Example #1
    $arr = split("/", $_date1);
    // splitting the array
    $mm = $arr[0];
    // first element of the array is month
    $dd = $arr[1];
    // second element is date
    $yy = $arr[2];
    // third element is year
    if (!checkdate($mm, $dd, $yy)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
if ($staff_name == NULL || $hire_datee == Null) {
    echo $errors .= "<li >Please fill all boxes.</li>";
} else {
    if ($hire_datee != null) {
        $result = validate_date_format($hire_datee);
        if ($result == 1) {
            $result = pg_query_params("update techmatcher.staff set spstaffname = \$1, spstaffhiredate = \$2 where spstaff_id = \$3", array($staff_name, $hire_datee, $_SESSION['staff_id1']));
            echo "OK";
        } else {
            echo $errors .= "<li >Date Format is incorrect. valid format is MM/DD/YYYY.</li>";

    $yy = $arr[2];
    // third element is year
    if (!checkdate($mm, $dd, $yy)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
$employ_name = strstr($employee_nam, '"');
if ($employee_nam == NULL || $hire_datee == Null) {
    echo $errors .= "<li >Please fill all boxes.</li>";
} else {
    if ($employ_name != NULL || $employ_name == '"') {
        echo $errors .= "<li >Please enter names using text characters without quotations. -- Thank you</li>";
    } else {
        if ($_date != NULL) {
            $result = validate_date_format($_date);
            if ($result == 1) {
                $staff_sq = pg_query_params("select nextval('techmatcher.spstaffid')", array());
                $result_staff = pg_fetch_row($staff_sq);
                $staff_id = $result_staff[0];
                $result = pg_query_params("insert into techmatcher.staff(spstaff_id,spstaffname,spstaffhiredate) values(\$1,\$2,\$3)", array($staff_id, $employee_nam, $_date));
                $result2 = pg_query_params("insert into techmatcher.serviceprovidershavestaff(spstaff_id,serviceprovider_id) values(\$1,\$2)", array($staff_id, $provider_id));
                //@todo need to modify
                echo "OK";
            } else {
                echo $errors .= "<li >Date Format is incorrect. valid format is MM/DD/YYYY.</li>";