function userpro_logout_page() { global $userpro; if (is_page() || is_single()) { global $post; $pages = get_option('userpro_pages'); if ($post->ID == $pages['logout_page']) { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $logout = userpro_get_option('logout_uri'); if ($logout == 1) { $url = home_url(); } if ($logout == 2) { $url = $userpro->permalink(0, 'login'); } if ($logout == 3) { $url = userpro_get_option('logout_uri_custom'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) { $url = $_REQUEST['redirect_to']; } wp_logout(); wp_redirect($url); exit; } else { wp_redirect($userpro->permalink(0, 'login')); exit; } } } }
function userpro_sc_show_follow($user_id) { global $userpro, $userpro_social; if (!userpro_get_option('modstate_social')) { return false; } if (userpro_is_logged_in() && !$userpro->is_user_logged_user($user_id)) { echo '<div class="userpro-sc-flw">' . $userpro_social->follow_text($user_id, get_current_user_id()) . '</div>'; } }
function userpro_loggedout($args = array(), $content = null) { global $wp, $userpro_admin, $userpro; ob_start(); if (!userpro_is_logged_in()) { echo do_shortcode($content); } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; }
function userpro_allow_profile_redirect() { global $userpro; if (userpro_get_option('allow_dashboard_for_these_roles') && userpro_is_logged_in() && $userpro->user_role_in_array(get_current_user_id(), explode(',', userpro_get_option('allow_dashboard_for_these_roles')))) { return false; } if (!current_user_can('manage_options') && userpro_get_option('profile_redirect_users')) { return true; } return false; }
function userpro($args = array()) { global $post, $wp, $userpro_admin, $userpro; if (is_home()) { $permalink = home_url(); } else { if (isset($post->ID)) { $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID); } else { $permalink = ''; } } /* arguments */ $defaults = apply_filters('userpro_shortcode_args', array('template' => null, 'max_width' => userpro_get_option('width'), 'uploads_dir' => $userpro->get_uploads_url(), 'default_avatar_male' => userpro_url . 'img/default_avatar_male.jpg', 'default_avatar_female' => userpro_url . 'img/default_avatar_female.jpg', 'layout' => userpro_get_option('layout'), 'margin_top' => 0, 'margin_bottom' => '30px', 'align' => 'center', 'skin' => userpro_get_option('skin'), 'required_text' => __('This field is required', 'userpro'), 'password_too_short' => __('Your password is too short', 'userpro'), 'passwords_do_not_match' => __('Passwords do not match', 'userpro'), 'password_not_strong' => __('Password is not strong enough', 'userpro'), 'keep_one_section_open' => 1, 'allow_sections' => 1, 'permalink' => $permalink, 'field_icons' => userpro_get_option('field_icons'), 'profile_thumb_size' => 80, 'register_heading' => __('Register an Account', 'userpro'), 'register_side' => __('Already a member?', 'userpro'), 'register_side_action' => 'login', 'register_button_action' => 'login', 'register_button_primary' => __('Register', 'userpro'), 'register_button_secondary' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'register_group' => 'default', 'register_redirect' => '', 'type' => userpro_mu_get_option('multi_forms_default'), 'login_heading' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'login_side' => __('Forgot your password?', 'userpro'), 'login_side_action' => 'reset', 'login_button_action' => 'register', 'login_button_primary' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'login_button_secondary' => __('Create an Account', 'userpro'), 'login_group' => 'default', 'login_redirect' => '', 'delete_heading' => __('Delete Profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_side' => __('Undo, back to profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_side_action' => 'view', 'delete_button_action' => 'view', 'delete_button_primary' => __('Confirm Deletion', 'userpro'), 'delete_button_secondary' => __('Back to Profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_group' => 'default', 'reset_heading' => __('Reset Password', 'userpro'), 'reset_side' => __('Back to Login', 'userpro'), 'reset_side_action' => 'login', 'reset_button_action' => 'change', 'reset_button_primary' => __('Request Secret Key', 'userpro'), 'reset_button_secondary' => __('Change your Password', 'userpro'), 'reset_group' => 'default', 'change_heading' => __('Change your Password', 'userpro'), 'change_side' => __('Request New Key', 'userpro'), 'change_side_action' => 'reset', 'change_button_action' => 'reset', 'change_button_primary' => __('Change my Password', 'userpro'), 'change_button_secondary' => __('Do not have a secret key?', 'userpro'), 'change_group' => 'default', 'list_heading' => __('Latest Members', 'userpro'), 'list_per_page' => 5, 'list_sortby' => 'registered', 'list_order' => 'desc', 'list_users' => '', 'list_group' => 'default', 'list_thumb' => 50, 'list_showthumb' => 1, 'list_showsocial' => 1, 'list_showbio' => 0, 'list_verified' => 0, 'list_relation' => 'or', 'online_heading' => __('Who is online now', 'userpro'), 'online_thumb' => 30, 'online_showthumb' => 1, 'online_showsocial' => 0, 'online_showbio' => 0, 'online_mini' => 1, 'online_mode' => 'vertical', 'edit_button_primary' => __('Save Changes', 'userpro'), 'edit_group' => 'default', 'view_group' => 'default', 'social_target' => '_blank', 'social_group' => 'default', 'card_width' => '250px', 'card_img_width' => '250', 'card_showbio' => 1, 'card_showsocial' => 1, 'link_target' => '_blank', 'error_heading' => __('An error has occured', 'userpro'), 'memberlist_v2' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_pic_size' => '86', 'memberlist_v2_fields' => 'age,gender,country', 'memberlist_v2_bio' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showbadges' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showname' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showsocial' => 1, 'memberlist_pic_size' => '120', 'memberlist_pic_topspace' => '15', 'memberlist_pic_sidespace' => '30', 'memberlist_pic_rounded' => 1, 'memberlist_width' => '100%', 'memberlist_paginate' => 1, 'memberlist_paginate_top' => 1, 'memberlist_paginate_bottom' => 1, 'memberlist_show_name' => 1, 'memberlist_popup_view' => 0, 'memberlist_withavatar' => 0, 'memberlist_verified' => 0, 'memberlist_filters' => '', 'memberlist_default_search' => 1, 'per_page' => 12, 'sortby' => 'registered', 'order' => 'desc', 'relation' => 'and', 'search' => 1, 'show_social' => 1, 'registration_closed_side' => __('Existing member? login', 'userpro'), 'registration_closed_side_action' => 'login', 'facebook_redirect' => 'profile', 'logout_redirect' => '', 'postsbyuser_num' => '12', 'postsbyuser_types' => 'post', 'postsbyuser_mode' => 'grid', 'postsbyuser_thumb' => 50, 'postsbyuser_showthumb' => 1, 'publish_heading' => __('Add a New Post', 'userpro'), 'publish_button_primary' => __('Publish', 'userpro'))); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ($template) { static $i = 0; ob_start(); /* increment wall */ $i = rand(1, 1000); /* user template */ do_action('userpro_custom_template_hook', array_merge($args, array('i' => $i))); switch ($template) { case 'publish': if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $layout = 'none'; $args['layout'] = 'none'; if (isset($args['deny_roles']) && !empty($args['deny_roles'])) { $denied_roles = explode(',', $args['deny_roles']); if ($userpro->user_role_in_array($user_id, $denied_roles)) { if (locate_template('userpro/not_allowed.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/not_allowed.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/not_allowed.php"; } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_to_post'); $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } remove_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_to_post'); } break; case 'postsbyuser': if (isset($args['user'])) { if ($args['user'] == 'author') { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } $post_query = $userpro->posts_by_user($user_id, $args); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } wp_reset_query(); break; case 'online': $users = $userpro->onlineusers(); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'request_verify': $userpro->new_verification_request($_POST['up_username']); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'reset': add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_new_secret_key'); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } remove_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_new_secret_key'); break; case 'change': if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'delete': if (isset($args['user'])) { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif ((int) $user_id) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } break; case 'memberlist': $users = userpro_memberlist_loop($args); if ($args['memberlist_v2'] == 0) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '_v2.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '_v2.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}" . "_v2.php"; } } break; case 'list': $users = userpro_memberlist_listusers($args, $list_users); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'card': if (isset($args['user'])) { $try = get_user_by('login', $args['user']); $user_id = $try->ID; if ($args['user'] == 'author') { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } } else { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } } if ($user_id) { $get_user = get_userdata($user_id); $user = $get_user->user_login; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } break; case 'register': if (userpro_get_option('users_can_register') == 0) { $template = 'registration_closed'; $args['template'] = 'registration_closed'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || userpro_is_logged_in() && !userpro_get_option('show_logout_register')) { if (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if (locate_template('userpro/logout.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/logout.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/logout.php"; } } } break; case 'login': if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || userpro_is_logged_in() && !userpro_get_option('show_logout_login')) { if (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if (locate_template('userpro/logout.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/logout.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/logout.php"; } } break; case 'edit': if (userpro_get_edit_user()) { $user_id = userpro_get_edit_user(); if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } break; case 'view': if (isset($args['user'])) { if ($args['user'] == 'author') { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif ($user_id == 'login_to_view') { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } elseif ($user_id == 'login_to_view_others') { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } elseif (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } break; } /** START THEMING **/ if (in_array($align, array('left', 'right'))) { echo '<div class="userpro-clear"></div>'; } if (class_exists('userpro_sk_api') && is_dir(userpro_sk_path . 'skins/' . $skin)) { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_min', userpro_sk_url . 'skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_min'); } else { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_min', userpro_url . 'skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_min'); } if (locate_template('userpro/skins/' . $skin . '/style.css')) { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_custom', get_template_directory_uri() . '/userpro/skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_custom'); } include userpro_path . "css/userpro.php"; /** END THEMING **/ $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } }
function can_view_private_content($restrict_to_verified = null, $restrict_to_roles = null) { if (!userpro_is_logged_in()) { return '-1'; } else { if (userpro_get_option('restricted_page_verified') == "1" && $this->get_verified_status(get_current_user_id())) { $user = get_userdata(get_current_user_id()); $user_role = array_shift($user->roles); if ($restrict_to_verified == 1 && $this->get_verified_status(get_current_user_id()) || $restrict_to_roles != '' && in_array($user_role, explode(',', $restrict_to_roles)) || !$restrict_to_verified && !$restrict_to_roles) { return '1'; } else { return '-2'; } } else { if (userpro_get_option('restricted_page_verified') == "0") { $user = get_userdata(get_current_user_id()); $user_role = array_shift($user->roles); if ($restrict_to_verified == 1 && $this->get_verified_status(get_current_user_id()) || $restrict_to_roles != '' && in_array($user_role, explode(',', $restrict_to_roles)) || !$restrict_to_verified && !$restrict_to_roles) { return '1'; } else { return '-2'; } } } } }
function userpro_process_form() { global $userpro; if (!isset($_POST['_myuserpro_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_myuserpro_nonce'], '_myuserpro_nonce_' . $_POST['template'] . '_' . $_POST['unique_id'])) { die; } if (!isset($_POST) || $_POST['action'] != 'userpro_process_form') { die; } if (!userpro_is_logged_in() && $_POST['template'] == 'edit') { die; } extract($_POST); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $key = explode('-', $key); $key = $key[0]; $form[$key] = $val; } extract($form); /* form action */ switch ($template) { /* publish */ case 'publish': $output['error'] = ''; if (!$post_title) { $output['error']['post_title'] = __('You must enter a post title.', 'userpro'); } if (!$userpro_editor) { $output['error']['userpro_editor'] = __('You must enter some content.', 'userpro'); } /* publish post */ if (empty($output['error'])) { $array = array('post_title' => $post_title, 'post_content' => @wp_kses($userpro_editor), 'post_author' => $user_id); if ($post_type) { $array['post_type'] = $post_type; } if (userpro_is_admin($user_id)) { $array['post_status'] = 'publish'; $post_id = wp_insert_post($array); $output['custom_message'] = '<div class="userpro-message userpro-message-ajax"><p>' . sprintf(__('Your post has been published. You can view it %s.', 'userpro'), '<a href="' . get_permalink($post_id) . '">here</a>') . '</p></div>'; } else { // under review $array['post_status'] = 'pending'; $post_id = wp_insert_post($array); $output['custom_message'] = '<div class="userpro-message userpro-message-ajax"><p>' . __('Your post has been sent for review. It will be checked by our staff.', 'userpro') . '</p></div>'; } /* empty category first */ wp_set_object_terms($post_id, NULL, 'category'); /* taxonomy and category */ if (isset($taxonomy) && isset($category)) { $categories = explode(',', $category); if (is_array($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat)) { $cat = (int) $cat; } $cats[] = $cat; } wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $cats, $taxonomy); } else { if (is_numeric($categories)) { $categories = (int) $categories; } wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $categories, $taxonomy); } } /* multiple taxonomy category insertion */ if (isset($post_categories)) { $i = 0; foreach ($post_categories as $cat) { $i++; $split = explode('#', $cat); $tax = $split[1]; $id = $split[0]; $terms[$tax][] = $id; } if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $k => $arr) { wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $terms[$k], $k, true); } } } /* assign featured image for post */ if ($post_featured_image) { $attach_id = $userpro->new_attachment($post_id, $post_featured_image); $userpro->set_thumbnail($post_id, $attach_id); } } break; /* delete profile */ /* delete profile */ case 'delete': $output['error'] = ''; $user = get_userdata($user_id); $user_roles = $user->roles; $user_role = array_shift($user_roles); if (!$confirmdelete) { $output['error']['confirmdelete'] = __('Nothing was deleted. You must choose yes to confirm deletion.', 'userpro'); } elseif ($user_role == 'administrator') { $output['error']['confirmdelete'] = __('For security reasons, admin accounts cannot be deleted.', 'userpro'); } elseif ($user->user_login == 'test') { $output['error']['confirmdelete'] = __('You cannot remove test accounts from frontend!', 'userpro'); } else { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php'; userpro_mail($user_id, 'accountdeleted'); // Delete user if (is_multisite()) { // Multisite: Deletes user's Posts and Links, then deletes from WP Users|Usermeta // ONLY IF "Delete From Network" setting checked and user only belongs to this blog wpmu_delete_user($user_id); } else { // Deletes user's Posts and Links // Multisite: Removes user from current blog // Not Multisite: Deletes user from WP Users|Usermeta wp_delete_user($user_id); } $output['custom_message'] = '<div class="userpro-message userpro-message-ajax"><p>' . __('This account has been deleted successfully.', 'userpro') . '</p></div>'; $output['redirect_uri'] = home_url(); } break; /* change pass */ /* change pass */ case 'change': $output['error'] = ''; if (!$secretkey) { $output['error']['secretkey'] = __('You did not provide a secret key.', 'userpro'); } elseif (strlen($secretkey) != 20) { $output['error']['secretkey'] = __('The secret key you entered is invalid.', 'userpro'); } /* Form validation */ /* Here you can process custom "errors" before proceeding */ $output['error'] = apply_filters('userpro_form_validation', $output['error'], $form); if (empty($output['error'])) { $users = get_users(array('meta_key' => 'userpro_secret_key', 'meta_value' => $secretkey, 'meta_compare' => '=')); if (!$users[0]) { $output['error']['secretkey'] = __('The secret key is invalid or expired.', 'userpro'); } else { $user_id = $users[0]->ID; wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, 'user_pass' => $user_pass)); delete_user_meta($user_id, 'userpro_secret_key'); add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_after_passchange'); $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = str_replace('template="change"', 'template="login"', $shortcode); $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); } } break; /* send secret key */ /* send secret key */ case 'reset': $output['error'] = ''; if (!$username_or_email) { $output['error']['username_or_email'] = __('You should provide your email or username.', 'userpro'); } else { if (is_email($username_or_email)) { $user = get_user_by_email($username_or_email); $username_or_email = $user->user_login; } if (!username_exists($username_or_email)) { $output['error']['username_or_email'] = __('There is not such user in our system.', 'userpro'); } elseif (!$userpro->can_reset_pass($username_or_email)) { $output['error']['username_or_email'] = __('Resetting admin password is not permitted!', 'userpro'); } } /* Form validation */ /* Here you can process custom "errors" before proceeding */ $output['error'] = apply_filters('userpro_form_validation', $output['error'], $form); /* email user with secret key and update his user meta */ if (empty($output['error'])) { $user = get_user_by('login', $username_or_email); $uniquekey = wp_generate_password(20, $include_standard_special_chars = false); update_user_meta($user->ID, 'userpro_secret_key', $uniquekey); userpro_mail($user->ID, 'secretkey', $uniquekey); add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_secret_key_sent'); $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = str_replace('template="reset"', 'template="change"', $shortcode); $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); } break; /* login */ /* login */ case 'login': $output['error'] = ''; if (!$username_or_email) { $output['error']['username_or_email'] = __('You should provide your email or username.', 'userpro'); } if (!$user_pass) { $output['error']['user_pass'] = __('You should provide your password.', 'userpro'); } if (email_exists($username_or_email)) { $user = get_user_by('email', $username_or_email); $username_or_email = $user->user_login; } /* Form validation */ /* Here you can process custom "errors" before proceeding */ $output['error'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_validation', $output['error'], $form); if (empty($output['error']) && $username_or_email && $user_pass) { $creds = array(); $creds['user_login'] = $username_or_email; $creds['user_password'] = $user_pass; $creds['remember'] = true; $user = wp_signon($creds, false); if (is_wp_error($user)) { if ($user->get_error_code() == 'invalid_username') { $output['error']['username_or_email'] = __('Invalid email or username entered', 'userpro'); } elseif ($user->get_error_code() == 'incorrect_password') { $output['error']['user_pass'] = __('The password you entered is incorrect', 'userpro'); } } else { /* check the account is active first */ if ($userpro->is_pending($user->ID)) { if (userpro_get_option('users_approve') === '2') { $output['custom_message'] = '<div class="userpro-message userpro-message-ajax"><p>' . __('Your email is pending verification. Please activate your account.', 'userpro') . '</p></div>'; } else { $output['custom_message'] = '<div class="userpro-message userpro-message-ajax"><p>' . __('Your account is currently being reviewed. Thanks for your patience.', 'userpro') . '</p></div>'; } wp_logout(); } else { /* a good login */ userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); if (isset($force_redirect_uri) && !empty($force_redirect_uri)) { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } else { if (current_user_can('manage_options') && userpro_get_option('show_admin_after_login')) { $output['redirect_uri'] = admin_url(); } else { if (isset($redirect_uri) && !empty($redirect_uri)) { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect_uri; } else { if (userpro_get_option('after_login') == 'no_redirect') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } if (userpro_get_option('after_login') == 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } } } /* hook the redirect URI */ $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } /* super redirection */ if (isset($global_redirect)) { $output['redirect_uri'] = $global_redirect; } } // active/pending } } break; /* editing */ /* editing */ case 'edit': if ($user_id != get_current_user_id() && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die; } userpro_update_user_profile($user_id, $form, $action = 'ajax_save'); if (userpro_get_option('notify_admin_profile_save') && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { userpro_mail($user_id, 'profileupdate', null, $form); } add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_profile_saved'); if ($_POST['up_username']) { set_query_var('up_username', $_POST['up_username']); } $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = $shortcode; $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); break; /* registering */ /* registering */ case 'register': $output['error'] = ''; /* Form validation */ /* Here you can process custom "errors" before proceeding */ $output['error'] = apply_filters('userpro_register_validation', $output['error'], $form); if (empty($output['error']) && (isset($user_login) && isset($user_email) && isset($user_pass) || isset($user_login) && isset($user_email) || isset($user_email))) { if (isset($user_login)) { $user_exists = username_exists($user_login); } else { $user_exists = username_exists('the_cow_that_did_run_after_the_elephant'); $user_login = $user_email; } if (!isset($user_exists) and email_exists($user_email) == false) { if (!isset($user_pass)) { $user_pass = wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false); } /* not auto approved? */ if (userpro_get_option('users_approve') !== '1') { /* require email validation */ if (userpro_get_option('users_approve') === '2') { $user_id = $userpro->new_user($user_login, $user_pass, $user_email, $form, $type = 'standard', $approved = 0); $userpro->pending_email_approve($user_id, $user_pass, $form); add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_activate_pending'); $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = str_replace('template="register"', 'template="login"', $shortcode); $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); } /* require admin validation */ if (userpro_get_option('users_approve') === '3') { $user_id = $userpro->new_user($user_login, $user_pass, $user_email, $form, $type = 'standard', $approved = 0); $userpro->pending_admin_approve($user_id, $user_pass, $form); add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_activate_pending_admin'); $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = str_replace('template="register"', 'template="login"', $shortcode); $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); } } else { $user_id = $userpro->new_user($user_login, $user_pass, $user_email, $form, $type = 'standard'); /* auto login */ if (userpro_get_option('after_register_autologin')) { $creds = array(); $creds['user_login'] = $user_login; $creds['user_password'] = $user_pass; $creds['remember'] = true; $user = wp_signon($creds, false); if (isset($user->user_login)) { userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); } if ($redirect_uri) { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect_uri; } else { if (userpro_get_option('after_register') == 'no_redirect') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } if (userpro_get_option('after_register') == 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } } /* hook the redirect URI */ $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_register_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); /* manual login form */ } else { add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_after_reg'); $shortcode = stripslashes($shortcode); $modded = str_replace('template="register"', 'template="login"', $shortcode); $output['template'] = do_shortcode($modded); } } } } break; } $output = json_encode($output); if (is_array($output)) { print_r($output); } else { echo $output; } die; }
function userpro_show_new_notification() { global $userpro_msg; if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ($userpro_msg->has_new_chats($user_id)) { require_once userpro_msg_path . 'templates/notification.php'; } } }
function userpro_redirects() { global $pagenow; // redirect dashboard if ('index.php' == $pagenow && is_admin()) { if (userpro_is_logged_in() && userpro_allow_dashboard_redirect()) { wp_redirect(userpro_dashboard_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect dashboard profile if ('profile.php' == $pagenow) { if (userpro_is_logged_in() && userpro_allow_profile_redirect()) { wp_redirect(userpro_profile_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect login if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && !isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if (userpro_allow_login_redirect()) { if (isset($_GET['redirect_to'])) { $url = add_query_arg('redirect_to', $_GET['redirect_to'], userpro_login_redirect_uri()); } else { $url = userpro_login_redirect_uri(); } wp_redirect($url); exit; } } // redirect lostpassword if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'lostpassword') { if (userpro_allow_login_redirect()) { wp_redirect(userpro_login_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect register if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'register') { if (userpro_allow_register_redirect()) { wp_redirect(userpro_register_redirect_uri()); exit; } } }
function userpro_fbconnect() { global $userpro; $output = ''; if (!isset($_POST)) { die; } if ($_POST['action'] != 'userpro_fbconnect') { die; } if (!isset($_POST['id'])) { die; } extract($_POST); if (!isset($username) || $username == '' || $username == 'undefined') { $username = $email; } /* Check if facebook uid exists */ if (isset($id) && $id != '' && $id != 'undefined') { $users = get_users(array('meta_key' => 'userpro_facebook_id', 'meta_value' => $id, 'meta_compare' => '=')); if (isset($users[0]->ID) && is_numeric($users[0]->ID)) { $returning = $users[0]->ID; $returning_user_login = $users[0]->user_login; } else { $returning = ''; } } else { $returning = ''; } $result = get_user_meta($returning, "userpayment"); $paymentoption = get_option('userpro_payment'); /* Check if user is logged in */ if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $userpro->update_fb_id(get_current_user_id(), $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } else { if ($returning != '') { if ($paymentoption['userpro_payment_option'] == 'y') { if ($result[0] == "recive" || $result[0] == "") { userpro_auto_login($returning_user_login, true); $userpro->update_fb_id($returning, $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } else { !empty($output['paypal_form']) ? $out = $output['paypal_form'] : ($out = ''); $output['paypal_form'] = apply_filters('paymentredirect', $out, $returning); } } else { userpro_auto_login($returning_user_login, true); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } /* Email is same, connect them together */ } else { if ($email != '' && email_exists($email)) { $user_id = email_exists($email); $user = get_userdata($user_id); $result = get_user_meta($user_id, "userpayment"); $paymentoption = get_option('userpro_payment'); if ($paymentoption['userpro_payment_option'] == 'y') { if (isset($result[0]) && $result[0] == "recive" || $result[0] == "") { userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); $userpro->update_fb_id($user_id, $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } else { !empty($output['paypal_form']) ? $out = $output['paypal_form'] : ($out = ''); $output['paypal_form'] = apply_filters('paymentredirect', $out, $user_id); } } else { userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); $userpro->update_fb_id($user_id, $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } /* This user already exists! connect them together */ } else { if ($username != '' && username_exists($username)) { $user_id = username_exists($username); $user = get_userdata($user_id); if ($paymentoption['userpro_payment_option'] == 'y') { if ($result[0] == "recive" || $result[0] == "") { userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); $userpro->update_fb_id($user_id, $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } else { !empty($output['paypal_form']) ? $out = $output['paypal_form'] : ($out = ''); $output['paypal_form'] = apply_filters('paymentredirect', $out, $user_id); } } else { userpro_auto_login($user->user_login, true); $userpro->update_fb_id($user_id, $id); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_login_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } /* FBID not found, email/user not found - fresh user */ } else { if ($email !== 'undefined') { $result = get_option('userpro_payment'); if ($result['userpro_payment_option'] == 'y') { $user_pass = wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false); $user_id = $userpro->new_user($username, $user_pass, $email, $_POST, $type = 'facebook'); update_user_meta($user_id, "userpayment", "notrecive"); $userpro->pending_admin_approve($user_id, $user_pass, $form = ""); !empty($output['paypal_form']) ? $out = $output['paypal_form'] : ($out = ''); $output['paypal_form'] = apply_filters('paymentredirect', $out, $user_id); } else { $user_pass = wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false); $user_id = $userpro->new_user($username, $user_pass, $email, $_POST, $type = 'facebook'); userpro_auto_login($username, true); if ($redirect == '') { $output['redirect_uri'] = 'refresh'; } elseif ($redirect != 'profile') { $output['redirect_uri'] = $redirect; } else { $output['redirect_uri'] = $userpro->permalink(); } $output['redirect_uri'] = apply_filters('userpro_register_redirect', $output['redirect_uri']); } } } } } } $output = json_encode($output); if (is_array($output)) { print_r($output); } else { echo $output; } die; }
function userpro_update_profile_via_facebook($user_id, $array) { global $userpro; $id = isset($array['id']) ? $array['id'] : 0; $first_name = isset($array['first_name']) ? $array['first_name'] : 0; $last_name = isset($array['last_name']) ? $array['last_name'] : 0; $gender = isset($array['gender']) ? $array['gender'] : 0; $link = isset($array['link']) ? $array['link'] : 0; $email = isset($array['email']) ? $array['email'] : 0; $username = isset($array['username']) ? $array['username'] : 0; if (userpro_is_logged_in() && $user_id != get_current_user_id() && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die; } if ($id && $id != 'undefined') { update_user_meta($user_id, 'userpro_facebook_id', $id); } if ($first_name && $first_name != 'undefined') { update_user_meta($user_id, 'first_name', $first_name); } if ($last_name && $last_name != 'undefined') { update_user_meta($user_id, 'last_name', $last_name); } if ($gender && $gender != 'undefined') { update_user_meta($user_id, 'gender', $gender); } if ($link && $link != 'undefined') { update_user_meta($user_id, 'facebook', $link); } /* begin display name */ if (isset($name) && $name != 'undefined' && $name != 0) { $display_name = $name; } else { if ($first_name && $last_name && $first_name != 'undefined' && $last_name != 'undefined') { $display_name = $first_name . ' ' . $last_name; } else { if ($email) { $display_name = $email; } else { $display_name = $username; } } } if ($display_name) { if ($userpro->display_name_exists($display_name)) { $display_name = $userpro->unique_display_name($display_name); } $display_name = $userpro->remove_denied_chars($display_name); wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, 'display_name' => $display_name)); update_user_meta($user_id, 'display_name', $display_name); } /* end display name */ do_action('userpro_after_profile_updated_fb'); }
function userpro_sc_shortcodes($args) { global $userpro, $userpro_social; extract($args); if (!userpro_get_option('modstate_social')) { return false; } $query_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // show activity if (isset($args['template']) && $args['template'] == 'activity') { // ALL ACTIVITY if ($args['activity_all'] == 1) { // ACTIVITY OPEN TO ALL if (userpro_sc_get_option('activity_open_to_all') == 1) { $activity = $userpro_social->activity(0, 0, $args['activity_per_page'], $args['activity_user']); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_sc_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $activity = $userpro_social->activity(0, 0, $args['activity_per_page'], $args['activity_user']); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_sc_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } } // FOLLOWED ACTIVITY } else { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { if ($user_id == $query_id) { $activity = $userpro_social->activity($user_id, 0, $args['activity_per_page'], $args['activity_user']); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_sc_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { // show nothing } } else { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } } } // show users I am following if (isset($args['template']) && $args['template'] == 'following') { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = $userpro->try_query_user($user_id); $following = $userpro_social->following($user_id); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_sc_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } $userpro->temp_id = $user_id; } // show followers if (isset($args['template']) && $args['template'] == 'followers') { if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = $userpro->try_query_user($user_id); $followers = $userpro_social->followers($user_id); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_sc_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_template_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } $userpro->temp_id = $user_id; } }
function follow_text($to, $from) { $body = ''; $caption = ''; $link = ''; $name = ''; $description = ''; if ($to != $from && userpro_is_logged_in()) { /** Facebook Auto Post Bring Back , Added By Rahul */ if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost')) { if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_name')) { $name = userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_name'); // post title } else { $name = ''; } if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_body')) { $body = userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_body'); // post body } else { $body = ''; } if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_caption')) { $caption = userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_caption'); // caption, url, etc. } else { $caption = ''; } if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_description')) { $description = userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_description'); // full description } else { $description = ''; } if (userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_link')) { $link = userpro_get_option('facebook_follow_autopost_link'); // link } else { $link = ''; } } $iamfollowing = get_user_meta($from, '_userpro_following_ids', true); if (isset($iamfollowing[$to])) { return '<a href="#" class="userpro-button userpro-follow following" data-follow-text="' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '" data-unfollow-text="' . __('Unfollow', 'userpro') . '" data-following-text="' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '" data-follow-to="' . $to . '" data-follow-from="' . $from . '">' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '</a>'; } else { return '<a href="#" class="userpro-button secondary userpro-follow notfollowing" data-follow-text="' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '" data-unfollow-text="' . __('Unfollow', 'userpro') . '" data-following-text="' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '" data-follow-to="' . $to . '" data-follow-from="' . $from . '" id="fb-post-data" data-fbappid="' . userpro_get_option('facebook_app_id') . '" data-message="' . $body . '" data-caption="' . $caption . '" data-link="' . $link . '" data-name="' . $name . '" data-description="' . $description . '" ><i class="userpro-icon-share"></i>' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '</a>'; } } }
function userpro_broadcast() { global $userpro, $userpro_msg; $output = ''; extract($_POST); if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || $user_id != get_current_user_id()) { die; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $registered_users = explode(",", $user_list); $no_of_users -= 1; if ($registered_users[$user_no] != $user_id) { $userpro_msg->do_chat_dir($registered_users[$user_no], $user_id, $mode = 'inbox'); $userpro_msg->write_chat($registered_users[$user_no], $user_id, $broadcast_body, $mode = 'inbox'); $userpro_msg->email_user($registered_users[$user_no], $user_id, $broadcast_body); if (isset($_SESSION['user_count'])) { $_SESSION['user_count'] += 1; } else { $_SESSION['user_count'] = 1; } $output['message'] = '<div class="userpro-msg-notice">' . __('Your message has been sent to ' . userpro_profile_data('display_name', $registered_users[$user_no]) . '.', 'userpro-msg') . '</div><div class="userpro-msg-notice">' . __('Message sent to ' . $_SESSION['user_count'] . ' out of ' . $no_of_users . ' users.', 'userpro-msg') . '</div>'; if ($_SESSION['user_count'] >= $no_of_users) { unset($_SESSION['user_count']); $userpro_msg->email_broadcaster($user_id, $broadcast_body); $output['message'] .= '<div class="userpro-msg-notice">' . __('Your message has been broadcasted successfully.', 'userpro-msg') . '</div>'; } $output = json_encode($output); if (is_array($output)) { print_r($output); } else { echo $output; } die; } else { $output['message'] = ''; $output = json_encode($output); if (is_array($output)) { print_r($output); } else { echo $output; } die; } }
function userpro($args = array()) { global $post, $wp, $userpro_admin, $userpro; $argument = $args; if (is_home()) { $permalink = home_url(); } else { if (isset($post->ID)) { $permalink = get_permalink($post->ID); } else { $permalink = ''; } } /* arguments */ /* Deafult Args */ $default_args = array('modal_profile_saved' => __('Your profile has been saved!', 'userpro'), 'template' => null, 'max_width' => userpro_get_option('width'), 'uploads_dir' => $userpro->get_uploads_url(), 'default_avatar_male' => userpro_url . 'img/default_avatar_male.jpg', 'default_avatar_female' => userpro_url . 'img/default_avatar_female.jpg', 'layout' => userpro_get_option('layout'), 'margin_top' => 0, 'margin_bottom' => '30px', 'align' => 'center', 'skin' => userpro_get_option('skin'), 'required_text' => __('This field is required', 'userpro'), 'password_too_short' => __('Your password is too short', 'userpro'), 'passwords_do_not_match' => __('Passwords do not match', 'userpro'), 'password_not_strong' => __('Password is not strong enough', 'userpro'), 'keep_one_section_open' => 0, 'allow_sections' => 1, 'permalink' => $permalink, 'field_icons' => userpro_get_option('field_icons'), 'profile_thumb_size' => 80, 'register_heading' => __('Register an Account', 'userpro'), 'register_side' => __('Already a member?', 'userpro'), 'register_side_action' => 'login', 'register_button_action' => 'login', 'register_button_primary' => __('Register', 'userpro'), 'register_button_secondary' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'register_group' => 'default', 'register_redirect' => '', 'type' => userpro_mu_get_option('multi_forms_default'), 'force_redirect_uri' => 0, 'login_heading' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'login_side' => __('Forgot your password?', 'userpro'), 'login_side_action' => 'reset', 'login_button_action' => 'register', 'login_button_primary' => __('Login', 'userpro'), 'login_button_secondary' => __('Create an Account', 'userpro'), 'login_group' => 'default', 'login_redirect' => '', 'rememberme' => 'true', 'delete_heading' => __('Delete Profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_side' => __('Undo, back to profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_side_action' => 'view', 'delete_button_action' => 'view', 'delete_button_primary' => __('Confirm Deletion', 'userpro'), 'delete_button_secondary' => __('Back to Profile', 'userpro'), 'delete_group' => 'default', 'reset_heading' => __('Reset Password', 'userpro'), 'reset_side' => __('Back to Login', 'userpro'), 'reset_side_action' => 'login', 'reset_button_action' => 'change', 'reset_button_primary' => __('Request Secret Key', 'userpro'), 'reset_button_secondary' => __('Change your Password', 'userpro'), 'reset_group' => 'default', 'change_heading' => __('Change your Password', 'userpro'), 'change_side' => __('Request New Key', 'userpro'), 'change_side_action' => 'reset', 'change_button_action' => 'reset', 'change_button_primary' => __('Change my Password', 'userpro'), 'change_button_secondary' => __('Do not have a secret key?', 'userpro'), 'change_group' => 'default', 'list_heading' => __('Latest Members', 'userpro'), 'list_per_page' => 5, 'list_sortby' => 'registered', 'list_order' => 'desc', 'list_users' => '', 'list_group' => 'default', 'list_thumb' => 50, 'list_showthumb' => 1, 'list_showsocial' => 1, 'list_showbio' => 0, 'list_verified' => 0, 'list_relation' => 'or', 'online_heading' => __('Who is online now', 'userpro'), 'online_thumb' => 30, 'online_showthumb' => 1, 'online_showsocial' => 0, 'online_showbio' => 0, 'online_mini' => 1, 'online_mode' => 'vertical', 'edit_button_primary' => __('Save Changes', 'userpro'), 'edit_group' => 'default', 'view_group' => 'default', 'social_target' => '_blank', 'social_group' => 'default', 'card_width' => '250px', 'card_img_width' => '250', 'card_showbio' => 1, 'card_showsocial' => 1, 'link_target' => '_blank', 'error_heading' => __('An error has occured', 'userpro'), 'memberlist_table' => 0, 'memberlist_table_columns' => 'user_id,picture,name,country,gender,role,email_user,message_user', 'show_on_mobile' => 'picture,name,country,email_user,message_user', 'memberlist_v2' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_pic_size' => '86', 'memberlist_v2_fields' => 'age,gender,country', 'memberlist_v2_bio' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showbadges' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showname' => 1, 'memberlist_v2_showsocial' => 1, 'memberlist_pic_size' => '120', 'memberlist_pic_topspace' => '15', 'memberlist_pic_sidespace' => '30', 'memberlist_pic_rounded' => 1, 'memberlist_width' => '100%', 'memberlist_paginate' => 1, 'memberlist_paginate_top' => 1, 'memberlist_paginate_bottom' => 1, 'memberlist_show_name' => 1, 'memberlist_popup_view' => 0, 'memberlist_withavatar' => 0, 'memberlist_verified' => 0, 'memberlist_filters' => '', 'memberlist_default_search' => 1, 'per_page' => 12, 'sortby' => 'registered', 'order' => 'desc', 'relation' => 'and', 'search' => 1, 'exclude' => '', 'show_social' => 1, 'registration_closed_side' => __('Existing member? login', 'userpro'), 'registration_closed_side_action' => 'login', 'facebook_redirect' => 'profile', 'logout_redirect' => '', 'post_paginate' => 1, 'postsbyuser_num' => '12', 'postsbyuser_types' => 'post', 'postsbyuser_mode' => 'grid', 'postsbyuser_thumb' => 50, 'postsbyuser_showthumb' => 1, 'postsbyuser_taxonomy' => 'category', 'postsbyuser_category' => '', 'following_per_page' => '4', 'following_paginate' => '1', 'followers_per_page' => '4', 'followers_paginate' => '1', 'publish_heading' => __('Add a New Post', 'userpro'), 'publish_button_primary' => __('Publish', 'userpro')); $defaults = apply_filters('userpro_shortcode_args', $default_args); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); /* The arguments are passed via shortcode through admin panel*/ foreach ($default_args as $key => $val) { if (isset($args[$key])) { ${$key} = $args[$key]; } else { ${$key} = $val; } } if ($template) { static $i = 0; ob_start(); /* increment wall */ $i = rand(1, 1000); /* user template */ do_action('userpro_custom_template_hook', array_merge($args, array('i' => $i))); if (isset($argument['hide_content']) && $argument['hide_content'] && empty($_GET)) { if (!empty($argument)) { $parameters = ''; $argument_length = count($argument); foreach ($argument as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'hide_content') { continue; } $parameters .= " " . $key . "=" . "{$value}"; } } $output = '<div class=userpro_show_content data-parameters="' . $parameters . '" ><a href="#">Click here to view the content</a></div>'; return $output; } else { if (isset($argument['hide_content']) && $argument['hide_content']) { $template = $template; } } switch ($template) { case 'publish': if (userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $layout = 'none'; $args['layout'] = 'none'; if (isset($args['deny_roles']) && !empty($args['deny_roles'])) { $denied_roles = explode(',', $args['deny_roles']); if ($userpro->user_role_in_array($user_id, $denied_roles)) { if (locate_template('userpro/not_allowed.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/not_allowed.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/not_allowed.php"; } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_to_post'); $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } remove_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_login_to_post'); } break; case 'postsbyuser': if (isset($args['user'])) { if ($args['user'] == 'author') { if (is_author()) { $user_id = get_query_var('author'); } else { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } } else { if (isset($args['user_id'])) { $user_id = $args['user_id']; } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } } $totalposts = count_user_posts($user_id); $paginate = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('postp', '%#%'), 'total' => ceil($totalposts / $args['postsbyuser_num']), 'current' => isset($_GET['postp']) ? $_GET['postp'] : 1, 'show_all' => false, 'end_size' => 1, 'mid_size' => 2, 'prev_next' => true, 'prev_text' => __('« Previous', 'userpro'), 'next_text' => __('Next »', 'userpro'), 'type' => 'plain', 'add_args' => false)); $is_paginate = $args['post_paginate']; if ($is_paginate == 0) { $args['postsbyuser_num'] = $totalposts; } $post_query = $userpro->posts_by_user($user_id, $args); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } wp_reset_query(); break; case 'online': $users = $userpro->onlineusers(); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'request_verify': $userpro->new_verification_request($_POST['up_username']); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'reset': add_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_new_secret_key'); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } remove_action('userpro_pre_form_message', 'userpro_msg_new_secret_key'); break; case 'change': if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'delete': if (isset($args['user'])) { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif ((int) $user_id) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } break; case 'memberlist': $users = userpro_memberlist_loop($args); if ($args['memberlist_table'] == 1) { $template = 'memberlist_table'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } elseif ($args['memberlist_v2'] == 0) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '_v2.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '_v2.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}" . "_v2.php"; } } break; case 'list': $users = userpro_memberlist_listusers($args, $list_users); if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } break; case 'card': if (isset($args['user'])) { if ($args['user'] == 'author') { if (is_author()) { $user_id = get_query_var('author'); } else { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); if (!$user_id && userpro_is_logged_in()) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } } if ($user_id) { $get_user = get_userdata($user_id); $user = $get_user->user_login; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } break; case 'register': if (userpro_get_option('userpro_invite_emails_enable') == 1 && !isset($_GET['code'])) { $template = 'registration_closed'; $args['template'] = 'registration_closed'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != '' && userpro_get_option('userpro_invite_emails_enable') == 1) { $codes = get_option('userpro_invited_users'); if (isset($codes[urldecode($_GET['code'])]) && hash_equals(urldecode($_GET['code']), crypt($codes[urldecode($_GET['code'])], urldecode($_GET['code'])))) { if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || userpro_is_logged_in() && !userpro_get_option('show_logout_register')) { if (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if (locate_template('userpro/logout.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/logout.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/logout.php"; } } } else { $template = 'registration_closed'; $args['template'] = 'registration_closed'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } break; } if (userpro_get_option('users_can_register') == 0) { $template = 'registration_closed'; $args['template'] = 'registration_closed'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } else { if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || userpro_is_logged_in() && !userpro_get_option('show_logout_register')) { if (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if (locate_template('userpro/logout.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/logout.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/logout.php"; } } } } break; case 'login': if (!userpro_is_logged_in() || userpro_is_logged_in() && !userpro_get_option('show_logout_login')) { if (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if (locate_template('userpro/logout.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/logout.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/logout.php"; } } break; case 'edit': if (userpro_get_edit_user()) { $user_id = userpro_get_edit_user(); if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } } else { /* attempt to edit profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } break; case 'view': if (isset($args['user'])) { if ($args['user'] == 'author') { if (is_author()) { $user_id = get_query_var('author'); } else { $user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user($args['user'], 'shortcode_user'); } } else { $user_id = userpro_get_view_user(get_query_var('up_username')); } if ($user_id == 'not_found' || $user_id == 'not_authorized') { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $user_id . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $user_id . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$user_id}.php"; } } elseif ($user_id == 'login_to_view') { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } elseif ($user_id == 'login_to_view_others') { /* attempt to view profile so force redirect to same page */ $args['force_redirect_uri'] = 1; $template = 'login'; $args['template'] = 'login'; if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/login.php"; } } elseif (userpro_fields_group_by_template($template, $args["{$template}_group"]) != array('')) { if (locate_template('userpro/' . $template . '.php') != '') { include get_stylesheet_directory() . '/userpro/' . $template . '.php'; } else { include userpro_path . "templates/{$template}.php"; } } break; } /** START THEMING **/ if (in_array($align, array('left', 'right'))) { echo '<div class="userpro-clear"></div>'; } if (class_exists('userpro_sk_api') && is_dir(userpro_sk_path . 'skins/' . $skin)) { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_min', userpro_sk_url . 'skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_min'); } else { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_min', userpro_url . 'skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_min'); } if (locate_template('userpro/skins/' . $skin . '/style.css')) { wp_register_style('userpro_skin_custom', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/userpro/skins/' . $skin . '/style.css'); wp_enqueue_style('userpro_skin_custom'); } include userpro_path . "css/userpro.php"; /** END THEMING **/ $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } }
function userpro_redirects() { global $pagenow; // redirect dashboard if ('index.php' == $pagenow && is_admin()) { if (userpro_is_logged_in() && userpro_allow_dashboard_redirect()) { wp_safe_redirect(userpro_dashboard_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect dashboard profile if ('profile.php' == $pagenow) { if (userpro_is_logged_in() && userpro_allow_profile_redirect()) { wp_safe_redirect(userpro_profile_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect login if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && !isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if (!userpro_is_logged_in() && isset($_REQUEST['userpro_panic_key']) && userpro_get_option('userpro_panic_key') && $_REQUEST['userpro_panic_key'] == userpro_get_option('userpro_panic_key')) { return true; } if (userpro_allow_login_redirect()) { if (isset($_GET['redirect_to'])) { $url = add_query_arg('redirect_to', urlencode(esc_url($_GET['redirect_to'])), esc_url(userpro_login_redirect_uri())); } else { $url = userpro_login_redirect_uri(); } wp_safe_redirect($url); exit; } } // redirect lostpassword if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'lostpassword') { if (userpro_allow_login_redirect()) { wp_safe_redirect(userpro_login_redirect_uri()); exit; } } // redirect register if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'register') { if (userpro_allow_register_redirect()) { wp_safe_redirect(userpro_register_redirect_uri()); exit; } } }
function follow_text($to, $from) { if ($to != $from && userpro_is_logged_in()) { $iamfollowing = get_user_meta($from, '_userpro_following_ids', true); if (isset($iamfollowing[$to])) { return '<a href="#" class="userpro-button userpro-follow following" data-follow-text="' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '" data-unfollow-text="' . __('Unfollow', 'userpro') . '" data-following-text="' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '" data-follow-to="' . $to . '" data-follow-from="' . $from . '">' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '</a>'; } else { return '<a href="#" class="userpro-button secondary userpro-follow notfollowing" data-follow-text="' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '" data-unfollow-text="' . __('Unfollow', 'userpro') . '" data-following-text="' . __('Following', 'userpro') . '" data-follow-to="' . $to . '" data-follow-from="' . $from . '"><i class="userpro-icon-share"></i>' . __('Follow', 'userpro') . '</a>'; } } }
function can_chat_with($user_id) { global $userpro_social; $global_privacy = userpro_msg_get_option('msg_privacy'); if ($user_id != get_current_user_id() && userpro_is_logged_in()) { if ($global_privacy == 'none') { return false; } if ($global_privacy == 'public') { return true; } else { if ($global_privacy == 'mutual' && $userpro_social->mutual_follow(get_current_user_id(), $user_id)) { return true; } } } else { return false; } }