function undeletethreads($tids) { global $_G; $threadsundel = 0; if ($tids && is_array($tids)) { foreach ($tids as $t) { my_thread_log('restore', array('tid' => $t)); } $tids = '\'' . implode('\',\'', $tids) . '\''; $tuidarray = $ruidarray = $fidarray = array(); $postarray = getfieldsofposts('fid, first, authorid', "tid IN ({$tids})"); foreach ($postarray as $post) { if ($post['first']) { $tuidarray[] = $post['authorid']; } else { $ruidarray[] = $post['authorid']; } if (!in_array($post['fid'], $fidarray)) { $fidarray[] = $post['fid']; } } if ($tuidarray) { updatepostcredits('+', $tuidarray, 'post'); } if ($ruidarray) { updatepostcredits('+', $ruidarray, 'reply'); } updatepost(array('invisible' => '0'), "tid IN ({$tids})", true); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ({$tids})"); $threadsundel = DB::affected_rows(); updatemodlog($tids, 'UDL'); updatemodworks('UDL', $threadsundel); foreach ($fidarray as $fid) { updateforumcount($fid); } } return $threadsundel; }
<?php session_start(); require_once "install.php"; /* REQUEST = $_POST $_GET */ if (!empty($_REQUEST['action'])) { $accion = $_REQUEST['action']; if ($accion == 'crear') { crearPost(); } else { if ($accion == 'ver') { verpost(); } else { if ($accion == 'update') { updatepost(); } else { if ($accion == 'delete') { deletepost(); } } } } } function crearPost() { /* Proteccion de Datos */ $params = array(':Utc ' => $_POST['Utc'], ':Anio ' => $_POST['Anio'], ':Mes ' => $_POST['Mes'], ':Dia ' => $_POST['Dia'], ':Hora ' => $_POST['Hora'], ':Minuto ' => $_POST['Minuto'], ':Segundo ' => $_POST['Segundo'], ':Titulo ' => $_POST['Titulo'], ':SubTitulo ' => $_POST['SubTitulo'], ':Icono ' => $_POST['Icono'], ':Texto ' => $_POST['Texto'], ':Imagen ' => $_POST['Imagen']); /* Preparamos el query apartir del array $params*/ $query = 'INSERT INTO Post (Utc,Anio,Mes,Dia,Hora,Minuto,Segundo,Titulo,SubTitulo,Icono,Texto,Imagen) VALUES
if (getstatus($poststatus, 3) == 0) { updatepostcredits('+', $thread['authorid'], 'post', $thread['fid']); $attachcount = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($thread['tid'])) . " WHERE tid='{$thread['tid']}'"); updatecreditbyaction('postattach', $thread['authorid'], array(), '', $attachcount, 1, $thread['fid']); } $forums[] = $thread['fid']; $validatedthreads[] = $thread; $pm = 'pm_' . $thread['tid']; if (isset($_G['gp_' . $pm]) && $_G['gp_' . $pm] != '' && $thread['authorid']) { $pmlist[] = array('action' => 'modthreads_validate', 'notevar' => array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'threadsubject' => $thread['subject'], 'reason' => dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_' . $pm])), 'authorid' => $thread['authorid']); } } if ($tids) { $tidstr = dimplode($tids); $validates = DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table(getposttable()) . " SET status='4' WHERE tid IN ({$tidstr}) AND status='0' AND invisible='-2'"); updatepost(array('invisible' => '0'), "tid IN ({$tidstr}) AND first='1'"); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ({$tidstr})"); $validates = DB::affected_rows(); foreach (array_unique($forums) as $fid) { updateforumcount($fid); } updatemodworks('MOD', $validates); updatemodlog($tidstr, 'MOD'); updatemoderate('tid', $tids, 2); } } if ($pmlist) { foreach ($pmlist as $pm) { notification_add($pm['authorid'], 'system', $pm['action'], $pm['notevar'], 1); } }
function parseattach($attachpids, $attachtags, &$postlist, $skipaids = array()) { global $_G; $query = DB::query("SELECT a.*, af.description, l.relatedid AS payed\n\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af ON a.aid=af.aid\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_credit_log') . " l ON l.relatedid=a.aid AND l.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND l.operation='BAC'\n\t\tWHERE IN ({$attachpids})"); $attachexists = FALSE; while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { $attachexists = TRUE; if ($skipaids && in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaids)) { continue; } $attached = 0; $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename'])); $attach['ext'] = $extension; $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']); $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']); $attach['attachimg'] = $_G['setting']['attachimgpost'] && $attach['isimage'] && (!$attach['readperm'] || $_G['group']['readaccess'] >= $attach['readperm']) ? 1 : 0; if ($attach['price']) { if ($_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] && TIMESTAMP - $attach['dateline'] >= $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " SET price='0' WHERE aid='{$attach['aid']}'"); $attach['price'] = 0; } else { if (!$_G['uid'] || !$_G['forum']['ismoderator'] && $attach['uid'] != $_G['uid'] && !$attach['payed']) { $attach['unpayed'] = 1; } } } $exemptattachpay = $_G['group']['exempt'] & 8 ? 1 : 0; $attach['payed'] = $attach['payed'] || $_G['forum']['ismoderator'] || $attach['uid'] == $_G['uid'] ? 1 : 0; $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] . '/' : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/'; $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline'], 'u'); $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']] = $attach; if (!empty($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && is_array($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachtags[$attach['pid']])) { $findattach[$attach['pid']][] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i"; $replaceattach[$attach['pid']][] = attachtag($attach['pid'], $attach['aid'], $postlist); $attached = 1; } if (!$attached) { if ($attach['isimage']) { $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelist'] .= attachlist($attach); } else { if (!$_G['forum_skipaidlist'] || !in_array($attach['aid'], $_G['forum_skipaidlist'])) { $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachlist'] .= attachlist($attach); } } } } if ($attachexists) { foreach ($attachtags as $pid => $aids) { if ($findattach[$pid]) { $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], $replaceattach[$pid], $postlist[$pid]['message'], 1); $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], '', $postlist[$pid]['message']); } } } else { updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), "pid IN ({$attachpids})", true); } }
if (in_array($thread['displayorder'], array(2, 3))) { $stickmodify = 1; } if ($_G['gp_type'] == 'redirect') { $thread = daddslashes($thread, 1); DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " (fid, readperm, author, authorid, subject, dateline, lastpost, lastposter, views, replies, displayorder, digest, closed, special, attachment, typeid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$thread['fid']}', '{$thread['readperm']}', '" . addslashes($thread['author']) . "', '{$thread['authorid']}', '" . addslashes($thread['subject']) . "', '{$thread['dateline']}', '{$thread['dblastpost']}', '" . addslashes($thread['lastposter']) . "', '0', '0', '0', '0', '{$thread['tid']}', '0', '0', '{$_G['gp_threadtypeid']}')"); } } } if (!($moderatetids = implode(',', $moderate))) { showmessage('admin_moderate_invalid'); } $displayorderadd = $_G['adminid'] == 3 ? ', displayorder=\'0\'' : ''; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET fid='{$moveto}', moderated='1', isgroup='0', typeid='{$_G['gp_threadtypeid']}' {$displayorderadd} WHERE tid IN ({$moderatetids})"); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forumrecommend') . " SET fid='{$moveto}' WHERE tid IN ({$moderatetids})"); updatepost(array('fid' => $moveto), "tid IN ({$moderatetids})"); if ($_G['setting']['globalstick'] && $stickmodify) { require_once libfile('function/cache'); updatecache('globalstick'); } $modaction = 'MOV'; updateforumcount($moveto); updateforumcount($_G['fid']); } elseif ($operation == 'type') { if (!$_G['group']['allowedittypethread']) { showmessage('no_privilege_edittypethread'); } if (!isset($_G['forum']['threadtypes']['types'][$_G['gp_typeid']]) && ($_G['gp_typeid'] != 0 || $_G['forum']['threadtypes']['required'])) { showmessage('admin_type_invalid'); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET typeid='{$_G['gp_typeid']}', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ({$moderatetids})");
showformheader('forums&operation=merge'); showtableheader(); showsetting('forums_merge_source', '', '', sprintf($forumselect, 'source')); showsetting('forums_merge_target', '', '', sprintf($forumselect, 'target')); showsubmit('mergesubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { if (DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid IN ('{$source}', '{$target}') AND type<>'group'") != 2) { cpmsg_error('forums_nonexistence'); } if (DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fup='{$source}'")) { cpmsg_error('forums_merge_source_sub_notnull'); } DB::update('forum_thread', array('fid' => $target), "fid='{$source}'"); updatepost(array('fid' => $target), "fid='{$source}'"); $sourceforum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT threads, posts FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); $targetforum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT threads, posts FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$target}'"); DB::update('forum_forum', array('threads' => $targetforum['threads'] + $sourceforum['threads'], 'posts' => $targetforum['posts'] + $sourceforum['posts']), "fid='{$target}'"); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_moderator') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); my_thread_log('mergeforum', array('fid' => $source, 'otherid' => $target)); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_access') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); while ($access = DB::fetch($query)) { DB::insert('forum_access', array('uid' => $access['uid'], 'fid' => $target, 'allowview' => $access['allowview'], 'allowpost' => $access['allowpost'], 'allowreply' => $access['allowreply'], 'allowgetattach' => $access['allowgetattach']), 0, 0, 1); } DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_access') . " WHERE fid='{$source}'"); updatecache('forums'); cpmsg('forums_merge_succeed', 'action=forums', 'succeed'); }
$pm = 'pm_' . $post['pid']; if (isset(${$pm}) && ${$pm} != '' && $post['authorid']) { $pmlist[] = array('action' => 'modreplies_validate', 'notevar' => array('tid' => $_G['tid'], 'post' => $post, 'reason' => stripslashes($reason)), 'authorid' => $post['authorid'], 'tid' => $post['tid'], 'post' => dhtmlspecialchars(cutstr($post['message'], 30)), 'reason' => dhtmlspecialchars(${$pm})); } } if ($authoridarray) { updatepostcredits('+', $authoridarray, 'reply'); } foreach ($threads as $tid => $thread) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET replies=replies+{$thread['posts']} {$thread['lastpostadd']} {$thread['attachadd']} WHERE tid='{$tid}'", 'UNBUFFERED'); } foreach (array_unique($forums) as $fid) { updateforumcount($fid); } if (!empty($pidarray)) { updatepost(array('invisible' => '0'), "pid IN (0," . implode(',', $pidarray) . ")"); $validates = DB::affected_rows(); updatemodworks('MOD', $validates); } else { updatemodworks('MOD', 1); } } if ($pmlist) { foreach ($pmlist as $pm) { $reason = $pm['reason']; $post = $pm['post']; $tid = intval($pm['tid']); notification_add($pm['authorid'], 'system', $pm['action'], $pm['notvar'], 1); } } cpmsg('moderate_replies_succeed', "action=moderate&operation=replies&page={$page}&filter={$filter}&modfid={$modfid}", 'succeed', array('validates' => $validates, 'ignores' => $ignores, 'recycles' => $recycles, 'deletes' => $deletes));
function recyclebinpostundelete($undeletepids, $posttableid = false) { global $_G; $postsundel = 0; if (empty($undeletepids)) { return $postsundel; } foreach ($undeletepids as $pid) { my_post_log('restore', array('pid' => $pid)); } $undeletepids = dimplode($undeletepids); loadcache('posttableids'); $posttableids = !empty($_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? $posttableid !== false && in_array($posttableid, $_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? array($posttableid) : $_G['cache']['posttableids'] : array('0'); $postarray = $ruidarray = $fidarray = $tidarray = array(); foreach ($posttableids as $ptid) { $query = DB::query('SELECT fid, tid, first, authorid FROM ' . DB::table(getposttable($ptid)) . " WHERE pid IN ({$undeletepids})"); while ($post = DB::fetch($query)) { $postarray[] = $post; } } if (empty($postarray)) { return $postsundel; } foreach ($postarray as $key => $post) { if (!$post['first']) { $ruidarray[] = $post['authorid']; } $fidarray[$post['fid']] = $post['fid']; $tidarray[$post['tid']] = $post['tid']; } $postsundel = updatepost(array('invisible' => '0'), "pid IN ({$undeletepids})", true, $posttableid); include_once libfile('function/post'); if ($ruidarray) { updatepostcredits('+', $ruidarray, $creditspolicy['reply']); } foreach ($tidarray as $tid) { updatethreadcount($tid, 1); } foreach ($fidarray as $fid) { updateforumcount($fid); } return $postsundel; }
echo '<iframe name="attachmentframe" style="display:none"></iframe>'; showtagfooter('div'); } } else { if ($ids = dimplode($_G['gp_delete'])) { $tids = $pids = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, pid, attachment, thumb, remote, aid FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_' . $_G['gp_attachtableid']) . " WHERE aid IN ({$ids})"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { dunlink($attach); $tids .= ',' . $attach['tid']; $pids .= ',' . $attach['pid']; } DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_' . $_G['gp_attachtableid']) . " WHERE aid IN ({$ids})"); $attachtids = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT tid FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_' . $_G['gp_attachtableid']) . " WHERE tid IN ({$tids}) GROUP BY tid ORDER BY pid DESC"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { $attachtids .= ',' . $attach['tid']; } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET attachment='0' WHERE tid IN ({$tids})" . ($attachtids ? " AND tid NOT IN ({$attachtids})" : NULL)); $attachpids = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT pid FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment_' . $_G['gp_attachtableid']) . " WHERE pid IN ({$pids}) GROUP BY pid ORDER BY pid DESC"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { $attachpids .= ',' . $attach['pid']; } updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), "pid IN ({$pids})" . ($attachpids ? "AND pid NOT IN ({$attachpids})" : NULL)); $cpmsg = cplang('attach_edit_succeed'); } else { $cpmsg = cplang('attach_edit_invalid'); } echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">alert('{$cpmsg}');parent.\$('attachmentforum');</script>"; }
deletethread($tidsarray, !$_G['gp_donotupdatemember'], !$_G['gp_donotupdatemember']); if ($_G['setting']['globalstick']) { updatecache('globalstick'); } foreach (explode(',', $_G['gp_fids']) as $fid) { updateforumcount(intval($fid)); } foreach ($_G['gp_tidarray'] as $tid) { my_thread_log('delete', array('tid' => $tid)); } $cpmsg = cplang('threads_succeed'); } elseif ($optype == 'deleteattach') { require_once libfile('function/delete'); deleteattach($tidsarray, 'tid'); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET attachment='0' WHERE {$tidsadd}"); updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), $tidsadd); $cpmsg = cplang('threads_succeed'); } elseif ($optype == 'stick') { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='{$_G['gp_stick_level']}' WHERE {$tidsadd}"); $my_act = $_G['gp_stick_level'] ? 'sticky' : 'update'; foreach ($_G['gp_tidarray'] as $tid) { my_thread_log($my_act, array('tid' => $tid)); } if ($_G['setting']['globalstick']) { updatecache('globalstick'); } $cpmsg = cplang('threads_succeed'); } elseif ($optype == 'adddigest') { $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, fid, authorid, digest FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE {$tidsadd}"); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($_G['gp_digest_level'] == $thread['digest']) {
function parseattach($attachpids, $attachtags, &$postlist, $skipaids = array()) { global $_G; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($_G['tid'])) . " a WHERE IN ({$attachpids})"); $attachexists = FALSE; $skipattachcode = $aids = $payaids = $findattach = array(); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { $attachexists = TRUE; if ($skipaids && in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaids)) { $skipattachcode[$attach[pid]][] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i"; continue; } $attached = 0; $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename'])); $attach['ext'] = $extension; $attach['imgalt'] = $attach['isimage'] ? strip_tags(str_replace('"', '\\"', $attach['description'] ? $attach['description'] : $attach['filename'])) : ''; $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']); $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']); if ($attach['isimage'] && !$_G['setting']['attachimgpost']) { $attach['isimage'] = 0; } $attach['attachimg'] = $attach['isimage'] && (!$attach['readperm'] || $_G['group']['readaccess'] >= $attach['readperm']) ? 1 : 0; if ($attach['attachimg']) { $GLOBALS['aimgs'][$attach['pid']][] = $attach['aid']; } if ($attach['price']) { if ($_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] && TIMESTAMP - $attach['dateline'] >= $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table(getattachtablebytid($_G['tid'])) . " SET price='0' WHERE aid='{$attach['aid']}'"); $attach['price'] = 0; } elseif (!$_G['forum_attachmentdown'] && $_G['uid'] != $attach['uid']) { $payaids[$attach['aid']] = $attach['pid']; } } $attach['payed'] = $_G['forum_attachmentdown'] || $_G['uid'] == $attach['uid'] ? 1 : 0; $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/'; $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline'], 'u'); $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']] = $attach; if (!empty($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && is_array($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachtags[$attach['pid']])) { $findattach[$attach['pid']][$attach['aid']] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i"; $attached = 1; } if (!$attached) { if ($attach['isimage']) { $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelist'][] = $attach['aid']; $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelistcount']++; if ($postlist[$attach['pid']]['first']) { $GLOBALS['firstimgs'][] = $attach['aid']; } } else { if (!$_G['forum_skipaidlist'] || !in_array($attach['aid'], $_G['forum_skipaidlist'])) { $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachlist'][] = $attach['aid']; } } } $aids[] = $attach['aid']; } if ($aids) { $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, pid, downloads FROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " WHERE aid IN (" . dimplode($aids) . ")"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']]['downloads'] = $attach['downloads']; } } if ($payaids) { $query = DB::query("SELECT relatedid FROM " . DB::table('common_credit_log') . " WHERE relatedid IN (" . dimplode(array_keys($payaids)) . ") AND uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND operation='BAC'"); while ($creditlog = DB::fetch($query)) { $postlist[$payaids[$creditlog['relatedid']]]['attachments'][$creditlog['relatedid']]['payed'] = 1; } } if (!empty($skipattachcode)) { foreach ($skipattachcode as $pid => $findskipattach) { foreach ($findskipattach as $findskip) { $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findskip, '', $postlist[$pid]['message']); } } } if ($attachexists) { foreach ($attachtags as $pid => $aids) { if ($findattach[$pid]) { foreach ($findattach[$pid] as $aid => $find) { $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($find, attachinpost($postlist[$pid]['attachments'][$aid], $postlist[$pid]['first']), $postlist[$pid]['message'], 1); $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($find, '', $postlist[$pid]['message']); } } } } else { updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), "pid IN ({$attachpids})", true); } }
$sourcefid = $fidarray[$start]; if (empty($start)) { $nums = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT fup FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid IN(" . dimplode($fidarray) . ")"); while ($fup = DB::fetch($query)) { $nums[$fup['fup']]++; } foreach ($nums as $fup => $num) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " SET groupnum = groupnum+'-{$num}' WHERE fid='{$fup}'"); } } foreach ($threadtables as $tableid) { $threadtable = $tableid ? "forum_thread_{$tableid}" : 'forum_thread'; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($threadtable) . " SET fid='{$targetgroup}' WHERE fid='{$sourcefid}'"); } updatepost(array('fid' => $targetgroup), "fid='{$sourcefid}'"); $targetusers = $newgroupusers = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE fid='{$targetgroup}'"); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { $targetusers[$row['uid']] = $row['uid']; } $adduser = 0; $query = DB::query("SELECT uid, username FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE fid='{$sourcefid}'"); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { if (empty($targetusers[$row['uid']])) { $newgroupusers[$row[uid]] = daddslashes($row['username']); $adduser++; } } if ($adduser) { foreach ($newgroupusers as $newuid => $newusername) {
function handleEvilPost($tid, $pid, $evilType, $evilLevel = 1) { global $_G; if (notOpenService()) { return false; } include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/language/lang_admincp_cloud.php'; loadSecLog($pid, 'pid'); $evilPost = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('security_evilpost') . " WHERE pid='{$pid}'"); if (is_array($evilPost)) { $data = $evilPost; $data['evilcount'] = $evilPost['evilcount'] + 1; } else { require_once libfile('function/delete'); require_once libfile('function/forum'); require_once libfile('function/post'); $data = array('pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $tid, 'evilcount' => 1, 'eviltype' => $evilType, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); $post = get_post_by_pid($pid); if (is_array($post) && count($post) > 0) { if ($tid != $post['tid']) { return false; } if ($post['first']) { $data['type'] = 1; if (checkThreadIgnore($tid)) { return false; } DB::insert('security_evilpost', $data, 0, 1); updateEvilCount('thread'); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='-1', digest='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid = '" . $tid . "'"); deletethread(array($tid), true, true, true); updatepost(array('invisible' => '-1'), "tid = '" . $tid . "'"); updatemodlog($tid, 'DEL', 0, 1, $extend_lang['security_modreason']); } else { $data['type'] = 0; if (checkPostIgnore($pid, $post)) { return false; } DB::insert('security_evilpost', $data, 0, 1); updateEvilCount('post'); deletepost(array($pid), 'pid', true, false, true); } } else { $data['operateresult'] = 2; DB::insert('security_evilpost', $data, 0, 1); } } return true; }
function deletethread($tids, $membercount = false, $credit = false, $ponly = false) { global $_G; if ($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE . '_deletethread']) { $_G['deletethreadtids'] =& $tids; $hookparam = func_get_args(); hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'check'), 'deletethread'); } if (!$tids) { return 0; } require_once libfile('function/forum'); foreach ($tids as $tid) { my_post_log('delete', array('tid' => $tid)); } $count = count($tids); $tids = dimplode($tids); loadcache(array('threadtableids', 'posttableids')); $threadtableids = !empty($_G['cache']['threadtableids']) ? $_G['cache']['threadtableids'] : array(); $posttableids = !empty($_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? $_G['cache']['posttableids'] : array('0'); if (!in_array(0, $threadtableids)) { $threadtableids = array_merge(array(0), $threadtableids); } DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN ({$tids}) AND idtype='tid'"); $atids = $fids = $postids = $threadtables = array(); foreach ($threadtableids as $tableid) { $threadtable = !$tableid ? "forum_thread" : "forum_thread_{$tableid}"; $query = DB::query("SELECT cover, tid, fid, posttableid FROM " . DB::table($threadtable) . " WHERE tid IN ({$tids})"); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { $atids[] = $row['tid']; $row['posttableid'] = !empty($row['posttableid']) && in_array($row['posttableid'], $posttableids) ? $row['posttableid'] : '0'; $postids[$row['posttableid']][$row['tid']] = $row['tid']; if ($tableid) { $fids[$row['fid']][] = $tableid; } } if (!$tableid && !$ponly) { $threadtables[] = $threadtable; } } if ($credit || $membercount) { $losslessdel = $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] > 0 ? TIMESTAMP - $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] * 86400 : 0; $postlist = $uidarray = $tuidarray = $ruidarray = array(); foreach ($postids as $posttableid => $posttabletids) { $query = DB::query('SELECT tid, first, authorid, dateline, replycredit, invisible FROM ' . DB::table(getposttable($posttableid)) . ' WHERE tid IN (' . dimplode($posttabletids) . ')'); while ($post = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($post['invisible'] != -1 && $post['invisible'] != -5) { $postlist[] = $post; } } } $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, extcreditstype FROM " . DB::table('forum_replycredit') . " WHERE tid IN ({$tids})"); while ($rule = DB::fetch($query)) { $rule['extcreditstype'] = $rule['extcreditstype'] ? $rule['extcreditstype'] : $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][10]; $replycredit_rule[$rule['tid']] = $rule; } foreach ($postlist as $post) { if ($post['dateline'] < $losslessdel) { if ($membercount) { if ($post['first']) { updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array('threads' => -1, 'post' => -1), false); } else { updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array('posts' => -1), false); } } } else { if ($credit) { if ($post['first']) { $tuidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid']; } else { $ruidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid']; } } } if ($credit || $membercount) { if ($post['authorid'] > 0 && $post['replycredit'] > 0) { if ($replycredit_rule[$post['tid']]['extcreditstype']) { updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array($replycredit_rule[$post['tid']]['extcreditstype'] => (int) ('-' . $post['replycredit']))); } } } } if ($credit) { if ($tuidarray || $ruidarray) { require_once libfile('function/post'); } if ($tuidarray) { foreach ($tuidarray as $fid => $tuids) { updatepostcredits('-', $tuids, 'post', $fid); } } if ($ruidarray) { foreach ($ruidarray as $fid => $ruids) { updatepostcredits('-', $ruids, 'reply', $fid); } } $auidarray = $attachtables = array(); foreach ($atids as $tid) { $attachtables[getattachtablebytid($tid)][] = $tid; } foreach ($attachtables as $attachtable => $attachtids) { $query = DB::query("SELECT uid, dateline FROM " . DB::table($attachtable) . " WHERE tid IN (" . dimplode($attachtids) . ")"); while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($attach['dateline'] > $losslessdel) { $auidarray[$attach['uid']] = !empty($auidarray[$attach['uid']]) ? $auidarray[$attach['uid']] + 1 : 1; } } } if ($auidarray) { $postattachcredits = !empty($_G['forum']['postattachcredits']) ? $_G['forum']['postattachcredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['postattach']; updateattachcredits('-', $auidarray, $postattachcredits); } } } if ($ponly) { if ($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE . '_deletethread']) { hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'delete'), 'deletethread'); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='-1', digest='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ({$tids})"); foreach ($postids as $posttableid => $oneposttids) { updatepost(array('invisible' => '-1'), "tid IN ({$tids})"); } return $count; } DB::delete('forum_replycredit', "tid IN ({$tids})"); DB::delete('common_credit_log', "operation IN ('RCT', 'RCA', 'RCB') AND relatedid IN ({$tids})"); deletethreadcover($tids); foreach ($threadtables as $threadtable) { DB::delete($threadtable, "tid IN ({$tids})"); } if ($atids) { foreach ($postids as $posttableid => $oneposttids) { deletepost($oneposttids, 'tid', false, $posttableid); } deleteattach($atids, 'tid'); } if ($fids) { foreach ($fids as $fid => $tableids) { $tableids = array_unique($tableids); foreach ($tableids as $tableid) { $query = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads, SUM(replies)+COUNT(*) AS posts FROM " . DB::table("forum_thread_{$tableid}") . " WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { DB::insert('forum_forum_threadtable', array('fid' => $fid, 'threadtableid' => $tableid, 'threads' => intval($row['threads']), 'posts' => intval($row['posts'])), false, true); } } } } foreach (array('forum_forumrecommend', 'forum_polloption', 'forum_poll', 'forum_activity', 'forum_activityapply', 'forum_debate', 'forum_debatepost', 'forum_threadmod', 'forum_relatedthread', 'forum_typeoptionvar', 'forum_postposition', 'forum_poststick', 'forum_pollvoter', 'forum_threadimage') as $table) { DB::delete($table, "tid IN ({$tids})"); } DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('home_feed') . " WHERE id IN ({$tids}) AND idtype='tid'", 'UNBUFFERED'); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('common_tagitem') . " WHERE idtype='tid' AND itemid IN ({$tids})", 'UNBUFFERED'); DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_threadrush') . " WHERE tid IN ({$tids})", 'UNBUFFERED'); if ($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE . '_deletethread']) { hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'delete'), 'deletethread'); } return $count; }
} if ($validatetids = dimplode($moderation['validate'])) { $tids = $comma = $comma2 = ''; $moderatedthread = array(); $query = DB::query("SELECT t.fid, t.tid, t.authorid, t.subject,, t.dateline FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " t\n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.tid IN ({$validatetids}) AND t.displayorder='{$pstat}' AND " . ($modfidsadd ? "t.{$modfidsadd}" : '1')); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { $tids .= $comma . $thread['tid']; $comma = ','; updatepostcredits('+', $thread['authorid'], 'post', $thread['fid']); $validatedthreads[] = $thread; if ($_G['gp_reason'] != '' && $thread['authorid'] && $thread['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { $pmlist[] = array('act' => 'modthreads_validate', 'notevar' => array('reason' => dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_reason']), 'tid' => $thread['tid'], 'threadsubject' => $thread['subject']), 'authorid' => $thread['authorid']); } } if ($tids) { updatepost(array('invisible' => '0'), "tid IN ({$tids})"); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET displayorder='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ({$tids})"); $threadsmod = DB::affected_rows(); if ($_G['fid']) { updateforumcount($_G['fid']); } else { $fids = array_keys($modforums['list']); foreach ($fids as $f) { updateforumcount($f); } } updatemodworks('MOD', $threadsmod); updatemodlog($tids, 'MOD'); } } if ($pmlist) {