prefs_to_export', $_REQUEST['prefs_to_export']); $smarty->assign('modules_to_export', $_REQUEST['modules_to_export']); } ask_ticket('admin-inc-profiles');
function action_export_profile($input) { if (!Perms::get()->admin_trackers) { throw new Services_Exception_Denied(tr('Reserved to tracker administrators')); } $trackerId = $input->trackerId->int(); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString('dummy', ''); $data = array(); $profileObject = new Tiki_Profile_Object($data, $profile); $profileTrackerInstallHandler = new Tiki_Profile_InstallHandler_Tracker($profileObject, array()); $export_yaml = $profileTrackerInstallHandler->_export($trackerId, $profileObject); include_once 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php'; $export_yaml = wikiplugin_code($export_yaml, array('caption' => 'YAML', 'colors' => 'yaml')); $export_yaml = preg_replace('/~[\\/]?np~/', '', $export_yaml); return array('trackerId' => $trackerId, 'yaml' => $export_yaml); }
function wikiplugin_snarf($data, $params) { global $prefs; static $url = ''; static $snarf; static $isFresh = true; static $iSnarf = 0; ++$iSnarf; if (empty($params['url'])) { return ''; } $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); if (!empty($params['ajax'])) { $params['iSnarf'] = $iSnarf; $params['href'] = ''; $params['link'] = '-'; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'ajax' || $key == 'href') { continue; } if (!empty($params['href'])) { $params['href'] .= '&'; } $params['href'] .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value); } $smarty->assign('snarfParams', $params); return $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_snarf.tpl'); } if ($url != $params['url']) { // already fetch in the page if (isset($_REQUEST['snarf_refresh']) && $_REQUEST['snarf_refresh'] == $params['url']) { $cachetime = 0; unset($_REQUEST['snarf_refresh']); } elseif (isset($params['cache']) && $params['cache'] >= 0) { $cachetime = $params['cache'] * 60; } else { $cachetime = $prefs['wikiplugin_snarf_cache']; } $info = $tikilib->get_cached_url($params['url'], $isFresh, $cachetime); $snarf = $info['data']; $url = $params['url']; } // If content is HTML, keep only the content of the body if (isset($params['ishtml']) && $params['ishtml'] == 1) { // Not using preg_replace due to its limitations to 100.000 characters $snarf = preg_replace('/^.*<\\s*body[^>]*>/i', '', $snarf); $snarf = preg_replace('/<\\s*\\/body[^>]*>.*$/i', '', $snarf); } // If the user specified a more specialized regex if (isset($params['regex']) && isset($params['regexres'])) { // fixes $params['regex'] = str_replace("", "", $params['regex']); if (preg_match('/^(.)(.)+\\1[^e]*$/', $params['regex'])) { $snarf = preg_replace($params['regex'], $params['regexres'], $snarf); } } if ($data == '') { $data = NULL; } $code_defaults = array('caption' => $data, 'wrap' => '1', 'colors' => NULL, 'wiki' => '0', 'ln' => NULL, 'rtl' => NULL, 'ishtml' => NULL); foreach ($code_defaults as $k => $v) { if (isset($params[$k])) { $code_defaults[$k] = $params[$k]; } if ($code_defaults[$k] === NULL) { unset($code_defaults[$k]); } } include_once 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php'; $ret = wikiplugin_code($snarf, $code_defaults); if (!$isFresh && empty($params['link'])) { include_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/block.self_link.php'; $icon = '<div style="text-align:right">' . smarty_block_self_link(array('_icon' => 'arrow_refresh', 'snarf_refresh' => $params['url']), '', $smarty) . '</div>'; $ret = $icon . $ret; } return $ret; }
/** * @dataProvider provider */ public function testWikiPluginCode($data, $expectedOutput, $params = array()) { $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, wikiplugin_code($data, $params)); }