function create_map_url($markerpos, $index, $latitude, $longitude) { global $googlemap_key; $markers = $markerpos['markers']; if (empty($markerpos['markers'])) { $dzoom = "&zoom=8"; } else { $dzoom = ""; } $markers_str = "markers=color:blue|size:small|"; $markers_ev_str = "&markers=color:orange|size:small|"; $sel_marker_str = ""; foreach ($markers as $i => $marker) { $lat = sprintf("%.3f", $marker['lat']); $lon = sprintf("%.3f", $marker['lon']); $type = strtoupper(typeToLetter($marker['type'])); if (strcmp($type, 'E') == 0) { if ($i != $index) { $markers_ev_str .= "{$lat},{$lon}|"; } else { $sel_marker_str = "&markers=color:orange|label:{$type}|{$lat},{$lon}|"; } } else { if ($i != $index) { $markers_str .= "{$lat},{$lon}|"; } else { $sel_marker_str = "&markers=color:blue|label:{$type}|{$lat},{$lon}|"; } } } $google_map = "" . $latitude . "," . $longitude . $dzoom . "&size=350x350&maptype=roadmap&key=" . $googlemap_key . "&sensor=false&" . $markers_str . $markers_ev_str . $sel_marker_str; return $google_map; }
$map_zoom = $main_page_map_zoom; $map_width = $main_page_map_width; $map_height = $main_page_map_height; // Read coordinates of the newest caches $markerpositions = get_marker_positions(); // Generate include file for map with new caches $google_map = sprintf("//,%F&zoom=%d&size=%dx%d&maptype=roadmap&key=%s&sensor=false", $map_center_lat, $map_center_lon, $map_zoom, $map_width, $map_height, $googlemap_key); $file_content = '<img src="' . $google_map . '" id="main-cachemap" name="main-cachemap" alt="{{map}}" />'; // Calculate positions for small and large images highlighting recent caches and events $markers = $markerpositions['markers']; $small_markers = ''; $big_markers = ''; foreach ($markers as $i => $marker) { $markerposleft = lon_offset($marker['lon'], $map_center_lon, $map_width, $map_zoom); $markerpostop = lat_offset($marker['lat'], $map_center_lat, $map_height, $map_zoom); $type = strtoupper(typeToLetter($marker['type'])); if (strcmp($type, 'E') == 0) { $small_marker = 'mark-small-orange.png'; $big_marker = 'marker-orangeE.png'; } else { $small_marker = 'mark-small-blue.png'; $big_marker = 'marker-blue' . $type . '.png'; } $small_markers .= '<img id="smallmark' . $marker['nn'] . '" style="position: absolute; left: ' . ($markerposleft - 7) . 'px; top: ' . ($markerpostop - 21) . 'px; border: none; background-color: transparent;" src="/images/markers/' . $small_marker . '">'; $big_markers .= '<img id="bigmark' . $marker['nn'] . '" style="position: absolute; left: ' . ($markerposleft - 11) . 'px; top: ' . ($markerpostop - 36) . 'px; border: none; background-color: transparent; visibility: hidden;" src="/images/markers/' . $big_marker . '">'; } $file_content .= $small_markers . $big_markers; $n_file = fopen($dynstylepath . "", 'w'); fwrite($n_file, $file_content); fclose($n_file); //start_newcaches.include
tpl_set_var('hidenpa_end', '-->'); tpl_set_var('npa_content', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('hidenpa_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidenpa_end', ''); tpl_set_var('npa_content', $npa_content); } //cache data list($iconname) = getCacheIcon($usr['userid'], $cache_record['cache_id'], $cache_record['status'], $cache_record['user_id'], $cache_record['icon_large']); list($lat_dir, $lat_h, $lat_min) = help_latToArray($cache_record['latitude']); list($lon_dir, $lon_h, $lon_min) = help_lonToArray($cache_record['longitude']); $tpl_subtitle = htmlspecialchars($cache_record['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . ' - '; $map_msg = mb_ereg_replace("{target}", urlencode("viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $cache_id), tr('map_msg')); tpl_set_var('googlemap_key', $googlemap_key); tpl_set_var('map_msg', $map_msg); tpl_set_var('typeLetter', typeToLetter($cache_record['type'])); tpl_set_var('cacheid_urlencode', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($cache_id), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachename', htmlspecialchars($cache_record['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if ($cache_record['date_alg'] == '') { tpl_set_var('icon_titled', ''); } else { $ntitled_cache = $titled_cache_period_prefix . '_titled_cache'; tpl_set_var('icon_titled', '<img src="tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/award_star_gold_1.png" class="icon16" alt="' . tr($ntitled_cache) . '" title="' . tr($ntitled_cache) . '"/>'); } // cache type Mobile add calculate distance // todo: poszerzyć tabelkę 'caches' (lub stworzyć nową z relacją) // pole dystans, żeby nie trzeba było za każdym razem zliczać // dystansu. if ($cache_record['type'] == GeoCache::TYPE_MOVING) { tpl_set_var('moved_icon', $moved_icon); /* if (!isset($_REQUEST['cacheid'])) $OpencacheID = $cache_id */
function add_single_marker($c_kind, $c_type, $c_lat, $c_long) { global $fixed_google_map_link; $lat = sprintf("%.3f", $c_lat); $lon = sprintf("%.3f", $c_long); $type = strtoupper(typeToLetter($c_type)); $kind = $c_kind; $single_marker = ''; if (strcmp($kind, 'TopR') == 0) { $single_marker = "&markers=color:0x29BD1A|label:{$type}|{$lat},{$lon}|"; } else { if (strcmp($kind, 'NewL') == 0) { $single_marker = "&markers=color:black|label:{$type}|{$lat},{$lon}|"; } } return $fixed_google_map_link . $single_marker; }
tpl_set_var('npa_content', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('hidenpa_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidenpa_end', ''); tpl_set_var('npa_content', $npa_content); } $icons = $geocache->dictionary->getCacheTypeIcons(); //cache data list($iconname) = getCacheIcon($usr['userid'], $geocache->getCacheId(), $geocache->getStatus(), $geocache->getOwner()->getUserId(), $icons[$geocache->getCacheType()]['icon']); list($lat_dir, $lat_h, $lat_min) = help_latToArray($geocache->getCoordinates()->getLatitude()); list($lon_dir, $lon_h, $lon_min) = help_lonToArray($geocache->getCoordinates()->getLongitude()); $tpl_subtitle = htmlspecialchars($geocache->getCacheName(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . ' - '; $map_msg = mb_ereg_replace("{target}", urlencode("viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $cache_id), tr('map_msg')); tpl_set_var('googlemap_key', $googlemap_key); tpl_set_var('map_msg', $map_msg); tpl_set_var('typeLetter', typeToLetter($geocache->getCacheType())); tpl_set_var('cacheid_urlencode', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($cache_id), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachename', htmlspecialchars($geocache->getCacheName(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if ($geocache->isTitled()) { $ntitled_cache = $titled_cache_period_prefix . '_titled_cache'; tpl_set_var('icon_titled', '<img src="tpl/stdstyle/images/free_icons/award_star_gold_1.png" class="icon16" alt="' . tr($ntitled_cache) . '" title="' . tr($ntitled_cache) . '"/>'); } else { tpl_set_var('icon_titled', ''); } // cache type Mobile add calculate distance if ($geocache->getCacheType() == GeoCache::TYPE_MOVING) { tpl_set_var('moved_icon', $moved_icon); tpl_set_var('dystans', $geocache->getDistance()); tpl_set_var('moved', $geocache->getMoveCount()); tpl_set_var('hidemobile_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidemobile_end', '');