function include_all($x) { extract($x); #add a few extra variables that will be usefull in the output; #x = array('elements'=>, 'element_info'=>, 'user_id'=>, 'db'=>) #Example: $data = include_all(compact('elements', 'element_info', 'user_id', 'db')); #when there is no resource_class_id, find it from the project where instance was created. WILL ASSUME THAT RESOURCE_CLASS_ID FILLED OUT IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ALL S3DB THAT SHARE RULES if ($_REQUEST['project_id'] == '') { $project_id = $element_info['project_id']; } else { $project_id = $_REQUEST['project_id']; } if (!$model) { $model = 'nsy'; } if ($letter == '') { $letter = strtoupper(substr($elements, 0, 1)); } if (is_array($GLOBALS['s3map'][$GLOBALS['plurals'][$GLOBALS['s3codes'][$letter]]])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['s3map'][$GLOBALS['plurals'][$GLOBALS['s3codes'][$letter]]] as $replace => $with) { $element_info[$replace] = $element_info[$with]; } } #if element is a class, return the class id if ($letter == 'D') { $element_info['acl'] = $user_id == '1' ? '222' : (user_is_admin($user_id, $db) ? '212' : (user_is_public($user_id, $db) ? '210' : '211')); $element_info['created_by'] = $user_id; $element_info['description'] = $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['server']['site_intro']; $element_info['name'] = $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['server']['site_title']; if ($element_info['deployment_id'] == $GLOBALS['s3db_info']['deployment']['Did']) { $element_info['self'] = 1; } } if ($letter == 'G') { #echo '<pre>';print_r($x);exit; $e = 'groups'; #$element_info['group_id'] = $element_info['account_id']; #$element_info['groupname'] = $element_info['account_uname']; #$element_info['acl'] = groupAcl($element_info, $user_id, $db); $uid_info = uid($element_info['account_id']); $element_info['deployment_id'] = ereg_replace('^D', '', $uid_info['Did']); $strictuid = 1; $strictsharedwith = 1; $uid = 'G' . $element_info['group_id']; $shared_with = 'U' . $user_id; #$element_info['acl'] = permissionOnResource(compact('user_id', 'shared_with', 'db', 'uid','key','strictsharedwith','strictuid')); $element_info['acl'] = groupAcl($element_info, $user_id, $db, $timer); if ($timer) { $timer->setMarker('Included resource information for ' . $letter); } #echo '<pre>';print_r($element_info);exit; } if ($letter == 'U') { if ($element_info['account_addr_id'] != '') { $sql = "select * from s3db_addr where addr_id = '" . $element_info['account_addr_id'] . "'"; $fields = array('addr1', 'addr2', 'city', 'state', 'postal_code', 'country'); $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) { $element_info[$fields[$i]] = $db->f($fields[$i]); } } $element_info = array_delete($element_info, 'account_addr_id'); } $element_info['user_id'] = $element_info['account_id']; $element_info['username'] = $element_info['account_uname']; $element_info['login'] = $element_info['account_lid']; $element_info['address'] = $element_info['addr1']; $uid_info = uid($element_info['account_id']); $element_info['deployment_id'] = ereg_replace('^D', '', $uid_info['Did']); if ($user_id != '1' && $element_info['created_by'] != $user_id && $element_info['account_id'] != $user_id) { #if user is not seing himself and user is not admin and user was not the creator of element, then hide address, email, phone, etc. $keys2Remove = array('account_email' => '', 'account_phone' => '', 'addr1' => '', 'addr2' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'postal_code' => '', 'country' => ''); if (is_array($element_info)) { $element_info = array_diff_key($element_info, $keys2Remove); } } if ($user_id != '1' && $element_info['created_by'] != $user_id && $user_id != $element_info['account_id']) { if (is_array($element_info)) { $element_info = array_diff_key($element_info, array('account_type' => '', 'account_status' => '')); } } else { //if this user has been created with a filter, what is that filter $permission_info = array('uid' => 'U' . $element_info['created_by'], 'shared_with' => 'U' . $element_info['account_id']); $hp = has_permission($permission_info, $db); if ($hp) { $element_info['filter'] = $hp; } } if (is_array($element_info)) { $element_info = array_diff_key($element_info, array('account_pwd' => '')); } $user_id_who_asks = $user_id; $uid = 'U' . $element_info['user_id']; $shared_with = $user_id_who_asks; $strictuid = 1; $strictsharedwith = 1; $onPermissions = compact('user_id', 'shared_with', 'db', 'uid', 'key', 'strictsharedwith', 'strictuid'); if ($element_info['acl'] == '') { $element_info['acl'] = userAcl(compact('key', 'element_info', 'user_id_who_asks', 'db')); } } if ($letter == 'P') { $element_info['name'] = $element_info['project_name']; $element_info['description'] = $element_info['project_description']; $id = 'P' . $element_info['project_id']; $uid = 'P' . $element_info['project_id']; } if ($letter == 'C') { $element_info['class_id'] = $element_info['resource_id']; $element_info['collection_id'] = $element_info['class_id']; $element_info['name'] = $element_info['entity']; $element_info['description'] = $element_info['notes']; #project_id to search for rule_id will be the same from the class $uid = 'C' . $element_info['resource_id']; } #if element is a rule, return the class_id of the subject. If the object is a class, return the object_id... to discuss with jonas if ($letter == 'R') { $uid = 'R' . $element_info['rule_id']; } #if this is an instance, return the class_id => ASSUMING THAT EVERY S3DB THAT HAS SHARED RULES HAS RESOURCECLASSID IN INSTANCE. if ($letter == 'I') { if ($element_info['resource_class_id'] != '') { $element_info['class_id'] = $element_info['resource_class_id']; } $element_info['instance_id'] = $element_info['resource_id']; $element_info['item_id'] = $element_info['instance_id']; $element_info['collection_id'] = $element_info['class_id']; $instance_id = $element_info['instance_id']; $uid = 'I' . $element_info['instance_id']; } if ($letter == 'S') { $uid = 'S' . $element_info['statement_id']; $info[$id] = $element_info; $statement_id = $element_info['statement_id']; $element_info['instance_id'] = $element_info['resource_id']; $element_info['item_id'] = $element_info['instance_id']; $element_info['instance_notes'] = $info['I' . $element_info['instance_id']]['notes']; if ($info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']] == '') { $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']] = s3info('rule', $element_info['rule_id'], $db); } $element_info['object_notes'] = notes($element_info['value'], $db); $element_info['project_folder'] = $element_info['value']; $element_info = include_fileLinks($element_info, $db); $element_info['subject'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['subject']; $element_info['verb'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['verb']; $element_info['object'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['object']; $element_info['subject_id'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['subject_id']; $element_info['verb_id'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['verb_id']; $element_info['object_id'] = $info['R' . $element_info['rule_id']]['object_id']; } $strictuid = 1; $strictsharedwith = 1; $shared_with = 'U' . $user_id; $toFindInfo = $element_info; $onPermissions = compact('user_id', 'shared_with', 'db', 'uid', 'key', 'strictsharedwith', 'strictuid', 'timer', 'toFindInfo'); if ($element_info['acl'] == '') { $element_info['acl'] = permission4Resource($onPermissions); } $element_info['permission_level'] = $element_info['acl']; if (!$element_info['effective_permission']) { $element_info['effective_permission'] = $element_info['acl']; } if (!$element_info['assigned_permission']) { $pp = array('uid' => $uid, 'shared_with' => $shared_with); $tmp = has_permission($pp, $db); if ($tmp) { $element_info['assigned_permission'] = $tmp; } else { $element_info['assigned_permission'] = '---'; } } #Define if ser can view or not view data. View is the first number in the 3d code. $permission2user = permissionModelComp($element_info['permission_level']); ##According to the model, change the values of assigned_permission from prevous versions $element_info['assigned_permission'] = str_replace(array('0', '1', '2'), str_split($model), $element_info['assigned_permission']); $isOwner = $element_info['created_by'] == $user_id; $element_info['view'] = allowed($permission2user, 0, $isOwner, $state = 3, $model); $element_info['change'] = allowed($permission2user, 1, $isOwner, $state = 3, $model); $element_info['propagate'] = allowed($permission2user, 2, $isOwner, $state = 3, $model); #create the element "delete", in case it is eventually created...For now it is the same as change $element_info['delete'] = $element_info['change']; $element_info['delete_data'] = $element_info['add_data']; $element_info['add_data'] = $element_info['propagate']; return $element_info; }
} else { $def = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if (file_exists('../')) { include '../'; } else { Header('Location: http://' . $def . '/s3db/'); exit; } $key = $_GET['key']; #Get the key, send it to check validity #echo '<pre>';print_r($db); include_once '../core.header.php'; if ($key != '') { $args = '?key=' . $_REQUEST['key']; } include '../webActions.php'; $id = $_REQUEST['id']; if ($key) { $user_id = get_entry('access_keys', 'account_id', 'key_id', $key, $db); } else { $user_id = $_SESSION['user']['account_id']; } $user_info = s3info('user', $user_id, $db); ereg('(.*)/(edituser.php)$', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $script); if (!user_is_admin($user_id, $db)) { if ($script[2] != 'edituser.php' || $user_id != $_REQUEST['id'] || user_is_public($user_id, $db)) { Header('Location: ' . $action['main']); exit; } }