public function index() { $this->messages = $this->getVal('messages'); // loading assets in Monobook that would normally load in oasis if ($this->app->checkSkin('monobook')) { $this->response->addAsset('skins/shared/styles/sprite.scss'); $this->response->addAsset('extensions/wikia/Forum/css/monobook/RelatedForumMonobook.scss'); } $title = $this->getContext()->getTitle(); $topicTitle = Title::newFromText($title->getPrefixedText(), NS_WIKIA_FORUM_TOPIC_BOARD); // common data $this->sectionHeading = wfMessage('forum-related-discussion-heading', $title->getText())->escaped(); $this->newPostButton = wfMessage('forum-related-discussion-new-post-button')->escaped(); $this->newPostUrl = $topicTitle->getFullUrl('openEditor=1'); $this->newPostTooltip = wfMessage('forum-related-discussion-new-post-tooltip', $title->getText())->escaped(); $this->blankImgUrl = wfBlankImgUrl(); $this->seeMoreUrl = $topicTitle->getFullUrl(); $this->seeMoreText = wfMessage('forum-related-discussion-see-more')->escaped(); // TODO: move classes to template when Venus will be live on all wikis $this->venusBtnClasses = ''; if ($this->app->checkSkin('venus')) { $this->venusBtnClasses = 'wikia-button secondary'; Wikia::addAssetsToOutput('related_forum_discussion_css'); } }
public function index() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (!$this->getUser()->isAllowed('coppatool')) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); $this->displayRestrictionError(); return false; } $this->specialPage->setHeaders(); $this->response->setTemplateEngine(WikiaResponse::TEMPLATE_ENGINE_MUSTACHE); $this->userName = trim($this->getVal('username', $this->getPar())); $this->isIP = false; $this->validUser = false; if (IP::isIPAddress($this->userName)) { $this->userName = IP::sanitizeIP($this->userName); $this->isIP = true; $this->validUser = true; } else { $userObj = User::newFromName($this->userName); if (!$userObj || $userObj->getId() === 0) { $this->validUser = false; } else { $this->userName = $userObj->getName(); $this->validUser = true; } } $this->userForm = $this->app->renderView('WikiaStyleGuideForm', 'index', ['form' => ['isInvalid' => $this->validUser || $this->userName === '' ? false : true, 'errorMsg' => $this->validUser || $this->userName === '' ? '' : $this->msg('coppatool-nosuchuser', $this->userName)->escaped(), 'inputs' => [['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'username', 'isRequired' => true, 'label' => $this->msg('coppatool-label-username')->escaped(), 'value' => Sanitizer::encodeAttribute($this->userName)], ['type' => 'submit', 'value' => $this->msg('coppatool-submit')->escaped()]], 'method' => 'GET', 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl()]]); if ($this->validUser) { $this->getOutput()->addModules('ext.coppaTool'); $this->buttons = []; $this->blankImgUrl = wfBlankImgUrl(); $this->formHeading = $this->msg('coppatool-form-header')->escaped(); if (!$this->isIP) { $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'disable-account', 'buttonLink' => Html::element('a', ['href' => '#'], $this->msg('coppatool-disable')->escaped()), 'done' => $userObj->getGlobalFlag('disabled', false)]; $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'blank-profile', 'buttonLink' => Html::element('a', ['href' => '#'], $this->msg('coppatool-blank-user-profile')->escaped())]; $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'delete-userpages', 'buttonLink' => Html::element('a', ['href' => '#'], $this->msg('coppatool-delete-user-pages')->escaped())]; $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'coppa-imagereview', 'buttonLink' => Linker::link(Title::newFromText('CoppaImageReview', NS_SPECIAL), $this->msg('coppatool-imagereview')->escaped(), ['target' => '_blank'], ['username' => $this->userName], ['known', 'noclasses'])]; } else { $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'phalanx-ip', 'buttonLink' => Linker::link(Title::newFromText('Phalanx', NS_SPECIAL), $this->msg('coppatool-phalanx-ip')->escaped(), ['target' => '_blank'], ['type' => Phalanx::TYPE_USER, 'wpPhalanxCheckBlocker' => $this->userName, 'target' => $this->userName], ['known', 'noclasses'])]; $this->buttons[] = ['buttonAction' => 'rename-ip', 'buttonLink' => Html::element('a', ['href' => '#'], $this->msg('coppatool-rename-ip')->escaped())]; } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
</div> <div class="popular-toggle toggle-0"><span class="icon-hide"></span><?php echo wfMessage('user-tools-edit-hide-tools')->escaped(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column"> <label><?php echo wfMessage('user-tools-edit-toolbar-list')->escaped(); ?> </label> <span class="reset-defaults"> <a class="wikia-chiclet-button" href="#"> <img height="0" width="0" src="<?php echo wfBlankImgUrl(); ?> "> </a> <a href="#"> <?php echo wfMessage('user-tools-edit-reset-defaults')->escaped(); ?> </a> </span> <ul class="options-list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div>
?> </div><?php } if (!empty($video['isNew'])) { ?> <div class="new"><?php echo wfMsg('related-videos-video-is-new'); ?> <div class="newRibbon" ></div></div><?php } ?> <div class="playButton"></div><img class="Wikia-video-thumb" data-src="<?php echo $video['thumbnailData']['thumb']; ?> " src="<?php echo $preloaded ? $video['thumbnailData']['thumb'] : wfBlankImgUrl(); ?> " style="margin-top:<?php echo floor(($elementHeight - $video['thumbnailData']['height']) / 2); ?> px; height:<?php echo $video['thumbnailData']['height']; ?> px; width:<?php echo $video['thumbnailData']['width']; ?> px;" /></a> <div class="description"><?php echo $video['truncatedTitle']; ?> </div>
/** * Update thumbnail img attributes when lazy loading * @param WikiaController $controller */ public static function setLazyLoadingAttribs(WikiaController $controller) { $controller->onLoad = self::IMG_ONLOAD; $controller->imgClass = array_merge($controller->imgClass, explode(' ', self::LAZY_IMAGE_CLASSES)); $controller->dataSrc = $controller->imgSrc; $controller->imgSrc = wfBlankImgUrl(); }
ksort($combined); print "<table class='WikiaTable'>\n"; print "<tr>\n"; print "<th colspan=2>name</th>\n"; print "<th colspan=2>" . WikiFactory::IDtoDB($wiki->city_id) . "</th>\n"; if ($to) { print "<th colspan=2>" . WikiFactory::IDtoDB($to) . "</th>\n"; } print "</tr>\n"; global $wgServer; $WF_base = Title::newFromText('WikiFactory', NS_SPECIAL)->getLocalURL(); $wfURL_L = $WF_base . "/{$vars['L']['city']}/variables/"; if ($to) { $wfURL_R = $WF_base . "/{$vars['R']['city']}/variables/"; } $blankImg = wfBlankImgUrl(); $editSprite = "<img src='{$blankImg}' class='sprite edit-pencil' alt='Edit'>"; $findSprite = "<img src='{$blankImg}' class='sprite details' alt='Find more'>"; $WF_find = Title::newFromText('WikiFactoryReporter', NS_SPECIAL)->getLocalURL(); foreach ($combined as $var_id => $var) { /* var has: * => the name _ => if its printable (and compariable) L => value of source wiki R => value of target wiki */ print "<tr>\n"; /*************************************************************************/ print "<td><abbr title='{$var_id}' >{$var['*']}</abbr></td>\n"; print "<td><a href='{$WF_find}?varid={$var_id}' >{$findSprite}</a></td>\n"; /*****************************************/
function getCustomSettings() { global $wgExternalSharedDB; $city_list = 'city_list'; $cv = 'city_variables'; $cv_pool = 'city_variables_pool'; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB); $res = $dbr->select(array($city_list, $cv, $cv_pool), array('cv_value', 'city_url', 'city_id'), array("{$city_list}.city_id = {$cv}.cv_city_id", "{$cv}.cv_variable_id = {$cv_pool}.cv_id", "{$cv_pool}.cv_id = '{$this->varid}'"), __METHOD__); $variable = WikiFactory::getVarById($this->varid, 0); $data = array(); $values = array(); $row_count = $dbr->numRows($res); if ($row_count == 0) { $dbr->freeResult($res); $out = "no settings found in WikiFactory\n"; return $out; } $this->over_limit = false; if ($row_count > 1000) { $this->over_limit = true; } if ($this->disable_limit) { $this->over_limit = false; } while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $city_id = $row->city_id; $cv_value = unserialize($row->cv_value); $nom_value = $cv_value; if (is_array($cv_value)) { asort($cv_value); $cv_value = join(', ', $cv_value); $nom_value = 'array'; } elseif (is_bool($cv_value)) { $cv_value = $cv_value ? 'true' : 'false'; $nom_value = $cv_value; } else { #$cv_value = 'Error. Not an array?!?'; } if (preg_match('/http:\\/\\/([\\w\\.\\-]+)\\//', $row->city_url, $matches)) { $city_url = str_ireplace('', '', $matches[1]); } else { $city_url = 'Error. Unknown wiki?!?'; } if (!empty($cv_value)) { if (count($data) <= 1000 || $this->disable_limit) { $data[] = array('value' => $cv_value, 'url' => $city_url, 'city' => $city_id); } $values[] = $nom_value; } } $dbr->freeResult($res); $acv = array_count_values($values); asort($acv); unset($values); global $wgCityId; if ($wgCityId == 177) { #we're on central (or are faking it), so link locallly $WF_title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('WikiFactory'); $wie_title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('WhereIsExtension'); } else { #we're away from home, so make sure the links link back right $WF_title = GlobalTitle::newFromText('WikiFactory', NS_SPECIAL, 177); $wie_title = GlobalTitle::newFromText('WhereIsExtension', NS_SPECIAL, 177); } $wie_query = array('var' => $variable->cv_variable_id, 'searchType' => 'full', 'val' => 0); #likeValue is appended manually inside the template; $wie_base = $wie_title->getFullURL(http_build_query($wie_query)); unset($wie_query); unset($wie_title); $limit_message = ''; if ($this->over_limit) { $limit_message = Wikia::errorbox("Warning, this variable has {$row_count} entries. Only first 1000 shown"); $QS = http_build_query(array('varid' => $variable->cv_variable_id, 'nolimit' => 1)); $limit_message .= "<a href='/index.php?title=Special:WikiFactoryReporter&{$QS}'>Click here to load all results</a>\n"; } $groups = WikiFactory::getGroups(); $variable->var_group = $groups[$variable->cv_variable_group]; unset($groups); $sprites = array('search' => "<img src='" . wfBlankImgUrl() . "' class='sprite search' alt='search' height='16' width='22'>", 'edit' => "<img src='" . wfBlankImgUrl() . "' class='sprite edit-pencil' alt='edit'>"); $tmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/'); $tmpl->set_vars(array('th' => array($variable->cv_name, 'wiki', 'city_id'), 'data' => $data, 'variable' => $variable, 'acv' => $acv, 'wf_base' => $WF_title->getFullUrl(), 'limit_message' => $limit_message, 'sprites' => $sprites, 'wie_base' => $wie_base)); $out = $tmpl->render('reporter'); return $out; }
<!-- s:<?php echo __FILE__; ?> --> <div class="wk_blogs_panel" style="<?php echo isset($aOptions['style']) ? $aOptions['style'] : ''; ?> "> <div class="wk_blogs_title color1"> <div><?php echo !empty($aOptions['title']) ? $aOptions['title'] : ""; ?> </div> <div class="wk_blogs_title_refresh"><?php echo $skin->makeLinkObj($wgTitle, "<img src=\"" . wfBlankImgUrl() . "\" border=\"0\" class=\"sprite refresh\" />", "action=purge"); ?> </div> </div> <div class="wk_blogs_body"> <?php if (!empty($aRows)) { ?> <ul class="list" style="list-style-image:none;list-style-position:outside;list-style-type:none;margin:0.3em 0 0 0.5em"> <?php foreach ($aRows as $pageId => $aRow) { $oTitle = Title::newFromText($aRow['title'], $aRow['namespace']); if (!$oTitle instanceof Title) { continue; } $isVoting = $isCommenting = 0; if (isset($aRow['props']) && array_key_exists('voting', $aRow['props'])) {
<?php foreach ($fileList as $fileUsage) { ?> <li class="page-listing"> <div class="grid-1 alpha"> <a class="page-listing-image" href="<?php echo $fileUsage['url']; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo empty($fileUsage['imageUrl']) ? wfBlankImgUrl() : $fileUsage['imageUrl']; ?> " <?php if (empty($fileUsage['imageUrl'])) { ?> class="no-image" <?php } ?> > </a> </div> <div class="grid-3"> <h3 class="page-listing-title"><a href="<?php echo $fileUsage['url']; ?> "><?php echo $fileUsage['titleText']; ?> </a></h3> <?php
<div id="MyToolsConfiguration" class="MyToolsConfiguration"> <h1><?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-title') ?></h1> <form class="toolbar-customize"> <div class="column"> <label><?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-toolbar-list') ?></label> <span class="reset-defaults"> <a class="wikia-chiclet-button" href="#"> <img height="0" width="0" src="<?= wfBlankImgUrl() ?>"> </a> <a href="#"> <?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-reset-defaults') ?> </a> </span> <ul class="options-list"> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <label><?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-find-a-tool') ?></label> <span class="advanced-tools"><?php echo wfMsgExt('oasis-toolbar-edit-advanced-tools', array('parseinline')); ?></span> <div class="search-box"> <input type="text" class="search" autocomplete="off" placeholder="<?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-search-for-tool') ?>"> </div> <div class="popular-tools-group"> <ul class="popular-list"> </ul> <div class="popular-toggle toggle-1"><span class="icon-show"></span><?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-popular-tools') ?></div> <div class="popular-toggle toggle-0"><span class="icon-hide"></span><?= wfMsg('oasis-toolbar-edit-hide-tools') ?></div> </div> </div>
public function getCaruselElement() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $video = $this->getVal('video'); if (empty($video)) { $title = $this->getVal('videoTitle'); $rvs = F::build('RelatedVideosService'); $video = $rvs->getRelatedVideoDataFromTitle(array('title' => $title)); } $preloaded = $this->getVal('preloaded'); $videoTitle = F::build('Title', array($video['id'], NS_FILE), 'newFromText'); $videoFile = wfFindFile($videoTitle); if ($videoFile) { $videoThumbObj = $videoFile->transform(array('width' => $video['thumbnailData']['width'], 'height' => $video['thumbnailData']['height'])); $videoThumb = $videoThumbObj->toHtml(array('custom-url-link' => $video['fullUrl'], 'linkAttribs' => array('class' => 'video-thumbnail lightbox', 'data-video-name' => $video['title'], 'data-external' => $video['external'], 'data-ref' => $video['prefixedUrl']), 'duration' => true, 'src' => $preloaded ? false : wfBlankImgUrl(), 'constHeight' => RelatedVideosService::$height, 'usePreloading' => true, 'disableRDF' => true)); $video['views'] = MediaQueryService::getTotalVideoViewsByTitle($videoTitle->getDBKey()); // Add ellipses if title is too long $maxDescriptionLength = 45; $video['truncatedTitle'] = strlen($video['title']) > $maxDescriptionLength ? substr($video['title'], 0, $maxDescriptionLength) . '…' : $video['title']; $video['viewsMsg'] = wfMsg('related-videos-video-views', $this->wg->ContLang->formatNum($video['views'])); $userGroups = $this->wg->User->getEffectiveGroups(); $isAdmin = in_array('admin', $userGroups) || in_array('staff', $userGroups); $this->removeTooltip = wfMsg('related-videos-tooltip-remove'); $this->videoThumb = $videoThumb; $this->video = $video; $this->preloaded = $preloaded; $this->isAdmin = $isAdmin; } else { Wikia::log(__METHOD__, false, 'A video file not found. ID: ' . $video['id']); } // set cache control to 1 day $this->response->setCacheValidity(86400, 86400, array(WikiaResponse::CACHE_TARGET_BROWSER, WikiaResponse::CACHE_TARGET_VARNISH)); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
?> <li<?php echo ($counter == 0 ) ? ' class="marked"' : ''; $counter++; ?>> <a<?= empty( $menuNode0[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ] ) ? '' : ' data-extra="'.$menuNode0[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ].'"' ?> href="<?= $menuNode0[ NavigationService::HREF ] ?>"><?= $menuNode0[ NavigationService::TEXT ] ?></a> <?php if (isset($menuNodes[$level0][ NavigationService::CHILDREN ])) { ?> <ul class="subnav-2 accent"<? if ( $firstChild ){ echo ' style="display:block"'; $firstChild = false; } ?>> <?php foreach ($menuNodes[$level0][ NavigationService::CHILDREN ] as $level1) { $menuNode1 = $menuNodes[$level1]; $hasChildNodes = isset($menuNode1[ NavigationService::CHILDREN ]); ?> <li> <a class="subnav-2a"<?= empty( $menuNode1[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ] ) ? '' : ' data-extra="'.$menuNode1[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ].'"' ?> href="<?= $menuNode1[ NavigationService::HREF ] ?>"<?= empty( $menuNode1[ NavigationService::CANONICAL_NAME ] ) ? '' : ' data-canonical="'.strtolower($menuNode1[ NavigationService::CANONICAL_NAME ]).'"' ?>><?= $menuNode1[ NavigationService::TEXT ] ?><?php if($hasChildNodes):?><img src="<?= wfBlankImgUrl() ?>" class="chevron"><?php endif; ?></a> <?php if ($hasChildNodes) { ?> <ul class="subnav subnav-3"> <?php foreach ($menuNode1[ NavigationService::CHILDREN ] as $level2) { $menuNode2 = $menuNodes[$level2]; ?> <li> <a class="subnav-3a"<?= empty( $menuNode2[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ] ) ? '' : ' data-extra="'.$menuNode2[ NavigationService::SPECIAL ].'"' ?> href="<?= $menuNode2[ NavigationService::HREF ] ?>"><?= $menuNode2[ NavigationService::TEXT ] ?></a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul>
<h1><?= !empty($displaytitle) ? $title : htmlspecialchars($title) ?></h1> <?php // edit button with actions dropdown if (!empty($action)) { echo F::app()->renderView('MenuButton', 'Index', array('action' => $action, 'image' => $actionImage, 'dropdown' => $dropdown, 'name' => $actionName)); } // "Add a photo" button if (!empty($isNewFiles) && !empty($wg->EnableUploads)) { echo Wikia::specialPageLink('Upload', 'oasis-add-photo', (!$isUserLoggedIn ? 'wikia-button upphotoslogin' :'wikia-button upphotos'), 'blank.gif', 'oasis-add-photo-to-wiki', 'sprite photo'); } // "Add a photo" button if (!empty($isSpecialVideos) && !empty($wg->EnableUploads)) { ?> <a class="button addVideo" href="#" rel="tooltip" title="<?=wfMsg('related-videos-tooltip-add');?>"><img src="<?=wfBlankImgUrl();?>" class="sprite addRelatedVideo" /> <?=wfMsg('videos-add-video')?></a> <? } // comments & like button if( !$isWallEnabled ) { echo F::app()->renderView('CommentsLikes', 'Index', array('comments' => $comments, 'likes' => $likes)); } foreach( $extraButtons as $button ){ echo $button; } // "pages on this wiki" counter if (!is_null($tallyMsg)) { ?> <div class="tally"> <?= $tallyMsg ?>
public function renderImageTag() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $attribs = $this->request->getVal('attributes', []); $params = $this->request->getVal('parameters', null); $linkAttribs = $this->request->getVal('anchorAttributes', []); $noscript = $this->request->getVal('noscript', null); $linked = $this->request->getBool('linked', false); $content = $this->request->getVal('content'); $isSmall = $this->request->getVal('isSmall', false); // Don't include small or linked images in the mobile modal $includeInModal = !$linked && !$isSmall; $notClickable = !$linked && $isSmall; foreach ($linkAttribs as $linkAttribKey => $linkAttribValue) { $linkAttribs[$linkAttribKey] = htmlentities($linkAttribValue, ENT_QUOTES); } foreach ($attribs as $attribKey => $attribValue) { $attribs[$attribKey] = htmlentities($attribValue, ENT_QUOTES); } $attribs['data-src'] = $attribs['src']; $attribs['src'] = wfBlankImgUrl(); $attribs['class'] = (!empty($attribs['class']) ? "{$attribs['class']} " : '') . self::CLASS_LAZYLOAD . ' ' . ($includeInModal ? ' ' . self::CLASS_MEDIA : '') . ($notClickable ? ' ' . self::CLASS_SMALL : ''); if (!empty($params)) { $attribs['data-params'] = htmlentities(json_encode($params), ENT_QUOTES); } $this->response->setVal('attributes', $attribs); $this->response->setVal('anchorAttributes', $linkAttribs); $this->response->setVal('noscript', $noscript); $this->response->setVal('content', $content); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }