Example #1
 while ($myRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
     $Msg .= get_text('Importing', 'HTT', substr($myRow->HdTargetNo, 1)) . '...';
     $Start = $myRow->HdArrowStart - 1;
     $Len = $myRow->HdArrowEnd - $myRow->HdArrowStart + 1;
     $ArrowString = substr_replace(str_pad($myRow->ArrowString, 90, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT), substr($myRow->HdArrowString, 0, $Len), $Start, $Len);
     //print $myRow->HdTargetNo . ' ...' . $ArrowString . '...<br><br>';
     // Ora posso calcolare i punti della distanza
     $Score = 0;
     $Gold = 0;
     $XNine = 0;
     $Update = "";
     list($Score, $Gold, $XNine) = ValutaArrowStringGX($ArrowString, $G, $X);
     // Ora posso aggiornare la riga di Qualifications
     $Update = "UPDATE Qualifications SET " . "QuD" . $Dist . "Score=" . StrSafe_DB($Score) . "," . "QuD" . $Dist . "Gold=" . StrSafe_DB($Gold) . "," . "QuD" . $Dist . "Xnine=" . StrSafe_DB($XNine) . "," . "QuD" . $Dist . "ArrowString=" . StrSafe_DB($ArrowString) . "," . "QuD" . $Dist . "Hits=GREATEST(LENGTH(RTRIM(QuD" . $Dist . "ArrowString))," . StrSafe_DB($LastArr) . ")," . "QuScore=QuD1Score+QuD2Score+QuD3Score+QuD4Score+QuD5Score+QuD6Score+QuD7Score+QuD8Score," . "QuGold=QuD1Gold+QuD2Gold+QuD3Gold+QuD4Gold+QuD5Gold+QuD6Gold+QuD7Gold+QuD8Gold," . "QuXnine=QuD1Xnine+QuD2Xnine+QuD3Xnine+QuD4Xnine+QuD5Xnine+QuD6Xnine+QuD7Xnine+QuD8Xnine, " . "QuHits=QuD1Hits+QuD2Hits+QuD3Hits+QuD4Hits+QuD5Hits+QuD6Hits+QuD7Hits+QuD8Hits, " . "QuTimestamp=" . StrSafe_DB(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . " " . "WHERE QuId=" . StrSafe_DB($myRow->HdEnId) . " ";
     $RsUp = safe_w_sql($Update);
     useArrowsSnapshot($xSession, $Dist, substr($myRow->HdTargetNo, 1, -1), substr($myRow->HdTargetNo, 1, -1), $LastArr);
     recalSnapshot($xSession, $Dist, substr($myRow->HdTargetNo, 1, -1), substr($myRow->HdTargetNo, 1, -1));
     //print $Update . '<br><br>';
     //							if()
     if ($RsUp) {
         $Msg .= get_text('CmdOk') . '<br>';
     } else {
         $Msg .= '<br>';
 // rank distanza
 CalcQualRank($Dist, '%');
 // rank totale
 CalcQualRank(0, '%');
 // rank abs sulla distanza
Example #2
        // Qualification
        require_once 'Qualification/Fun_Qualification.local.inc.php';
        $ArrowsPerEnd = 3;
        $SQL = "Select QuId, QuSession from Qualifications\n\t\t\tinner join Entries on QuId=EnId\n\t\t\twhere EnTournament={$CompId} and QuTargetNo=" . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST['qutarget']);
        $q = safe_r_SQL($SQL);
        $ArrowSearch = safe_fetch($q);
        // debug_svela($r);
        $PageOutput = 'JSON';
        $_REQUEST['Index'] = $_REQUEST['arrowindex'];
        $_REQUEST['Dist'] = $_REQUEST['distnum'];
        $_REQUEST['Id'] = $ArrowSearch->QuId;
        $_REQUEST['Point'] = $_REQUEST['arrowsymbol'];
        $BlockApi = false;
        require_once 'Qualification/UpdateArrow.php';
        if (!$BlockApi and !$JsonResult['error']) {
            useArrowsSnapshot($ArrowSearch->QuSession, $_REQUEST['distnum'], substr($_REQUEST['qutarget'], 1, -1), substr($_REQUEST['qutarget'], 1, -1), $_REQUEST['arrowindex'] + 1);
            recalSnapshot($ArrowSearch->QuSession, $_REQUEST['distnum'], substr($_REQUEST['qutarget'], 1, -1), substr($_REQUEST['qutarget'], 1, -1));
} else {
    require_once 'Final/Fun_MatchTotal.inc.php';
    $tgtType = 0;
    $Error = 1;
    $SQL = "SELECT EvFinalTargetType FROM Events WHERE EvCode='" . $Event . "' AND EvTeamEvent={$EventType} AND EvTournament={$CompId}";
    $Rs = safe_r_sql($SQL);
    if ($r = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
        $tgtType = $r->EvFinalTargetType;
        $Error = 0;
    $arrowIndex = $_REQUEST['arrowindex'] + 1;
    if (empty($_REQUEST['arrowsymbol'])) {
Example #3
define('debug', false);
// settare a true per l'output di debug
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php';
require_once 'Qualification/Fun_Qualification.local.inc.php';
$Errore = 0;
$xmlReturn = '';
if (!IsBlocked(BIT_BLOCK_QUAL)) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && preg_match("/^[1-9]{1}\$/", $_REQUEST["Session"]) && isset($_REQUEST["Distance"]) && preg_match("/^[1-8]{1}\$/", $_REQUEST["Distance"]) && isset($_REQUEST["fromTarget"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}\$/", $_REQUEST["fromTarget"]) && isset($_REQUEST["toTarget"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}\$/", $_REQUEST["toTarget"])) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST["numArrows"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,2}\$/", $_REQUEST["numArrows"])) {
            if ($_REQUEST["numArrows"] == 0) {
                for ($i = 3; $i <= 30; $i += 3) {
                    $xmlReturn .= '<numArrows>' . useArrowsSnapshot($_REQUEST["Session"], $_REQUEST["Distance"], $_REQUEST["fromTarget"], $_REQUEST["toTarget"], $i) . '</numArrows>' . "\n";
            } else {
                $xmlReturn .= '<numArrows>' . useArrowsSnapshot($_REQUEST["Session"], $_REQUEST["Distance"], $_REQUEST["fromTarget"], $_REQUEST["toTarget"], $_REQUEST["numArrows"]) . '</numArrows>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $xmlReturn .= '<numArrows>' . recalSnapshot($_REQUEST["Session"], $_REQUEST["Distance"], $_REQUEST["fromTarget"], $_REQUEST["toTarget"]) . '</numArrows>' . "\n";
    } else {
        $Errore = 1;
} else {
    $Errore = 1;
// produco l'xml di ritorno
if (!debug) {
    header('Content-Type: text/xml');
print '<response>' . "\n";