function getUgroupMembers($ugroupId, $groupId) { require_once 'www/project/admin/ugroup_utils.php'; if ($ugroupId > 100) { $sql = ugroup_db_get_members($ugroupId); } else { $sql = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($ugroupId, false, $groupId); } return $this->retrieve($sql); }
$lbl_list = array('group' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_group'), 'username' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_username', array($GLOBALS['sys_name'])), 'realname' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_realname')); $um = UserManager::instance(); switch ($export) { case 'user_groups': $sep = get_csv_separator(); $eol = "\n"; $name = 'export_user_groups_' . $project->getUnixName() . '.csv'; header('Content-Disposition: filename=' . $name); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); echo build_csv_header($col_list, $lbl_list) . $eol; $ugs = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($group_id, array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN'])); while ($ugrp = db_fetch_array($ugs)) { if ($ugrp['ugroup_id'] <= 100) { $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($ugrp['ugroup_id'], false, $group_id); } else { $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_members($ugrp['ugroup_id']); } $users = db_query($sqlUsers); while ($user = db_fetch_array($users)) { $r = array('group' => util_translate_name_ugroup($ugrp['name']), 'username' => $user['user_name'], 'realname' => $um->getUserById($user['user_id'])->getRealname()); echo build_csv_record($col_list, $r) . $eol; } } break; case 'user_groups_format': echo '<h3>' . $Language->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'exp_format') . '</h3>'; echo '<p>' . $Language->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'exp_format_msg') . '</p>'; // Pick-up a random project member $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], false, $group_id); $users = db_query($sqlUsers); $uRow = db_fetch_array($users);
/** * Filter static ugroups that contain project admins. * Retun value is the number of non project admins * in the filtered ugroups. * * @param Integer $groupId * @param Array $ugroups * @param Array $validUgroups * * @return Integer */ function ugroup_count_non_admin_for_static_ugroups($groupId, $ugroups, &$validUGroups) { $containNonAdmin = 0; $uGroup = ugroup_get_ugroup(); foreach ($ugroups as $ugroupId) { if ($uGroup->exists($groupId, $ugroupId)) { $sql = ugroup_db_get_members($ugroupId); $arrayUsers = ugroup_count_project_admins($groupId, $sql); $nonAdmin = $arrayUsers['non_admins']; $containAdmin = $arrayUsers['admins']; if ($containAdmin > 0) { $validUGroups[] = $ugroupId; $containNonAdmin += $nonAdmin; } } } return $containNonAdmin; }
/** * Get the list of people to notify when Watermarking is disabled * * Notify the Docman admins. * Current code is not really clean, but as there is no clean interface * for ugroups & permission manangement... * * @return Array */ public function getPeopleToNotifyWhenWatermarkingIsDisabled($item) { $res = permission_db_authorized_ugroups('PLUGIN_DOCMAN_ADMIN', $item->getGroupId()); if (db_numrows($res) == 0) { $res = permission_db_get_defaults('PLUGIN_DOCMAN_ADMIN'); } $admins = array(); $um = UserManager::instance(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($row['ugroup_id'] < 101) { $sql = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($row['ugroup_id'], 0, $item->getGroupId()); } else { $sql = ugroup_db_get_members($row['ugroup_id']); } $res_members = db_query($sql); while ($row_members = db_fetch_array($res_members)) { $admins[] = $um->getUserById($row_members['user_id'])->getEmail(); } } return $admins; }
function getMembersId($id) { include_once 'www/project/admin/ugroup_utils.php'; $ret = array(); $sql = ugroup_db_get_members($id); $dar = $this->retrieve($sql); if ($dar && !$dar->isError()) { foreach ($dar as $row) { $ret[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_id']; } } return $ret; }
/** * Get the list of users to be notified by the event * * @return array */ function getNotifiedPeople() { global $art_field_fact; //Instantiate a new Artifact object $group = ProjectManager::instance()->getProject($this->getGroupId()); $at = new ArtifactType($group, $this->getGroupArtifactId()); $art_field_fact = new ArtifactFieldFactory($at); $art = new Artifact($at, $this->getArtifactId(), false); $notified_people = array(); $sql = sprintf('SELECT notified_people FROM artifact_date_reminder_settings' . ' WHERE reminder_id=%d' . ' AND group_artifact_id=%d' . ' AND field_id=%d', db_ei($this->getReminderId()), db_ei($this->getGroupArtifactId()), db_ei($this->getFieldId())); $res = db_query($sql); $notif = db_result($res, 0, 'notified_people'); $notif_array = explode(",", $notif); foreach ($notif_array as $item) { if ($item == 1) { //Submitter $submitter = $art->getSubmittedBy(); //add submitter in the 'notified_people' array if (!in_array(user_getemail($submitter), $notified_people) && $submitter != 100 && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($submitter)) { $count = count($notified_people); $notified_people[$count] = user_getemail($submitter); } } else { if ($item == 2) { //Assigned To $assignee_array = array(); $multi_assigned_to = $art_field_fact->getFieldFromName('multi_assigned_to'); if (is_object($multi_assigned_to)) { //Multi-Assigned To field if ($multi_assigned_to->isUsed()) { $assignee_array = $art->getMultiAssignedTo(); } } else { $assigned_to = $art_field_fact->getFieldFromName('assigned_to'); if (is_object($assigned_to)) { //Assigned To field if ($assigned_to->isUsed()) { $assignee_array = array($art->getValue('assigned_to')); } } } $index = count($notified_people); if (count($assignee_array) > 0) { foreach ($assignee_array as $assignee) { if (!in_array(user_getemail($assignee), $notified_people) && $assignee != 100 && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($assignee)) { $notified_people[$index] = user_getemail($assignee); $index++; } } } } else { if ($item == 3) { //CC $cc_array = $art->getCCIdList(); if (count($cc_array) > 0) { $index = count($notified_people); foreach ($cc_array as $cc_id) { $cc = user_getemail($cc_id); if (!in_array($cc, $notified_people) && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($cc_id)) { //add CC list in the 'notified_people' array $notified_people[$index] = $cc; $index++; } } } } else { if ($item == 4) { //Commenter $res_com = $art->getCommenters(); if (db_numrows($res_com) > 0) { $index = count($notified_people); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res_com)) { $commenter = $row['mod_by']; if (!in_array(user_getemail($commenter), $notified_people) && $commenter != 100 && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($commenter)) { //add Commenters in the 'notified_people' array $notified_people[$index] = user_getemail($commenter); $index++; } } } } else { if (preg_match("/^g/", $item)) { // user-group $ugr_id = (int) substr($item, 1); if ($ugr_id > 100) { // user-defined ugroup $qry = ugroup_db_get_members($ugr_id); $result = db_query($qry); if (db_numrows($result) > 0) { $idx = count($notified_people); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { $usr = $row['user_id']; if (!in_array(user_getemail($usr), $notified_people) && $usr != 100 && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($usr)) { //add ugroup members in the 'notified_people' array $notified_people[$idx] = user_getemail($usr); $idx++; } } } } else { // predefined ugroup $qry = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($ugr_id, $this->getGroupArtifactId(), $this->getGroupId()); $result = db_query($qry); if (db_numrows($result) > 0) { $idx = count($notified_people); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { $usr = $row['user_id']; if (!in_array(user_getemail($usr), $notified_people) && $usr != 100 && $this->isUserAllowedToBeNotified($usr)) { //add ugroup members in the 'notified_people' array $notified_people[$idx] = user_getemail($usr); $idx++; } } } } } } } } } } return $notified_people; }
/** * Get all values to be displayed in the field depending of a ugroup list * * @param array $ugroups, a list of ugroups * @param string $keyword * * @return Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind_UsersValue[] */ protected function getAllValuesByUGroupList($ugroups, $keyword = null) { if ($this->values) { return $this->values; } $this->values = array(); $da = $this->getDefaultValueDao()->getDa(); $sql = array(); $tracker = $this->field->getTracker(); $tracker_id = $da->escapeInt($tracker->id); $user_helper = UserHelper::instance(); foreach ($ugroups as $ugroup) { if ($ugroup) { switch ($ugroup) { case 'group_members': $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $tracker_id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); break; case 'group_admins': $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN'], $tracker_id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); break; case 'artifact_submitters': $display_name_sql = $user_helper->getDisplayNameSQLQuery(); $order_by_sql = $user_helper->getDisplayNameSQLOrder(); if ($keyword) { $keyword = $da->quoteSmart('%' . $keyword . '%'); } $keyword_sql = $keyword ? "HAVING full_name LIKE {$keyword}" : ""; $sql[] = "(\n SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id, {$display_name_sql}, user.user_name\n FROM tracker_artifact AS a\n INNER JOIN user\n ON ( user.user_id = a.submitted_by AND a.tracker_id = {$tracker_id} )\n {$keyword_sql}\n ORDER BY {$order_by_sql}\n )"; break; case 'artifact_modifiers': $display_name_sql = $user_helper->getDisplayNameSQLQuery(); $order_by_sql = $user_helper->getDisplayNameSQLOrder(); if ($keyword) { $keyword = $da->quoteSmart('%' . $keyword . '%'); } $keyword_sql = $keyword ? "HAVING full_name LIKE {$keyword}" : ""; $sql[] = "(\n SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id, {$display_name_sql}, user.user_name\n FROM tracker_artifact AS a\n INNER JOIN tracker_changeset c ON = c.artifact_id\n INNER JOIN user\n ON ( user.user_id = c.submitted_by AND a.tracker_id = {$tracker_id} )\n {$keyword_sql}\n ORDER BY {$order_by_sql}\n )"; break; default: if (preg_match('/ugroup_([0-9]+)/', $ugroup, $matches)) { if (strlen($matches[1]) > 2) { $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_members($matches[1], true, $keyword); } else { $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($matches[1], $tracker_id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); } } } } } if (!empty($sql) && $sql[0] != null) { $dao = $this->getDefaultValueDao(); foreach ($dao->retrieve(implode(' UNION ', $sql)) as $row) { $this->values[$row['user_id']] = new Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind_UsersValue($row['user_id'], $row['user_name'], $row['full_name']); } } return $this->values; }
/** * Return all possible values for a select box field * Rk: if the checked value is given then it means that we want this value * in the list in any case (even if it is hidden and active_only is requested) * * @return array */ function getFieldPredefinedValues($group_artifact_id, $checked = false, $by_field_id = false, $active_only = true, $use_cache = false, $with_display_preferences = false) { // ArtifactTypeHtml object created in index.php global $ath, $RES_CACHE; // The "Assigned_to" box requires some special processing // because possible values are project members) and they are // not stored in the artifact_field_value table but in the user_group table $value_func = $this->getGlobalValueFunction(); if (count($value_func) > 0) { $show_suspended = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($value_func); $i++) { if ($value_func[$i] == 'group_members') { $qry_value[$i] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $group_artifact_id, $ath->getGroupID(), $with_display_preferences, null, $show_suspended); } else { if ($value_func[$i] == 'group_admins') { $qry_value[$i] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN'], $group_artifact_id, $ath->getGroupID(), $with_display_preferences, null, $show_suspended); } else { if ($value_func[$i] == 'tracker_admins') { $qry_value[$i] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_TRACKER_ADMIN'], $group_artifact_id, $ath->getGroupID(), $with_display_preferences, null, $show_suspended); } else { if ($value_func[$i] == 'artifact_submitters') { $qry_value[$i] = $ath->getSubmitters($with_display_preferences); } else { if (preg_match('/ugroup_([0-9]+)/', $value_func[$i], $matches)) { if (strlen($matches[1]) > 2) { $qry_value[$i] = ugroup_db_get_members($matches[1], $with_display_preferences); } else { $qry_value[$i] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($matches[1], $group_artifact_id, $ath->getGroupID(), $with_display_preferences, null, $show_suspended); } } } } } } } $qry = $qry_value[0]; if (count($qry_value) > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($qry_value); $i++) { $qry = $qry . " UNION " . $qry_value[$i]; } } $res_value = db_query($qry); } else { // If only active field $status_cond = ""; if ($active_only) { if ($checked && !is_array($checked)) { //TODO: investigate why $checked may be an array $status_cond = "AND (status IN ('A','P') OR value_id='" . db_ei($checked) . "') "; } else { $status_cond = "AND status IN ('A','P') "; } } // CAUTION !! the fields value_id and value must be first in the // select statement because the output is used in the html_build_select_box // function // Look for project specific values first $sql = "SELECT value_id,value,field_id,group_artifact_id,description,order_id,status " . "FROM artifact_field_value_list " . "WHERE group_artifact_id=" . db_ei($group_artifact_id) . " AND field_id= " . db_ei($this->field_id) . " " . $status_cond . " ORDER BY order_id ASC"; // Use cache ? if ($use_cache) { if (isset($RES_CACHE[$sql])) { $res_value = $RES_CACHE[$sql]; } else { $res_value = db_query($sql); $RES_CACHE[$sql] = $res_value; } } else { $res_value = db_query($sql); } $rows = db_numrows($res_value); } return $res_value; }
/** * @param string $keyword * * @return array */ public function getAllValues($keyword = null) { $sql = array(); $da = CodendiDataAccess::instance(); if (!$this->values) { $this->values = array(); if (count($this->value_function) > 0) { $sql = array(); $uh = UserHelper::instance(); $tracker = $this->field->getTracker(); foreach ($this->value_function as $function) { if ($function) { switch ($function) { case 'group_members': $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $tracker->id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); break; case 'group_admins': $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN'], $tracker->id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); break; case 'artifact_submitters': $da = CodendiDataAccess::instance(); $field_id = $da->escapeInt($this->field->id); $tracker_id = $da->escapeInt($tracker->id); if ($keyword) { $keyword = $da->quoteSmart('%' . $keyword . '%'); } $sql[] = "(SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id, user.user_name, " . $uh->getDisplayNameSQLQuery() . "\n FROM tracker_artifact AS a\n INNER JOIN user\n ON ( user.user_id = a.submitted_by AND a.tracker_id = {$tracker->id} )\n " . ($keyword ? "HAVING full_name LIKE {$keyword}" : "") . "\n ORDER BY " . $uh->getDisplayNameSQLOrder() . "\n )"; break; default: if (preg_match('/ugroup_([0-9]+)/', $function, $matches)) { if (strlen($matches[1]) > 2) { $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_members($matches[1], true, $keyword); } else { $sql[] = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($matches[1], $tracker->id, $tracker->group_id, true, $keyword); } } break; } } } if ($sql) { $dao = new DataAccessObject(); $this->values = array(); foreach ($dao->retrieve(implode(' UNION ', $sql)) as $row) { $this->values[$row['user_id']] = new Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind_UsersValue($row['user_id'], $row['user_name'], $row['full_name']); } } } } return $this->values; }