<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: administrator * Date: 2015/9/24 * Time: 13:45 */ require_once '../include.php'; $type = isset($_POST['date']) ? $_POST['date'] : 'week'; echo tuhaoChart(0, 10, $type);
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: administrator * Date: 2015/7/15 * Time: 16:26 */ require_once 'include.php'; $hotGoods1 = hotGoods(0, 9); $hotGoods2 = hotGoods(9, 3); $newGoods = newGoods(0, 4); $chart = tuhaoChart(0, 10); $study = catePro('学习用品'); $clothes = catePro('衣服配饰'); $digital = catePro('数码产品'); $transportation = catePro('交通工具'); $entertainment = catePro('生活娱乐'); $others = catePro('其他'); $activity = catePro('双11专区'); if (isset($_SESSION['id']) && isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $id = $_SESSION['id']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $loginFlag = $_SESSION['id']; } elseif (autoLogin()) { $_COOKIE['autoToken'] = addslashes($_COOKIE['autoToken']); $sql = "select * from tuhao_user where auto_token='{$_COOKIE['autoToken']}'"; $data = fetchOne($sql); $username = $data['username']; $loginFlag = $data['id']; $id = $data['id'];
$loginFlag = 0; $id = 0; } $sql2 = "select * from tuhao_pro where username='******' and is_send=1 and status =0"; $sentNum = getResultNum($sql2); $sql3 = "select * from tuhao_comm where receiver_id={$id} and status = 0"; $mesNum = getResultNum($sql3); $study = catePro('学习用品'); $clothes = catePro('衣服配饰'); $digital = catePro('数码产品'); $transportation = catePro('交通工具'); $entertainment = catePro('生活娱乐'); $others = catePro('其他'); $activity = catePro('11.11'); $chart1 = tuhaoChart(0, 3, $type); $chart2 = tuhaoChart(3, 5, $type); $chart3 = tuhaoChart(8, 10, $type); $smarty->assign('username', $username); $smarty->assign('study', $study); $smarty->assign('clothes', $clothes); $smarty->assign('digital', $digital); $smarty->assign('transportation', $transportation); $smarty->assign('entertainment', $entertainment); $smarty->assign('others', $others); $smarty->assign('loginFlag', $loginFlag); $smarty->assign('chart1', $chart1); $smarty->assign('chart2', $chart2); $smarty->assign('chart3', $chart3); $smarty->assign('sentNum', $sentNum); $smarty->assign('mesNum', $mesNum); $smarty->display("tuhao-chart.tpl");