function displayCatalog($catalog, &$lnk, $deep = 0, $count) { // foreach ($catalog->{u('Группа')} as $group) { $d = array('id' => u2w($group->{u('Ид')}), 'name' => u2w($group->{u('Наименование')})); ?> <tr> <td style="padding-left:<?php echo $deep * 20; ?> px;"> <?php echo $d['name']; ?> <?php //=print_r($count) ?> <?php if (!empty($count[$d['id']])) { ?> [<?php echo $count[$d['id']]; ?> ]<?php } ?> </td> <td> <input style="font-size:7pt;width:50px" name="lnk[<?php echo $d['id']; ?> ]" value="<?php echo !empty($lnk[$d['id']]) ? $lnk[$d['id']] : ''; ?> "> </td> <td style="white-space:nowrap"> <?php echo $d['id']; ?> </td> <td> <?php /*a class="move" rel="<?=$d['id']?>" title="Переместить дочерние узлы" href="#"><img src="/img/pic/move_16.gif"/></a*/ ?> <a class="move_to" rel="<?php echo $d['id']; ?> " title="Переместить дочерние узлы в текущий каталог" href="#"><img src="/img/pic/move_16.gif"/></a> </td> </tr> <?php if (!empty($group->{u('Группы')})) { displayCatalog($group->{u('Группы')}, $lnk, $deep + 1, $count); } } }
function fill_ext_catalog($groups) { $res = array(); foreach ($groups->{u('Группа')} as $group) { $d = array('id' => u2w($group->{u('Ид')}), 'name' => u2w($group->{u('Наименование')}), 'ch' => array()); if (!empty($group->{u('Группы')})) { $d['ch'] = fill_ext_catalog($group->{u('Группы')}); } $res[] = $d; } return $res; }
function _storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part) { // attachment $attach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); // Filename is present in both Content-Type: name=.. and in Content-Disposition: filename= if (isset($part->ctype_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->ctype_parameters["name"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["filename"])) { //sending appointment with nokia only filename is set $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { $filename = "untitled"; } } } // Set filename and attachment type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE)); // Set attachment data mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $part->body)); // Set MIME type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary)); mapi_savechanges($attach); }
function getSearchResults($searchquery, $searchrange) { // only return users from who the displayName or the username starts with $name //TODO: use PR_ANR for this restriction instead of PR_DISPLAY_NAME and PR_ACCOUNT $addrbook = mapi_openaddressbook($this->_session); $ab_entryid = mapi_ab_getdefaultdir($addrbook); $ab_dir = mapi_ab_openentry($addrbook, $ab_entryid); $table = mapi_folder_getcontentstable($ab_dir); $restriction = $this->_getSearchRestriction(u2w($searchquery)); mapi_table_restrict($table, $restriction); mapi_table_sort($table, array(PR_DISPLAY_NAME => TABLE_SORT_ASCEND)); //range for the search results, default symbian range end is 50, wm 99, //so we'll use that of nokia $rangestart = 0; $rangeend = 50; if ($searchrange != '0') { $pos = strpos($searchrange, '-'); $rangestart = substr($searchrange, 0, $pos); $rangeend = substr($searchrange, $pos + 1); } $items = array(); $querycnt = mapi_table_getrowcount($table); //do not return more results as requested in range $querylimit = $rangeend + 1 < $querycnt ? $rangeend + 1 : $querycnt; $items['range'] = $rangestart . '-' . ($querylimit - 1); $abentries = mapi_table_queryrows($table, array(PR_ACCOUNT, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER), $rangestart, $querylimit); for ($i = 0; $i < $querylimit; $i++) { $items[$i]["username"] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_ACCOUNT]); $items[$i]["fullname"] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_DISPLAY_NAME]); if (strlen(trim($items[$i]["fullname"])) == 0) { $items[$i]["fullname"] = $items[$i]["username"]; } $items[$i]["emailaddress"] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_SMTP_ADDRESS]); $items[$i]["nameid"] = $searchquery; //check if an user has a business phone or it might produce warnings in the log $items[$i]["businessphone"] = isset($abentries[$i][PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER]) ? w2u($abentries[$i][PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER]) : ""; } return $items; }
private function KolabWriteTask($message, $id) { if (!$id) { $uid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time()))); } else { $uid = $id; } $object = array('uid' => $uid, 'start' => $message->utcstartdate, 'due' => $message->utcduedate, 'name' => u2w($message->subject)); if (isset($message->rtf)) { $object['body'] = $this->rtf2text($message->rtf); } if ($message->reminderset == 1) { $object['alarm'] = ($message->remindertime - $message->utcstartdate) / 60; } //categories if (isset($message->categories)) { $object['categories'] = u2w(join(',', $message->categories)); } switch ($message->importance) { case 0: $object["priority"] = 5; break; case 1: $object["priority"] = 3; break; case 2: $object["priority"] = 1; break; } if ($message->complete == 1) { $object['completed'] = 100; $object['completed_date'] = $message->datecompleted; } else { $object['completed'] = 0; } switch ($message->sensitivity) { case 1: case 2: $object["sensitivity"] = "private"; break; case 3: $object["sensitivity"] = "confidential"; } //recurence if (isset($message->recurrence)) { $object["recurrence"] = $this->kolabWriteReccurence($message->reccurence); } $format = Horde_Kolab_Format::factory('XML', 'task'); $xml = $format->save($object); unset($format); // set the mail // attach the XML file $mail = $this->mail_attach("kolab.xml", 0, $xml, "kolab message", "text/plain", "plain", "application/x-vnd.kolab.task"); //add header $h["from"] = $this->_email; $h["to"] = $this->_email; $h["X-Mailer"] = "z-push-Kolab Backend"; $h["subject"] = $object["uid"]; $h["message-id"] = "<" . strtoupper(md5(uniqid(time()))) . ">"; $h["date"] = date(DATE_RFC2822); foreach (array_keys($h) as $i) { $header = $header . $i . ": " . $h[$i] . "\r\n"; } //return the mail formatted return array($object['uid'], $h['date'], $header . $mail[0] . "\r\n" . $mail[1]); }
function _storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part) { // attachment $attach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); $filename = ""; // Filename is present in both Content-Type: name=.. and in Content-Disposition: filename= debugLog("_storeAttachment: " . print_r($part, true)); if (isset($part->ctype_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->ctype_parameters["name"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["filename"])) { // sending appointment with nokia & android only filename is set $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["filename*0"])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($part->d_parameters); $i++) { if (isset($part->d_parameters["filename*" . $i])) { $filename .= $part->d_parameters["filename*" . $i]; } } } else { $filename = "untitled"; } } } } // Android just doesn't send content-type, so mimeDecode doesn't performs base64 decoding // on meeting requests text/calendar somewhere inside content-transfer-encoding if (isset($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) && strpos($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'], 'base64')) { if (strpos($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'], 'text/calendar') !== false) { $part->ctype_primary = 'text'; $part->ctype_secondary = 'calendar'; } if (!isset($part->headers['content-type'])) { $part->body = base64_decode($part->body); } } if ($part->ctype_primary == 'multipart' && $part->ctype_secondary == 'signed') { // Set filename and attachment type $filename = "smime.p7m"; mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE, PR_ATTACH_TAG => hex2bin("2A864886F714030A04"))); } else { if ($part->ctype_primary == 'application' && $part->ctype_secondary == 'x-pkcs7-mime') { $filename = "smime.p7m"; mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE, PR_ATTACH_TAG => hex2bin("2A864886F714030A04"))); } else { // Set filename and attachment type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE)); } } // Set attachment data mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $part->body)); // Set MIME type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary)); mapi_savechanges($attach); }
/** * Sets the properties for an address string. * * @param string $type which address is being set * @param string $city * @param string $country * @param string $postalcode * @param string $state * @param string $street * @param array &$props * @param array &$properties * * @access private * @return */ private function setAddress($type, &$city, &$country, &$postalcode, &$state, &$street, &$props, &$properties) { if (isset($city)) { $props[$properties[$type . "city"]] = $city = u2w($city); } if (isset($country)) { $props[$properties[$type . "country"]] = $country = u2w($country); } if (isset($postalcode)) { $props[$properties[$type . "postalcode"]] = $postalcode = u2w($postalcode); } if (isset($state)) { $props[$properties[$type . "state"]] = $state = u2w($state); } if (isset($street)) { $props[$properties[$type . "street"]] = $street = u2w($street); } //set composed address $address = Utils::BuildAddressString($street, $postalcode, $city, $state, $country); if ($address) { $props[$properties[$type . "address"]] = $address; } }
/** * Creates SyncResolveRecipient object for ResolveRecipientsResponse. * @param int $type * @param string $email * @param array $recipientProperties * @param int $recipientCount * * @return SyncResolveRecipient */ private function createResolveRecipient($type, $email, $recipientProperties, $recipientCount = 0) { $recipient = new SyncResolveRecipient(); $recipient->type = $type; $recipient->displayname = u2w($recipientProperties[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]); $recipient->emailaddress = $email; if ($type == SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_GAL) { $certificateProp = PR_EMS_AB_TAGGED_X509_CERT; } elseif ($type == SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_CONTACT) { $certificateProp = PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE; } else { $certificateProp = null; } if (isset($recipientProperties[$certificateProp]) && is_array($recipientProperties[$certificateProp]) && !empty($recipientProperties[$certificateProp])) { $certificates = $this->getCertificates($recipientProperties[$certificateProp], $recipientCount); } else { $certificates = $this->getCertificates(false); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO, sprintf("No certificate found for '%s' (requested email address: '%s')", $recipientProperties[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $email)); } $recipient->certificates = $certificates; if (isset($recipientProperties[PR_ENTRYID])) { $recipient->id = $recipientProperties[PR_ENTRYID]; } return $recipient; }
static function import1c_old($params = array()) { global $CONFIG, $ST; set_time_limit(1000); $start_time = time(); $result = "Не найден контрольный файл"; // $PRICE_EXPR=$CONFIG['SHOP_SRV_PRICE_EXPR']; // $PRICE_EXPR_ACT=$CONFIG['SHOP_SRV_PRICE_EXPR_ACT']; $dir = CATALOG_DIR; $save_dir = $dir . '/save'; $goods = $dir . '/' . GOODS_FILE_NAME; // $goods_skidki=$dir.'/'.GOODS_SKIDKI_FILE_NAME; $goods_price = $dir . '/' . GOODS_PRICE_FILE_NAME; $ok_file = $dir . '/' . CATALOG_FILE_CONFIRM; $log_file = $dir . '/log.txt'; if (file_exists($ok_file) || true) { //&& extract_files(CATALOG_DIR.'/'.CATALOG_ARCHIV_NAME) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //товары if (file_exists($goods) && file_exists($goods_price)) { $cnt_imp = 0; $lnk = array(); $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_srv_extcat"); while ($rs->next()) { $lnk[$rs->get('id')] = $rs->getInt('lnk'); } // $ST->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE sc_shop_item_tmp"); $i = 0; $j = 0; $rows = array(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($goods); $goods_list = $xml->{u('Каталог')}->{u('Товар')}; foreach ($goods_list as $data) { break; $d = array('id' => u2w($data->{u('Ид')}), 'category' => u2w($data->{u('Группы')}->{u('Ид')}), 'name' => str_replace('.', '. ', u2w($data->{u('Наименование')})), 'description' => str_replace('.', '. ', u2w($data->{u('Наименование')})), 'product' => ($p = u2w($data->{u('Артикул')})) ? $p : '', 'barcode' => u2w($data->{u('Штрихкод')}), 'unit' => intval(1), 'pack_size' => 0, 'pack_only' => 0, 'img' => ''); // if('133a0fa1-4694-11e2-922a-00155d0a010e'==$d['id']){ // file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/test.txt',$d['id'],FILE_APPEND); // } if (!empty($data->{u('ЗначенияСвойств')}->{u('ЗначенияСвойства')})) { foreach ($data->{u('ЗначенияСвойств')}->{u('ЗначенияСвойства')} as $data) { if ($data->{u('Ид')} == u('НоменклатураКод')) { // $d['img']=trim(u2w($data->{u('Значение')})); // $d['product']=$d['img']; //22.11.2012 $d['img'] = trim(u2w($data->{u('Значение')})); // $d['kod']=$d['img']; // break; } if ($data->{u('Ид')} == u('НоменклатураКоличествоВУпаковке')) { $d['pack_size'] = u2w($data->{u('Значение')}); // break; } if ($data->{u('Ид')} == u('НоменклатураОтгружаетсяТолькоУпаковками')) { $d['pack_only'] = u2w($data->{u('Значение')}) == 'true' ? 1 : 0; // break; } } } if (isset($lnk[$d['category']])) { $d['category'] = $lnk[$d['category']]; } elseif ($d['category'] == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') { $d['category'] = 0; //Нераспределённый товар } else { continue; } $rows[] = $d; // if('133a0fa1-4694-11e2-922a-00155d0a010e'==$d['id']){ // file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/test.txt',print_r($d,true),FILE_APPEND); // // $ST->insert("sc_shop_item_tmp",$d); // } if (++$i && $i % 200 == 0) { $ST->insertArr("sc_shop_item_tmp", $rows); $rows = array(); } $cnt_imp++; } if ($rows) { $ST->insertArr("sc_shop_item_tmp", $rows); } //цены $xml = simplexml_load_file($goods_price); $goods_list = $xml->{u('ПакетПредложений')}->{u('Предложения')}->{u('Предложение')}; foreach ($goods_list as $data) { break; $id = u2w($data->{u('Ид')}); $d = array('price' => u2w($data->{u('Цены')}->{u('Цена')}->{u('ЦенаЗаЕдиницу')}), 'in_stock' => u2w($data->{u('Количество')})); if (floatval($d['price'])) { //только при наличии цены(скорее всего в любом случае) // if($new_price=floatval(@eval('return '.str_replace('PRICE',$d['price'],$PRICE_EXPR).';'))){ // $d['price']=round($new_price,2); // } $ST->update("sc_shop_item_tmp", $d, "id='{$id}'"); } } $cnt_upd = 0; $cnt_ins = 0; //Обнулим что нужно $ST->update("sc_shop_item i", array('in_stock' => 0), "EXISTS(SELECT id FROM sc_shop_item_tmp t WHERE AND (t.in_stock=0))"); //Сначало обновим то что можно//t.pack_only, $res = $ST->select("SELECT,t.category,t.product,t.price,t.in_stock,i.price as old_price\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM sc_shop_item_tmp t,sc_shop_item i \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.price>0 AND AND (t.price <> i.price OR t.in_stock<>i.in_stock OR t.category<>i.category)"); $i = 0; while ($res->next()) { // $r= ++$i.' U '.$res->get('id').'<br>'."\n"; // echo $r; // ob_flush(); $d = $res->getRow(); if (floatval($d['price']) != floatval($d['old_price'])) { $ST->insert('sc_shop_srv_diff', array('product' => $d['id'], 'price_old' => floatval($d['old_price']), 'price_new' => floatval($d['price']))); } unset($d['old_price']); unset($d['id']); if ($d['category'] == 0) { unset($d['category']); } $ST->update("sc_shop_item", $d, "id=" . $res->get('id') . ' LIMIT 1'); $cnt_upd++; // file_put_contents('log.txt',$r,FILE_APPEND); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Потом добавим то чего нет //pack_size,pack_only,,unit,weight_flg $res = $ST->select("SELECT id,product,category,name,description,price,in_stock \r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM sc_shop_item_tmp t \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.price>0 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT id FROM sc_shop_item i WHERE"); $i = 0; $rows = array(); while ($res->next()) { $d = $res->getRow(); $d['ext_id'] = $d['id']; unset($d['id']); $cnt_ins++; $rows[] = $d; if (++$i && $i % 200 == 0) { $ST->insertArr("sc_shop_item", $rows); $rows = array(); } } if ($rows) { $ST->insertArr("sc_shop_item", $rows); } //импорт картинок function getImgList($dir) { global $ST, $CONFIG; $d = opendir($dir); while ($file = readdir($d)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) { getImgList($dir . '/' . $file); } else { $ext_id = preg_replace('/\\.[a-z]+$/', '', $file); // $rs=$ST->select("SELECT id FROM sc_shop_item WHERE ext_id='$ext_id'"); $rs = $ST->select("SELECT FROM sc_shop_item i,sc_shop_item_tmp it WHERE AND it.img='{$ext_id}'"); if ($rs->next()) { copy($dir . '/' . $file, '.' . $CONFIG['CATALOG_PATH'] . '/goods/' . $file); $ST->update('sc_shop_item', array('img' => $CONFIG['CATALOG_PATH'] . '/goods/' . $file), 'id=' . $rs->get('id')); } } } } closedir($d); } if (file_exists(CATALOG_DIR . '/' . CATALOG_IMG)) { getImgList(CATALOG_DIR . '/' . CATALOG_IMG); } // removeDirectory(CATALOG_DIR.'/'.CATALOG_IMG); if (!file_exists($save_dir)) { mkdir($save_dir); } $stop_time = time(); $t = $stop_time - $start_time; $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' - Время загрузки=' . $t . '; Импортировано=' . $cnt_imp . '; Добавлено=' . $cnt_ins . '; Обновлено=' . $cnt_upd . "\r\n"; file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND); } else { $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - не найден один из файлов {$goods}, {$goods_price}\r\n"; file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND); } } return $result; }
function actTmpImpCartshop() { set_time_limit(0); global $ST; echo "test"; // exit; /* 1 = (string:121) D-Pigment ЛЕЖЕР Средство для осветления темных пятен-228x228.jpg */ $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item WHERE img='' "); //AND id=717 while ($rs->next()) { $c = file_get_contents("{$rs->getInt('id')}"); $c = u2w($c); if (preg_match('|src="(.+)".*id="image"|Um', $c, $res)) { $img_src = str_replace('cache/', '', $res[1]); $img_src = str_replace('-228x228', '', $img_src); if ($img = @get_url(iconv('cp1251', 'utf-8', $img_src))) { $img_name = preg_replace('|.*data/|', '', $img_src); $img_name = str_replace('/', '_', $img_name); $img_name = "storage/catalog/goods/" . $img_name; if (!file_exists($img_name)) { file_put_contents($img_name, $img); } $field_ext['img'] = "/" . $img_name; } else { $field_ext['img'] = ""; } $ST->update('sc_shop_item', array('img' => $field_ext['img']), "id={$rs->getInt('id')}"); } } }
static function import1cV2($params = array()) { global $CONFIG, $ST; set_time_limit(1000); $start_time = time(); $dir = CATALOG_DIR; $goods_price = $dir . '/' . GOODS_PRICE_FILE_NAME; $log_file = $dir . '/log.txt'; $cnt_upd_price = 0; $cnt_ins = 0; $cnt_upd = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //остатки if (file_exists($goods_price)) { $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\r\n"; file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND); //цены $xml = simplexml_load_file($goods_price); //Склад // $sklad=$xml->{u('ПакетПредложений')}->{u('Владелец')}->{u('Ид')}; $goods_list = $xml->{u('ПакетПредложений')}->{u('Предложения')}->{u('Предложение')}; foreach ($goods_list as $data) { $id = u2w($data->{u('Ид')}); $d = array('price' => u2w($data->{u('Цены')}->{u('Цена')}->{u('ЦенаЗаЕдиницу')}), 'in_stock' => u2w($data->{u('Количество')})); $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item WHERE ext_id='" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($rs->next()) { $itemid = $rs->getInt('id'); if ($d['price'] != $rs->get('price')) { $ST->update('sc_shop_item', array('price' => (double) $d['price']), "ext_id='" . $id . "'"); $cnt_upd_price++; } $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_offer WHERE itemid={$itemid} AND region='ekt' LIMIT 1"); /* @TODO region*/ if ($rs->next()) { if ($d['in_stock'] != $rs->get('in_stock')) { $ST->update('sc_shop_offer', array('in_stock' => (int) $d['in_stock']), "itemid={$itemid} AND region='ekt'"); $cnt_upd++; } } else { $ST->insert('sc_shop_offer', array('in_stock' => (int) $d['in_stock'], 'itemid' => $itemid, 'region' => 'ekt')); $cnt_ins++; } } else { file_put_contents($log_file, "{$id} не найден\n", FILE_APPEND); } } $stop_time = time(); $t = $stop_time - $start_time; $result = ' - Время загрузки=' . $t . '; Обновлено остатков=' . $cnt_upd . '; Добавлено=' . $cnt_ins . '; Обновлено цен=' . $cnt_upd_price . "\r\n"; file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND); } else { $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - не найден один из файлов {$goods_price}\r\n"; file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND); } return $result; }
function getRssData($url, $guid = null) { $xml = get_url($url); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); $data = array(); foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) { $i = array('title' => u2w($item->title), 'content' => u2w($item->description), 'img' => (string) @$item->enclosure->attributes()->url, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item->pubDate)), 'guid' => (string) $item->guid); if ($guid && $guid == (string) $item->guid) { return $i; } $data[] = $i; } return $data; }
/** * URI компоненты * * @return string */ function getURI($params = array(), $p = null) { $uri = u2w(urldecode($this->uri)); if ($params) { foreach ($params as $key => $val) { if ($val === null) { $uri = preg_replace('|(' . $key . ')/([^/]+/)?|', '', $uri); continue; } if ($val === false) { $uri = preg_replace('|' . $key . '/|', '', $uri); continue; } if (is_int($val)) { $uri = preg_replace('|' . $key . '/\\d*/?|', "{$key}/{$val}/", $uri); continue; } if (preg_match('|/' . $key . '/([^/]+)/|', $uri)) { $uri = preg_replace('|/(' . $key . ')/([^/]+)/|', '/\\1/' . $val . '/', $uri); } else { $uri .= $key . '/' . $val . '/'; } } } if ($p === true) { $uri .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; } elseif (is_string($p)) { $uri .= '?' . $p; } elseif (is_array($p)) { $uri .= '?' . http_build_query($p); } return $uri; }
function getSearchResults($searchquery, $searchrange) { // only return users from who the displayName or the username starts with $name //TODO: use PR_ANR for this restriction instead of PR_DISPLAY_NAME and PR_ACCOUNT $addrbook = mapi_openaddressbook($this->_session); $ab_entryid = mapi_ab_getdefaultdir($addrbook); $ab_dir = mapi_ab_openentry($addrbook, $ab_entryid); $table = mapi_folder_getcontentstable($ab_dir); $restriction = $this->_getSearchRestriction(u2w($searchquery)); mapi_table_restrict($table, $restriction); mapi_table_sort($table, array(PR_DISPLAY_NAME => TABLE_SORT_ASCEND)); //range for the search results, default symbian range end is 50, wm 99, //so we'll use that of nokia $rangestart = 0; $rangeend = 50; if ($searchrange != '0') { $pos = strpos($searchrange, '-'); $rangestart = substr($searchrange, 0, $pos); $rangeend = substr($searchrange, $pos + 1); } $items = array(); $querycnt = mapi_table_getrowcount($table); //do not return more results as requested in range $querylimit = $rangeend + 1 < $querycnt ? $rangeend + 1 : $querycnt; $items['range'] = $rangestart . '-' . ($querylimit - 1); $items['searchtotal'] = $querycnt; if ($querycnt > 0) { $abentries = mapi_table_queryrows($table, array(PR_ACCOUNT, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_GIVEN_NAME, PR_SURNAME, PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_TITLE, PR_COMPANY_NAME, PR_OFFICE_LOCATION), $rangestart, $querylimit); } for ($i = 0; $i < $querylimit; $i++) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_DISPLAYNAME] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_DISPLAY_NAME]); if (strlen(trim($items[$i][SYNC_GAL_DISPLAYNAME])) == 0) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_DISPLAYNAME] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_ACCOUNT]); } $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_ALIAS] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_ACCOUNT]); //it's not possible not get first and last name of an user //from the gab and user functions, so we just set lastname //to displayname and leave firstname unset //this was changed in Zarafa 6.40, so we try to get first and //last name and fall back to the old behaviour if these values are not set if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_GIVEN_NAME])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_FIRSTNAME] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_GIVEN_NAME]); } if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_SURNAME])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_LASTNAME] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_SURNAME]); } if (!isset($items[$i][SYNC_GAL_LASTNAME])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_LASTNAME] = $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_DISPLAYNAME]; } $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_EMAILADDRESS] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_SMTP_ADDRESS]); //check if an user has an office number or it might produce warnings in the log if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_PHONE] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER]); } //check if an user has a mobile number or it might produce warnings in the log if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_MOBILEPHONE] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER]); } //check if an user has a home number or it might produce warnings in the log if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_HOMEPHONE] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER]); } if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_COMPANY_NAME])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_COMPANY] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_COMPANY_NAME]); } if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_TITLE])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_TITLE] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_TITLE]); } if (isset($abentries[$i][PR_OFFICE_LOCATION])) { $items[$i][SYNC_GAL_OFFICE] = w2u($abentries[$i][PR_OFFICE_LOCATION]); } } return $items; }
/** * Resolves recipient from the contact list and gets his certificates. * * @param string $to * * @return SyncResolveRecipient|boolean */ private function resolveRecipientContact($to) { // go through all contact folders of the user and // check if there's a contact with the given email address $root = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->defaultstore); if (!$root) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("Unable to open default store: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult)); } $rootprops = mapi_getprops($root, array(PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID)); $contacts = $this->getContactsFromFolder($this->defaultstore, $rootprops[PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID], $to); $recipients = array(); if ($contacts !== false) { // create resolve recipient object foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $certificates = isset($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && is_array($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && count($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) ? $this->getCertificates($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE], 1) : false; if ($certificates !== false) { return $this->createResolveRecipient(SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_CONTACT, u2w($contact[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]), $to, $certificates); } } } $contactfolder = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->defaultstore, $rootprops[PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID]); $subfolders = MAPIUtils::GetSubfoldersForType($contactfolder, "IPF.Contact"); foreach ($subfolders as $folder) { $contacts = $this->getContactsFromFolder($this->defaultstore, $folder[PR_ENTRYID], $to); if ($contacts !== false) { foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $certificates = isset($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && is_array($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && count($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) ? $this->getCertificates($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE], 1) : false; if ($certificates !== false) { return $this->createResolveRecipient(SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_CONTACT, u2w($contact[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]), $to, $certificates); } } } } // search contacts in public folders $storestables = mapi_getmsgstorestable($this->session); $result = mapi_last_hresult(); if ($result == NOERROR) { $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($storestables, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_DEFAULT_STORE, PR_MDB_PROVIDER)); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($row[PR_MDB_PROVIDER]) && $row[PR_MDB_PROVIDER] == ZARAFA_STORE_PUBLIC_GUID) { // TODO refactor public store $publicstore = mapi_openmsgstore($this->session, $row[PR_ENTRYID]); $publicfolder = mapi_msgstore_openentry($publicstore); $subfolders = MAPIUtils::GetSubfoldersForType($publicfolder, "IPF.Contact"); if ($subfolders !== false) { foreach ($subfolders as $folder) { $contacts = $this->getContactsFromFolder($publicstore, $folder[PR_ENTRYID], $to); if ($contacts !== false) { foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $certificates = isset($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && is_array($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) && count($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE]) ? $this->getCertificates($contact[PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE], 1) : false; if ($certificates !== false) { return $this->createResolveRecipient(SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_CONTACT, u2w($contact[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]), $to, $certificates); } } } } } break; } } } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("Unable to open public store: 0x%X", $result)); } $certificates = $this->getCertificates(false); return $this->createResolveRecipient(SYNC_RESOLVERECIPIENTS_TYPE_CONTACT, $to, $to, $certificates); }
/** * Creates a search restriction * * @param ContentParameter $cpo * @return array */ private function getSearchRestriction($cpo) { $searchText = $cpo->GetSearchFreeText(); $searchGreater = strtotime($cpo->GetSearchValueGreater()); $searchLess = strtotime($cpo->GetSearchValueLess()); // split the search on whitespache and look for every word $searchText = preg_split("/\\W+/", $searchText); $searchProps = array(PR_BODY, PR_SUBJECT, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SENDER_NAME, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $resAnd = array(); foreach ($searchText as $term) { $resOr = array(); foreach ($searchProps as $property) { array_push($resOr, array(RES_CONTENT, array(FUZZYLEVEL => FL_SUBSTRING | FL_IGNORECASE, ULPROPTAG => $property, VALUE => u2w($term)))); } array_push($resAnd, array(RES_OR, $resOr)); } // add time range restrictions if ($searchGreater) { array_push($resAnd, array(RES_PROPERTY, array(RELOP => RELOP_GE, ULPROPTAG => PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, VALUE => array(PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => $searchGreater)))); // RES_AND; } if ($searchLess) { array_push($resAnd, array(RES_PROPERTY, array(RELOP => RELOP_LE, ULPROPTAG => PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, VALUE => array(PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => $searchLess)))); } $mapiquery = array(RES_AND, $resAnd); return $mapiquery; }
function SendMail($rfc822, $forward = false, $reply = false, $parent = false) { $message = Mail_mimeDecode::decode(array('decode_headers' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'input' => $rfc822, 'crlf' => "\r\n", 'charset' => 'utf-8')); // Open the outbox and create the message there $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID)); if (!isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID])) { debugLog("Outbox not found to create message"); return false; } $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]); if (!$outbox) { debugLog("Unable to open outbox"); return false; } $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox); mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_SUBJECT => u2w($message->headers["subject"]), PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID => $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID], PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Note", PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => time())); if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) { switch ($message->headers["x-priority"]) { case 1: case 2: $priority = PRIO_URGENT; $importance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH; break; case 4: case 5: $priority = PRIO_NONURGENT; $importance = IMPORTANCE_LOW; break; case 3: default: $priority = PRIO_NORMAL; $importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL; break; } mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_IMPORTANCE => $importance, PR_PRIORITY => $priority)); } $addresses = array(); $toaddr = $ccaddr = $bccaddr = array(); if (isset($message->headers["to"])) { $toaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["to"]); } if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) { $ccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["cc"]); } if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) { $bccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["bcc"]); } // Add recipients $recips = array(); if (isset($toaddr)) { foreach (array(MAPI_TO => $toaddr, MAPI_CC => $ccaddr, MAPI_BCC => $bccaddr) as $type => $addrlist) { foreach ($addrlist as $addr) { $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP"; $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $addr->mailbox . "@" . $addr->host; if (isset($addr->personal) && strlen($addr->personal) > 0) { $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2w($addr->personal); } else { $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]; } $mapirecip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = $type; $mapirecip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]); array_push($recips, $mapirecip); } } } mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips); // Loop through subparts. We currently only support single-level // multiparts. The PDA currently only does this because you are adding // an attachment and the type will be multipart/mixed. if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && $message->ctype_secondary == "mixed") { foreach ($message->parts as $part) { if ($part->ctype_primary == "text") { $body = u2w($part->body); } else { // attachment $attach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); // Filename is present in both Content-Type: name=.. and in Content-Disposition: filename= if (isset($part->ctype_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->ctype_parameters["name"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { $filename = "untitled"; } } // Set filename and attachment type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE)); // Set attachment data mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $part->body)); // Set MIME type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary)); mapi_savechanges($attach); } } } else { $body = u2w($message->body); } if ($forward) { $orig = $forward; } if ($reply) { $orig = $reply; } if (isset($orig) && $orig) { // Append the original text body for reply/forward $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig)); $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid); if ($fwmessage) { $messageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_BODY)); if (isset($messageprops[PR_BODY])) { if ($forward) { // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo .. $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SUBJECT, PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)); $body .= "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "-----Original Message-----\r\n"; if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME])) { $body .= "From: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME] . "\r\n"; } if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) > 0) { $body .= "To: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO] . "\r\n"; } if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) > 0) { $body .= "Cc: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC] . "\r\n"; } if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME])) { $body .= "Sent: " . strftime("%x %X", $fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME]) . "\r\n"; } if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) { $body .= "Subject: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] . "\r\n"; } $body .= "\r\n"; } $body .= $messageprops[PR_BODY]; } } else { debugLog("Unable to open item with id {$orig} for forward/reply"); } } if ($forward) { // Add attachments from the original message in a forward $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig)); $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid); $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($fwmessage); $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM)); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) { $attach = mapi_message_openattach($fwmessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]); $newattach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); // Copy all attachments from old to new attachment $attachprops = mapi_getprops($attach); mapi_setprops($newattach, $attachprops); if (isset($attachprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN))])) { // Data is in a stream $srcstream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN); $dststream = mapi_openpropertytostream($newattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE); while (1) { $data = mapi_stream_read($srcstream, 4096); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } mapi_stream_write($dststream, $data); } mapi_stream_commit($dststream); } mapi_savechanges($newattach); } } } mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_BODY => $body)); mapi_savechanges($mapimessage); mapi_message_submitmessage($mapimessage); return true; }
/** * Sets information from SyncBaseBody type for a MAPI message. * * @param SyncBaseBody $asbody * @param array $props * @param array $appointmentprops * * @access private * @return void */ private function setASbody($asbody, &$props, $appointmentprops) { if (isset($asbody->type) && isset($asbody->data) && strlen($asbody->data) > 0) { switch ($asbody->type) { case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN: default: //set plain body if the type is not in valid range $props[$appointmentprops["body"]] = u2w($asbody->data); break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML: $props[$appointmentprops["html"]] = u2w($asbody->data); break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF: break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_MIME: break; } } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "MAPIProvider->setASbody either type or data are not set. Setting to empty body"); $props[$appointmentprops["body"]] = ""; } }
function _storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part) { // attachment $attach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); // Filename is present in both Content-Type: name=.. and in Content-Disposition: filename= if (isset($part->ctype_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->ctype_parameters["name"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["name"])) { $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { if (isset($part->d_parameters["filename"])) { // sending appointment with nokia & android only filename is set $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"]; } else { $filename = "untitled"; } } } // Android just doesn't send content-type, so mimeDecode doesn't performs base64 decoding // on meeting requests text/calendar somewhere inside content-transfer-encoding if (isset($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']) && strpos($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'], 'base64')) { if (strpos($part->headers['content-transfer-encoding'], 'text/calendar') !== false) { $part->ctype_primary = 'text'; $part->ctype_secondary = 'calendar'; } if (!isset($part->headers['content-type'])) { $part->body = base64_decode($part->body); } } // Set filename and attachment type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE)); // Set attachment data mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $part->body)); // Set MIME type mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary)); mapi_savechanges($attach); }