function wfu_delete_file($file_code, $type) { if ($type == 'dir') { return; } $user = wp_get_current_user(); $is_admin = current_user_can('manage_options'); //check if user is allowed to view file details if (!$is_admin) { return; } $file_code = wfu_sanitize_code($file_code); $dec_file = wfu_get_filepath_from_safe($file_code); if ($dec_file === false) { return; } $dec_file = wfu_path_rel2abs(wfu_flatten_path($dec_file)); if ($type == 'dir' && substr($dec_file, -1) == '/') { $dec_file = substr($dec_file, 0, -1); } //check if user is allowed to perform this action if (!wfu_current_user_owes_file($dec_file)) { return; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_POST['submit'] == "Delete") { //pre-log delete action if ($type == 'file') { $retid = wfu_log_action('delete', $dec_file, $user->ID, '', 0, 0, '', null); } if ($type == 'dir' && $dec_file != "") { wfu_delTree($dec_file); } else { unlink($dec_file); } //revert log action if file has not been deleted if ($type == 'file' && file_exists($dec_file)) { wfu_revert_log_action($retid); } } } return true; }
function wfu_delete_file($file, $type) { $dec_file = wfu_plugin_decode_string($file); $dec_file = wfu_flatten_path($dec_file); if ($type == 'dir' && substr($dec_file, -1) == '/') { $dec_file = substr($dec_file, 0, -1); } //check if user is allowed to perform this action $user = wfu_current_user_allowed_action('delete', $dec_file); if ($user == null) { return; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_POST['submit'] == "Delete") { //pre-log delete action if ($type == 'file') { $retid = wfu_log_action('delete', $dec_file, $user->ID, '', 0, '', null); } if ($type == 'dir' && $dec_file != "") { wfu_delTree($dec_file); } else { unlink($dec_file); } //revert log action if file has not been deleted if ($type == 'file' && file_exists($dec_file)) { wfu_revert_log_action($retid); } } } return true; }