function unlinkRecursive($dir, $deleteRootToo) { if (!($dh = @opendir($dir))) { return; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } $file = $dir . '/' . $obj; if (is_dir($file)) { $filelastmodified = filemtime($file . "/."); if (time() - $filelastmodified > 10 * 60) { unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj, true); } } else { $filelastmodified = filemtime($file); if (time() - $filelastmodified > 10 * 60) { @unlink($file); } } } closedir($dh); if ($deleteRootToo) { @rmdir($dir); } return; }
function purge() { $source = "update/backup"; if (unlinkRecursive($source, false)) { echo "Purge ancienne sauvegarde OK<br>"; return true; } else { echo "Erreur purge ancienne sauvegarde : annulation de l'installation"; return false; } }
function ADMINISTRACION_RESTABLECER_SISTEMA() { if (isset($_POST['chk_confirmar_restablecer_sistema']) && isset($_POST['btn_restablecer_sistema'])) { $tablas = array('productos_categoria', 'producto_variedad', 'producto_contenedor', 'usuarios'); foreach ($tablas as $tabla) { db_consultar(sprintf('TRUNCATE TABLE `%s`', db_prefijo . $tabla)); } unlinkRecursive('IMG/i/', false); mkdir('IMG/i/m/'); } }
function unlinkRecursive($dir) { if (!($dh = @opendir($dir))) { return "Warning: folder {$dir} couldn't be read by PHP"; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $obj)) { unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj, true); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($dir); return "Folder {$dir} deleted!"; }
function unlinkRecursive($dir) { if (!($dh = @opendir($dir))) { return; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $obj)) { unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($dir); return; }
function unlinkRecursive($dir) { if (!($dh = @opendir($dir))) { return "error::This is not a directory!"; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $obj)) { unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($dir); return true; }
function unlinkRecursive($dir, $deleteRootToo) { if (!($dh = @opendir($dir))) { return; } while (false !== ($obj = readdir($dh))) { if ($obj == '.' || $obj == '..') { continue; } if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $obj)) { unlinkRecursive($dir . '/' . $obj, true); } } closedir($dh); if ($deleteRootToo) { @rmdir($dir); } return; }
function clean($clean_tmp = false) { $tmp = '_tmp/Pefi_COMRES/'; $res = 'Cleaning commercials<br>'; // remove commercial files $files = explode(';', tr('commercials.urls:admin')); foreach ($files as $fName) { $fName = '_pages/' . $fName; if (@unlink($fName)) { $res .= "Removed file: {$fName} <br>"; } else { $res .= "Tried to remove file: {$fName} but no success <br>"; } } if ($clean_tmp && is_dir($tmp)) { @unlinkRecursive($tmp); if (@rmdir($tmp)) { $res .= "Removed dir: {$tmp} <br>"; } else { $res .= "Tried to remove dir: {$tmp} but no success <br>"; } } return $res; }
<?php require_once "PHP/vital.php"; ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); set_time_limit(0); unlinkRecursive('catalogo360/pages/', false); $c = 'SELECT codigo_categoria, titulo FROM flores_categorias WHERE codigo_menu IN (1,2) ORDER BY titulo'; $r = db_consultar($c); $XML = simplexml_load_file('catalogo360/marcadores-base.xml'); $XMLP = simplexml_load_file('catalogo360/config-base.xml'); $general = $XML->addChild('seccion'); $general->addAttribute("titulo", "Catalogo"); $general->addAttribute("pagina", ""); $pagina_actual = 1; while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { $ref = $general->addChild('ref'); //$ref->addAttribute("titulo",iconv('ISO-8859-1','UTF-8//TRANSLIT',$f['titulo'])); $ref->addAttribute("titulo", $f['titulo']); $ref->addAttribute("pagina", $pagina_actual); $cp = 'SELECT foto, pc.titulo FROM flores_productos_categoria LEFT JOIN flores_producto_contenedor AS pc USING(codigo_producto) LEFT JOIN flores_producto_variedad USING(codigo_producto) WHERE codigo_categoria=' . $f['codigo_categoria'] . ' GROUP BY codigo_producto'; $rp = db_consultar($cp); $pagina_actual += 1 + mysql_numrows($rp); while ($fp = mysql_fetch_assoc($rp)) { if (!file_exists('catalogo360/pages/' . $fp['foto'])) { $im = new Imagick('IMG/i/' . $fp['foto']); $im->setCompression(Imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG); $im->setCompressionQuality(90); $im->setImageFormat('jpeg'); $im->stripImage(); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $pixel = new ImagickPixel('gray');
$returnError = ""; $command2sudo = $command2Run->firstChild->nodeValue; exec("sudo {$command2sudo}", $outputCommand, $returnError); if ($returnError) { $messageOutput .= "[ERROR] Command run with errors: {$command2sudo}\n"; $errorInCommand = true; } else { $messageOutput .= "[INFO] Command run successfully: {$command2sudo}\n"; } $messageOutput .= implode("\n", $outputCommand) . "\n"; } } else { $messageOutput .= "!!! Missing mandatory file. Please check package integrity.\n"; } $messageOutput .= "Purging temporary folder /tmp/sexigraf-update/"; unlinkRecursive("/tmp/sexigraf-update/"); echo $messageOutput; echo "</pre>"; $updateLog = fopen("update.log", "w"); fwrite($updateLog, $messageOutput); fclose($updateLog); if ($errorInCommand) { echo ' <div class="alert alert-danger" role="danger"> <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Error:</span> There was some errors during the update process!</h4> Some errors occured during update of your SexiGraf appliance. This shouldn\'t happen, but don\'t worry, we are here to help you!<br /> If you want, you can take a look above to the report that can point you to the right direction, or you can send it to us at plot <at> <p>You can fin update log <a href="update.log" target="_blank">here</a>, you can use the following button to send us an email with the details, we\'ll look into it and get back to you.</p> <form class="form" action="" method="post"> <p><a class="btn btn-danger" href=" during upgrade&body=Please Find attached update error log."><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign"></i> Send Support Mail</a></p>
<?php header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once 'clean.php'; // create temporary directory name $dir = $_POST['name']; $prefix = $dir . "/TMP"; $name = $prefix . md5(time() . rand()); if (is_dir($dir) == false) { if (!mkdir($dir)) { die("Directory could not be created"); } } else { // remove old stuff unlinkRecursive($dir, false); } // create temporary directory, if not already existing if (is_dir("{$name}") == false) { if (!mkdir("{$name}")) { die("Directory could not be created"); } } echo "{$name}";
a downloaded page... */ echo "\n\n\nAn example of making a cached of page request" . " with the search API:\n"; $url = ""; $ui_flags = array(); $search_terms = "art classifieds"; // these words will be highlighted $index_timestamp = "1317414322"; $data = $controller->cacheRequest($url, $ui_flags, $search_terms, $index_timestamp); echo $data; /* We now delete the example index to clean-up our test. In real-life you wouldn't want to delete your query index after making one query */ unlinkRecursive(CRAWL_DIR . "/cache/Archive1317414322"); unlinkRecursive(CRAWL_DIR . "/cache/IndexData1317414322"); // demo over, bye-bye for now! exit; /** * Short function to pretty-print the data gotten back from a Yioop! query * @param array $data what we got back from doing a query */ function outputQueryData($data) { // Now to print out info in the result foreach ($data['PAGES'] as $page) { echo "============\n"; echo "TITLE: " . trim($page[CrawlConstants::TITLE]) . "\n"; echo "URL: " . trim($page[CrawlConstants::URL]) . "\n"; echo "DESCRIPTION:" . wordwrap(trim($page[CrawlConstants::DESCRIPTION])) . "\n"; echo "Rank: " . $page[CrawlConstants::DOC_RANK] . "\n";
function cleanDir($dir) { if ($dir != '') { @unlinkRecursive($dir); @rmdir($dir); } }
// shouldn't end with ~ if (!in_array(substr($fName, strlen($fName) - 1, 1), array('~')) && !in_array(substr($fName, 7, 1), array('_'))) { $content .= "<li><p>{$fName}</p><ul>"; foreach ($_PEFI->route->langs as $lang) { $route = new Pefi_Router(createURL(basename($fName), $lang), $tr); $content .= '<li>' . $lang . ' - ' . cacheFile($route) . '</li>'; } $content .= '</ul></li>'; } } $content .= '</ol>'; $_PEFI->view->content = $content; $tr->setEdit($edit); $tr->save($log); } elseif ($todo == 'clearcache') { unlinkRecursive('_cache'); $_PEFI->view->messages[] = '<p>Cache Cleaned</p>'; } elseif ($todo == 'editbfile') { $r = new Pefi_Router($_REQUEST['page'], $tr); $editedFile = $r->pageFile; $editedAction = createActionURL('site', 'savefile'); $editedFileDir = dirname($editedFile); include 'codeedit.php'; } elseif ($todo == 'savefile' or $todo == 'viewfiles') { $excludedFiles = array('.'); // figure out working dir if (array_key_exists('fileOrDir', $_REQUEST)) { $fileOrDir = $_REQUEST['fileOrDir']; } else { $fileOrDir = '.'; }