 * @param string $id menu Id
 * @param string $value teh Menu-button value
 * @param array $items The menu items /
 * @param string $configuration The fg-menu configuration, See the options in
 *        http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/jquery_ipod_style_and_flyout_menus/
function ui_menu_init($id, $value, $items = array(), $configurations = array())
    $pattern = '';
    $buttoProperties = sprintf('tabindex="0" href="#%s"', $id);
    $defaultButtons = array('value' => $value, 'id' => $id, 'align' => 'right', 'icon' => 'triangle-1-e', 'corner' => 'all', 'properties' => $buttoProperties);
    if (isset($items['disabled'])) {
        if ($items['disabled'] == true) {
            $button = isset($items['button']) ? $items['button'] : array('button' => null);
            $buttonDisabled = array('state' => 'disabled');
            $items['button'] = is_array($button) ? array_merge($buttonDisabled, $button) : $buttonDisabled;
    if (isset($items['button'])) {
        $buttonConfiguration = $items['button'];
        $builder = isset($buttonConfiguration['builder']) ? $buttonConfiguration['builder'] : 'ui_link_button';
        $pattern .= $builder(array_merge($defaultButtons, $items['button']));
        if (isset($buttonConfiguration['state']) && strtolower($buttonConfiguration['state']) == 'disabled') {
            return $pattern;
    } else {
        $pattern .= ui_link_button($defaultButtons);
    $items = $items = _get_items_from_yml($items, 'menu');
    $configurations['content'] = isset($configurations['content']) ? $configurations['content'] : sprintf("\$('#%s').next().html()", $id);
    $configurations = get_default_widget_configuration('app_ys_jquery_ui_fg_menu_defaults', $configurations);
    $pattern .= sprintf('<div id="%sContent" class="hidden">', $id);
    $pattern .= array_to_html_list($items, 'fg_menu_list_formatter');
    $pattern .= '</div>';
    $menuPattern = _ui_fg_menu_pattern($configurations);
    $pattern .= add_jquery_support('#' . $id, 'menu', $menuPattern);
    return $pattern;
Example #2

echo ui_link_button(array('id' => 'btnBarListener', 'value' => 'Listener'));

<div class="demo">
  progressbar: <h1><span id="lblValue">80%</span></h1>
ui_progressbar_create('progressbar', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnBarListener', 'oneEvent' => 'click', 'before' => like_function(ui_progressbar_animate('#progressbar', 20))), 'value' => 80, 'change' => like_function("alert('Change Succesful')")), 'style="height:5px;width:50%"');
echo ui_progressbar_init_animation_now('#progressbar2', 500);

  progressbar2: <h1>25%</h1>
ui_progressbar_create('progressbar2', array('value' => 30));
</div><!-- End demo -->

<div class="demo-description">
<p>Default progress bar.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->
<fieldset><legend>Actions buttons for ui.dialog</legend>
 * All the buttons within a button pane will have the onhover effect
 * @param <type> $htmlProperties Html attributes and properties
 * @param <type> $tag The tag for the button pane
 * @return <type>
function ui_button_pane_init($type, $buttons = array(), $htmlProperties = '', $tag = 'div')
    $pattern = '<%s class="%s" %s>';
    if ($type == 'single') {
        $defaultClass = 'fg-buttonset fg-buttonset-single ui-helper-clearfix';
    } elseif ($type == 'multiple') {
        $defaultClass = 'fg-buttonset fg-buttonset-multi';
    } else {
        $defaultClass = 'fg-buttonset';
    $defaultClass = isset($buttons['class']) ? $defaultClass . ' ' . $buttons['class'] : $defaultClass;
    $pattern = sprintf($pattern, $tag, $defaultClass, $htmlProperties);
    if (is_array($buttons)) {
        $size = sizeof($buttons);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($buttons as $id => $button) {
            $button['id'] = isset($button['id']) ? $button['id'] : $id;
            if ((int) $size == 1 || $type == 'none') {
                $button['corner'] = isset($button['corner']) ? $button['corner'] : 'all';
            if ($i == 0) {
                $button['corner'] = isset($button['corner']) ? $button['corner'] : 'left';
            if (++$i == $size) {
                $button['corner'] = isset($button['corner']) ? $button['corner'] : 'right';
            if (isset($button['buttonType']) && strtolower($button['buttonType']) == 'button') {
                $pattern .= ui_button($button);
            } else {
                $pattern .= ui_link_button($button);
    return $pattern;
Example #4

echo ui_link_button(array('id' => 'btnDraggableListener', 'value' => 'Listener'));

<div class="demo">

<div id="draggable" class="ui-widget-content" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;">
	<p>Drag me to my target</p>
ui_draggable_support_to('#draggable', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnDraggableListener', 'event' => 'click', 'before' => like_function('alert("You can drag now to target")')), 'cursorAt' => array('cursor' => 'crosshair', 'top' => -5, 'left' => -5)));
<div id="noacceptable" class="ui-widget-content" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;">
	<p>Drag me to my target</p>
ui_draggable_support_to('#noacceptable', array('revert' => true, 'cursor' => 'move', 'cursorAt' => array('top' => -12, 'left' => -20), 'helper' => 'clone', 'helperFunction' => like_function("return \$('<div class=\"ui-widget-header\">But i\\'m no acceptable</div>')", 'event')));
<div id="droppable" class="ui-widget-header" style="width: 150px; height: 150px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px;">
	<p>Drop here</p>

ui_droppable_support_to('#droppable', array('drop' => like_function("\$(this).addClass('ui-state-highlight').find('p').html('Dropped!');"), 'deactivate' => like_function('alert("Deactivete successful")'), 'accept' => '#draggable', 'activeClass' => 'ui-state-active', 'addClasses' => true, 'greedy' => true, 'tolerance' => 'touch', 'hoverClass' => 'ui-state-hover'));
</div><!-- End demo -->
Example #5
echo ui_button(array('value' => 'Button', 'id' => 'btnId'));

Enable & Disable the buttons

echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Enable Link button', 'id' => 'enableLnkBtnId'));
echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Disable Link button', 'id' => 'disablelnkBtnId'));

echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Enable button', 'id' => 'enableBtnId'));
echo ui_link_button(array('value' => 'Disable button', 'id' => 'disableBtnId'));

echo add_jquery_support('#enableLnkBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_enable_button('#lnkBtnId', 'linkEnableAndDisableToggleFunction')));
echo add_jquery_support('#disablelnkBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_disable_link_button('#lnkBtnId')));

echo add_jquery_support('#enableBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_enable_button('#btnId')));
echo add_jquery_support('#disableBtnId', 'click', like_function(ui_disable_button('#btnId')));



<style type="text/css">
#feedback { font-size: 1.4em; }
#selectable .ui-selecting { background: #FECA40; }
#selectable .ui-selected { background: #F39814; color: white; }
#selectable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 60%; }
#selectable li { margin: 3px; padding: 0.4em; font-size: 1.4em; height: 18px; }

echo ui_link_button(array('id' => 'btnSelectableListener', 'value' => 'Listener'));

<div class="demo">
  <p id="feedback">
  You've selected: <span id="select-result">none</span>.

  <ol id="selectable">
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 1</li>
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 2</li>
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 3</li>
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 4</li>
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 5</li>
    <li class="ui-widget-content">Item 6</li>

echo ui_link_button(array('id' => 'btnAccordionListener', 'value' => 'Listener'));

ui_accordion_init('accordionId', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnAccordionListener', 'event' => 'click', 'after' => like_function(jquery_execute_effect('#accordionId', 'show'))), 'event' => 'click', 'fillSpace' => false, 'animated' => 'bounceslide', 'active' => '#section2', 'icons' => array('header' => 'ui-icon-plus', 'headerSelected' => 'ui-icon-minus'), 'alwaysOpen' => false, 'autoHeight' => false, 'navigation' => false), 'style="display:none"');

ui_accordion_init_section('Lorem ipsum', 'id="section1"');
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
        sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
        Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
        nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
        reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla
        pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
        culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum
ui_accordion_init_section('What is Lorem ipsum?', 'id="section2"');


echo ui_link_button(array('id' => 'btnDatepickerListener', 'value' => 'Listener'));

<style type="text/css">
	.ui-datepicker { z-index: 10000; }

  Default in-line:
ui_datepicker_create('listenerDatepicker', array('listener' => array('selector' => '#btnDatepickerListener', 'event' => 'click', 'after' => like_function(ui_datepicker_regional('#listenerDatepicker', 'uk')))));

<div id="datepickerDiv"></div>

<legend> Example: Actions buttons for ui.datepicker </legend>
echo ui_button_pane_init($type = 'single', array('btnDestroyDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Destroy'), 'btnBuildDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Build'), 'btnDisableDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Disable'), 'btnEnableDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Enable'), 'btnGetDatepickerOption' => array('value' => 'Get option'), 'btnSetDatepickerOption' => array('value' => 'Set option'), 'btnIsDisabledDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Is disabled'), 'btnHideDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Hide'), 'btnShowDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Show'), 'btnGetDatepickerDate' => array('value' => 'Get Date'), 'btnSetDatepickerDate' => array('value' => 'Set Date'), 'btnDialogDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Dialog'), 'btnl18nDatepicker' => array('value' => 'Localizaction[es]')));