function validateEntry($action, $id, $data, $record_type) { $messages = null; $html = null; $append = array('CNAME', 'NS', 'MX', 'SRV', 'DNAME', 'CERT', 'RP', 'NAPTR'); if ($action == 'create' && !isset($data['record_append']) && in_array($record_type, $append) && substr($data['record_value'], -1) != '.') { $data['record_append'] = 'yes'; } elseif (!isset($data['record_append']) && in_array($record_type, $append)) { $data['record_append'] = 'no'; } if (!empty($data['record_value'])) { $data['record_value'] = str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $data['record_value']); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $data[$key] = trim($val, '"\''); if ($key == 'record_name' && $record_type != 'PTR') { if (!$val) { $val = '@'; $data[$key] = $val; } if (!verifyName($val, $id, true, $record_type)) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid'); } } if (in_array($key, array('record_ttl', 'record_priority', 'record_weight', 'record_port'))) { if (!empty($val) && verifyNumber($val) === false) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid'); } } if ($record_type == 'A') { if ($key == 'record_value') { if (verifyIPAddress($val) === false) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid IP'); } } if ($key == 'PTR') { global $domain_id; $retval = checkPTRZone($data['record_value'], $domain_id); list($val, $error_msg) = $retval; if ($val == null) { $messages['errors']['record_value'] = $error_msg; } else { $messages['info']['record_value'] = $error_msg; } } } if ($record_type == 'PTR') { if ($key == 'record_name') { if ($domain_map == 'reverse') { if (verifyIPAddress(buildFullIPAddress($data['record_name'], $domain)) === false) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid record'); } } else { if (!verifyCNAME('yes', $data['record_name'], false, true)) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid record'); } } } } if (in_array($record_type, array('CNAME', 'DNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'SRV', 'NAPTR')) || $record_type == 'PTR' && $key == 'record_value') { if ($key == 'record_value') { $val = $data['record_append'] == 'yes' || $val == '@' ? trim($val, '.') : trim($val, '.') . '.'; $data[$key] = $val; if (!verifyCNAME($data['record_append'], $val) || $record_type == 'NS' && !validateHostname($val)) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid value'); } } } if (!count($messages['errors'])) { $html .= buildInputReturn($action, $id, $key, $val); } else { $html = null; } } } elseif ($record_type == 'SOA') { if ($_POST['create']['soa_template_chosen']) { global $fm_dns_records; // Save the soa_template_chosen in domains table and end include_once ABSPATH . 'fm-modules/fmDNS/classes/class_records.php'; $fm_dns_records->assignSOA($_POST['create']['soa_template_chosen'], $_POST['domain_id']); header('Location: zone-records.php?map=' . $_POST['map'] . '&domain_id=' . $_POST['domain_id'] . '&record_type=SOA'); } if (!isset($data['soa_append'])) { $data['soa_append'] = 'no'; } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, array('domain_id', 'soa_status'))) { continue; } if ($key == 'soa_email_address') { $val = strpos($val, '@') ? str_replace('@', '.', rtrim($val, '.') . '.') : $val; $data[$key] = $val; } if (in_array($key, array('soa_master_server', 'soa_email_address'))) { $val = rtrim($val, '.'); if (strpos($_POST['update'][$id]['soa_master_server'], $domain) && strpos($_POST['update'][$id]['soa_email_address'], $domain)) { $new_val = rtrim(str_replace($domain, '', $val), '.'); if ($new_val != rtrim($val, '.')) { $data['soa_append'] = 'yes'; } $val = $new_val; } if ($data['soa_append'] == 'no') { $val .= '.'; } } if ($key != 'soa_append') { if (in_array($key, array('soa_master_server', 'soa_email_address'))) { $val = $data['soa_append'] == 'yes' ? trim($val, '.') : trim($val, '.') . '.'; $data[$key] = $val; if (!verifyCNAME($data['soa_append'], $val, false) || $key == 'soa_master_server' && !validateHostname($val)) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid'); } } else { if (array_key_exists('soa_template', $data) && $data['soa_template'] == 'yes') { if (!verifyNAME($val, $id, false)) { $messages['errors'][$key] = __('Invalid'); } } } } if (!count($messages['errors'])) { $html .= buildInputReturn($action, $id, $key, $val); } else { $html = null; } } } else { unset($data); } return array($data, $html, $messages); }
function validatePost($post) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG; if (empty($post['object_name'])) { return __('No object name defined.'); } if (empty($post['object_address'])) { return __('No object address defined.'); } if ($post['object_type'] == 'network') { if (empty($post['object_mask'])) { return __('No object netmask defined.'); } } /** Check name field length */ $field_length = getColumnLength('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'objects', 'object_name'); if ($field_length !== false && strlen($post['object_name']) > $field_length) { return sprintf(dngettext($_SESSION['module'], 'Object name is too long (maximum %d character).', 'Object name is too long (maximum %d characters).', $field_length), $field_length); } /** Does the record already exist for this account? */ basicGet('fm_' . $__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix'] . 'objects', $post['object_name'], 'object_', 'object_name', "AND object_type='{$post['object_type']}' AND object_id!={$post['object_id']}"); if ($fmdb->num_rows) { return __('This object name already exists.'); } /** Check address and mask */ if (!verifyIPAddress($post['object_address'])) { return __('Address is invalid.'); } if ($post['object_type'] == 'network') { if (!verifyIPAddress($post['object_mask'])) { return __('Netmask is invalid.'); } } return $post; }
function validatePost($post) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG; $post['cfg_comment'] = trim($post['cfg_comment']); if (is_array($post['cfg_data'])) { $post['cfg_data'] = join(' ', $post['cfg_data']); } if (isset($post['cfg_name'])) { $def_option = "'{$post['cfg_name']}'"; } elseif (isset($post['cfg_id'])) { $def_option = "(SELECT cfg_name FROM fm_{$__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix']}config WHERE cfg_id = {$post['cfg_id']})"; } else { return false; } if (!isset($post['view_id'])) { $post['view_id'] = 0; } if (!isset($post['domain_id'])) { $post['domain_id'] = 0; } $query = "SELECT def_type,def_dropdown FROM fm_{$__FM_CONFIG[$_SESSION['module']]['prefix']}functions WHERE def_option = {$def_option}"; $fmdb->get_results($query); if ($fmdb->num_rows) { $result = $fmdb->last_result; if ($result[0]->def_dropdown == 'no') { $valid_types = trim(str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $result[0]->def_type)); switch ($valid_types) { case 'integer': case 'seconds': case 'minutes': case 'size_in_bytes': if (!verifyNumber($post['cfg_data'])) { return $post['cfg_data'] . ' is an invalid number.'; } break; case 'port': if (!verifyNumber($post['cfg_data'], 0, 65535)) { return $post['cfg_data'] . ' is an invalid port number.'; } break; case 'quoted_string': $post['cfg_data'] = '"' . trim($post['cfg_data'], '"') . '"'; break; case 'quoted_string | none': $post['cfg_data'] = '"' . trim($post['cfg_data'], '"') . '"'; if ($post['cfg_data'] == '"none"') { $post['cfg_data'] = 'none'; } break; case 'address_match_element': /** Need to check for valid ACLs or IP addresses */ break; case 'ipv4_address | ipv6_address': if (!verifyIPAddress($post['cfg_data'])) { return $post['cfg_data'] . ' is an invalid IP address.'; } break; case 'ipv4_address | *': case 'ipv6_address | *': if ($post['cfg_data'] != '*') { if (!verifyIPAddress($post['cfg_data'])) { $post['cfg_data'] . ' is an invalid IP address.'; } } break; } } } return $post; }
function validateDomainName($domain_name, $domain_mapping) { if (substr($domain_name, -5) == '.arpa') { /** .arpa is only for reverse zones */ if ($domain_mapping == 'forward') { return false; } $domain_pieces = explode('.', $domain_name); $domain_parts = count($domain_pieces); /** IPv4 checks */ if ($domain_pieces[$domain_parts - 2] == 'in-addr') { /** The first digit of a reverse zone must be numeric */ if (!is_numeric(substr($domain_name, 0, 1))) { return false; } /** Reverse zones with arpa must have at least three octets */ if ($domain_parts < 3) { return false; } /** Second to last octet must be valid for arpa */ if (!in_array($domain_pieces[$domain_parts - 2], array('e164', 'in-addr-servers', 'in-addr', 'ip6-servers', 'ip6', 'iris', 'uri', 'urn'))) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < $domain_parts - 2; $i++) { /** Check if using classless */ if ($i == 0) { if (preg_match("/^(\\d{1,3})\\-(\\d{1,3})\$/", $domain_pieces[$i])) { /** Validate octet range */ $octet_range = explode('-', $domain_pieces[$i]); if ($octet_range[0] >= $octet_range[1]) { return false; } foreach ($octet_range as $octet) { if (filter_var($octet, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 255))) === false) { return false; } } continue; } } /** Remaining octects must be numeric */ if (filter_var($domain_pieces[$i], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 255))) === false) { return false; } } /** IPv6 checks */ } elseif ($domain_pieces[$domain_parts - 2] == 'ip6') { return true; return verifyIPAddress(buildFullIPAddress(0, $domain_name)); } } elseif ($domain_mapping == 'reverse') { /** If reverse zone does not contain arpa then it must only contain numbers, periods, letters, and colons */ $domain_pieces = explode('.', $domain_name); /** IPv4 checks */ if (strpos($domain_name, ':') === false) { foreach ($domain_pieces as $number) { if (filter_var($number, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 255))) === false) { return false; } } /** IPv6 checks */ } elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-z\\d\\:]+$/i', $domain_name)) { return false; } } else { /** Forward zones should only contain letters, numbers, periods, and hyphens */ return preg_match("/^(_*[a-z\\d](-*[a-z\\d])*)(\\.([a-z\\d](-*[a-z\\d])*))*\$/i", $domain_name) && preg_match("/^.{1,253}\$/", $domain_name) && preg_match("/^[^\\.]{1,63}(\\.[^\\.]{1,63})*\$/", $domain_name); // length of each label } return true; }
/** * Displays the user rows * * @since 1.0 * @package facileManager */ function displayRow($row) { global $__FM_CONFIG, $fm_name; $disabled_class = $row->user_status == 'disabled' ? ' class="disabled"' : null; if (currentUserCan('manage_users') && $_SESSION['user']['id'] != $row->user_id) { $edit_status = null; if ($row->user_template_only == 'yes') { $edit_status .= '<a class="copy_form_link" href="#">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['copy'] . '</a>'; } $edit_status .= '<a class="edit_form_link" href="#">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['edit'] . '</a>'; if ($row->user_template_only == 'no') { if ($row->user_id != $_SESSION['user']['id']) { $edit_status .= '<a class="status_form_link" href="#" rel="'; $edit_status .= $row->user_status == 'active' ? 'disabled">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['disable'] : 'active">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['enable']; $edit_status .= '</a>'; /** Cannot change password without mail_enable defined */ if (getOption('mail_enable') && $row->user_auth_type != 2 && $row->user_template_only == 'no') { $edit_status .= '<a class="reset_password" id="' . $row->user_login . '" href="#">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['pwd_reset'] . '</a>'; } } else { $edit_status .= sprintf('<center>%s</center>', _('Enabled')); } } if ($row->user_id != 1) { $edit_status .= '<a href="#" class="delete">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['delete'] . '</a>'; } } else { $user_actions = $row->user_id == $_SESSION['user']['id'] && getOption('auth_method') != 2 ? '<a style="width: 110px; margin: auto;" class="account_settings" id="' . $_SESSION['user']['id'] . '" href="#">' . $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['pwd_change'] . '</a>' : 'N/A'; $edit_status = $user_actions; } $star = userCan($row->user_id, 'do_everything') ? $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['star'] : null; $template_user = $row->user_template_only == 'yes' ? $__FM_CONFIG['icons']['template_user'] : null; $last_login = $row->user_last_login == 0 ? _('Never') : date("F d, Y \\a\\t H:i T", $row->user_last_login); if ($row->user_ipaddr) { $user_ipaddr = verifyIPAddress($row->user_ipaddr) !== false ? @gethostbyaddr($row->user_ipaddr) : $row->user_ipaddr; } else { $user_ipaddr = _('None'); } $super_admin_status = userCan($row->user_id, 'do_everything') ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ($row->user_auth_type == 2) { $user_auth_type = 'LDAP'; } elseif ($row->user_auth_type == 1) { $user_auth_type = $fm_name; } else { $user_auth_type = _('None'); } echo <<<HTML \t\t<tr id="{$row->user_id}"{$disabled_class}> \t\t\t<td>{$star} {$template_user}</td> \t\t\t<td>{$row->user_login}</td> \t\t\t<td>{$last_login}</td> \t\t\t<td>{$user_ipaddr}</td> \t\t\t<td>{$user_auth_type}</td> \t\t\t<td>{$super_admin_status}</td> \t\t\t<td id="edit_delete_img">{$edit_status}</td> \t\t</tr> HTML; }
<?php include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/222/inc/"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/222/inc/"; include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/222/class/MulticastReceiver.class.php"; $receiver = $_GET["r"]; if (!verifyIPAddress($receiver)) { print "The ip address format is incorrect"; exit; } $result = system("ping -c 4 " . $receiver);
function validatePost($post) { global $fmdb, $__FM_CONFIG; if (!$post['control_id']) { unset($post['control_id']); } $post['control_comment'] = trim($post['control_comment']); if (is_array($post['control_keys'])) { $post['control_keys'] = join(',', $post['control_keys']); } if (!empty($post['control_ip']) && $post['control_ip'] != '*') { if (!verifyIPAddress($post['control_ip'])) { sprintf(__('%s is not a valid IP address.'), $post['control_ip']); } } else { $post['control_ip'] = '*'; } if (empty($post['control_addresses'])) { return __('Allowed addresses not defined.'); } if (!empty($post['control_port'])) { if (!verifyNumber($post['control_port'], 0, 65535)) { return sprintf(__('%d is not a valid port number.'), $post['control_port']); } } else { $post['control_port'] = 953; } return $post; }
<BODY ID="body" onLoad="setOption()"> <TABLE WIDTH="550px" ALIGN="CENTER"><TR><TD WIDTH="5%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="images/arrow-left.png" onClick="goLeft()"></TD> <TD WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="CENTER"><SPAN ID="info" STYLE="font-size:16px"><B>Average signal strength</B><BR><BR><IMG SRC="graphimage.php?r=all&g=0&t=0"></SPAN></TD> <TD WIDTH="5%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="images/arrow-right.png" onClick="goRight()"></TD> </TR></TABLE></CENTER><BR> <?php $cur = getAllReceivers(); $receivers = array(); $tuners = array(); $callLetters = array(); $i = 0; do { $ip = $cur->getIP(); $tuner = $cur->getTuner(); if (verifyIPAddress($ip) && verifyTuner($tuner)) { $receivers[$i] = $ip; $tuners[$i] = $tuner; $callLetters[$i] = $cur->getChannelName(); } $cur = $cur->getNextMulticastReceiver(); $i++; } while ($cur != null); print "<CENTER>View info for a receiver (ip:tuner) "; print "<SELECT NAME=\"receivers\" ID=\"receivers\" onChange=\"changeGraph('this','r')\"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE=\"Average\">Average</OPTION>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($receivers); $i++) { print "<OPTION VALUE=\"" . $receivers[$i] . ":" . $tuners[$i] . " (" . $callLetters[$i] . ")\">" . $receivers[$i] . ":" . $tuners[$i] . " (" . $callLetters[$i] . ")</OPTION>"; } print "</SELECT><BR>\n"; print "View info for this timeframe: "; print "<SELECT NAME=\"timeFrame\" ID=\"timeFrame\" onChange=\"changeGraphTime()\"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE=\"12 hours\">12 hours</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"24 hours\">24 hours</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"7 days\">7 days</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"Month\">Month</OPTION><OPTION VALUE=\"Year\">Year</OPTION>\n";
/** * Cleans addresses for future parsing * * @since 1.0 * @package facileManager * @subpackage fmDNS */ function verifyAndCleanAddresses($data, $subnets_allowed = 'subnets-allowed') { /** Remove extra spaces */ $data = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $data); /** Swap delimiters for ; */ $data = str_replace(array("\n", ';', ' ', ','), ',', $data); $data = str_replace(',,', ',', $data); $data = trim($data, ','); $addresses = explode(',', $data); foreach ($addresses as $ip_address) { $cidr = null; $ip_address = rtrim(trim($ip_address), '.'); if (!strlen($ip_address)) { continue; } /** Handle negated addresses */ if (strpos($ip_address, '!') === 0) { $ip_address = substr($ip_address, 1); } if (strpos($ip_address, '/') !== false && $subnets_allowed == 'subnets-allowed') { $cidr_array = explode('/', $ip_address); list($ip_address, $cidr) = $cidr_array; } /** IPv4 checks */ if (strpos($ip_address, ':') === false) { /** Valid CIDR? */ if ($cidr && !checkCIDR($cidr, 32)) { return sprintf(__('%s is not valid.'), "{$ip_address}/{$cidr}"); } /** Create full IP */ $ip_octets = explode('.', $ip_address); if (count($ip_octets) < 4) { $ip_octets = array_merge($ip_octets, array_fill(count($ip_octets), 4 - count($ip_octets), 0)); } $ip_address = implode('.', $ip_octets); } else { /** IPv6 checks */ if ($cidr && !checkCIDR($cidr, 128)) { return sprintf(__('%s is not valid.'), "{$ip_address}/{$cidr}"); } } if (verifyIPAddress($ip_address) === false) { return sprintf(__('%s is not valid.'), $ip_address); } } return $data; }
<?php include_once "inc/"; include_once "inc/"; $ip = $_GET["r"]; $tuner = $_GET["t"]; $type = $_GET["g"]; $file = $SOAP_DIR . $ip . "-" . $tuner . "-" . $type . ".png"; if (file_exists($file) && verifyIPAddress($ip) && verifyTuner($tuner) && $type >= 0 && $type <= 4) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); readfile($file); } else { if ($ip == "all" && $tuner <= 4 && $tuner >= 0) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); readfile($SOAP_DIR . "total-" . $type . ".png"); } else { exit; } }