is($re->matched, 'foolish-\\d+', 're pattern-1 foolish-\\d+ matched');
is($re->source, 'foolish-\\d+', 're pattern-1 foolish source');
//    }
ok(!$re->match('foolish-'), 're pattern-1 foolish-\\d+ 4');
ok(!$re->source, 're pattern-1 foolish-\\d+ source');
//    SKIP: {
//        skip( "matched() is not implemented in this version of perl ($])", 1 ) if $PERL_VERSION_TOO_LOW;
ok(!$re->matched, 're pattern-1 foolish-\\d+ 5');
//    }
//    if ($] < 5.009005) {
//        ok( do {use re 'eval'; 'cat' !~ /$re/}, 're pattern-1 cat <5.10' );
//        ok( do {use re 'eval'; 'foolish-808' =~ /$re/}, 're pattern-1 foolish-808 <5.10' );
//    }
//    else {
unlike('cat', '/' . $re . '/', 're pattern-1 cat 5.10');
unlike('foolish-808', '/' . $re . '/', 're pattern-1 foolish-808 5.10');
//    }
$re = new Regexp_Assemble(['track' => 1]);
$str = $re->as_string();
//    SKIP: {
//        skip( "/?{...}/ and \\d+ cause a panic in this version of perl ($])", 2 ) if $PERL_VERSION_5_005;
ok(!$re->match('foo'), 'match pattern-2 foo');
ok($re->match('a-22-44'), 'match pattern-2 a-22-44');
//    }
//    SKIP: {
//           skip( "/?{...}/ and \\d+ cause a panic in this version of perl ($])", 1 ) if $PERL_VERSION_5_005;
is($re->match('a-22-55555'), '^a-\\d+-\\d+$', 're pattern-2 a-22-55555');
//    }
//    SKIP: {
//        skip( "/?{...}/ and \\d+ cause a panic in this version of perl ($])", 1 ) if $PERL_VERSION_5_005;

$lib = isset($_SERVER['TESTLIB']) ? $_SERVER['TESTLIB'] : 'Test-More.php';
require_once $lib;
diag('Test of various functions not otherwise broken out.');
pass("pass() is ok");
fail("fail() is not ok");
is('Ab3', 'Ab3', 'is() is ok');
isnt('Ab3', 123, 'isnt() is ok');
like('yackowackodot', '/wacko/', "like() is ok");
unlike('yackowackodot', '/boing/', "unlike() is ok");
cmp_ok(12, '>', 10, 'cmp_ok() is ok');
can_ok($__Test, 'plan');
isa_ok($__Test, 'TestMore', 'Default Testing object');
$foo = array(1, 'B', 'third');
$oof = array('third', 'B', 1);
$bar = array('q' => 23, 'Y' => 42);
$rab = array('Y' => 42, 'q' => 23);
is_deeply($foo, $foo, 'is_deeply() is ok');
isnt_deeply($foo, $bar, 'isnt_deeply() is ok');
function skip($SkipReason, $num) {
function todo ($why, $howmany) {
function todo_skip ($why, $howmany) {
function todo_start ($why) {
function todo_end () {
diag("Should fail 1 test, testing fail()");
Example #3

require './post.php';
$id = $loginUser;
if (!$id) {
$wall = $_POST['wall_id'];
unlike($wall, $id);
$r = new Regexp_Assemble(['flags' => 'i']);
$re = $r->add('^fg')->re();
like('fgx', '/' . $re . '/', 'fgx/i');
like('Fgx', '/' . $re . '/', 'Fgx/i');
like('FGx', '/' . $re . '/', 'FGx/i');
like('fGx', '/' . $re . '/', 'fGx/i');
unlike('F', '/' . $re . '/', 'F/i');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble(['flags' => 'x']);
$re = $r->add('^fish')->add('^flash')->add('^fetish')->add('^foolish')->re(['indent' => 2]);
like('fish', '/' . $re . '/', 'fish/x');
like('flash', '/' . $re . '/', 'flash/x');
like('fetish', '/' . $re . '/', 'fetish/x');
like('foolish', '/' . $re . '/', 'foolish/x');
unlike('fetch', '/' . $re . '/', 'fetch/x');
match_list('lookahead car.*', ['caret', 'caress', 'careful', 'careless', 'caring', 'carion', 'carry', 'carried'], ['caret', 'caress', 'careful', 'careless', 'caring', 'carion', 'carry', 'carried']);
match_list('a.x', ['abx', 'adx', 'a.x'], ['aax', 'abx', 'acx', 'azx', 'a4x', 'a%x', 'a+x', 'a?x']);
match_list( 'POSIX', ['X[0[:alpha:]%]','Y[1-4[:punct:]a-c]'] , ['X0','X%','Xa','Xf','Y1','Y;','Y!','yc'] );

match_list( 'c.z', ['c^z','c-z','c5z','cmz'] , ['c^z','c-z','c5z','cmz'] );
match_list('\\d, \\D', ['b\\d', 'b\\D'], ['b4', 'bX', 'b%', 'b.', 'b?']);
match_list('abcd', ['abc', 'abcd', 'ac', 'acd', 'b', 'bc', 'bcd', 'bd'], ['abc', 'abcd', 'ac', 'acd', 'b', 'bc', 'bcd', 'bd']);
match('foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'rat', 'quux');
match('.[ar]it 1', 'bait', 'brit', 'frit', 'gait', 'grit', 'tait', 'wait', 'writ');
match('.[ar]it 2', 'bait', 'brit', 'gait', 'grit');
match('.[ar]it 3', 'bit', 'bait', 'brit', 'gait', 'grit');
match('.[ar]it 4', 'barit', 'bait', 'brit', 'gait', 'grit');
is($slide->add('nonschoolkids', 'nonacidoids')->as_string(), 'non(?:schoolk|acido)ids', 'nonschoolkids nonacidoids');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($r->add('sing', 'singing')->as_string(), 'sing(?:ing)?', 'super slide sing singing');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling')->as_string(), 's(?:(?:ing)?|l)ing', 'super slide sing singing sling');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging')->as_string(), 'sl?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging', 'sting', 'stinging')->as_string(), 's[lt]?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging');
$r = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($r->add('sing', 'singing', 'sling', 'slinging', 'sting', 'stinging', 'string', 'stringing', 'swing', 'swinging')->as_string(), 's(?:[lw]|tr?)?(?:ing)?ing', 'super slide sing singing sling slinging sting stinging string stringing swing swinging');
$re = new Regexp_Assemble(['flags' => 'i']);
$re->add('^ab', '^are', 'de');
like('able', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches able');
like('About', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches About');
unlike('bare', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i fails bare');
like('death', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches death');
like('DEEP', "/{$re}/", '{^ab ^are de} /i matches DEEP');
$re = new Regexp_Assemble();
$re->add('abc', 'def', 'ghi');
is($re->stats_add(), 3, "stats add 3x3");
is($re->stats_raw(), 9, "stats raw 3x3");
is($re->stats_cooked(), 9, "stats cooked 3x3");
ok(!$re->stats_dup(), "stats dup 3x3");
is($re->stats_add(), 4, "stats add 3x3 +1");
is($re->stats_raw(), 11, "stats raw 3x3 +1");
is($re->stats_cooked(), 11, "stats cooked 3x3 +1");
$re = new Regexp_Assemble();
is($re->stats_add(), 1, "stats add qm");
Example #6
	is(2, 3, 'is()');

	is("2", 3, 'is()');

	isnt(2, 2, 'isnt()');

	isnt(2, "2", 'isnt()');

	like("foo", '!oof!', 'like()');

	unlike("foo", '!oo!', 'unlike()');

	cmp_ok(1, '==', 2, 'cmp_ok()');

	cmp_ok(1, '>', 2, 'cmp_ok()');

	cmp_ok(2, '<', 1, 'cmp_ok()');

	can_ok($test_obj, array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'));

	isa_ok($test_obj, 'TestClass2');