?> <div class="stacks"> <?php ui_box_rounded('uiFcBoxBlueR'); ?> <p class="pass" title="Cards remembered">0</p> <p class="fail" title="Cards forgotten">0</p> <?php echo end_ui_box(); ?> </div> <div class="finish"> <?php ui_box_rounded('uiFcBoxBlueR'); ?> <a href="#" class="uiFcAction-end" title="Finish - go to review summary">End</a> <?php echo end_ui_box(); ?> </div> </div><!-- uiFcStats --> </td> </tr> <tr class="bottom"> <td class="layout"></td> <td class="layout">
<?php echo tag('div', $options, true); ?> <div class="window-container"> <div class="window-top"> <div class="window-handle"></div> <a href="#" class="close" title="Close Window"></a> </div> <div class="window-body"> <?php echo $content; ?> </div> </div> <div class="underlay"> <?php ui_box_rounded('uiWindowUnderlay'); ?> <?php echo end_ui_box(); ?> </div> </div>
<p>Having trouble remembering the characters? Don't hesitate to browse the <?php echo link_to('RtK Volume 1 forum', $sRtKForumUrl); ?> where you can find help and guidance from fellow members!</p> <?php } ?> « <?php echo link_to('Back to Review', '@overview'); ?> </div> <div class="chart"> <?php ui_box_rounded('uiBoxRDefault'); ?> <?php echo ui_chart_vs(array('valueLeft' => $numRemembered, 'labelLeft' => 'Remembered', 'valueRight' => $numForgotten, 'labelRight' => 'Forgotten')); ?> <?php echo end_ui_box(); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="summaryTable"> <?php include_component('review', 'summaryTable', array('ts_start' => $ts_start)); ?>
pre_start('code'); ?> ui_box_rounded($box_class = 'uiBoxRDefault'); string end_ui_box() <?php pre_end(); ?> <p>Usage</p> <?php pre_start('html'); ?> ui_box_rounded('uiBoxCustom') <p>...html content...</p> echo end_ui_box() <?php pre_end(); ?> <h2>Examples</h2> <?php ui_box_rounded(); ?> This is the box's contents <?php echo end_ui_box(); ?>