 * Build the custom settings & update OptionTree.
function ts_custom_theme_options()
     * Get a copy of the saved settings array. 
    $saved_settings = get_option('option_tree_settings', array());
    $user_sidebars = ot_get_option('user_sidebars');
    $sidebar_choices = array();
    $sidebar_choices[] = array('label' => __('Main', 'framework'), 'value' => 'main', 'src' => '');
    if (is_array($user_sidebars)) {
        foreach ($user_sidebars as $sidebar) {
            $sidebar_choices[] = array('label' => $sidebar['title'], 'value' => sanitize_title($sidebar['title']), 'src' => '');
     * Custom settings array that will eventually be 
     * passes to the OptionTree Settings API Class.
    $custom_settings = array('sections' => array(array('id' => 'general_settings', 'title' => __('General Settings', 'framework')), array('id' => 'fonts', 'title' => __('Fonts', 'framework')), array('id' => 'elements_color', 'title' => __('Elements Color', 'framework')), array('id' => 'pages', 'title' => __('Pages', 'framework')), array('id' => 'sidebars', 'title' => __('Sidebars', 'framework')), array('id' => 'integration', 'title' => __('Integration', 'framework')), array('id' => 'social', 'title' => __('Contacts & Social', 'framework')), array('id' => 'contact_form', 'title' => __('Contact Form', 'framework')), array('id' => 'translations', 'title' => __('Translations', 'framework'))), 'settings' => array(array('id' => 'body_class', 'label' => __('Body class', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'w1170', 'label' => __('Wide 1170px', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'w960', 'label' => __('Wide 960px', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'b1170', 'label' => __('Boxed 1170px', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'b960', 'label' => __('Boxed 960px', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'logo_url', 'label' => __('Custom logo', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter full URL of your logo image or choose upload button', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'alternative_logo_url', 'label' => __('Alternative custom logo for main menu style 4', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter full URL of your logo image or choose upload button', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'sticky_logo_url', 'label' => __('Sticky custom logo', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter full URL of your logo image or choose upload button', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'show_sticky_menu', 'label' => __('Show sticky menu', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show or hide sticky menu', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'logo_top_margin', 'label' => __('Logo top margin', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter number to set the top space of the logo', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'logo_left_margin', 'label' => __('Logo left margin', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter number to set the left space of the logo', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'logo_bottom_margin', 'label' => __('Logo bottom margin', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter number to set the bottom space of the logo', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'favicon', 'label' => __('Favicon', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enter Full URL of your favicon image or choose upload button', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'background_color', 'label' => __('Background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enabled only when boxed layout is selected', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'background_pattern', 'label' => __('Background pattern', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Enabled only when boxed layout is selected', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_background_patterns()), array('id' => 'background_image', 'label' => __('Background image', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Choose "Image" option on "Background pattern" list and boxed layout to enable background', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'background_repeat', 'label' => __('Background repeat', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'repeat', 'label' => __('Repeat horizontally & vertically', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'repeat-x', 'label' => __('Repeat horizontally', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'repeat-y', 'label' => __('Repeat vertically', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no-repeat', 'label' => __('No repeat', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_position', 'label' => __('Background position', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'center', 'label' => __('Center', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_attachment', 'label' => __('Background attachment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'scroll', 'label' => __('Scroll', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'fixed', 'label' => __('Fixed', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_size', 'label' => __('Background size', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'original', 'label' => __('Original', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'browser', 'label' => __('Fits to browser size', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'default_title_background', 'label' => __('Default title background', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Upload', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'header_phone', 'label' => __('Header phone', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Main menu "Style 2" and "Style 3" only, works only with preheader enabled for  "Style 2"', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'header_email', 'label' => __('Header email', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Main menu "Style 3" only', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'footer_text', 'label' => __('Footer text', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('You can add copyright text here.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'main_menu_style', 'label' => __('Main menu style', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_header_styles()), array('id' => 'show_preheader', 'label' => __('Show preheader', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show or hide preheader (main menu "Style 2" only)', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'show_breadcrumbs', 'label' => __('Show breadcrumbs', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show or hide breadcrumbs', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'show_search_nav', 'label' => __('Show search icon in navigation', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show or hide search form right to the main navigation', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'retina_support', 'label' => __('Retina support', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('If enabled all images should be uploaded 2x larger. Requires more server resources if enabled.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'disabled', 'label' => __('Disabled', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'enabled', 'label' => __('Enabled', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'control_panel', 'label' => __('Show control panel', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Shows the Control Panel on your homepage if enabled.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'disabled', 'label' => __('Disabled', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'enabled_admin', 'label' => __('Enabled for administrator', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'enabled_all', 'label' => __('Enabled for all', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'title_font', 'label' => __('Title font', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Font style for page title', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_font_choices()), array('id' => 'title_font_size', 'label' => __('Title font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of the page title in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'content_font', 'label' => __('Content font', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Font style for content', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_font_choices()), array('id' => 'content_font_size', 'label' => __('Content font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of the page content in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'menu_font', 'label' => __('Menu font', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Font style for menu items', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_font_choices()), array('id' => 'menu_font_size', 'label' => __('Menu font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of the menu elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'headers_font', 'label' => __('Header font', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Font style for all headers (H1, H2 etc.)', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_font_choices()), array('id' => 'h1_size', 'label' => __('H1 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H1 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'h2_size', 'label' => __('H2 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H2 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'h3_size', 'label' => __('H3 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H3 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'h4_size', 'label' => __('H4 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H4 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'h5_size', 'label' => __('H5 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H5 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'h6_size', 'label' => __('H6 font size', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('The size of H6 elements in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'fonts', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'main_color', 'label' => __('Main color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Main theme color', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'main_body_background_color', 'label' => __('Main body background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'main_body_text_color', 'label' => __('Main body text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Main body text color, used for post content.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'headers_text_color', 'label' => __('Headers text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Color of all headers', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'header_background_color', 'label' => __('Header background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'page_title_background_color', 'label' => __('Page title background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Background color of the page title', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'menu_background_color', 'label' => __('Menu background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Background color of the menu (header style 1, 2 and 3 only)', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'menu_background_transparency', 'label' => __('Menu background transparency', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_menu_background_transparency_values()), array('id' => 'sub_menu_background_color', 'label' => __('Sub menu background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Background color of the sub menu item', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'body_background_color_1', 'label' => __('Home background color 1', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'body_background_color_2', 'label' => __('Home background color 2', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'preheader_background_color', 'label' => __('Preheader background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'preheader_text_color', 'label' => __('Preheader text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'footer_background_color', 'label' => __('Footer background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'footer_headers_color', 'label' => __('Footer headers color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'footer_main_text_color', 'label' => __('Footer main text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'copyrights_bar_background', 'label' => __('Copyrights bar background color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'copyrights_bar_text_color', 'label' => __('Copyrights bar text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'section' => 'elements_color', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'portfolio_page', 'label' => __('Portfolio page', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'page-select', 'section' => 'pages', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'show_related_projects_on_portfolio_single', 'label' => __('Related projects', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show related projects on a single post page', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'pages', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'portfolio_page_related_projects_header', 'label' => __('Portfolio page - related projects header', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'pages', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'portfolio_page_related_projects_description', 'label' => __('Portfolio page - related projects description', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'pages', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'google_analytics_id', 'label' => __('Google Analytics ID', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Your Google Analytics ID eg. UA-1xxxxx8-1', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'integration', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'scripts_header', 'label' => __('Header scripts', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Scripts will be added to the header. Don\'t forget to add &lsaquo;script&rsaquo;;...&lsaquo;/script&rsaquo; tags.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'section' => 'integration', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'scripts_footer', 'label' => __('Footer scripts', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Scripts will be added to the footer. You can use this for Google Analytics etc. Don\'t forget to add &lsaquo;script&rsaquo;...&lsaquo;/script&rsaquo; tags.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'section' => 'integration', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'custom_css', 'label' => __('Custom CSS', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Please add css classes only', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'section' => 'integration', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'active_social_items', 'label' => __('Actived items', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Items available on your website', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'twitter', 'label' => __('Twitter', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'facebook', 'label' => __('Facebook', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'skype', 'label' => __('Skype', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'dribble', 'label' => __('Dribble', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'youtube', 'label' => __('Youtube', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'pinterest', 'label' => __('Pinterest', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'tumblr', 'label' => __('Tumblr', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'google_plus', 'label' => __('Google+', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'linkedin', 'label' => __('LinkedIn', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'facebook_url', 'label' => __('Facebook URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Facebook account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_url', 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Twitter account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'skype_username', 'label' => __('Skype username', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Your Skype username', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'dribble_url', 'label' => __('Dribble URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Dribble account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'youtube_url', 'label' => __('Youtube URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Youtube account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'pinterest_url', 'label' => __('Pinterest URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Pinterest account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'tumblr_url', 'label' => __('Tumblr URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Tumblr account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'google_plus_url', 'label' => __('Google+ URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your Google+ account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'linkedin_url', 'label' => __('LinkedIn URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('URL to your LinkedIn account', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_account_recent_tweets', 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Your Twitter URL to use in the footer', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_consumer_key', 'label' => __('Consumer key', 'framework'), 'desc' => __("Consumer key from your application's OAuth settings.", 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_consumer_secret', 'label' => __('Consumer secret', 'framework'), 'desc' => __("Consumer secret from your application's OAuth settings.", 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_user_token', 'label' => __('User token', 'framework'), 'desc' => __("'User token from your application's OAuth settings.", 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_token_secret', 'label' => __('Access token secret', 'framework'), 'desc' => __("'Access token secret from your application's OAuth settings.", 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'show_recent_tweet_footer_show_errors', 'label' => __('Show recent tweets authentication errors', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Use this option if you test your setttings only.', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'social', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'contact_form_email', 'label' => __('Email', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Email to receive messages from contact forms', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'contact_form', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''), array('label' => 'Sidebars', 'id' => 'user_sidebars', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => __('List of user defined sidebars. Please use "save changes" button after adding or editing sidebars.', 'framework'), 'settings' => array(array('label' => __('Description', 'framework'), 'id' => 'user_sidebar_description', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '')), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'sidebars'), array('id' => 'woocomerce_sidebar', 'label' => __('WooCommerce sidebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'section' => 'sidebars', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'enable_translations', 'label' => __('Enable translations', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Radio', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('%s Comments'), 'label' => __('%s Comments', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '%s Comments'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('1 Comment'), 'label' => __('1 Comment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '1 Comment'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('1 hour ago'), 'label' => __('1 hour ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '1 hour ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('1 minute ago'), 'label' => __('1 minute ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '1 minute ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('1 year ago'), 'label' => __('1 year ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '1 year ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('404 Page Not Found'), 'label' => __('404 Page Not Found', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '404 Page Not Found'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('About the author'), 'label' => __('About the author', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'About the author'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('About the author'), 'label' => __('About the author', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'About the author'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('All'), 'label' => __('All', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'All'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.'), 'label' => __('Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Archive by Category "%s"'), 'label' => __('Archive by Category "%s"', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Archive by Category "%s"'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Blog'), 'label' => __('Blog', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Blog'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('By'), 'label' => __('By', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'By'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Cancel Comment'), 'label' => __('Cancel Comment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Cancel Comment'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Clear'), 'label' => __('Clear', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Clear'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Comment'), 'label' => __('Comment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Comment'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Comments'), 'label' => __('Comments', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Comments'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('COMMENTS'), 'label' => __('COMMENTS', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'COMMENTS'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Comments are closed.'), 'label' => __('Comments are closed.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Comments are closed.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Contact form'), 'label' => __('Contact form', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Contact form'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('days ago'), 'label' => __('days ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'days ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Edit'), 'label' => __('Edit', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Edit'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Email'), 'label' => __('Email', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Email'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Email sent. Thank you for contacting us.'), 'label' => __('Email sent. Thank you for contacting us.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Email sent. Thank you for contacting us.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Filter'), 'label' => __('Filter', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Filter'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Home'), 'label' => __('Home', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Home'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('hours ago'), 'label' => __('hours ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'hours ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('just now'), 'label' => __('just now', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'just now'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Leave a Comment'), 'label' => __('Leave a Comment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Leave a Comment'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Leave a Comment to %s'), 'label' => __('Leave a Comment to %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Leave a Comment to %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>. <a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>'), 'label' => __('Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>. <a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Logged in as <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>. <a href="%3$s" title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('minutes ago'), 'label' => __('minutes ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'minutes ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('months ago'), 'label' => __('months ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'months ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Name'), 'label' => __('Name', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Name'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Next'), 'label' => __('Next', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Next'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('next'), 'label' => __('next', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'next'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Next &raquo;'), 'label' => __('Next &raquo;', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Next &raquo;'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('next post'), 'label' => __('next post', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'next post'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('No comments'), 'label' => __('No comments', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'No comments'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Page %s'), 'label' => __('Page %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Page %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Pages:'), 'label' => __('Pages:', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Pages:'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Pingback:'), 'label' => __('Pingback:', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Pingback:'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Please check your email.'), 'label' => __('Please check your email.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Please check your email.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Please fill all required fields.'), 'label' => __('Please fill all required fields.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Please fill all required fields.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Posts by %s'), 'label' => __('Posts by %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Posts by %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Posts by %s'), 'label' => __('Posts by %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Posts by %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Posts made in %s'), 'label' => __('Posts made in %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Posts made in %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Posts Tagged "%s"'), 'label' => __('Posts Tagged "%s"', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Posts Tagged "%s"'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Previous'), 'label' => __('Previous', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Previous'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('previous'), 'label' => __('previous', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'previous'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('previous post'), 'label' => __('previous post', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'previous post'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('&laquo; Previous'), 'label' => __('&laquo; Previous', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => '&laquo; Previous'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('project details'), 'label' => __('project details', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'project details'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('project info'), 'label' => __('project info', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'project info'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('read more'), 'label' => __('read more', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'read more'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('related works'), 'label' => __('related works', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'related works'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('required'), 'label' => __('required', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'required'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Search Results for "%s" Query'), 'label' => __('Search Results for "%s" Query', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Search Results for "%s" Query'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Search results for %s'), 'label' => __('Search results for %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Search results for %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Send'), 'label' => __('Send', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Send'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('SENT'), 'label' => __('SENT', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'SENT'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Server error. Pease try again later.'), 'label' => __('Server error. Pease try again later.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Server error. Pease try again later.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('weeks ago'), 'label' => __('weeks ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'weeks ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('years ago'), 'label' => __('years ago', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'years ago'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Yesterday'), 'label' => __('Yesterday', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Yesterday'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s'), 'label' => __('You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.'), 'label' => __('You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'You must be <a href="%s">logged in</a> to post a comment.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Your comment is awaiting moderation.'), 'label' => __('Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('Your message'), 'label' => __('Your message', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'Your message'), array('id' => 'translator_' . sanitize_title('WHAT CLIENTS SAY'), 'label' => __('WHAT CLIENTS SAY', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'translations', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'default' => 'WHAT CLIENTS SAY')));
    /* allow settings to be filtered before saving */
    $custom_settings = apply_filters('option_tree_settings_args', $custom_settings);
    /* settings are not the same update the DB */
    if ($saved_settings !== $custom_settings) {
        update_option('option_tree_settings', $custom_settings);
Example #2
function ts_custom_meta_boxes()
    $sidebar_choices = array();
    $sidebar_choices[] = array('label' => __('Main', 'framework'), 'value' => 'main', 'src' => '');
    $user_sidebars = ot_get_option('user_sidebars');
    if (is_array($user_sidebars)) {
        foreach ($user_sidebars as $sidebar) {
            $sidebar_choices[] = array('label' => $sidebar['title'], 'value' => sanitize_title($sidebar['title']), 'src' => '');
    //Shortcodes Help
    $shortcodes_options_boxes = array('id' => 'shortcodes_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Shortcodes', 'framework'), 'desc' => ts_get_shortcodes_meta_box_cotent(), 'pages' => array('post', 'page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array());
    //post options
    $post_options_boxes = array('id' => 'post_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Post Options', 'framework'), 'desc' => ts_get_sidebar_radio_buttons_replacement_script(), 'pages' => array('post'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'video_url', 'label' => __('Video URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('YouTube or Vimeo video URL', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => 'video', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'embedded_video', 'label' => __('Embadded Video', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Please use this option when the video does not come from YouTube or Vimeo', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Textarea_Simple', 'class' => 'video', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'gallery_images', 'label' => __('Gallery', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Slider gallery images', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'list-item', 'section' => 'general', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'gallery', 'settings' => array(array('id' => 'image', 'label' => __('Image', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''))), array('id' => 'subtitle', 'label' => __('Subtitle', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('A part of the heading', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'featured_image_align', 'label' => __('Featured image align', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'center', 'label' => __('Center', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'scale', 'label' => __('Featured image Scale', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'cover', 'label' => __('Cover', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'contain', 'label' => __('Contain', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'post_slider', 'label' => __('Slider', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Select a slider for this post', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_slider_items_for_theme_options()), array('id' => 'parallax_effect', 'label' => __('Parallax Effect', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Adds parallax effect to the slider', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'sidebar_position_single', 'label' => __('Sidebar position', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Select a sidebar position', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left2', 'label' => __('2 Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right2', 'label' => __('2 Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'both', 'label' => __('Both', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'left_sidebar', 'label' => __('Left sidebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'left_sidebar_2', 'label' => __('Left sidebar 2', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'right_sidebar', 'label' => __('Right sidebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'right_sidebar_2', 'label' => __('Right sidebar 2', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices)));
    $page_options_boxes = array('id' => 'page_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Page Options', 'framework'), 'desc' => ts_get_sidebar_radio_buttons_replacement_script(), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'page_builder', 'label' => __('Page Builder', 'framework'), 'desc' => '<div id="page-builder" data-post="' . (isset($_GET['post']) ? $_GET['post'] : '') . '"></div>', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'map', 'label' => __('Map', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Please insert map into editor below', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Textarea', 'class' => 'template-contact-form-1 template-contact-form-2', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'number_of_items', 'label' => __('Number of items', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Number of blog or portfolio items to show', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'template-blog-1 template-blog-2 template-blog-3 template-portfolio-1-2-col template-portfolio-1-3-col template-portfolio-1-4-col', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'main_menu_style', 'label' => __('Main menu style', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Overrides global style settings', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_header_styles()), array('id' => 'subtitle', 'label' => __('Subtitle', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('A part of the heading', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'header_background', 'label' => __('Header background', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Add your image to activate header background', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'titlebar', 'label' => __('Titlebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'default', 'label' => __('Default', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'title', 'label' => __('Only title', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'breadcrumbs', 'label' => __('Only breadcrumbs', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no_titlebar', 'label' => __('No titlebar', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'title_bar_background_text_color', 'label' => __('Title bar text color', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'post_slider', 'label' => __('Slider', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Header and title are hidden where slider is selected', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_slider_items_for_theme_options()), array('id' => 'parallax_effect', 'label' => __('Parallax Effect', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Adds parallax effect to the slider', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'sidebar_position_single', 'label' => __('Sidebar position', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Select a sidebar position', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left', 'label' => __('Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left2', 'label' => __('2 Left', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right', 'label' => __('Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right2', 'label' => __('2 Right', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'both', 'label' => __('Both', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'left_sidebar', 'label' => __('Left sidebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'left_sidebar_2', 'label' => __('Left sidebar 2', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'right_sidebar', 'label' => __('Right sidebar', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'right_sidebar_2', 'label' => __('Right sidebar 2', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => $sidebar_choices), array('id' => 'show_recent_tweet_footer', 'label' => __('Show recent tweets in the footer', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('You need to set Twitter API keys in the Theme Options to make this option work. You can get the API keys here http://dev.twitter.com', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'switcher-off', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'show_page_content', 'label' => __('Show page content', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Show the content from the page editor', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'radio', 'class' => 'switcher-on', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'yes', 'label' => __('Yes', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no', 'label' => __('No', 'framework'), 'src' => '')))));
    $portfolio_options_boxes = array('id' => 'portfolio_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Portfolio Options', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'pages' => array('portfolio'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'video_url', 'label' => __('Video URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('YouTube or Vimeo video URL', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => 'video', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'embedded_video', 'label' => __('Embadded Video', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Please use this option when the video does not come from YouTube or Vimeo', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Textarea_Simple', 'class' => 'video', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'gallery_images', 'label' => __('Gallery', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Slider gallery images', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'list-item', 'section' => 'general', 'rows' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => 'gallery', 'settings' => array(array('id' => 'image', 'label' => __('Image', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => ''))), array('id' => 'url', 'label' => __('URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'project_info', 'label' => __('Project info', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Textarea', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ''), array('id' => 'project_details', 'label' => __('Project details', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Textarea', 'class' => '', 'choices' => '')));
    $team_options_boxes = array('id' => 'team_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Team Options', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'pages' => array('team'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'team_position', 'label' => __('Position', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'short_description', 'label' => __('Short description', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'facebook_url', 'label' => __('Facebook URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Icon appers if not empty', 'framework'), 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'twitter_url', 'label' => __('Twitter URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Icon appers if not empty', 'framework'), 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'skype_username', 'label' => __('Skype username', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Icon appers if not empty', 'framework'), 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'dribbble_url', 'label' => __('Dribbble URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Icon appers if not empty', 'framework'), 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'youtube_url', 'label' => __('Youtube URL', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Icon appers if not empty', 'framework'), 'type' => 'Text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'skills', 'label' => __('Skills', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'list-item', 'rows' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'settings' => array(array('id' => 'percentage', 'label' => __('Percentage', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'choices' => ts_get_percentage_meta_box_select_values())))));
    $banner_builder_options_boxes = array('id' => 'banner_builder_options_boxes', 'title' => __('Banner Options', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'pages' => array('banner-builder'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'height', 'label' => __('Banner height', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Banner height in pixels', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'padding_top', 'label' => __('Padding top', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Container top padding', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'padding_bottom', 'label' => __('Padding bottom', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Container bottom padding', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'padding_left', 'label' => __('Padding left', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Container left padding', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'padding_right', 'label' => __('Padding right', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Container right padding', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'padding_unit', 'label' => __('Padding unit', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'pixels', 'label' => __('px', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'percentage', 'label' => __('%', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_image', 'label' => __('Background image', 'framework'), 'desc' => __('Choose "Image" option on "Background pattern" list and boxed layout to enable background', 'framework'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Upload', 'class' => ''), array('id' => 'background_repeat', 'label' => __('Background repeat', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'repeat', 'label' => __('Repeat horizontally & vertically', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'repeat-x', 'label' => __('Repeat horizontally', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'repeat-y', 'label' => __('Repeat vertically', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'no-repeat', 'label' => __('No repeat', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_position', 'label' => __('Background position', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'left top', 'label' => __('left top', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left center', 'label' => __('left center', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'left bottom', 'label' => __('left bottom', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right top', 'label' => __('right top', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right center', 'label' => __('right center', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'right bottom', 'label' => __('right bottom', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'center top', 'label' => __('center top', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'center center', 'label' => __('center center', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'center bottom', 'label' => __('center bottom', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_attachment', 'label' => __('Background attachment', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'scroll', 'label' => __('Scroll', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'fixed', 'label' => __('Fixed', 'framework'), 'src' => ''))), array('id' => 'background_size', 'label' => __('Background size', 'framework'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'Select', 'class' => '', 'choices' => array(array('value' => 'original', 'label' => __('Original', 'framework'), 'src' => ''), array('value' => 'fit', 'label' => __('Fits the container', 'framework'), 'src' => '')))));
echo add_query_arg(array('switch_layout' => 'w960'));
">Full Width 960px</option>
				<option <?php 
echo $body_class == 'b960' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
echo add_query_arg(array('switch_layout' => 'b960'));
">Boxed Width 960px</option>

$header_styles = ts_get_header_styles();
if (is_array($header_styles) && count($header_styles) > 0) {
    _e('Choose header style', 'framework');
    foreach ($header_styles as $style) {
						<option <?php 
        echo $main_menu_style == $style['value'] ? 'selected=selected' : '';