function wap_norun($title, $msg = '') { $msg = $msg ? $msg : $title; wap_header($title); echo '<p>' . $msg . '</p>'; wap_footer(); }
function wap_msg($msg, $url = "", $t = "10") { @extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); global $db_bbsname, $db_obstart; ob_end_clean(); $db_obstart && function_exists('ob_gzhandler') ? ob_start('ob_gzhandler') : ob_start(); wap_header('msg', $db_bbsname, $url, $t); $msg = getLangInfo('wap', $msg); wap_output("<p>{$msg}" . ($url ? " <a href='{$url}'>" . getLangInfo('wap', 'wap_msg_view') . "</a>" : '') . "</p>\n"); wap_footer(); }
function message($key, $url = '') { global $link, $cmsgs; wap_header(wap_lang('wap_infotip')); $str = $cmsgs[$key] ? $cmsgs[$key] : $key; if (($num = func_num_args()) > 2) { $ars = func_get_args(); array_splice($ars, 1, 1); $ars[0] =& $str; $str = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $ars); } echo str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '<br/>', wap_encode($str)) . '<br/>'; if ($url) { switch ($url) { case 'back': echo '<onevent type="ontimer"><prev/><timer value="20"/></onevent>' . '<anchor>' . wap_lang('wap_rightnowgoback') . '<prev/></anchor><br/>'; break; default: echo '<onevent type="ontimer"><go href="' . wap_encode($url) . '"/><timer value="20"/></onevent>' . '<a href="' . wap_encode($url) . '">' . wap_lang('wap_rightnowgoback') . '</a><br/>'; } } echo $link; wap_footer(); }
function wap_sms_msg($msg, $url = "") { $ysmsg = is_array($msg) ? array_pop($msg) : $msg; $msg = getWapLang('wap', $ysmsg); if (!empty($msg) && $msg == $ysmsg) { $msg = getLangInfo('msg', $ysmsg); $msg = strip_tags($msg); } wap_header($url); if ($msg) { $str = '<br><div class="warning">' . $msg . '</div>'; $str .= '<div> <a href="index.php?a=ms_index&action=send">发新消息</a><br /> <a href="index.php?a=ms_index&action=all">返回所有消息</a><br /> <a href="index.php?a=ms_index&action=self">返回已发消息</a></div>'; echo $str; } else { echo $ysmsg; } wap_footer(); }
if ($curuser->info['password'] != $md5_password) { $curuser->updatefield('password', $md5_password); } if ($curuser->info['checked'] == 1) { $curuser->updatefield('lastvisit', $timestamp); $curuser->updatefield('lastip', $onlineip); $curuser->updatedb(); $memberid = $curuser->info['mid']; $z = '_' . rawurlencode(authcode("{$md5_password}\t" . $curuser->info['mid'], 'ENCODE')); login_safecheck($username, 0, 1); $forward = empty($forward) ? 'index.php' : $forward; message('wap_login_ok', $forward . (strpos($forward, '?') !== false ? '&z=' : '?z=') . $z, 'ret_index'); } elseif ($curuser->info['checked'] == 2) { //需要重新激活的会员 message('wap_out_member_active'); } else { message('wap_nocheck_member', 'back'); } } elseif ($enable_uc) { //UC帐号需要激活 message('wap_out_member_active'); } login_safecheck($username, $errtimes); $password = preg_replace("/^(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 4) . "})(.+?)(.{" . round(strlen($password) / 6) . "})\$/s", "\\1***\\3", $password); $record = mhtmlspecialchars($timestamp . "\t" . stripslashes($username) . "\t" . $password . "\t" . $onlineip); record2file('badlogin', $record); message($cantimes ? 'wap_login_failed' : 'wap_login_error_times', 'back', $cantimes); } elseif ($action == 'logout') { wap_header(wap_lang('wap_logout')); message('wap_logout_ok', empty($forward) ? 'index.php' : $forward); }
<?php !defined('W_P') && exit('Forbidden'); if ($db_online) { $userinbbs = $guestinbbs = 0; $query = $db->query("SELECT uid!=0 as ifuser,COUNT(*) AS count FROM pw_online GROUP BY uid='0'"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($rt['ifuser']) { $userinbbs = $rt['count']; } else { $guestinbbs = $rt['count']; } } } else { @(include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/olcache.php'); } $usertotal = $guestinbbs + $userinbbs; $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM pw_bbsinfo WHERE id=1"); $rs = $db->get_one("SELECT SUM(fd.topic) as topic,SUM(fd.subtopic) as subtopic,SUM(fd.article) as article,SUM(fd.tpost) as tposts FROM pw_forums f LEFT JOIN pw_forumdata fd USING(fid) WHERE f.ifsub='0' AND f.cms!='1'"); $topic = $rs['topic'] + $rs['subtopic']; $article = $rs['article']; $tposts = $rs['tposts']; $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); $uinfo = $userService->getByUserName($rt['newmember']); Cookie("wap_scr", serialize(array("page" => "bbsinfo"))); wap_header(); require_once PrintWAP('bbsinfo'); wap_footer();
$db->update("UPDATE pw_memberdata SET {$sqladd}postnum=postnum+1,lastpost=" . pwEscape($timestamp) . " WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($winduid)); wap_msg('post_success', "read.php?tid={$tid}"); } } elseif ($action == 'reply') { if (!$tid) { wap_msg('undefined_action'); } $tp = $db->get_one("SELECT fid,subject,locked,ifcheck,ptable,tpcstatus FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); !$tp && wap_msg('illegal_tid'); $fid = $tp['fid']; $openIndex = getstatus($tp['tpcstatus'], 2); #高楼索引支持 if (!$_POST['content']) { $tp['subject'] = str_replace(' ', '', wap_cv($tp['subject'])); $refer = "post.php?action=reply&tid={$tid}&tmp={$timestamp}"; wap_header('post', $db_bbsname); require_once PrintEot('wap_post'); wap_footer(); } else { if (!$tp['ifcheck']) { wap_msg('reply_ifcheck'); } if ($tp['locked'] > 0) { wap_msg("reply_lockatc"); } InitGP(array('subject', 'content'), 'P', 0); wap_check($fid, 'reply'); $subject = wap_cv($subject); $content = wap_cv($content); $ipfrom = Char_cv(cvipfrom($onlineip)); $pw_posts = GetPtable($tp['ptable']);
function wap_msg($msg, $url = "") { $ysmsg = is_array($msg) ? array_pop($msg) : $msg; $msg = getWapLang('wap', $ysmsg); if (!empty($msg) && $msg == $ysmsg) { $msg = getLangInfo('msg', $ysmsg); $msg = strip_tags($msg); } wap_header($url); if ($msg) { echo '<br />', '<div class="warning">' . $msg . '</div>', '<div>' . ($url ? " <a href='{$url}'>" . getWapLang('wap', 'wap_msg_view') . "</a>" : '') . '</div>'; } else { echo $ysmsg; } wap_footer(); }
echo "<br />\n"; echo "</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; unset($comment); echo "<p>共有" . $total . "条隐藏评论</p>\n"; echo $multipage; $DB->free_result($query); } else { echo "<p>没有需要审核的评论</p>\n"; } wap_footer(); } // 审核评论操作 if ($action == 'auditcm_ok' && ($sax_group == '1' || $sax_group == '2') && $sax_hash) { wap_header('审核评论'); $commentid = (int) $commentid; // 获取文章信息 if (!$commentid) { wap_message('缺少参数'); } $comment = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT c.articleid, a.uid FROM {$db_prefix}comments c LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}articles a ON (a.articleid=c.articleid) WHERE c.commentid='{$commentid}'"); if (!$comment) { wap_message('记录不存在'); } if ($sax_group == '2') { if ($comment['uid'] != $sax_uid) { wap_message('此评论不属于您发表的文章'); } } $DB->query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}comments SET visible='1' WHERE commentid='{$commentid}'");
$currentPosts[$value]['author'] = wap_cv($currentPosts[$value]['author']); $postdb[] = $currentPosts[$value]; } else { $postdb[] = array('postdate' => 'N', 'content' => getLangInfo('bbscode', 'post_deleted')); } } } } else { $query = $db->query("SELECT subject,author,content,postdate,anonymous FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($rt[tid]) . " AND ifcheck=1 ORDER BY postdate {$limit}"); while ($ct = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($ct['content']) { $id++; $ct['subject'] = str_replace(' ', '', wap_cv($ct['subject'])); $ct['content'] = strip_tags($ct['content']); $ct['content'] = substrs($ct['content'], $db_waplimit); $ct['content'] = wap_cv($ct['content']); $ct['content'] = wap_code($ct['content']); $ct['postdate'] = get_date($ct['postdate'], "m-d H:i"); $ct['id'] = $id; $ct['author'] = $ct['anonymous'] ? $db_anonymousname : $ct['author']; $ct['author'] = wap_cv($ct['author']); $postdb[] = $ct; } } } } else { wap_msg('illegal_tid'); } wap_header('read', $db_bbsname); require_once PrintEot('wap_read'); wap_footer();
<?php require_once 'wap_global.php'; InitGP(array('prog')); if (!in_array($prog, array('index', 'cate', 'bbsinfo', 'login', 'quit', 'phone'))) { $prog = 'index'; } include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/olcache.php'; $total = $userinbbs + $guestinbbs; wap_header('index', $db_bbsname); if ($prog == 'cate') { $fids = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT fid FROM pw_forums WHERE password='' AND allowvisit='' AND f_type!='hidden'"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fids[] = $rt['fid']; } } elseif ($prog == 'bbsinfo') { $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM pw_bbsinfo WHERE id=1"); $rs = $db->get_one("SELECT SUM(fd.topic) as topic,SUM(fd.subtopic) as subtopic,SUM(fd.article) as article,SUM(fd.tpost) as tposts FROM pw_forums f LEFT JOIN pw_forumdata fd USING(fid) WHERE f.ifsub='0' AND f.cms!='1'"); $topic = $rs['topic'] + $rs['subtopic']; $article = $rs['article']; $tposts = $rs['tposts']; } elseif ($prog == 'login') { InitGP(array('lgt', 'pwuser', 'pwpwd', 'question', 'customquest', 'answer'), 'P'); if ($windid) { wap_msg('login_have'); } elseif ($pwuser && $pwpwd) { $safecv = $db_ifsafecv ? wap_quest($question, $customquest, $answer) : ''; wap_login($pwuser, md5($pwpwd), $safecv, $lgt); } } elseif ($prog == 'quit') {
<?php !defined('W_P') && exit('Forbidden'); !$windid && wap_msg('not_login'); wap_header('msg', $db_bbsname); S::gp(array('action')); if (!$action) { $allnum = $newnum = 0; $query = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num,ifnew FROM pw_msg WHERE touid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND type='rebox' GROUP BY ifnew=0"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $allnum += $rt['num']; $rt['ifnew'] && ($newnum = $rt['num']); } require_once PrintEot('wap_msg'); wap_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'new') { $msgdb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT m.*,mc.title FROM pw_msg m LEFT JOIN pw_msgc mc USING(mid) WHERE m.touid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND m.type='rebox' AND m.ifnew=1 ORDER BY m.mdate DESC LIMIT 15"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['title'] = wap_cv($rt['title']); $rt['username'] = wap_cv($rt['username']); $rt['mdate'] = get_date($rt['mdate']); $msgdb[] = $rt; } require_once PrintEot('wap_msg'); wap_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'all') { $msgdb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT m.*,mc.title FROM pw_msg m LEFT JOIN pw_msgc mc USING(mid) WHERE m.touid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND m.type='rebox' ORDER BY m.mdate DESC LIMIT 15"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['title'] = wap_cv($rt['title']);
$listdb = array(); if ($fid) { InitGP(array('page')); $per = 10; $fm = $db->get_one("SELECT topic FROM pw_forumdata WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $db_maxpage && $page > $db_maxpage && ($page = $db_maxpage); (!is_numeric($page) || $page < 1) && ($page = 1); $totle = ceil($fm['topic'] / $per); $totle == 0 ? $page = 1 : ($page > $totle ? $page = $totle : ''); $next = $page + 1; $pre = $page == 1 ? 1 : $page - 1; $pages = wap_numofpage($page, $totle, "list.php?fid={$fid}&", $db_maxpage); forumcheck($fid, 'list'); $list = ''; $satrt = ($page - 1) * $per; $id = $satrt; $limit = pwLimit($satrt, $per); $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,author,subject,postdate,hits,replies,anonymous FROM pw_threads WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid) . " AND topped<3 AND ifcheck=1 ORDER BY topped DESC,lastpost DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $id++; $rt['anonymous'] && ($rt['author'] = $db_anonymousname); $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate'], "m-d H:i"); $rt['id'] = $id; $rt['subject'] = substrs(str_replace(' ', '', $rt['subject']), 30, 'N'); $listdb[] = $rt; } $forumname = wap_cv(strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name'])); } wap_header('list', $db_bbsname); require_once PrintEot('wap_list'); wap_footer();