Example #1
function handle_vote_claim($type, $from, $data, $res)
    global $connection;
    validate_required($data, 'claim_id', 'vote');
    $claim_id = $data['claim_id'];
    $vote = intval($data['vote']);
    $textvote = $vote > 0 ? 'pro' : ($vote < 0 ? 'contra' : 'neutrally');
    $result = pg_query($connection, 'SELECT author, piece, pieces.index, users.nick FROM claims JOIN pieces ON pieces.id = claims.piece JOIN users ON users.id = author WHERE claims.id = ' . $claim_id);
    $num = pg_num_rows($result);
    if ($num == 0) {
        throw new Exception("Not found such claim.");
    $claim = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
    // Protection from self-voting
    if (intval($claim['author']) == intval($from->user_id())) {
        throw new Exception("Not vote for yourself.");
    $result = pg_query($connection, 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE claim = ' . $claim_id . ' AND author = ' . $from->user_id());
    $num = intval(pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 0));
    if ($num == 0) {
        pg_query($connection, 'INSERT INTO votes VALUES(' . $claim_id . ',' . $from->user_id() . ',' . $vote . ')');
        $res->to_sender(info_msg('You voted „' . $textvote . '“.'));
    } else {
        pg_query($connection, 'UPDATE votes SET value = ' . $vote . ' WHERE claim = ' . $claim_id . ' AND author = ' . $from->user_id());
        $res->to_sender(info_msg('You changed vote to „' . $textvote . '“.'));
    // Recalcing score (vote_balance)
    $result = pg_query($connection, 'SELECT sum(value) AS score FROM votes WHERE claim = ' . $claim_id);
    $score = intval(pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 0));
    if ($score > 2) {
        // Getting old owner from db
        $result = pg_query($connection, 'SELECT owner, users.nick FROM pieces JOIN users ON users.id = pieces.owner WHERE pieces.id = ' . $claim['piece']);
        $old_owner = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
        // Updating piece in db
        pg_query($connection, 'UPDATE pieces SET owner = ' . $claim['author'] . ' WHERE id = ' . $claim['piece']);
        $res->to_pie($from, array('piece_owner', array('piece_index' => $claim['index'], 'owner' => $claim['nick'])));
        // Removing claim
        pg_query($connection, 'DELETE FROM claims WHERE id = ' . $claim_id);
        $res->to_pie($from, array('claim_remove', array('claim_id' => $claim_id)));
        $res->to_pie($from, info_msg('Claim by ' . $claim['nick'] . ' for piece #' . $claim['index'] . ' is accepted.'));
        _update_user_reserved($res, $from, $claim['author'], $claim['nick']);
        _update_user_reserved($res, $from, $old_owner['owner'], $old_owner['nick']);
    } else {
        if ($score < -2) {
            pg_query($connection, 'DELETE FROM claims WHERE id = ' . $claim_id);
            $msg = array('claim_remove', array('claim_id' => $claim_id));
            $res->to_pie($from, $msg);
            $res->to_pie($from, error_msg('Claim by ' . $claim['nick'] . ' for piece #' . $claim['index'] . ' is dismissed.'));
        } else {
            pg_query($connection, 'UPDATE claims SET score = ' . $score . ' WHERE id = ' . $claim_id);
            $msg = array('claim_update', array('claim_id' => $claim_id, 'vote_balance' => $score));
            $res->to_pie($from, $msg);
Example #2
function handle_chat($type, $from, $data, $res)
    global $connection;
    validate_required($data, 'message');
    $text = htmlspecialchars(trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $data['message'])));
    $result = pg_query($connection, 'INSERT INTO chat VALUES(DEFAULT,' . $from->pieid . ',' . $from->user_id() . ',DEFAULT,\'' . pg_escape_string($text) . '\',DEFAULT) RETURNING id, timestamp');
    $row = pg_fetch_array($result);
    $msg = chat_msg(array('from' => $from, 'message' => $text, 'id' => $row['id'], 'date' => $row['timestamp']));
    if ($data['type'] == 'public') {
        $res->to_pie($from, $msg);
        $res->stat_pie($from, 'chat', 'sends', '++');
    } else {
        $to = find_session_by_nick($from, $data['target_nick']);
        $res->to_session($from, $msg);
        $res->to_session($to, $msg);
Example #3
function handle_piece_comment($type, $from, $data, $res)
    global $connection;
    validate_required($data, 'piece_index', 'comment');
    $piece_index = $data['piece_index'];
    $piece_id = _find_piece_id($from, $piece_index);
    $comment = htmlspecialchars(trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $data['comment'])));
    $result = pg_query($connection, 'INSERT INTO pieces_comments VALUES(DEFAULT,' . $piece_id . ',' . $from->user_id() . ',\'' . pg_escape_string($comment) . '\',DEFAULT, \'comment\') RETURNING timestamp');
    $timestamp = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 0);
    $res->to_sender(info_msg('Comment added to piece #' . $piece_id . '.', $from->nick()));
    $res->to_pie($from, array('piece_comment', array('piece_index' => $piece_index, 'author' => $from->nick(), 'message' => $comment, 'type' => 'comment', 'date' => $timestamp)));
    _update_pie_timestamp($from, $connection);