function process_form() { global $phpcid, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_script; verify_token(); if (empty($vars['user_name'])) { return message(__('You must specify a user name')); } if (empty($vars['password1'])) { return message(__('You must specify a password')); } if (empty($vars['password2']) || $vars['password1'] != $vars['password2']) { return message(__('Your passwords did not match')); } $make_admin = empty($vars['make_admin']) ? 0 : 1; $passwd = md5($vars['password1']); if ($phpcdb->get_user_by_name($vars["user_name"])) { return message(__('User already exists.')); } $uid = $phpcdb->create_user($vars["user_name"], $passwd, $make_admin); if (!empty($vars['groups'])) { foreach ($vars['groups'] as $gid) { $phpcdb->user_add_group($uid, $gid); } } return message(__('Added user.')); }
function process_form() { global $phpcid, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_script, $phpc_cal; verify_token(); $user = $phpcdb->get_user($vars["uid"]); // Remove existing groups for this calendar foreach ($user->get_groups() as $group) { if ($group["cid"] == $phpcid) { $phpcdb->user_remove_group($vars["uid"], $group["gid"]); } } $valid_groups = array(); foreach ($phpc_cal->get_groups() as $group) { $valid_groups[] = $group["gid"]; } if (!empty($vars["groups"])) { foreach ($vars["groups"] as $gid) { if (!in_array($gid, $valid_groups)) { soft_error("Invalid gid"); } $phpcdb->user_add_group($vars["uid"], $gid); } } return message(__('Groups updated.')); }
function process_form() { global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_script; verify_token(); $cid = $phpcdb->create_calendar(); foreach (get_config_options() as $item) { $name = $item[0]; $type = $item[2]; if ($type == PHPC_CHECK) { if (isset($vars[$name])) { $value = "1"; } else { $value = "0"; } } else { if (isset($vars[$name])) { $value = $vars[$name]; } else { soft_error(__("{$name} was not set.")); } } $phpcdb->create_config($cid, $name, $value); } message(__('Calendar created.')); }
function password_submit() { global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_user; if (!is_user()) { return tag('div', __('You must be logged in.')); } verify_token(); if (!$phpc_user->is_password_editable()) { soft_error(__('You do not have permission to change your password.')); } if (!isset($vars['old_password'])) { return tag('div', __('You must specify your old password.')); } else { $old_password = $vars['old_password']; } if ($phpc_user->password != md5($old_password)) { return tag('div', __('The password you entered did not match your old password.')); } if (empty($vars['password1'])) { return tag('div', __('You must specify a password')); } if (empty($vars['password2']) || $vars['password1'] != $vars['password2']) { return tag('div', __('Your passwords did not match')); } $passwd = md5($vars['password1']); $phpcdb->set_password($phpc_user->get_uid(), $passwd); return tag('div', __('Password updated.')); }
function user_settings_submit() { global $phpcid, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_user_tz, $phpc_user_lang, $phpc_prefix, $phpc_user, $phpc_script; verify_token(); // If we have a timezone, make sure it's valid if (!empty($vars["timezone"]) && !in_array($vars['timezone'], timezone_identifiers_list())) { soft_error(__("Invalid timezone.")); } // Expire 20 years in the future, give or take. $expiration_time = time() + 20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; // One hour in the past $past_time = time() - 3600; if (!empty($vars["timezone"])) { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}tz", $vars['timezone'], $expiration_time); } else { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}tz", '', $past_time); } if (!empty($vars["language"])) { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}lang", $vars['language'], $expiration_time); } else { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}lang", '', $past_time); } if (is_user()) { $uid = $phpc_user->get_uid(); $phpcdb->set_user_default_cid($uid, $vars['default_cid']); $phpcdb->set_timezone($uid, $vars['timezone']); $phpcdb->set_language($uid, $vars['language']); $phpc_user_tz = $vars["timezone"]; $phpc_user_lang = $vars["language"]; } return message_redirect(__('Settings updated.'), "{$phpc_script}?action=user_settings&phpcid={$phpcid}"); }
function settings_submit() { global $phpcid, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_user_tz, $phpc_user_lang, $phpc_prefix, $phpc_user; verify_token(); // Expire 20 years in the future, give or take. $expiration_time = time() + 20 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; // One hour in the past $past_time = time() - 3600; if (!empty($vars["timezone"])) { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}tz", $vars['timezone'], $expiration_time); } else { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}tz", '', $past_time); } if (!empty($vars["language"])) { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}lang", $vars['language'], $expiration_time); } else { setcookie("{$phpc_prefix}lang", '', $past_time); } if (is_user()) { $uid = $phpc_user->get_uid(); $phpcdb->set_timezone($uid, $vars['timezone']); $phpcdb->set_language($uid, $vars['language']); $phpc_user_tz = $vars["timezone"]; $phpc_user_lang = $vars["language"]; } return message(__('Settings updated.')); }
if ($format != $translation) { $args[0] = format_number($number); } return vsprintf($format, $args); } function switch_lang() { global $LANG, $langs; echo "<form action='' method='post'>\n<div id='lang'>"; echo lang('Language') . ": " . html_select("lang", $langs, $LANG, "this.form.submit();"); echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in echo "</div>\n</form>\n"; } if (isset($_POST["lang"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available cookie("adminer_lang", $_POST["lang"]); $_SESSION["lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; // cookies may be disabled $_SESSION["translations"] = array(); // used in compiled version adminer_redirect(remove_from_uri()); } $LANG = "en"; if (isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) { cookie("adminer_lang", $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]); $LANG = $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]; } elseif (isset($langs[$_SESSION["lang"]])) { $LANG = $_SESSION["lang"]; } else {
function process_form() { global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_cal, $phpcid, $phpc_script; if (!isset($vars['eid']) && !isset($vars['oid'])) { soft_error(__("Cannot create occurrence.")); } $start_ts = get_timestamp("start"); $end_ts = get_timestamp("end"); switch ($vars["time-type"]) { case 'normal': $time_type = 0; break; case 'full': $time_type = 1; break; case 'tba': $time_type = 2; break; default: soft_error(__("Unrecognized Time Type.")); } $duration = $end_ts - $start_ts; if ($duration < 0) { soft_error(__("An event cannot have an end earlier than its start.")); } verify_token(); if (!$phpc_cal->can_write()) { permission_error(__('You do not have permission to write to this calendar.')); } if (!isset($vars['oid'])) { $modify = false; if (!isset($vars["eid"])) { soft_error(__("EID not set.")); } $oid = $phpcdb->create_occurrence($vars["eid"], $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); } else { $modify = true; $oid = $vars["oid"]; $phpcdb->modify_occurrence($oid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); } if ($oid != 0) { if ($modify) { $message = __("Modified occurence: "); } else { $message = __("Created occurence: "); } return message_redirect(tag('', $message, create_event_link($oid, 'display_event', $oid)), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_event&phpcid={$phpcid}&oid={$oid}"); } else { return message_redirect(__('Error submitting occurrence.'), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_month&phpcid={$phpcid}"); } }
function process_form() { global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_cal, $phpcid, $phpc_script, $phpc_user; // When modifying events, this is the value of the checkbox that // determines if the date should change $modify_occur = !isset($vars['eid']) || !empty($vars['phpc-modify']); if ($modify_occur) { $start_ts = get_timestamp("start"); $end_ts = get_timestamp("end"); switch ($vars["time-type"]) { case 'normal': $time_type = 0; break; case 'full': $time_type = 1; break; case 'tba': $time_type = 2; break; default: soft_error(__("Unrecognized Time Type.")); } $duration = $end_ts - $start_ts; if ($duration < 0) { message(__("An event cannot have an end earlier than its start.")); return display_form(); } } verify_token(); if (0) { permission_error(__('You do not have permission to write to this calendar.')); } if ($phpc_cal->can_create_readonly() && !empty($vars['readonly'])) { $readonly = true; } else { $readonly = false; } $catid = empty($vars['catid']) ? false : $vars['catid']; if (!isset($vars['eid'])) { $modify = false; $eid = $phpcdb->create_event($phpcid, $phpc_user->get_uid(), $vars["subject"], $vars["description"], $readonly, $catid); } else { $modify = true; $eid = $vars['eid']; $phpcdb->modify_event($eid, $vars['subject'], $vars['description'], $readonly, $catid); if ($modify_occur) { $phpcdb->delete_occurrences($eid); } } if ($modify_occur) { $oid = $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences = 1; switch ($vars["repeats"]) { case "never": break; case 'daily': if (!isset($vars["every-day"])) { soft_error(__("Required field \"every-day\" is not set.")); } $ndays = $vars["every-day"]; if ($ndays < 1) { soft_error(__("every-day must be greater than 1")); } $daily_until = get_timestamp("daily-until"); while ($occurrences <= 730) { $start_ts = add_days($start_ts, $ndays); $end_ts = add_days($end_ts, $ndays); if (days_between($start_ts, $daily_until) < 0) { break; } $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences++; } break; case 'weekly': if (!isset($vars["every-week"])) { soft_error(__("Required field \"every-week\" is not set.")); } if ($vars["every-week"] < 1) { soft_error(__("every-week must be greater than 1")); } $ndays = $vars["every-week"] * 7; $weekly_until = get_timestamp("weekly-until"); while ($occurrences <= 730) { $start_ts = add_days($start_ts, $ndays); $end_ts = add_days($end_ts, $ndays); if (days_between($start_ts, $weekly_until) < 0) { break; } $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences++; } break; case 'monthly': if (!isset($vars["every-month"])) { soft_error(__("Required field \"every-month\" is not set.")); } if ($vars["every-month"] < 1) { soft_error(__("every-month must be greater than 1")); } $nmonths = $vars["every-month"]; $monthly_until = get_timestamp("monthly-until"); while ($occurrences <= 730) { $start_ts = add_months($start_ts, $nmonths); $end_ts = add_months($end_ts, $nmonths); if (days_between($start_ts, $monthly_until) < 0) { break; } $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences++; } break; case 'yearly': if (!isset($vars["every-year"])) { soft_error(__("Required field \"every-year\" is not set.")); } if ($vars["every-year"] < 1) { soft_error(__("every-month must be greater than 1")); } $nyears = $vars["every-year"]; $yearly_until = get_timestamp("yearly-until"); while ($occurrences <= 730) { $start_ts = add_years($start_ts, $nyears); $end_ts = add_years($end_ts, $nyears); if (days_between($start_ts, $yearly_until) < 0) { break; } $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences++; } break; default: soft_error(__("Invalid event type.")); } } if ($eid != 0) { if ($modify) { $message = __("Modified event: "); } else { $message = __("Created event: "); } /* before return message_redirect(tag($eid, $message, create_event_link('', 'display_event', $eid)), */ return message_redirect(tag('', $message, create_event_link('', 'display_event', '')), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_event&phpcid={$phpcid}&oid={$oid}"); /* <-- before last paremeter was &eid=$eid instead of &oid=$oid */ } else { return message_redirect(__('Error submitting event.'), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_month&phpcid={$phpcid}"); } }
echo "</select>"; echo " <input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "' class='hidden'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='" . get_token() . "'>\n"; // $token may be empty in echo "</div>\n</form>\n"; } if (isset($_POST["lang"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available cookie("adminer_lang", $_POST["lang"]); $_SESSION["lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; // cookies may be disabled $_SESSION["translations"] = array(); // used in compiled version redirect(remove_from_uri()); } if (isset($_POST["theme"]) && verify_token()) { // $error not yet available if ($_POST["theme"] == 'default') { setcookie("adminer_theme", null, time() - 3600); if (file_exists("./adminer.css")) { unlink("./adminer.css"); } } else { copy("../designs/" . $_POST["theme"] . "/adminer.css", "./adminer.css"); cookie("adminer_theme", $_REQUEST["theme"]); } redirect(remove_from_uri()); } $LANG = "en"; if (isset($langs[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])) { cookie("adminer_lang", $_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]);
exit; } $connection = connect(); } $driver = new Min_Driver($connection); if (!is_object($connection) || !$adminer->login($_GET["username"], get_password())) { auth_error(is_string($connection) ? $connection : lang('Invalid credentials.')); } if ($auth && $_POST["token"]) { $_POST["token"] = $token; // reset token after explicit login } $error = ''; ///< @var string if ($_POST) { if (!verify_token()) { $ini = "max_input_vars"; $max_vars = ini_get($ini); if (extension_loaded("suhosin")) { foreach (array("suhosin.request.max_vars", "") as $key) { $val = ini_get($key); if ($val && (!$max_vars || $val < $max_vars)) { $ini = $key; $max_vars = $val; } } } $error = !$_POST["token"] && $max_vars ? lang('Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s.', "'{$ini}'") : lang('Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.') . ' ' . lang('If you did not send this request from Adminer then close this page.'); } } elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { // posted form with no data means that post_max_size exceeded because Adminer always sends token at least
function ensure_privileged_api_data_and_token_or_slave($db) { $data = ensure_privileged_api_data(); if (should_authenticate_as_slave($data)) { verify_slave($db, $data); } else { if (!verify_token(array_get($data, 'token'))) { exit_with_error('InvalidToken'); } } return $data; }
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ,"Authorization: $token" )); $response = Array(); parse_str(curl_exec($ch), $response); curl_close($ch); return $response; } } // AUTH FIRST // Verify token $headers = apache_request_headers(); if(isset($headers['Authorization'])) { $token = $headers['Authorization']; $response = verify_token($token); $me = @$response['me']; $iss = @$response['issued_by']; $client = @$response['client_id']; $scope = @$response['scope']; }else{ header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); echo "403: No authorization header set."; exit; } if(empty($response)){ header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); echo "401: Access token could not be verified."; exit; }elseif(stripos($me, "") === false || $scope != "update"){
function process_form() { global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpc_script, $phpc_user, $phpc_cal; // When modifying events, this is the value of the checkbox that // determines if the date should change $modify_occur = !isset($vars['eid']) || !empty($vars['phpc-modify']); if ($modify_occur) { $start_ts = get_timestamp("start"); $end_ts = get_timestamp("end"); switch ($vars["time-type"]) { case 'normal': $time_type = 0; break; case 'full': $time_type = 1; break; case 'tba': $time_type = 2; break; default: soft_error(__("Unrecognized Time Type.")); } $duration = $end_ts - $start_ts; if ($duration < 0) { throw new Exception(__("An event cannot have an end earlier than its start.")); } } verify_token(); if (!isset($vars['cid'])) { throw new Exception(__("Calendar ID is not set.")); } $cid = $vars['cid']; $calendar = $phpcdb->get_calendar($cid); if (!$calendar->can_write()) { permission_error(__('You do not have permission to write to this calendar.')); } if ($calendar->can_create_readonly() && !empty($vars['readonly'])) { $readonly = true; } else { $readonly = false; } $catid = empty($vars['catid']) ? false : $vars['catid']; if (!isset($vars['eid'])) { $modify = false; $eid = $phpcdb->create_event($cid, $phpc_user->get_uid(), $vars["subject"], $vars["description"], $readonly, $catid); } else { $modify = true; $eid = $vars['eid']; $phpcdb->modify_event($eid, $vars['subject'], $vars['description'], $readonly, $catid); if ($modify_occur) { $phpcdb->delete_occurrences($eid); } } foreach ($phpc_cal->get_fields() as $field) { $fid = $field['fid']; if (empty($vars["phpc-field-{$fid}"])) { if ($field['required']) { throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Field "%s" is required but was not set.'), $field['name'])); } continue; } $phpcdb->add_event_field($eid, $fid, $vars["phpc-field-{$fid}"]); } if ($modify_occur) { $occurrences = 0; $n = 1; $until = $start_ts; switch ($vars['repeats']) { case 'daily': check_input("every-day"); $n = $vars["every-day"]; $until = get_timestamp("daily-until"); break; case 'weekly': check_input("every-week"); $n = $vars["every-week"] * 7; $until = get_timestamp("weekly-until"); break; case 'monthly': check_input("every-month"); $n = $vars["every-month"]; $until = get_timestamp("monthly-until"); break; case 'yearly': check_input("every-year"); $n = $vars["every-year"]; $until = get_timestamp("yearly-until"); break; } if ($n < 1) { soft_error(__('Increment must be 1 or greater.')); } while ($occurrences <= 730 && days_between($start_ts, $until) >= 0) { $oid = $phpcdb->create_occurrence($eid, $time_type, $start_ts, $end_ts); $occurrences++; switch ($vars["repeats"]) { case 'daily': case 'weekly': $start_ts = add_days($start_ts, $n); $end_ts = add_days($end_ts, $n); break; case 'monthly': $start_ts = add_months($start_ts, $n); $end_ts = add_months($end_ts, $n); break; case 'yearly': $start_ts = add_years($start_ts, $n); $end_ts = add_years($end_ts, $n); break; default: break 2; } } } if ($eid != 0) { if ($modify) { $message = __("Modified event: "); } else { $message = __("Created event: "); } return message_redirect(tag('', $message, create_event_link($eid, 'display_event', $eid)), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_event&eid={$eid}"); } else { return message_redirect(__('Error submitting event.'), "{$phpc_script}?action=display_month&phpcid={$cid}"); } }