Example #1
function sms_send($phone, $content)
    global $INI;
    if (mb_strlen($content, 'UTF-8') < 20) {
        return '短信长度低于20汉字?长点吧~';
    /* include customsms function */
    $smsowner_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/smsowner.php';
    if (file_exists($smsowner_file)) {
        require_once $smsowner_file;
        if (function_exists('sms_send_owner')) {
            return sms_send_owner($phone, $content);
    /* end include */
    $user = strval($INI['sms']['user']);
    $pass = strtolower(md5($INI['sms']['pass']));
    if (null == $user) {
        return true;
    $content = urlEncode($content);
    $api = "http://notice.zuitu.com/sms?user={$user}&pass={$pass}&phones={$phone}&content={$content}";
    $res = Utility::HttpRequest($api);
    return trim(strval($res)) == '+OK' ? true : strval($res);
 public function getUserInfo($accessToken)
     // Get the correct Profile Endpoint URL based off the country/region provided in the config['region']
     if (empty($accessToken)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Access Token is a required parameter and is not set');
     // To make sure double encoding doesn't occur decode first and encode again.
     $accessToken = urldecode($accessToken);
     $url = $this->profileEndpoint . '/auth/o2/tokeninfo?access_token=' . urlEncode($accessToken);
     $httpCurlRequest = new HttpCurl($this->config);
     $response = $httpCurlRequest->httpGet($url);
     $data = json_decode($response);
     if ($data->aud != $this->config['client_id']) {
         // The access token does not belong to us
         throw new \Exception('The Access token entered is incorrect');
     // Exchange the access token for user profile
     $url = $this->profileEndpoint . '/user/profile';
     $httpCurlRequest = new HttpCurl($this->config);
     $response = $httpCurlRequest->httpGet($url);
     $userInfo = json_decode($response, true);
     return $userInfo;
Example #3
  *	Cleans a URL so it's safe to print to the browser without issues.
  *	@param uri		String		The URL to parse
  *	@return			String		The clean URL to print
 public static function cleanUrl($uri)
     $result = null;
     $url = htmlEntities($uri, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
     $parse = parse_url($url);
     $result = "{$parse['scheme']}://";
     $parse['path'] = ltrim($parse['path'], '/');
     foreach (array('user', 'pass', 'path', 'query', 'fragment') as $p) {
         if (isset($parse[$p])) {
             $parse[$p] = urlEncode($parse[$p]);
     if (!empty($parse['user'])) {
         $result .= "{$parse['user']}";
         if (empty($parse['pass'])) {
             $result .= '@';
         } else {
             $result .= ":{$parse['pass']}@";
     $result .= "{$parse['host']}/{$parse['path']}";
     if (!empty($parse['query'])) {
         $result .= "?{$parse['query']}";
     if (!empty($parse['fragment'])) {
         $result .= "#{$parse['fragment']}";
     return $result;
Example #4
 private function genURL($url = "/", $param, $value)
     if (false === strpos($url, '?')) {
         return $url . '?' . urlEncode($param) . '=' . urlEncode($value);
     } else {
         return $url . '&' . urlEncode($param) . '=' . urlEncode($value);
function showBody()
    global $chosenPersonId;
    // simple validation first...
    if (!preg_match('/\\d{4}\\w{4}\\d{2}/', $chosenPersonId)) {
        showErrorMessage('Invalid WCA id Format <strong>[</strong>' . o($chosenPersonId) . '<strong>]</strong>');
        print '<p><a href="persons.php">Click here to search for people.</a></p>';
    #--- Get all incarnations of the person.
    $persons = dbQuery("\n    SELECT person.name personName, country.name countryName, day, month, year, gender\n    FROM Persons person, Countries country\n    WHERE person.id = '{$chosenPersonId}' AND country.id = person.countryId\n    ORDER BY person.subId\n  ");
    #--- If there are none, show an error and do no more.
    if (!count($persons)) {
        showErrorMessage('Unknown person id <strong>[</strong>' . o($chosenPersonId) . '<strong>]</strong>');
        $namepart = substr($chosenPersonId, 4, 4);
        print '<p><a href="persons.php?pattern=' . urlEncode($namepart) . '">Click to search for people with `' . o($namepart) . '` in their name.</a></p>';
    #--- Get and show the current incarnation.
    $currentPerson = array_shift($persons);
    echo "<h1>{$personName}</h1>";
    #--- Show previous incarnations if any.
    if (count($persons)) {
        echo "<p class='subtitle'>(previously ";
        foreach ($persons as $person) {
            $previous[] = "{$person['personName']}/{$person['countryName']}";
        echo implode(', ', $previous) . ")</p>";
    #--- Show the picture if any.
    $picture = getCurrentPictureFile($chosenPersonId);
    if ($picture) {
        echo "<center><img class='person' src='{$picture}' /></center>";
    #--- Show the In Memoriam if any.
    $inMemoriamArray = array("2008COUR01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2028", "2003LARS01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1982", "2012GALA02" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1044", "2008LIMR01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=945", "2008KIRC01" => "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=470");
    if (array_key_exists($chosenPersonId, $inMemoriamArray)) {
        echo "<center><a target='_blank' href='{$inMemoriamArray[$chosenPersonId]}'>In Memoriam</a></center>";
    #--- Show the details.
    tableBegin('results', 4);
    tableCaption(false, 'Details');
    tableHeader(explode('|', 'Country|WCA Id|Gender|Competitions'), array(3 => 'class="f"'));
    $gender_text = genderText($gender);
    $numberOfCompetitions = dbValue("SELECT count(distinct competitionId) FROM Results where personId='{$chosenPersonId}'");
    tableRow(array($countryName, $chosenPersonId, $gender_text, $numberOfCompetitions));
    #--- Try the cache for the results
    # tryCache( 'person', $chosenPersonId );
    #--- Now the results.
    require 'includes/person_personal_records_current.php';
    require 'includes/person_world_championship_podiums.php';
    require 'includes/person_world_records_history.php';
    require 'includes/person_continent_records_history.php';
    require 'includes/person_events.php';
Example #6
 public function getListFileTree($path = '', $jump = '')
     $option = "com_xsltmagic";
     $files = array();
     $folders = array();
     $size = 0;
     foreach (scandir($path) as $v) {
         if (!is_dir($path . '/' . $v)) {
             $files[] = $path . '/' . $v;
         if (substr($v, 0, 1) != '.') {
             // not need '.' '..'
             $folders[] = $path . '/' . $v;
     if (isset($jump)) {
         $link = explode('&', $jump);
         $url = '';
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($link) - 1; $i++) {
             $url .= '&' . $link[$i];
         $row[$size]->link = JRoute::_("index.php?option={$option}&controller=xslts" . $url);
         $row[$size]->checked_out = false;
         $row[$size]->name = '...';
     // Folders
     for ($f = 0; $f < count($folders); $f++) {
         $currentFolder = str_replace($path . '/', '', $folders[$f]);
         $link = $jump . '&amp;jump[]=' . basename($currentFolder);
         $row[$size]->link = JRoute::_("index.php?option={$option}&controller=xslts" . $link);
         $row[$size]->checked_out = false;
         $row[$size]->name = basename($currentFolder);
         $row[$size]->type = 'Folder';
         $row[$size]->modified = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", filemtime($path . DS . $currentFolder));
     // Process files
     for ($h = 0; $h < count($files); $h++) {
         $currentFile = str_replace($path . '/', '', $files[$h]);
         $currentEncoded = urlEncode($currentFile);
         $subArr = explode('%2F', $currentEncoded);
         $filename = $subArr[count($subArr) - 1];
         $subArrr = explode('.', $filename);
         $extension = $subArrr[count($subArrr) - 1];
         $row[$size]->link = JRoute::_("index.php?option={$option}&id[]={$filename}&task=edit&controller=xslts" . $jump);
         $row[$size]->checked_out = false;
         $row[$size]->name = $filename;
         $row[$size]->type = $extension;
         $row[$size]->modified = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", filemtime($path . DS . $currentFile));
         $row[$size]->fileSize = round(filesize($path . DS . $currentFile) / 1024) . ' kb';
     return $row;
Example #7
function sms_send($phone, $content)
    global $INI;
    if (mb_strlen($content, 'UTF-8') < 20) {
        return '短信长度低于20汉字?长点吧~';
    $user = $INI['sms']['user'];
    $pass = strtolower(md5($INI['sms']['pass']));
    $content = urlEncode($content);
    $api = "http://notice.zuitu.com/sms?user={$user}&pass={$pass}&phones={$phone}&content={$content}";
    $res = Utility::HttpRequest($api);
    return trim(strval($res)) == '+OK' ? true : strval($res);
Example #8
 public function sendAvicSMSAction($mobiles, $msg)
     $SMS_ACT = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_ACT');
     $SMS_PWD = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_PWD');
     $SMS_URL = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_URL');
     $SMS_EID = $this->container->getParameter('SMS_EID');
     $mobiles = str_replace(";", ",", $mobiles);
     $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($msg, 'gb2312', 'utf-8')));
     $pwd = md5($SMS_PWD);
     $apidata = "username={$SMS_ACT}&password={$pwd}&message={$content}&phone={$mobiles}&epid={$SMS_EID}&linkid=&subcode=";
     $this->get("logger")->err($SMS_URL . "?" . $apidata);
     $result = mb_convert_encoding($this->do_post_request($SMS_URL . "?" . $apidata, null), 'utf-8', 'gb2312');
     return Utils::WrapResultOK('');
Example #9
function exchangeRate($amount, $currency, $exchangeIn)
    $url = @'http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q=' . urlEncode($amount . $currency . '=?' . $exchangeIn);
    $data = @file_get_contents($url);
    if (!$data) {
        throw new Exception('Could not connect');
    $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);
    $array = $json->decode($data);
    if (!$array) {
        throw new Exception('Could not parse the JSON');
    if ($array['error']) {
        throw new Exception('Google reported an error: ' . $array['error']);
    return (double) $array['rhs'];
function choice($id, $caption, $options, $chosenOption)
    $result = "<label for='{$id}'>";
    $result .= $caption ? "{$caption}:<br />" : '';
    $result .= "<select class='drop' id='{$id}' name='{$id}'>\n";
    $chosen = urlEncode($chosenOption);
    foreach ($options as $option) {
        $nick = urlEncode($option[0]);
        $text = htmlEntities($option[1], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
        $selected = $chosen && $nick == $chosen ? " selected='selected'" : "";
        $result .= "<option value='{$nick}'{$selected}>{$text}</option>\n";
    $result .= "</select>";
    $result .= "</label>";
    return $result;
Example #11
 function accesCle($tuple, $format = "url")
     $separateur = $chaine = "";
     // Parcours des attributs
     foreach ($this->schemaTable as $nom => $options) {
         // C'est un attribut de la cl� primaire
         if ($options['cle_primaire']) {
             if ($format == "url") {
                 $chaine .= "&{$nom}=" . urlEncode($tuple[$nom]);
                 $separateur = "&";
             } else {
                 $chaine .= "{$separateur}{$nom}='" . addSlashes($tuple[$nom]) . "'";
                 $separateur = " AND ";
     return $chaine;
Example #12
  * Converts currency using google.  throws an exception if something went wrong
  * @param numeric $amount
  * @param string from currency (ex USD)
  * @param string to currency (ex EUR)
  * @return number
  * @author: http://www.it-base.ro/2007/07/09/currency-conversion-in-php
  * @author: Jason M Hinkle
  * @version: 1.0
 public static function Convert($amount, $from, $to)
     $converted_amount = 0;
     $qs = $amount . ' ' . $from . ' in ' . $to;
     $url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=" . urlEncode($qs);
     $g_response = strip_tags(HttpRequest::Get($url));
     if (preg_match("/Rates provided for information only - see disclaimer./i", $g_response)) {
         $matches = array();
         preg_match('/= ([0-9\\s\\.,]+)/', $g_response, $matches);
         if ($matches[1]) {
             $converted_amount = $matches[1];
         } else {
             // this should never occur unless google changes the output formatting of the search results
             throw new Exception("Unable to parse response from google");
     } else {
         throw new Exception("The google search result does not appear to contain currency information");
     return $converted_amount;
Example #13
 public function send($mobile, $content, $schedule = null)
     $providerInfo = $this->_getProviderInfo();
     if ($schedule == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
         $schedule = '';
     } else {
         $schedule = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($schedule));
     $sender = new BayouSmsSender();
     $content_log = $content;
     $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8')));
     $result = $sender->sendsms($providerInfo['username'], md5($providerInfo['password']), $mobile, $content, $schedule);
     if ($result['status'] == 0) {
         Openbiz::getService(LOG_SERVICE)->log(LOG_ERR, "SMS", "sendMessage: " . $content . " Bayou:" . $mobile . ':' . $result['msg']);
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->_log($mobile, $content_log, $schedule);
         return true;
Example #14
 protected static function encodeValue($value)
     return urlEncode($value);
Example #15
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-450'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 450';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-501'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 501';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-550'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 550';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-560'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 560';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-601'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 601';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-650'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 650';
    $phone_types['polycom-spip-670'] = 'Polycom SoundPoint IP 670';
$per_page = (int) GS_GUI_NUM_RESULTS;
$mac_addr_internal = _mac_addr_internal(@$_REQUEST['mac']);
$mac_addr_display = _mac_addr_display($mac_addr_internal);
$pbx_id = array_key_exists('pbx_id', $_REQUEST) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pbx_id'] : -1;
$ip_addr = trim(@$_REQUEST['ip']);
$phone_type = @$_REQUEST['phone_type'];
$page = (int) @$_REQUEST['page'];
$search_url = 'mac=' . urlEncode($mac_addr_internal) . '&amp;' . 'ip=' . urlEncode($ip_addr) . '&amp;' . 'pbx_id=' . urlEncode($pbx_id) . '&amp;' . 'phone_type=' . urlEncode($phone_type);
#  view {
if ($action === 'view') {
    //echo "<pre>"; print_r($_REQUEST); echo "</pre>";
    $where = array();
    if ($mac_addr_internal != '') {
        $where[] = '`p`.`mac_addr` LIKE \'%' . $DB->escape($mac_addr_internal) . '%\'';
    if ($pbx_id === 0) {
        $where[] = '`h`.`is_foreign`=0';
    } elseif ($pbx_id > 0) {
        $where[] = '`h`.`id`=' . $pbx_id;
    if ($ip_addr != '') {
Example #16
  * Get the value of a field in the current row.
  * Possible keys in the options array:
  * binary, unserialize, convertHTMLBreaks, urlEncode, filterHTMLSpecialCharacters, escapeForXML, stripSlashes
  * @param string $ps_field field name
  * @param array $pa_options associative array of options, keys are names of the options, values are boolean.
  * @return mixed
 function get($ps_field, $pa_options = null)
     $va_field = isset(DbResult::$s_field_info_cache[$ps_field]) ? DbResult::$s_field_info_cache[$ps_field] : $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field);
     if (!isset($this->opa_current_row[$va_field["field"]])) {
         return null;
     $vs_val = isset($this->opa_current_row[$va_field["field"]]) ? $this->opa_current_row[$va_field["field"]] : null;
     if (isset($pa_options["binary"]) && $pa_options["binary"]) {
         return $vs_val;
     if (isset($pa_options["unserialize"]) && $pa_options["unserialize"]) {
         if (!isset($this->opa_unserialized_cache[$va_field["field"]]) || !($vm_data = $this->opa_unserialized_cache[$va_field["field"]])) {
             $vm_data = caUnserializeForDatabase($vs_val);
             $this->opa_unserialized_cache[$va_field["field"]] =& $vm_data;
         return $vm_data;
     if (isset($pa_options["convertHTMLBreaks"]) && $pa_options["convertHTMLBreaks"]) {
         # check for tags before converting breaks
         preg_match_all("/<[A-Za-z0-9]+/", $vs_val, $va_tags);
         $va_ok_tags = array("<b", "<i", "<u", "<strong", "<em", "<strike", "<sub", "<sup", "<a", "<img", "<span");
         $vb_convert_breaks = true;
         foreach ($va_tags[0] as $vs_tag) {
             if (!in_array($vs_tag, $va_ok_tags)) {
                 $vb_convert_breaks = false;
         if ($vb_convert_breaks) {
             $vs_val = preg_replace("/(\n|\r\n){2}/", "<p/>", $vs_val);
             $vs_val = ereg_replace("\n", "<br/>", $vs_val);
     if (isset($pa_options["urlEncode"]) && $pa_options["urlEncode"]) {
         $vs_val = urlEncode($vs_val);
     if (isset($pa_options["filterHTMLSpecialCharacters"]) && $pa_options["filterHTMLSpecialCharacters"]) {
         $vs_val = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($vs_val));
     if (isset($pa_options["escapeForXML"]) && $pa_options["escapeForXML"]) {
         $vs_val = caEscapeForXML($vs_val);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || $pa_options["stripSlashes"]) {
         $vs_val = stripSlashes($vs_val);
     return $vs_val;
Example #17
<span style="display:none" id="jum_paging"><?php 
echo $paging_tampil;
<span style="display:none" id="jum_hal"><?php 
echo $jum_hal;
<span style="display:none" id="sql"><?php 
echo urlEncode($sql);

<!--- untuk informasi paging jika ada pencarian -->
<span style="display:none" id="sql_cari"><?php 
echo urlEncode($sql);

<script type="text/javascript" >
// untuk paging
function hal(elm){
	var sql =  $("#sql_cari").text();
	var bag_sekarang = $("#next").text() - 1;
	var hal = $(elm).text();
	var url = "data_tampil.php";
	// untuk fungsi update_inline
	var tabel = "keluarga";
	var nama_id = "id_keluarga";
	var url_update = "update.php";
	$("#table").html("ditunggu cak .........");
Example #18
 public function getmobilevaildcodeAction()
     $re = array("returncode" => ReturnCode::$SUCCESS);
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $accountContorller = new AccountController();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $session = $request->getSession();
     $txtmobile = $request->get("txtmobile");
     if (empty($txtmobile) || !preg_match("/^(1[8|3|5][0-9]|15[0|3|6|7|8|9]|18[2|5|6|8|9])\\d{8}\$/", $txtmobile)) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "请输入正确的手机号!";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $sql = "select 1 from we_staff where mobile_bind=?";
     $params = array($txtmobile);
     $ds = $da->Getdata('lo', $sql, $params);
     if ($ds['lo']['recordcount'] > 0) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "该手机号已被绑定!";
         $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime = $session->get("lastgetmobilevaildcodetime");
     $getmobilevaildcodenums = $session->get("getmobilevaildcodenums");
     if (empty($lastgetmobilevaildcodetime)) {
         $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime = time() - 60 * 60;
     if (empty($getmobilevaildcodenums)) {
         $getmobilevaildcodenums = 0;
     try {
         if ($lastgetmobilevaildcodetime + 90 > time()) {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $re["msg"] = "你获取验证码的次数太频繁!90秒钟只能取一次!";
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         if ($getmobilevaildcodenums >= 5 && $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime + 60 * 60 * 24 > time()) {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $re["msg"] = "你获取验证码的次数太多!每天最多只能取5次!";
             $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         $mobilevaildcode = rand(100000, 999999);
         $user = $this->container->getParameter("SMS_ACT");
         $pass = md5($this->container->getParameter("SMS_PWD"));
         $phone = $txtmobile;
         $content = "欢迎使用Wefafa,您的验证码是:{$mobilevaildcode} 。【发发时代】";
         $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8')));
         $apidata = "func=sendsms&username={$user}&password={$pass}&mobiles={$phone}&message={$content}&smstype=0&timerflag=0&timervalue=&timertype=0&timerid=0";
         $apiurl = $this->container->getParameter("SMS_URL");
         $ret = $accountContorller->do_post_request($apiurl, $apidata);
         if (strpos($ret, "<errorcode>0</errorcode>") > 0) {
             $session->set("mobilevaildcode", $mobilevaildcode);
             $session->set("lastgetmobilevaildcodetime", time());
             $session->set("getmobilevaildcodenums", $getmobilevaildcodenums + 1);
             $session->set("txtmobile", $txtmobile);
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SUCCESS;
         } else {
             $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
             $re["msg"] = "短信发送失败!请重试";
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["returncode"] = ReturnCode::$SYSERROR;
         $re["msg"] = "获取并发送短信验证码失败!请重试";
     $response = new Response($request->get('jsoncallback') ? $request->get('jsoncallback') . "(" . json_encode($re) . ");" : json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
Example #19
 public function getmobilevaildcodeAction($network_domain)
     $re = array();
     $da = $this->get("we_data_access");
     $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $session = $request->getSession();
     $txtmobile = $request->get("txtmobile");
     if (empty($txtmobile) || !preg_match("/^(1[8|3|5][0-9]|15[0|3|6|7|8|9]|18[2|5|6|8|9])\\d{8}\$/", $txtmobile)) {
         $re["success"] = "0";
         $re["msg"] = "请输入正确的手机号!";
         $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     	$re["success"] = "0";  
     	      $re["msg"] = "您已绑定了手机号,请先解除原有绑定!";  
     			  $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
     			  $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     			  return $response; 
     $sql = "select 1 from we_staff where mobile_bind=?";
     $params = array($txtmobile);
     $ds = $da->Getdata('lo', $sql, $params);
     if ($ds['lo']['recordcount'] > 0) {
         $re["success"] = "0";
         $re["msg"] = "该手机号已被绑定!";
         $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
         $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
         return $response;
     $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime = $session->get("lastgetmobilevaildcodetime");
     $getmobilevaildcodenums = $session->get("getmobilevaildcodenums");
     if (empty($lastgetmobilevaildcodetime)) {
         $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime = time() - 60 * 60;
     if (empty($getmobilevaildcodenums)) {
         $getmobilevaildcodenums = 0;
     try {
         if ($lastgetmobilevaildcodetime + 120 > time()) {
             $re["success"] = "0";
             $re["msg"] = "你获取验证码的次数太频繁!120秒钟只能取一次!";
             $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         if ($getmobilevaildcodenums >= 5 && $lastgetmobilevaildcodetime + 60 * 60 * 24 > time()) {
             $re["success"] = "0";
             $re["msg"] = "你获取验证码的次数太多!每天最多只能取5次!";
             $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
             $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
             return $response;
         $mobilevaildcode = rand(100000, 999999);
         $user = $this->container->getParameter("SMS_ACT");
         $pass = md5($this->container->getParameter("SMS_PWD"));
         $phone = $txtmobile;
         $content = "验证码:" . $mobilevaildcode . ",2分钟内有效,仅用于绑定手机操作。 【Wefafa】";
         $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8')));
         $apidata = "func=sendsms&username={$user}&password={$pass}&mobiles={$phone}&message={$content}&smstype=0&timerflag=0&timervalue=&timertype=0&timerid=0";
         $apiurl = $this->container->getParameter("SMS_URL");
         $ret = $this->do_post_request($apiurl, $apidata);
         if (strpos($ret, "<errorcode>0</errorcode>") > 0) {
             $session->set("mobilevaildcode", $mobilevaildcode);
             $session->set("lastgetmobilevaildcodetime", time());
             $session->set("getmobilevaildcodenums", $getmobilevaildcodenums + 1);
             $session->set("txtmobile", $txtmobile);
             $re["success"] = "1";
             //$re["code"] =$mobilevaildcode;
         } else {
             $re["success"] = "0";
             $re["msg"] = "短信发送失败!请稍后重试";
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $re["success"] = "0";
         $re["msg"] = "获取并发送短信验证码失败!请稍后重试";
     $response = new Response(json_encode($re));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
Example #20
        if ($page < $num_pages - 1) {
            $xml .= '<SoftKey index="6">' . "\n";
            $xml .= '	<Label>' . ($page + 2) . '&gt;&gt;</Label>' . "\n";
            $xml .= '	<URI>' . $url_aastra_pb . '?t=imported&amp;p=' . ($page + 1) . '&amp;n=' . $name_search . '</URI>' . "\n";
            $xml .= '</SoftKey>' . "\n";
        $xml .= '</AastraIPPhoneTextMenu>' . "\n";
    } else {
        if ($name_search) {
            aastra_textscreen(__('Nicht gefunden'), sprintF(__('Eintrag &quot;%s&quot; nicht gefunden.'), $name_search));
        } else {
            aastra_textscreen($page_title, __('Kein Eintrag'));
} elseif ($type === 'prv') {
    $search_url = 'name=' . urlEncode($name_search);
    $name_sql = str_replace(array('*', '?'), array('%', '_'), strtolower($name_search)) . '%';
    $user_id = _get_userid();
	`id`, `lastname` `ln`, `firstname` `fn`, `number`
	`user_id`=' . $user_id . ' AND (
	LOWER(`lastname`) LIKE _utf8\'' . $db->escape($name_sql) . '\' COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci OR
	LOWER(`firstname`) LIKE _utf8\'' . $db->escape($name_sql) . '\' COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
ORDER BY `lastname`, `firstname`
LIMIT ' . $page * $per_page . ',' . $per_page;
    $rs = $db->execute($query);
    $num_total = @$db->numFoundRows();
Example #21
function sendMobile($SMS_ACT, $SMS_PWD, $SMS_URL, $mobiles, $content)
    $content = urlEncode(urlEncode(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8')));
    $pwd = md5($SMS_PWD);
    $apidata = "func=sendsms&username={$SMS_ACT}&password={$pwd}&mobiles={$mobiles}&message={$content}&smstype=0&timerflag=0&timervalue=&timertype=0&timerid=0";
    $obj = call_user_func("do_post_request", $SMS_URL, $apidata);
    $result = mb_convert_encoding($obj, 'utf-8', 'gb2312');
    return $result;
Example #22
  * Edit method: used to manage a simple workflow for editing
  * @param object the request object
  * @return none
 public function edit($request)
     // Extract the controller and action info.
     $module = $request->getModuleName();
     $control = $request->getControllerName();
     $action = $request->getActionName();
     // Set the current edit action URL (use the config to obtain the base URL)
     // Get the utilitary objects from the registry
     $registry = Zend_registry::getInstance();
     $zmax_context = $registry->get("zmax_context");
     if ($module == "default") {
         $this->url = $zmax_context->config->app->base_url . "/" . $control . "/" . $action . "?1=1";
     } else {
         $this->url = $zmax_context->config->app->base_url . "/" . $module . "/" . $control . "/" . $action . "?1=1";
     // echo "Control =  $control  Action = $action URL=$this->url<br/>";
     // Get the values of the  table form
     if ($request->getParam("show_table_form")) {
         // Get the values submitted in the table form
         foreach ($this->info['cols'] as $name) {
             $form_field_name = $this->getTblFormFieldName($name);
             if ($request->getParam($form_field_name)) {
                 $this->table_form_values[$form_field_name] = $request->getParam($form_field_name);
                 // Put these values in a GET query
                 $this->form_table_query .= "&amp;{$form_field_name}=" . urlEncode($request->getParam($form_field_name));
         // echo "Table form fields:";
         //  print_r ($this->table_form_values);
         $this->form_table_query = "&amp;show_table_form=1" . $this->form_table_query;
     // We are only interested in POST parameters
     $paramsHTTP = $_REQUEST;
     // PR: do better
     // Check whether an action is required.
     if (isset($paramsHTTP[self::ZMAX_EDIT_ACTION])) {
         $action = $paramsHTTP[self::ZMAX_EDIT_ACTION];
     } else {
         $action = "";
     $affichage = "";
     switch ($action) {
         case self::DB_INSERT:
             // Insertion required
             if ($this->insertion($paramsHTTP)) {
                 $affichage .= "<i>Insertion: done</i>";
                 $affichage .= "<h2>Input form</h2>";
                 $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_INSERT, array());
             } else {
                 $affichage .= $this->messageList();
                 $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_INSERT, $paramsHTTP);
         case self::DB_UPDATE:
             // We must modify the row
             if ($this->update($paramsHTTP)) {
                 $affichage .= "<i>Update: done.</i>";
             } else {
                 $affichage .= $this->messageList();
             $ligne = $this->getRow($paramsHTTP);
             $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_UPDATE, $ligne);
         case self::DB_DELETE:
             // Remove the line
             $affichage .= "<i>Deletion: done.</i>";
             $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_INSERT, array());
         case self::DB_EDIT:
             // Search a row and edit it
             $ligne = $this->getRow($paramsHTTP);
             $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_UPDATE, $ligne);
             $affichage .= $this->form(self::DB_INSERT, array());
     $affichage .= "<br />\n";
     // petite separation
     // Maybe show the HTML table with the content of the table
     if ($this->show_table_content) {
         $affichage .= "<h2><i>{$this->table_label}</i></h2>\n";
         $affichage .= $this->table(array("BORDER" => 2));
     // Maybe show the form
     if ($this->mode_show_form) {
         $add_url = $this->url . $this->form_table_query;
         $affichage .= "<a href='{$add_url}'>{$this->texts->form->add_line}</a>\n";
     // Retour de la page HTML
     return $affichage;
Example #23
  * Get a field value of the table row that is represented by this object.
  * @param string $ps_field field name
  * @param array $pa_options options array; can be omitted.
  * It should be an associative array of boolean (except one of the options) flags. In case that some of the options are not set, they are treated as 'false'.
  * Possible options (keys) are:
  * 		BINARY: return field value as is
  * 		FILTER_HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS: convert all applicable chars to their html entities
  * 		CONVERT_HTML_BREAKS: similar to nl2br()
  * 		convertLineBreaks: same as CONVERT_HTML_BREAKS
  * 		getDirectDate: return raw date value from database if $ps_field adresses a date field, otherwise the value will be parsed using the TimeExpressionParser::getText() method
  * 		getDirectTime: return raw time value from database if $ps_field adresses a time field, otherwise the value will be parsed using the TimeExpressionParser::getText() method
  * 		TIMECODE_FORMAT: set return format for fields representing time ranges possible (string) values: COLON_DELIMITED, HOURS_MINUTES_SECONDS, RAW; data will be passed through floatval() by default
  * 		QUOTE: set return value into quotes
  * 		URL_ENCODE: value will be passed through urlencode()
  * 		ESCAPE_FOR_XML: convert <, >, &, ' and " characters for XML use
  * 		DONT_STRIP_SLASHES: if set to true, return value will not be passed through stripslashes()
  * 		template: formatting string to use for returned value; ^<fieldname> placeholder is used to represent field value in template
  * 		returnAsArray: if true, fields that can return multiple values [currently only <table_name>.children.<field>] will return values in an indexed array; default is false
  * 		returnAllLocales:
  * 		delimiter: if set, value is used as delimiter when fields that can return multiple fields are returned as strings; default is a single space
  * 		convertCodesToDisplayText: if set, id values refering to foreign keys are returned as preferred label text in the current locale
  * 		returnURL: if set then url is returned for media, otherwise an HTML tag for display is returned
  * 		dateFormat: format to return created or lastModified dates in. Valid values are iso8601 or text
  *		checkAccess = array of access values to filter results by; if defined only items with the specified access code(s) are returned. Only supported for table that have an "access" field.
  *		sort = optional field to sort returned values on. The field specifiers are fields with or without table name specified.	 
  *		sort_direction = direction to sort results by, either 'asc' for ascending order or 'desc' for descending order; default is 'asc'	 
 public function get($ps_field, $pa_options = null)
     if (!$ps_field) {
         return null;
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vb_return_as_array = caGetOption('returnAsArray', $pa_options, false);
     $vb_return_with_structure = caGetOption('returnWithStructure', $pa_options, false);
     $vb_return_all_locales = caGetOption('returnAllLocales', $pa_options, false);
     $vs_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $pa_options, ' ');
     if (($vb_return_with_structure || $vb_return_all_locales) && !$vb_return_as_array) {
         $vb_return_as_array = true;
     $vn_row_id = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     if ($vb_return_as_array && $vb_return_as_array) {
         $vn_locale_id = $this->hasField('locale_id') ? $this->get('locale_id') : null;
     $va_tmp = explode('.', $ps_field);
     if (sizeof($va_tmp) > 1) {
         if ($va_tmp[0] === $this->tableName()) {
             // Return created on or last modified
             if (in_array($va_tmp[1], array('created', 'lastModified'))) {
                 if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                     return $va_tmp[1] == 'lastModified' ? $this->getLastChangeTimestamp() : $this->getCreationTimestamp();
                 } else {
                     $va_data = $va_tmp[1] == 'lastModified' ? $this->getLastChangeTimestamp() : $this->getCreationTimestamp();
                     $vs_subfield = isset($va_tmp[2]) && isset($va_data[$va_tmp[2]]) ? $va_tmp[2] : 'timestamp';
                     $vm_val = $va_data[$vs_subfield];
                     if ($vs_subfield == 'timestamp') {
                         $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                         $o_tep->setUnixTimestamps($vm_val, $vm_val);
                         $vm_val = $o_tep->getText($pa_options);
                     return $vm_val;
             // Generalized get
             $va_field_info = $this->getFieldInfo($va_tmp[1]);
             switch (sizeof($va_tmp)) {
                 case 2:
                     // support <table_name>.<field_name> syntax
                     $ps_field = $va_tmp[1];
                     // > 2 elements
                     // media field?
                     if ($va_field_info['FIELD_TYPE'] === FT_MEDIA && !isset($pa_options['returnAsArray']) && !$pa_options['returnAsArray']) {
                         $o_media_settings = new MediaProcessingSettings($va_tmp[0], $va_tmp[1]);
                         $va_versions = $o_media_settings->getMediaTypeVersions('*');
                         $vs_version = $va_tmp[2];
                         if (!isset($va_versions[$vs_version])) {
                             $va_available_versions = array_keys($va_versions);
                             $vs_version = $va_tmp[2] = array_shift($va_available_versions);
                         if (isset($va_tmp[3])) {
                             return $this->getMediaInfo($va_tmp[1], $vs_version, 'width');
                         } else {
                             if (isset($pa_options['returnURL']) && $pa_options['returnURL']) {
                                 return $this->getMediaUrl($va_tmp[1], $vs_version, $pa_options);
                             } else {
                                 return $this->getMediaTag($va_tmp[1], $vs_version, $pa_options);
                     if ($va_tmp[1] == 'parent' && $this->isHierarchical() && ($vn_parent_id = $this->get($this->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD')))) {
                         $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
                         if (!$t_instance->load($vn_parent_id)) {
                             return $vb_return_as_array ? array() : null;
                         } else {
                             $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
                             if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                                 if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
                                     return array($vn_row_id => array($vn_locale_id => array($t_instance->get(join('.', $va_tmp)))));
                                 } else {
                                     return array($vn_row_id => $t_instance->get(join('.', $va_tmp)));
                             } else {
                                 return $t_instance->get(join('.', $va_tmp));
                     } else {
                         if ($va_tmp[1] == 'children' && $this->isHierarchical()) {
                             $vb_check_access = is_array($pa_options['checkAccess']) && $this->hasField('access');
                             $va_sort = isset($pa_options['sort']) ? $pa_options['sort'] : null;
                             if (!is_array($va_sort) && $va_sort) {
                                 $va_sort = array($va_sort);
                             if (!is_array($va_sort)) {
                                 $va_sort = array();
                             $vs_sort_direction = isset($pa_options['sort_direction']) && in_array(strtolower($pa_options['sort_direction']), array('asc', 'desc')) ? strtolower($pa_options['sort_direction']) : 'asc';
                             // remove 'children' from field path
                             $va_tmp = array_values($va_tmp);
                             $vs_childless_path = join('.', $va_tmp);
                             $va_data = array();
                             $va_children_ids = $this->getHierarchyChildren(null, array('idsOnly' => true));
                             if (is_array($va_children_ids) && sizeof($va_children_ids)) {
                                 $t_instance = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->tableNum());
                                 if ($va_tmp[1] == $this->primaryKey() && !$vs_sort) {
                                     foreach ($va_children_ids as $vn_child_id) {
                                         $va_data[$vn_child_id] = $vn_child_id;
                                 } else {
                                     if (method_exists($this, "makeSearchResult")) {
                                         // Use SearchResult lazy loading when available
                                         $vs_table = $this->tableName();
                                         $vs_pk = $vs_table . '.' . $this->primaryKey();
                                         $qr_children = $this->makeSearchResult($this->tableName(), $va_children_ids);
                                         while ($qr_children->nextHit()) {
                                             if ($vb_check_access && !in_array($qr_children->get("{$vs_table}.access"), $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                                             $vn_child_id = $qr_children->get($vs_pk);
                                             $vs_sort_key = '';
                                             foreach ($va_sort as $vs_sort) {
                                                 $vs_sort_key .= $vs_sort ? $qr_children->get($vs_sort) : 0;
                                             if (!is_array($va_data[$vs_sort_key])) {
                                                 $va_data[$vs_sort_key] = array();
                                             if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                                                 $va_data[$vs_sort_key][$vn_child_id] = array_shift($qr_children->get($vs_childless_path, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => $vb_return_as_array, 'returnAllLocales' => $vb_return_all_locales))));
                                             } else {
                                                 $va_data[$vs_sort_key][$vn_child_id] = $qr_children->get($vs_childless_path, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => false, 'returnAllLocales' => false)));
                                         if ($vs_sort_direction && $vs_sort_direction == 'desc') {
                                             $va_data = array_reverse($va_data);
                                         $va_sorted_data = array();
                                         foreach ($va_data as $vs_sort_key => $va_items) {
                                             foreach ($va_items as $vs_k => $vs_v) {
                                                 $va_sorted_data[] = $vs_v;
                                         $va_data = $va_sorted_data;
                                     } else {
                                         // Fall-back to loading records row-by-row (slow)
                                         foreach ($va_children_ids as $vn_child_id) {
                                             if ($t_instance->load($vn_child_id)) {
                                                 if ($vb_check_access && !in_array($t_instance->get("access"), $pa_options['checkAccess'])) {
                                                 $vs_sort_key = $vs_sort ? $t_instance->get($vs_sort) : 0;
                                                 if (!is_array($va_data[$vs_sort_key])) {
                                                     $va_data[$vs_sort_key] = array();
                                                 if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                                                     $va_data[$vs_sort_key][$vn_child_id] = array_shift($t_instance->get($vs_childless_path, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => $vb_return_as_array, 'returnAllLocales' => $vb_return_all_locales))));
                                                 } else {
                                                     $va_data[$vs_sort_key][$vn_child_id] = $t_instance->get($vs_childless_path, array_merge($pa_options, array('returnAsArray' => false, 'returnAllLocales' => false)));
                                         if ($vs_sort_direction && $vs_sort_direction == 'desc') {
                                             $va_data = array_reverse($va_data);
                                         $va_sorted_data = array();
                                         foreach ($va_data as $vs_sort_key => $va_items) {
                                             foreach ($va_items as $vs_k => $vs_v) {
                                                 $va_sorted_data[] = $vs_v;
                                         $va_data = $va_sorted_data;
                             if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                                 return $va_data;
                             } else {
                                 return join($vs_delimiter, $va_data);
         } else {
             $va_rels = $this->getRelatedItems($va_tmp[0]);
             $va_vals = array();
             if (is_array($va_rels)) {
                 foreach ($va_rels as $va_rel_item) {
                     if (isset($va_rel_item[$va_tmp[1]])) {
                         $va_vals[] = $va_rel_item[$va_tmp[1]];
                 return $vb_return_as_array ? $va_vals : join($vs_delimiter, $va_vals);
             // can't pull fields from other tables!
             return $vb_return_as_array ? array() : null;
     if (isset($pa_options["BINARY"]) && $pa_options["BINARY"]) {
         return $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field];
     if (array_key_exists($ps_field, $this->FIELDS)) {
         $ps_field_type = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "FIELD_TYPE");
         if ($this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, 'IS_LIFESPAN')) {
             $pa_options['isLifespan'] = true;
         switch ($ps_field_type) {
             case FT_BIT:
                 $vs_prop = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] : "";
                 if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) {
                     $vs_prop = (bool) $vs_prop ? _t('yes') : _t('no');
                 return $vs_prop;
             case FT_TEXT:
             case FT_NUMBER:
             case FT_PASSWORD:
                 $vs_prop = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] : null;
                 if (isset($pa_options["FILTER_HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS"]) && $pa_options["FILTER_HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS"]) {
                     $vs_prop = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($vs_prop));
                 // Convert foreign keys and choice list values to display text is needed
                 if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] && ($vs_list_code = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "LIST_CODE"))) {
                     $t_list = new ca_lists();
                     $vs_prop = $t_list->getItemFromListForDisplayByItemID($vs_list_code, $vs_prop);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] && ($vs_list_code = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "LIST"))) {
                         $t_list = new ca_lists();
                         if (!($vs_tmp = $t_list->getItemFromListForDisplayByItemValue($vs_list_code, $vs_prop))) {
                             if ($vs_tmp = $this->getChoiceListValue($ps_field, $vs_prop)) {
                                 $vs_prop = $vs_tmp;
                         } else {
                             $vs_prop = $vs_tmp;
                     } else {
                         if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] && $ps_field === 'locale_id' && (int) $vs_prop > 0) {
                             $t_locale = new ca_locales($vs_prop);
                             $vs_prop = $t_locale->getName();
                         } else {
                             if (isset($pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText']) && $pa_options['convertCodesToDisplayText'] && is_array($va_list = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "BOUNDS_CHOICE_LIST"))) {
                                 foreach ($va_list as $vs_option => $vs_value) {
                                     if ($vs_value == $vs_prop) {
                                         $vs_prop = $vs_option;
                 if (isset($pa_options["CONVERT_HTML_BREAKS"]) && $pa_options["CONVERT_HTML_BREAKS"] || isset($pa_options["convertLineBreaks"]) && $pa_options["convertLineBreaks"]) {
                     $vs_prop = caConvertLineBreaks($vs_prop);
             case FT_DATETIME:
             case FT_TIMESTAMP:
             case FT_HISTORIC_DATETIME:
             case FT_HISTORIC_DATE:
             case FT_DATE:
                 $vn_timestamp = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] : 0;
                 if ($vb_return_with_structure) {
                     $vs_prop = array('start' => $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field], 'end' => $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]);
                 } elseif (caGetOption('GET_DIRECT_DATE', $pa_options, false) || caGetOption('getDirectDate', $pa_options, false) || caGetOption('rawDate', $pa_options, false)) {
                     $vs_prop = $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field];
                 } elseif (isset($pa_options['sortable']) && $pa_options['sortable']) {
                     $vs_prop = $vn_timestamp . "/" . $vn_timestamp;
                 } else {
                     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                     if ($ps_field_type == FT_HISTORIC_DATETIME || $ps_field_type == FT_HISTORIC_DATE) {
                         $o_tep->setHistoricTimestamps($vn_timestamp, $vn_timestamp);
                     } else {
                         $o_tep->setUnixTimestamps($vn_timestamp, $vn_timestamp);
                     if ($ps_field_type == FT_DATE || $ps_field_type == FT_HISTORIC_DATE) {
                         $vs_prop = $o_tep->getText(array_merge(array('timeOmit' => true), $pa_options));
                     } else {
                         $vs_prop = $o_tep->getText($pa_options);
             case FT_TIME:
                 if ($vb_return_with_structure) {
                     $vs_prop = array('start' => $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field], 'end' => $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]);
                 } elseif (caGetOption('GET_DIRECT_TIME', $pa_options, false) || caGetOption('getDirectTime', $pa_options, false) || caGetOption('rawTime', $pa_options, false)) {
                     $vs_prop = $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field];
                 } else {
                     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                     $vn_timestamp = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] : 0;
                     $o_tep->setTimes($vn_timestamp, $vn_timestamp);
                     $vs_prop = $o_tep->getText($pa_options);
             case FT_DATERANGE:
             case FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE:
                 $vs_start_field_name = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "START");
                 $vs_end_field_name = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "END");
                 $vn_start_date = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_start_field_name]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_start_field_name] : null;
                 $vn_end_date = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_end_field_name]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_end_field_name] : null;
                 if ($vb_return_with_structure) {
                     $vs_prop = array('start' => $vn_start_date, 'end' => $vn_end_date);
                 } elseif (!caGetOption('GET_DIRECT_DATE', $pa_options, false) && !caGetOption('getDirectDate', $pa_options, false) && !caGetOption('rawDate', $pa_options, false)) {
                     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                     if ($ps_field_type == FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE) {
                         $o_tep->setHistoricTimestamps($vn_start_date, $vn_end_date);
                     } else {
                         $o_tep->setUnixTimestamps($vn_start_date, $vn_end_date);
                     $vs_prop = $o_tep->getText($pa_options);
                 } elseif (isset($pa_options['sortable']) && $pa_options['sortable']) {
                     $vs_prop = $vn_start_date;
                 } else {
                     $vs_prop = $vn_start_date;
                     //array($vn_start_date, $vn_end_date);
             case FT_TIMERANGE:
                 $vs_start_field_name = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "START");
                 $vs_end_field_name = $this->getFieldInfo($ps_field, "END");
                 $vn_start_date = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_start_field_name]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_start_field_name] : null;
                 $vn_end_date = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_end_field_name]) ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$vs_end_field_name] : null;
                 if ($vb_return_with_structure) {
                     $vs_prop = array('start' => $vn_start_date, 'end' => $vn_end_date);
                 } elseif (!caGetOption('GET_DIRECT_TIME', $pa_options, false) && !caGetOption('getDirectTime', $pa_options, false) && !caGetOption('rawTime', $pa_options, false)) {
                     $o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
                     $o_tep->setTimes($vn_start_date, $vn_end_date);
                     $vs_prop = $o_tep->getText($pa_options);
                 } else {
                     $vs_prop = array($vn_start_date, $vn_end_date);
             case FT_TIMECODE:
                 $o_tp = new TimecodeParser();
                 $vs_prop = $o_tp->getText(isset($pa_options["TIMECODE_FORMAT"]) ? $pa_options["TIMECODE_FORMAT"] : null);
             case FT_MEDIA:
             case FT_FILE:
                 if ($vb_return_with_structure || $pa_options["USE_MEDIA_FIELD_VALUES"]) {
                     if (isset($pa_options["USE_MEDIA_FIELD_VALUES"]) && $pa_options["USE_MEDIA_FIELD_VALUES"]) {
                         $vs_prop = $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field];
                     } else {
                         $vs_prop = isset($this->_SET_FILES[$ps_field]['tmp_name']) && $this->_SET_FILES[$ps_field]['tmp_name'] ? $this->_SET_FILES[$ps_field]['tmp_name'] : $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field];
                 } else {
                     $va_versions = $this->getMediaVersions($ps_field);
                     $vs_tag = $this->getMediaTag($ps_field, array_shift($va_versions));
                     if ($vb_return_as_array) {
                         return array($vs_tag);
                     } else {
                         return $vs_tag;
             case FT_VARS:
                 $vs_prop = isset($this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field]) && $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] ? $this->_FIELD_VALUES[$ps_field] : null;
         if (isset($pa_options["QUOTE"]) && $pa_options["QUOTE"]) {
             $vs_prop = $this->quote($ps_field, $vs_prop);
     } else {
         $this->postError(710, _t("'%1' does not exist in this object", $ps_field), "BaseModel->get()");
         return $vb_return_as_array ? array() : null;
     if (isset($pa_options["URL_ENCODE"]) && $pa_options["URL_ENCODE"]) {
         $vs_prop = urlEncode($vs_prop);
     if (isset($pa_options["ESCAPE_FOR_XML"]) && $pa_options["ESCAPE_FOR_XML"]) {
         $vs_prop = caEscapeForXML($vs_prop);
     if (!(isset($pa_options["DONT_STRIP_SLASHES"]) && $pa_options["DONT_STRIP_SLASHES"])) {
         if (is_string($vs_prop)) {
             $vs_prop = stripSlashes($vs_prop);
     if (isset($pa_options["template"]) && $pa_options["template"]) {
         $vs_template_with_substitution = str_replace("^" . $ps_field, $vs_prop, $pa_options["template"]);
         $vs_prop = str_replace("^" . $this->tableName() . "." . $ps_field, $vs_prop, $vs_template_with_substitution);
     if ($vb_return_as_array) {
         if ($vb_return_all_locales) {
             return array($vn_row_id => array($vn_locale_id => array($vs_prop)));
         } else {
             return array($vn_row_id => $vs_prop);
     } else {
         return $vs_prop;
Example #24
	<th style="width:20px;"></th>

    $rs = $DB->execute('SELECT `cid_int`, `cid_ext` FROM `gate_cids` WHERE `grp_id`=' . $ggid);
    if (@$DB->numFoundRows() < 1) {
        //echo '<tr><td><i>- ', __('keine'), ' -</i></td><td></td><td></td></tr>';
    } else {
        while ($cid_map = $rs->fetchRow()) {
            echo '<tr>';
            echo '<td>', htmlEnt($cid_map['cid_int']), '</td>';
            echo '<td>', htmlEnt($cid_map['cid_ext']), '</td>';
            echo '<td>';
            echo '<a href="', gs_url($SECTION, $MODULE, null, 'action=gdelcid&amp;gg-id=' . $ggid . '&amp;cid-int=' . urlEncode($cid_map['cid_int'])), '" title="', __('entfernen'), '"><img alt="', __('entfernen'), '" src="', GS_URL_PATH, 'crystal-svg/16/act/editdelete.png" /></a>';
            echo '</td>';
            echo '</tr>', "\n";
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<input type="text" name="cid-int" value="" size="20" maxlength="30" />';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<input type="text" name="cid-ext" value="" size="20" maxlength="30" />';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<button type="submit" title="', __('Eintrag speichern'), '" class="plain"><img alt="', __('Speichern'), '" src="', GS_URL_PATH, 'crystal-svg/16/act/filesave.png" /></button>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
Example #25
function uencode($u)
    return base64_encode(urlEncode($u));
Example #26
function get_event_defaults()
    return array("event_start_date" => urlEncode(date("d/m/Y")), "event_status" => "active", "comment_status" => "1", "rsvp_status" => "1", "gallery_status" => "1");
 function test_getCancelUrlLandingPage()
     $expectedCustomerId = "customerid";
     $expectedEventId = "eventid";
     $expectedTarget = 'http://target.url/?someprop=somevalue&another=value';
     $expectedCancelUrl = "http://" . $expectedCustomerId . ".queue-it.net/cancel.aspx?c=" . $expectedCustomerId . "&e=" . $expectedEventId . "&r=" . urlEncode($expectedTarget);
     $queue = QueueFactory::createQueue($expectedCustomerId, $expectedEventId);
     $actualCancelUrl = $queue->GetCancelUrl($expectedTarget);
     $this->assertEqual($expectedCancelUrl, $actualCancelUrl);
Example #28
    $whereOption[] = "{$this->field} like '%{$this->keyword}%'";
    $this->queryOption .= "&field={$this->field}&keyword={$tempKeyword}";
$sortQueryOption = $this->queryOption;
$this->queryOption .= "&sortField={$this->sortField}&sortType={$this->sortType}";
$this->whereOptionStr = $this->setWhereOption($whereOption);
//페이지 나누기를 실행한다.
$this->listLimitStr = $this->list_limit;
$this->setPage("member M", $this->whereOptionStr, $this->queryOption);
$result = $this->setSelect("member M left outer join memberLogin ML using(userID)", "M.userID as userID, name, nickName, email, sex, author, signDate, substring(address, 1, 11) as address, count(ML.userID) as loginCount, MAX(loginDate) as lastLoginDate", "{$this->whereOptionStr} group by M.userID order by {$this->sortField} {$this->sortType}, signDate desc, userID limit {$this->first}, {$this->last}");
//$result = $this->setSelect("member", "userID, name, nickName, email, sex, author, signDate, substring(address, 1, 6) as address", "$this->whereOptionStr order by $this->sortField $this->sortType, signDate desc, userID limit $this->first, $this->last");
$total = $this->getTotalRows($result[0]);
if ($this->QUERY_STRING == "") {
    $goURL = urlEncode($this->PHP_SELF);
} else {
    $goURL = urlEncode($this->PHP_SELF . "?" . $this->QUERY_STRING);

<SCRIPT language="Javascript">

	function memberSearchFormCheck(form) {
		if(form.keyword.value == "") {
			alert("검색어가 없습니다.");
			return false;
Example #29
 public static function apiQueryString($passedParams = array())
     $queryParamOptions = array('start', 'limit', 'order', 'sort', 'content', 'q', 'fq', 'itemType', 'locale', 'key', 'itemKey', 'tag', 'tagType', 'style', 'format', 'linkMode', 'linkwrap');
     //build simple api query parameters object
     $queryParams = array();
     foreach ($queryParamOptions as $i => $val) {
         if (isset($passedParams[$val]) && $passedParams[$val] != '') {
             //check if itemKey belongs in the url or the querystring
             if ($val == 'itemKey' && isset($passedParams['target']) && $passedParams['target'] != 'items') {
             $queryParams[$val] = $passedParams[$val];
     $queryString = '?';
     $queryParamsArray = array();
     foreach ($queryParams as $index => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
                 if (is_string($val) || is_int($val)) {
                     $queryParamsArray[] = urlEncode($index) . '=' . urlencode($val);
         } elseif (is_string($value) || is_int($value)) {
             $queryParamsArray[] = urlencode($index) . '=' . urlencode($value);
     $queryString .= implode('&', $queryParamsArray);
     //print "apiQueryString: " . $queryString . "\n";
     return $queryString;
Example #30
  * generate an api query string for a request based on array of parameters
  * @param array $passedParams list of parameters that define the request
  * @return string
 public function apiQueryString($passedParams = array())
     // Tags query formats
     // ?tag=foo
     // ?tag=foo bar // phrase
     // ?tag=-foo // negation
     // ?tag=\-foo // literal hyphen (only for first character)
     // ?tag=foo&tag=bar // AND
     // ?tag=foo&tagType=0
     // ?tag=foo bar || bar&tagType=0
     $queryParamOptions = array('start', 'limit', 'order', 'sort', 'content', 'q', 'itemType', 'locale', 'key', 'itemKey', 'tag', 'tagType', 'style', 'format');
     //build simple api query parameters object
     if (!isset($passedParams['key']) && $this->_apiKey) {
         $passedParams['key'] = $this->_apiKey;
     $queryParams = array();
     foreach ($queryParamOptions as $i => $val) {
         if (isset($passedParams[$val]) && $passedParams[$val] != '') {
             if ($val == 'itemKey' && isset($passedParams['target']) && $passedParams['target'] != 'items') {
             $queryParams[$val] = $passedParams[$val];
     $queryString = '?';
     $queryParamsArray = array();
     foreach ($queryParams as $index => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
                 if (is_string($val) || is_int($val)) {
                     $queryParamsArray[] = urlEncode($index) . '=' . urlencode($val);
         } elseif (is_string($value) || is_int($value)) {
             $queryParamsArray[] = urlencode($index) . '=' . urlencode($value);
     $queryString .= implode('&', $queryParamsArray);
     //print "apiQueryString: " . $queryString . "\n";
     return $queryString;