function waz_activate_as3cf()
    $url = '';
    $title = 'AWS Zencoder';
    $required = 'Amazon S3 and CloudFront';
    $slug = 'amazon-s3-and-cloudfront';
    $file = $slug . '/wordpress-s3.php';
    $msg = waz_activate_or_install_message($title, $url, $required, $slug, $file);
 function require_zencoder()
     if (!class_exists('Services_Zencoder')) {
         $file = WAZ_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             require_once $file;
         } else {
             // Need to figure out a good way to alert people the required
             // library doesn't exist. Maybe refer them to a website? Or the
             // github readme?
             $msg = __('Oh no! It would appear the required Zencoder library doesn\'t exist.', 'waz');
             $msg .= '<br /><br />';
             $msg .= sprintf(__('%s has been deactivated until the issue has been resolved. ', 'waz'), $this->plugin_title);
             $msg .= sprintf(__('Please refer to the <a href="%s">documentation</a> for more information.', 'waz'), '');
             $msg .= '<br /><br />';
             $msg .= sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Return to the previous page.</a>', 'waz'), esc_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));