$prefix = '$this->' . $prefix . '->'; } $example = $comment->example(); if (empty($example) and isset($examples[$method])) { $example = $examples[$method]; } ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('function', array('function' => $method_obj, 'prefix' => $prefix)); ?> <div class="toggle_block"> <?php echo $description; ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('return', array('return' => $comment_return)); ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('params', array('params' => $parameters, 'comment_params' => $comment_params)); ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('example', array('example' => $example)); ?> </div> <?php } }
?> "><strong>Field Class (optional)</strong> - the custom object for a specific field. By default, it will simply return the value in the database</a></li> </ul> <h2 id="initializing">Initializing the Class</h2> <p>The Model class is initialized using the <dfn>$this->load->model</dfn> function:</p> <pre class="brush: php">$this->load->model('examples_model');</pre> <p>Once loaded, the Model object will be available using: <dfn>$this->examples_model</dfn>.</p> <h2 id="configuring">Configuring Model Information</h2> <?php $vars['class'] = $my_model; echo user_guide_block('properties', $vars); ?> <h2 id="extending">Extending Your Model</h2> <p>When extending <a href="<?php echo user_guide_url('libraries/my_model#my_model'); ?> ">MY_Model</a> or <a href="<?php echo user_guide_url('libraries/base_module_model'); ?> ">Base_module_model</a>, it is recommended to use a plural version of the objects name, in this example <strong>Examples</strong>, with the suffix of <strong>_model</strong> (e.g.<dfn>Examples_model</dfn>). The plural version is recommended because the singular version is often used for the custom record class (see below for more). </p>
if ($class->parent()) { ?> <p>This class extends the <dfn><?php echo $class->parent(); ?> </dfn> class.</p> <?php } ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('properties', array('class' => $class)); ?> <?php echo user_guide_block('function_list', array('class' => $class)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <br /><br /> <?php } }