Example #1
function reScheduleBypassed($conn)
    if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute("SELECT crs.* FROM custom_report_scheduler crs, users usr WHERE crs.user=usr.login AND usr.enabled=1 AND usr.expires > '" . gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' AND unix_timestamp(next_launch) < unix_timestamp()"))) {
        print $conn->ErrorMsg();
    } else {
        while (!$rs->EOF) {
            $schedule = array('type' => $rs->fields['schedule_type'], 'next_launch' => $rs->fields['next_launch']);
            $rid = $rs->fields['id'];
            $next_launch = updateNextLaunch($conn, $schedule, $rid);
            echo "\tRe-scheduling bypassed {$rid} from " . $rs->fields['next_launch'] . " to {$next_launch}\n";
Example #2
function reScheduleBypassed($conn)
    $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT crs.* FROM custom_report_scheduler crs, users usr WHERE crs.user=usr.login AND usr.enabled=1 AND usr.expires > '" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', gmdate('U')) . "' AND unix_timestamp(next_launch) < unix_timestamp('" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', gmdate('U')) . "') AND next_launch <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
    if (!$rs) {
        print $conn->ErrorMsg();
    } else {
        while (!$rs->EOF) {
            $schedule = array('type' => $rs->fields['schedule_type'], 'next_launch' => $rs->fields['next_launch']);
            // Reprogramme "Run Once" passed report
            if ('O' === $schedule['type']) {
                $schedule['type'] = 'OR';
            $rid = $rs->fields['id'];
            $next_launch = updateNextLaunch($conn, $schedule, $rid);
            echo "\tRe-scheduling bypassed {$rid} from " . $rs->fields['next_launch'] . " to {$next_launch}\n";
Example #3
$text = _('Searching scheduled reports') . "...\n";
$to_text .= sprintf("\n%s", $text);
echo $to_text;
$i = 0;
foreach ($report_list as $k => $value) {
    $run = checkTimeExecute($value['next_launch']);
    if ($run) {
        $scheduled_reports[$k] = $value;
        $text = _("Adding") . " " . $value['name_report'] . " " . _("to scheduled queue") . '...';
        $to_text = sprintf("\n\t%s", $text);
        echo $to_text;
        // Update next launch
        $schedule = array('type' => $value['schedule_type'], 'next_launch' => $value['next_launch'], 'data' => unserialize($value['schedule']));
        $current_launch = $value['next_launch'];
        $next_launch = updateNextLaunch($conn, $schedule, $value['id']);
        if ($next_launch === false) {
            $text = _('Failed to update the next launch: ') . ($to_text = sprintf("\n\t%s", $text));
            $scheduled_reports[$k]['current_launch'] = "";
        } else {
            $next_launch_txt = $next_launch == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? "-" : $next_launch;
            $text = _('Next launch: ') . $next_launch_txt;
            $to_text = sprintf("\n\t%s\n", $text);
            $scheduled_reports[$k]['current_launch'] = $current_launch;
        echo $to_text;
if ($i == 0) {
    $text = _("No reports found");
    $to_text = sprintf("\n\t%s\n\n", $text);